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A 5078 Add-2-EN.Pdf NAilONS ouNtTED Di6tr. GENERAL ffiNEAAL A/roTj/Add,.2 A S S E M B LY 2r wrcin ]!962 ORIGUVAL: EI{GLISE Sle veateentb sesEton INFORMAEf0N FR0M I{0N-SEI;F-GoVERMiVG TEBBITORISS: S1JI,4!D,RIES 0F INFoRMATION TAANSMITIED UNDEB ARIICLE 7l e OF TES CEARIIER 0F . gHE UNITED IYATIONS BEPOBT OF TEE SECRETARY- GENENAL AI'BICAN AND ADJACENT TENRITORTES IEges Aden + Zanzlhat 10 o 62-or8a2 :, J..t i-iA / L.1a .) nr:91-ish Page 2 ;a NOfE The follovtng synbols are used: Three dots data not avallabLe Da sh t-l nagnitude ntl or Degllgibl-e Sleish Lg59/1"960 cr:Op or financia]. year: L959-L95o eu4uEr! cvsreSs LIST OF As3REVTATIOA*S I'AO . Food- and. Agriculture Organizatton of the Unlted Nations til\Tsco Unlted. Nations Educatlonal, Sclenttflc end Cultural n vf -^^*J5e!t4q -^+ruru! ^- UNICSX Unlted. Nations Childrenr s Fund liuo . I{orld- Heelth Organlzatioa L. /qn'74 /LaA , Eng]-l €h Face t ATRICAN AND ADJACEI\T IEBRITOTIES I P?afo ^^ Ia accordance vlth @neral AssernbJ.y resol-utlon 2IB (III) of J November 1948r the secretary-ccneral 6ubnd.ts to the c€neral AssembJ-y, at lts eeventeenth sessionrV fulL sunfiaries of laforratron fo" the Jrear 1960 on the Non-self-Governlng f,errltories lleted below. fhe eurnnarles are baBed on lnforuation transnltted to the secreta]y-GenelaL by tb.e GoverDeent of the untted Klngdom of Great Britain and Northern rrel-and in aceordance rdth Arttcle 71 e of the cha"ter of the ualted lyatlong. Tixe tast voLutre of full suuneries va6 lncof,porated in the ten-year Bogress Report (r/+7-1957)..1^l Inforuation for the year t96& vas tr€nsnttted to the Secxetary-ceneral- by tbe Unlted Kingdon l,11s6lon to the United MatlonE oo the foJ.Lovlng dates3 Terrttory Date of transnleslon Aden . 21 !'ebruary 1962 Zanztbariri.. r) -E€ Druaryi lyrJz A In.accordeEce wltb General- AEsenbly resofutl.on ITOO (XvI) of 19 Xecembe! 196:-, thls lafornatloD is aLEo eubnitted to the goEelttee on l!,fonratlon froe Non-SeLf - Governlug TerrltorieB. Unlted Ibtlons: FrogreBs of the l{od-Self-Goveral11g Teffitories under the Cbarter (Satee mo lt Supplenentary statlsticaL iDfornatlon for the years 1!!8 and 1959''' lra s lsBued ae fol-lors: !9582 A/t+J6r arid A/t+368i L9j92 AJt+ir\ and,. A/t+7j9. A/5078/Add.2 EEell Bh Page l+ ADEN ADEN COLONY ABEA AND ?OPUI.ATION -Bab Aden Colony ts about foo nl1es east of tbe StraltB of eL Vandeb on the south coagt of Arabta. Tbe area 1e J! squere n:.Les ( f9l+ squsre klLonetres ), excludlng Pertur and the Kurla l,iJria 161ands, whicb are 5 squsre nilee (l-J square kllonetres ) and 28 oquare ntles (?, squsre kll-ometres ) respectlvely. At the census of L955 tbe populatlon vaa J.JS rlr\L, of e'Ihom 75.? FT cent vere Arabe, LL.4 Indlans and Fklet€nlB, ?.7 Sonsl-ls, and J.2 EurotrEans. At nfd-L96o the population vas eatl@ted aL Lrl+ 1965. Vltal statisttcg I9|,B 1959 Lg6o Btrth-rate per tbousand population . zAn 19.o 19.5 fafant nortal-lty IEr thoueand Llve blrthg t4A 11 L1o.1 119.4 Xeath-rate p€r tbouBand populatlon . L2.4 L2.8 11.2 GOVEiRNMEIIT In 1960, ftve AdeneBe MemberB 1n charge headeil the fouovibg departments 3 Posts, Te.lephoDes eod trLectf,icity; MedLcal-; I€bour antl Wel-fare, LocaL Govev@ent and Antlquitles; Publlc Worke (except Iande ) antl Water; Educatton. ECONOMIC CONDITIONS olllDg to 1ts favourabLe geograpbtc posltlon, Aden 1s an lmportaat oll-bunkerlng port. Crude o11 aBd ltB refined producte fovo the bul.k of the lnport and export t"ade. The rest of Adenr6 trade 1B nainfy transshlpnent and entrep6t, the port servlng ag a centre of tllstxibutlon to and from nelg[bouring countrlee. Tbe"e are no agrlculture, foregtG of nlneg. A/5078/Add.2 Enal i Rh ADEN lrhe entreB6t and tran'shrleent trade 1B concer'ed cblef]-y wrth the expo"t of coffee, tobacco, gums, 6klns, cotton aDal cottonEeed, and vLth the fu',lort of baslc foodstuffs, buildlng mteriaLs, autonotlve products and ElsceLlaneou' consumer goods. There bas been e contlnued decline rE Adenrs entrepot and transBhlplBent trade, aainLy ae a resul-t of nole rromtsl and corpetltlve wor!-d trattlng conditlons aud of the lmproved comoercial factl-ittes in countrles such as Ethlcrpia an6 yemen for negotiattng clirect inryortB. fhere vaB no slgnlflcant change in the latterE of externaL trade in the perlod L95B-L96ot nports continued to be greater 1n vaLue than re-exportB and export6, but no record ls ar,,ellabLe of lnvislble exports consigting largely of pl:rcha Ees by touriets fron shlpe, a consider€bLe iten hel_plng to the trede balaace. "edress rl.joe L9r5-I960 Develotrment p:Lan ettded on ,L ysrch 1960. A new Developnent plan tot L76O-796U rEs.approved by the Legi6latlve Coullci.l Ln f96O. FISHEB]ES llhere ls a developing 1n6ho!e flehlng iddustry. Freeh fish Landed in Aden Colony anounted to 1,141 :.ong tone tn 1960, comlared w1tb 1rA1T La :959 and 991_ la J-!18. Catcheg axe soLd througb fresh-flsh Earkets ( about l_r0OO loug tono), the surplus belag exported Ealtecl and drled. }OWER Iastsll-ed capacity uas ZJ,JJO kw, ccmpared vlth 2J,JJA La 1959 and 18,800 ln l-958. Output lu 1960 va8 ?9.8 nll-lton khrh, contrsreat \tftb 6j n1l1ton Ln :-95g anil 57 E1ll.lon in 1958. 1t Tbere is a project, to cost S550rOOF f,ron Electrlcity Delartnent funds, for lncreaelng generattng capa clty. U Tbe Loca] currency ls the East Af"ican shilltng. Twenty Ea6t Afrlcan ehll-Lings equal- one pound eterllng or $USZ.8O. A/5078/Add.2 Englieh Fa ge 6 ADEN ]NDUSTRY ,Tbere is an oi1 reflnery rith a productloa calacity of 5 nllLlon tons a year. The only oinef,al product of Aden tB Balt. otber lndustrlee toclude: the raaufacture of aerated vater, clgaretteB, lndustrial gas, cenent bl-ocke and tllee, anddyedandprlatedcJ.oth;tireretreading,andtbebuudingandretrElrlngof ocean-go1ng Dhov6. estabLtsb- vorkers Productlon enpLo)red nents 1958 1 1 Refined petroLeun ( thoueaad products . 1 2,100 1,'169 1,91+0 l+,L92 long tons) ( thoueand Salt . rfi L75 128 long tono) (J"ong tone) Ai-umlniulo lrare . 147 tlo 4oL r\o (thousand Til-es- . , \3g 2,1AO L,C/6'l+ I+,ta6 Pieces ) Tobacco 1 18 22 20 tt (1ong tono) Dyed and prlnted cotton good6. 2 r.40 580 600 9oo (bares ) ('bottles) tbousanil Aerated llaters 254 ,6,ooo 1r,2'lB t\.,r7g Thetota].wfueofproductioD'wltbtbeexceptionofreflnedpetroleun g?99,ooo producte, vas f8!-,J-8o r\ L96o, cotrlaled witb S?l-8 r4?5 In :.959 aEd ln L95B' TRANS?ORT AND COMWI{ICAITONS Ithe rsJor soad regonstruction prograone fof, the perlotl 1956-1960 vae conpleted Ltr I95g, A ne'u prograff4e lta s started tn L960, aDd by tbe end of the year the extension of Beach Road llas 8o per ceut completed. At the end of 1960 tbere were l-12.2 n:iles of roads of lrhlch 99.7 nlLes ltere bitunfuloug @cailam ourfaced, ccuSnred with a total of B? Ei].es in 195? of vhlch ?? vere @caAanlzed' A/ro7\/Add.2 Engl-i sh AIEN Iage 7 Air transport 'I oqA 1oqo 1960 Nuober of aircraft movenents . B,o4B 8,61L A) 6a Passengers (alriv€jl-s , and departupes ) 75,O90 108,496 Freigbt (toaaed and dischargedj eetric tone) . a Actr 4 0'l o 4,97o I95B t959 l.you loreign-going nerchant ships entered ,,97u. ) toYY Tornage entered (thousand net regiotered tons) . 26,2Bg 25,90L Atr enlarged antl qoderntzed poet offlce vds opeoed Ln 1959. In 1950 there llas a sharp rlse 11 the volume of postal t"EffLc Tasslng tbrougb Aden post offlces. There ls a g}1ovlng tendency tO use alr ratbef, than suf,'face natL; more than half of the L, Inll]lon postal lterie handled In l"p6o by tbe Atlen Post offtce werF Bent by alr Esll-. An eutonatic telephone system serves the bullt-up areas of Adeb. At the end of L96o tbere were 2r89o &aln telephones and 2,680 exteD6loE tefepboneB. [he lnternation€L teJ.ephone servlce vEB eKtended; by tbe encl of :-960 there lrete connexlonB r./ith forty-f,lve otber couutries i ?T'BLIC FIIVAlVCE Sbe flnanciaL year runs floni l" Ap"il to t1 }4arcb. Revenue and exlendlture --GEousaEd- pounoEf Lgr?hsi9 L958/t959 r959/L96o z AAA Reveuue 4 Rot a AAA < R4< Ertr)eEdlture 4 0q7 4 ,6A lr'aJor .heads of rdveaue: mrect taxatloD . -<A L,L52 969 Grstoue and excl.Be n1A Lr17o L'r77 I'h Jor heade of exlendlture: ContrlbutloE to DevelolneEt Fund 200 200 41n l+62 Publ-tc debt "1R I4edlca]. 155 ,98 +57 EducetloD 410 1r7 4L1 Pubilc vorkg +2y b66 4'71 Police. zEA A/joj\/Add.2 Enellsh Page B ADEN Developnent flaance LgSg @ /fg6fl 3al-ance la Developnent Fund on J. ApriJ. L959 . 211 Developnent revenue: External loan.. 700 Contributlon from territorlal revenue 55o Contributlon by Air MlblBtry ,\ Colouial levelopnent aaal WeLfare fund6 . 2l+ Otber . 1 Develolm.ent extr€nditu?e : socla]-gerviceg,.. l+65 Comualcationg . 2, Publtc utll-itles 102 HouEing . 25]- lrllsce]-laneoue 184 1,028 BaLance in Xevelopment Fund oa 1- Aprll 1960 , a/ Dlscrepa.acies due to rounding. E4)enatlture unaler DeveloFme fi P E 'E-L969 Socla]-sexvices... 2 t297 Cormr:nlcatlone ... 947 Pub]lc utl1ltles . 2'4]^r* Houslng 1,978 Mlsce].].aneouB L'44i Socia1 Gervices: Educatlon 55O Medlcal and publl chealtb..
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