NAilONS ouNtTED Di6tr. GENERAL ffiNEAAL A/roTj/Add,.2 A S S E M B LY 2r wrcin ]!962 ORIGUVAL: EI{GLISE

Sle veateentb sesEton





Aden + Zanzlhat 10


62-or8a2 :, J..t i-iA / L.1a .) nr:91-ish Page 2 ;a


The follovtng synbols are used:

Three dots data not avallabLe Da sh t-l nagnitude ntl or Degllgibl-e Sleish Lg59/1"960 cr:Op or financia]. year: L959-L95o eu4uEr! cvsreSs


I'AO . . Food- and. Agriculture Organizatton of the Unlted Nations til\Tsco Unlted. Nations Educatlonal, Sclenttflc end Cultural n vf -^^*J5e!t4q -^+ruru! ^- UNICSX Unlted. Nations Childrenr s Fund liuo . . I{orld- Heelth Organlzatioa L. /qn'74 /LaA , Eng]-l €h Face t


I P?afo ^^

Ia accordance vlth @neral AssernbJ.y resol-utlon 2IB (III) of J November 1948r the secretary-ccneral 6ubnd.ts to the c€neral AssembJ-y, at lts eeventeenth sessionrV fulL sunfiaries of laforratron fo" the Jrear 1960 on the Non-self-Governlng f,errltories lleted below. fhe eurnnarles are baBed on lnforuation transnltted to the secreta]y-GenelaL by tb.e GoverDeent of the untted Klngdom of Great Britain and Northern rrel-and in aceordance rdth Arttcle 71 e of the cha"ter of the ualted lyatlong. Tixe tast voLutre of full suuneries va6 lncof,porated in the ten-year Bogress Report (r/+7-1957)..1^l Inforuation for the year t96& vas tr€nsnttted to the Secxetary-ceneral- by tbe Unlted Kingdon l,11s6lon to the United MatlonE oo the foJ.Lovlng dates3 Terrttory Date of transnleslon . . 21 !'ebruary 1962 Zanztbariri.. r) -E€ Druaryi lyrJz

A In.accordeEce wltb General- AEsenbly resofutl.on ITOO (XvI) of 19 Xecembe! 196:-, thls lafornatloD is aLEo eubnitted to the goEelttee on l!,fonratlon froe Non-SeLf - Governlug TerrltorieB. Unlted Ibtlons: FrogreBs of the l{od-Self-Goveral11g Teffitories under the Cbarter (Satee mo lt Supplenentary statlsticaL iDfornatlon for the years 1!!8 and 1959''' lra s lsBued ae fol-lors: !9582 A/t+J6r arid A/t+368i L9j92 AJt+ir\ and,. A/t+7j9. A/5078/Add.2 EEell Bh Page l+




-Bab ts about foo nl1es east of tbe StraltB of eL Vandeb on the south coagt of Arabta. Tbe area 1e J! squere n:.Les ( f9l+ squsre klLonetres ), excludlng Pertur and the Kurla l,iJria 161ands, whicb are 5 squsre nilee (l-J square kllonetres ) and 28 oquare ntles (?, squsre kll-ometres ) respectlvely. At the census of L955 tbe populatlon vaa J.JS rlr\L, of e'Ihom 75.? FT cent vere Arabe, LL.4 Indlans and Fklet€nlB, ?.7 Sonsl-ls, and J.2 EurotrEans. At nfd-L96o the population vas eatl@ted aL Lrl+ 1965. Vltal statisttcg I9|,B 1959 Lg6o

Btrth-rate per tbousand population . . . zAn 19.o 19.5 fafant nortal-lty IEr thoueand Llve blrthg t4A 11 L1o.1 119.4 Xeath-rate p€r tbouBand populatlon . . . L2.4 L2.8 11.2


In 1960, ftve AdeneBe MemberB 1n charge headeil the fouovibg departments 3 Posts, Te.lephoDes eod trLectf,icity; MedLcal-; I€bour antl Wel-fare, LocaL Govev@ent and Antlquitles; Publlc Worke (except Iande ) antl Water; Educatton.


olllDg to 1ts favourabLe geograpbtc posltlon, Aden 1s an lmportaat oll-bunkerlng port. Crude o11 aBd ltB refined producte fovo the bul.k of the lnport and export t"ade. The rest of Adenr6 trade 1B nainfy transshlpnent and entrep6t, the port servlng ag a centre of tllstxibutlon to and from nelg[bouring countrlee. Tbe"e are no agrlculture, foregtG of nlneg. A/5078/Add.2 Enal i Rh ADEN

lrhe entreB6t and tran'shrleent trade 1B concer'ed cblef]-y wrth the expo"t of coffee, tobacco, gums, 6klns, cotton aDal cottonEeed, and vLth the fu',lort of baslc foodstuffs, buildlng mteriaLs, autonotlve products and ElsceLlaneou' consumer goods. There bas been e contlnued decline rE Adenrs entrepot and transBhlplBent trade, aainLy ae a resul-t of nole rromtsl and corpetltlve wor!-d trattlng conditlons aud of the lmproved comoercial factl-ittes in countrles such as Ethlcrpia an6 for negotiattng clirect inryortB. fhere vaB no slgnlflcant change in the latterE of externaL trade in the perlod L95B-L96ot nports continued to be greater 1n vaLue than re-exportB and export6, but no record ls ar,,ellabLe of lnvislble exports consigting largely of pl:rcha Ees by touriets fron shlpe, a consider€bLe iten hel_plng to the trede balaace. "edress rl.joe L9r5-I960 Develotrment p:Lan ettded on ,L ysrch 1960. A new Developnent plan tot L76O-796U rEs.approved by the Legi6latlve Coullci.l Ln f96O.


llhere ls a developing 1n6ho!e flehlng iddustry. Freeh fish Landed in Aden

Colony anounted to 1,141 tone tn 1960, comlared w1tb 1rA1T La :959 and 991_ la J-!18. Catcheg axe soLd througb fresh-flsh Earkets ( about l_r0OO loug tono), the surplus belag exported Ealtecl and drled.


Iastsll-ed capacity uas ZJ,JJO kw, ccmpared vlth 2J,JJA La 1959 and 18,800 ln l-958. Output lu 1960 va8 ?9.8 nll-lton khrh, contrsreat \tftb 6j n1l1ton Ln :-95g anil 57 E1ll.lon in 1958. 1t Tbere is a project, to cost S550rOOF f,ron Electrlcity Delartnent funds, for lncreaelng generattng capa clty.

U Tbe Loca] currency ls the East Af"ican shilltng. Twenty Ea6t Afrlcan ehll-Lings equal- one pound eterllng or $USZ.8O. A/5078/Add.2 Englieh Fa ge 6 ADEN

]NDUSTRY ,Tbere is an oi1 reflnery rith a productloa calacity of 5 nllLlon tons a year. The only oinef,al product of Aden tB Balt. otber lndustrlee toclude: the raaufacture of aerated vater, clgaretteB, lndustrial gas, cenent bl-ocke and tllee, anddyedandprlatedcJ.oth;tireretreading,andtbebuudingandretrElrlngof ocean-go1ng Dhov6.

estabLtsb- vorkers Productlon enpLo)red nents 1958 1 1

Refined petroLeun ( thoueaad products . 1 2,100 1,'169 1,91+0 l+,L92 long tons) ( thoueand Salt . . rfi L75 128 long tono) (J"ong tone) Ai-umlniulo lrare . . . 147 tlo 4oL r\o (thousand Til-es- . , \3g 2,1AO L,C/6'l+ I+,ta6 Pieces ) Tobacco 1 18 22 20 tt (1ong tono) Dyed and prlnted cotton good6. . . 2 r.40 580 600 9oo (bares ) ('bottles) tbousanil Aerated llaters 254 ,6,ooo 1r,2'lB t\.,r7g

Thetota].wfueofproductioD'wltbtbeexceptionofreflnedpetroleun g?99,ooo producte, vas f8!-,J-8o r\ L96o, cotrlaled witb S?l-8 r4?5 In :.959 aEd ln L95B'


Ithe rsJor soad regonstruction prograone fof, the perlotl 1956-1960 vae conpleted Ltr I95g, A ne'u prograff4e lta s started tn L960, aDd by tbe end of the year the extension of Beach Road llas 8o per ceut completed. At the end of 1960 tbere were l-12.2 n:iles of roads of lrhlch 99.7 nlLes ltere bitunfuloug @cailam ourfaced, ccuSnred with a total of B? Ei].es in 195? of vhlch ?? vere @caAanlzed' A/ro7\/Add.2 Engl-i sh AIEN Iage 7

Air transport

'I oqA 1oqo 1960

Nuober of aircraft movenents . . . . B,o4B 8,61L A) 6a Passengers (alriv€jl-s , and departupes ) 75,O90 108,496 Freigbt (toaaed and dischargedj eetric tone) . . . . a Actr 4 0'l o 4,97o

I95B t959

loreign-going nerchant ships entered ,,97u. ) toYY Tornage entered (thousand net regiotered tons) . . . 26,2Bg 25,90L

Atr enlarged antl qoderntzed poet offlce vds opeoed Ln 1959. In 1950 there llas a sharp rlse 11 the volume of postal t"EffLc Tasslng tbrougb Aden post offlces. There ls a g}1ovlng tendency tO use alr ratbef, than suf,'face natL; more than half of the L, Inll]lon postal lterie handled In l"p6o by tbe Atlen Post offtce werF Bent by alr Esll-. An eutonatic telephone system serves the bullt-up areas of Adeb. At the end of L96o tbere were 2r89o &aln telephones and 2,680 exteD6loE tefepboneB. [he lnternation€L teJ.ephone servlce vEB eKtended; by tbe encl of :-960 there lrete connexlonB r./ith forty-f,lve otber couutries i


Sbe flnanciaL year runs floni l" Ap"il to t1 }4arcb.

Revenue and exlendlture --GEousaEd- pounoEf Lgr?hsi9 L958/t959 r959/L96o z AAA Reveuue 4 Rot a AAA < R4< Ertr)eEdlture 4 0q7 4 ,6A lr'aJor .heads of rdveaue: mrect taxatloD . . . -

Developnent flaance LgSg @ /fg6fl 3al-ance la Developnent Fund on J. ApriJ. L959 . . 211 Developnent revenue: External loan.. 700 Contributlon from territorlal revenue 55o Contributlon by Air MlblBtry ,\ Colouial levelopnent aaal WeLfare fund6 . 2l+ Otber . . 1

Develolm.ent extr€nditu?e : socla]-gerviceg,.. l+65 Comualcationg . . . 2, Publtc utll-itles 102 HouEing . 25]- lrllsce]-laneoue 184 1,028 BaLance in Xevelopment Fund oa 1- Aprll 1960 ,

a/ Dlscrepa.acies due to rounding.

E4)enatlture unaler DeveloFme fi P E 'E-L969 Socla]-sexvices... 2 t297 Cormr:nlcatlone ... 947 Pub]lc utl1ltles . 2'4]^r* Houslng 1,978 Mlsce].].aneouB L'44i

Socia1 Gervices: Educatlon 55O Medlcal and publl chealtb... 866 l-,1+l-6 Comu,]icatloaE and publlc utllittes-:-. . L,221 Ianil and houeing 2rt27 Ml-acel-l,aneoue 69\ Resldual- L955-196o scheneg l+85 5,9t+5 A/ro78/Ad.d..2 EDgIlsh ADEN ?aCe 9


llhere are etght comerctal baaks antl a Fo6t offlce savlngs 3ank. At the entl of l_960 tbe Savlngo Bank had 61728 deposltors. leposlts nade durlng the year g'rOZ 8;;2B brlnging tlre total amount of, tlepoeite ta aEounted to r82J, '986 '


( lnporte autl exports ) ( thousenil pounds )

].959 !960

Tr?Forts . . . 72,59, 71,2\7 7'.1 ,\85 Re-exports antl exports . . .65,140 61,492 6t,o54 Flnelpa]. lmports: Ibtf,oLer:e proiluct6: Crude olL , . . 2I+rI+* 25,gBB 22,49) LorurS LO,914 I\rel oll-s lLrozt r Motor Bplrlt t+66 452 712 zl'E Kef,oaeDe )aJ L,LzE 180 Cottoo pJ-ece goodB. . 2'78\ 2'9W t'rl+L Rayon Btece goods . 2'968 2tzrl 2,88' t'l+76 I qtq naw cotton 962 r Sugar, refiBeal ... l- rooy L,25O 1 DDl"qn B:lce .....'r 7].6 L,+CZ Coffee, not roasted 'r qRl r1267 1,086 Oat.. qLo 1.r0L5 PrlnetpaL re-exporto and exports: products: Shlpe t bunker fueL olL 25,668 22'7118 21,795 " A 1nA .t'7r2 obher fuel olls . . . ,,729 v, I lv Motor splrlt . 8,721+ 7"821 7,257 KeroBene . 1,871 5,L10 t'991+ Cottoo plece gooils . 2,607 21291+ 2,7O8 'r 1 A?A fiaw cotton . 897 FA? Coffee, not roasted . LrEl+' L,LB6 I zl ), Tobacco.\, . . AtE 869 1,044 Elce ' ?l+o L,A92 96L A/5078/Add.2 F:nol i ah Page lO ATEN

Directlon of t"ade. ( percenrage or vaJue J

'I O50

Orlgid Lf imports (princlpl- countrlee ): Kuvait . 9.2 21.I 2l+"3 Iran . , L0.1 6.8 ]1.5 United Klngdoe Ro 11.2 9.2q.7.|.7 d c letr tr-l Iadia A' 5.7 \.9 Aden ltotectorate 4.0 2.8 5.3 TraA rA a lf .5 1.L Desti.ratlon of exports ( shipe and prlnclldl- countrlos ): Ships (bunker .fuel ol1- ) 4o.4 tI,L l+o.o Unlted Kingdon l_L.2 r]..z 11.I Aden hotectorate 8., 8.9 7.7 . l|aF.h 6.6 6.2 lud+J.... 2.O t.'

s0crA! coNDrgroNs fire populatton lncreaoe by natural grolrth ancl lEnlgratlou has reouJ.ted 1a a! a cute hou6ing dhortage fo" tbe lo'qer lncone groups and.haB accentuated tbe squetter probLoa.. About 60 ler cent oi tAu totu f. labour force of 621000 iB nlgxant, nostLy from tbe Western Aden ?rotectorate and the Yetren; there ls alao a group fron Sonella. fn th.e roeet, the frontler of Aden CoJ-ouy ls undeflneal aud therd ts no' lmml gr€tlon control except of, arrlvaLs by Eea and air. : No'etg]llficant changes were reported- ln htunan rights and. the status of vomen.


-\s Adenese r,rorkers beccne nore proficient and expcrtenced, the shortage of 'skitl-ed. fforkerB 1s decreasiog. Unenploynent ts also gradually decreaslng, or+1ng Iargely to gr€eter actlvity 1n bullding end. to the hiring of clviltan vorkers by the Seyvlce6 and for goverbmelt . d€vel-opoent schelGs. A/io78/Add.z

AXEN FaCe 1l-.

Regl*ered un nploymenl $gure s (Jt oecenter ) PE W }Jorkers clai'lng to have been born ia -9' Aden CoJ-ony Migrant workerE fron: Wester[ Adeb Protectoxate . . . . 1,89 lrlt|| .. 27O yenen.;... 5* l+69 \oJ sonaLlai..,...... 871 i-,o18 819 Indla . :. Total . . . 2,671 2,13\ 2,b82

IBexperie[ce lE the organl zatlon of vorkere and ln colle ctive ]arigaining vas reggrcled as the cauBe of, f,requent use of, 'strlkes by trade ud'oDs 1a preference to

comullltlea; dur.iug the fl."st belf of 1960 tbis 1n coneldereble lndustrlal "eEulted unrest whlch EerlouEl-y affectetl the Terrttoryrs econony. In Auguet f96o tbe covernircnt vas obli-ged to lutroduce leglsJ-atlon @klag strlkes iL].egal under certain up of circunsjancee. ],nthin thi,.s legiBktion, prov:.sion a€s nade for tbe setting aE.Industrlal court and of vages counctle, w'Lth a view to provliling aclditloDaL neaae for tbe BettlqeeEt of dlBlutes entl the lE.otectXcin of lrorke"s. To/p"otect agslnEt tbts nove, tbe trade ullloa !@venent oaJled e geaeral Etf,ike, rlhlch lassed A/jo78/Add.z English Page L2 ADEN

NugPess [email protected] the Brincipal- lnd.ustries and serr:ices, 19@

BuildJng Indus- Reta1l Govern- Port and. trlaL and- ment Miscel- Total- coustruc- under- vholesale and. other l-aneous tloD taklngs txad-e Ber\tices

Sl&errlsors and. forenen 9'7 1'72 2\o LzLl 64 ot2 ClericaL \61 7i 86:. zcA B7z 76 trtLr Cre,ftseen and. artlsanB ....r rr2o4 Lr919 -t )"j 74|- rLr 5 SklLLed. labourerg . . 2,oot Lt)z) 21467 lrl+41 21c, JI, '7\8OOJ Unsktlled labourels . 2,82j 5ft75 4rt\z lrEo 1,42r -LO-L Apprentlces J2 7 2L l"{ales under l-B (not al4rrentlces ) . 2' 40 254 zoo 50 B4o Fenal-e s q1 '7 Elr 786

Total 7tl+9o 9,026 1Or94O 71117 5rBB4 l.h6 )+2f25

fn addltlon, about 20r0O0 people are employed. ae d.omestlc servants.

AyeTag_g?1lv eage rylet L Snt-JJ-Lngs an(l' cenls,/

'I OqO Mintngfl.{axinun Minlnui--Maximun Unskll-led labour . 5.00 9.60 E, An 9.6a Skil-Ied ]-aborrf 6.00 15. OO 6. oo 15.20 Cra.ftsrnen and. artisans . . Lo.OO 25.C0 10. c0 ?r.oo Fof,enen and. superv'i6ors . B.oO ,0.00 B.Oo ,0.00

lTorker 6i_g!d. e!$loyerst organi zatloEL:

Number Metrbe slrip 1958 ]e5e rgjo 'I OqO 1960

Reg'istered. trad.e uf,1ons . Lt,69t r5r327 !5,go;5 Elel-oyers I organlzatlons 7" 92 86 A/ra79/Aad.z Tlnsl i sh ADEN ?age It

Labour dlsDutes

l OER 'I O50

Nunler of d.l sputes . . . 8l+ Man-days lost 7 PrA rw16l L34,Btr


A large nev Central- i,[holesafe Frod.uce Market for fruit and. vegetables vas opened. s,t Ktroluaksar In L959 to serve the intereBts of both the producers in the and the con'umers 1n the CoLony. t],e Market is ad:dnistered. by an Autborlty estabrished. produce the },{arketlng or*inance, rp!8. sates in r.960 totalled t\641699.

L958 1oqo

Nunfier of Bocletles 14 t7 20 Menbershlp D ^in ?ro22 Total" frmd.s (pounds) . 4 r2LU 6tl+L6 rc cAn I

TOWN AND BUBAT PLANNI1VG AND HOUSTNG Tn 106.} +ha LE LTvv ule 'ah^,+rs!u.,. r, of tbe land Development and Houslng Comllttee, appolnted. ln L959, vas submltted to the Goverxnnent; as a resultl a nev tosn is belng d-e'eloped. at shelkh othraan lrhich v:il1 provlde 61tes for r_ou-cost By the end' of 1960 t lroof brick houses and 76a cheaper drrer-r-lngs had. been built. Planeing began on a, nev tolrnBhip ln the sa,ltre area r+hich rt'Llr house a,bout 4, ooo l-ies . the connerclar- aDd sboppihg areas 1n the caater and liaarla distrr.cts vere erq)and.ed. .by by the butldlng of mu].tl-stor1ed. shops and. bl-ocks of flats and. reconstructlon. Resld.entlal property vas bullt, at lfl:orroaksar and. er-seuhere, d.ecreaslng .bhe the shortage of houses for htgher and El.d.d.1e inco&e groups, althoug[ demand. from the6e groups stIII keen. "emalned.

-- A/50?8/Add.2 XngLl sh Page 14 ADEN



D5B. 1oqo

Cases reported.3 Against penaL cod.e l-, You 2rA7O 2tZfi Agalnst loca]- lavs ( inc]-uding o zzA !1tQ.Y traffl.c l-alrs J )2,76i ; =^A LLV,B11 L7,o59

?erBons convlcted. of offences: Agahst lenal- code r ro6 t:578 Against l-ocal lavs ( lncluffing o,1() 1or)+82' A tr'l t"aff lc l-a,lts ) ---:- 9,577 9 '+1,

Sggtences ' 1o,6Q I95B ^t rqsq | ^t sduttffJuvenlle s91 4gd-t"""!49rV ig$E-J*""i1*g 1 -l- ImprlEoDnent : . . 985 L1 904 !2 7lO 14 I tJo I ,\lrt CorporaL Pullsbment : 27 Flne s . 7roo4 22 9,66r t-o 7,214 Warned. as flrBt offead.erE Lr\o9

g/ 16 years of age. A/5078/A,n".z Engllsh 4IEN laee 15

PIJBIIC ffiAIf,S The most lmportant. soclat d.isease 1s pulnonary l:ubercuJ_oslsr lrhlch is rrotlflable. This lroblen 1s corrplicated by the f,.ct that rnore thar.i ,c per cent of the caeee seen in the Colonv renerrt .9rhom are rt imfilgrants, many of cone to Ad.en ln charge of a Tubercu].osls Officer. 't{th Etaff vho both in-pe,tlent and. out-latle*o treatment. Tuberculin tests mad.e ln conts,ct-traclng actlvJ.tles during 1960 nurberea 4rrJ2. SCG vaceinatron vp,d gir"en to ilrg48 persons, wilo lncr-uded 1rg4g nevly borE lnfar]ts at the ,naternity hospltal_. ' Atte,tlBt s to contrDl lnf,ant, mortq,l-it;, are made by the hold.lng of .wel-l and. sick baby cllrricscl-lr,lcs at ftveflve centre6.Centre6. Thld fs Rr rr1n-l FmF-iaA 1.a, Ttrls is Buppleuented b), ^^E\.^ir{^-donLcil_1axy vork carried out: by a trained health vtsitor \.rho hes been nad.e avafl-able by the Aden Branch of the 3rlt16h Red cross and who worhs in co-oleration r,r' the Medlcar Departmenr.. Scbol-arshlps are given by the eoyeyaflent io qual1fied. appllcants.who $ish to 6tu'1y ned.iclne; these students arb sent xo the unlted Klngdoxl for tralnlnE. Grad.uateg are sent ove?seas at goverrment expense for poet_graduete txalnlng in med.iclne o:: surgeryj otler person€ a"e sebt orerEea€ for tTalnlng rn the various technlcal- brenches of nedlclne. fhere 1s a 10car- government trelnrng'scheue for nl*ses vltleh provldes a th"ee-year cor:rse in general nurslng rn{th s,n addltlonal yearts tralnlng ln nldwifery. A one-year tralnlng cou.rse ls aLso heLd. for nurslng ordexl-ies.

fhere l+as

s.rrve''r A wae:being uad.e foy a slialrar scheme ln tbe cxater &rea" [he vater suppJ-les are piped fron d.eep bore hole' and. aye chrorlnated,

I9r7/L9rB L9|,9h9|l9 L959/L96o Sxpendlture (thoueand. pound.s ) : Cofony: aq( .1 recurrent 398.0 \>r.r capttal- Dnc 1 r A LrO72.6 ^Az Munlclpal-lty: resurrent 99.+ t-l-B"o 147.4 capltal . 22"7 9,1 t7 Expendltu:re as percentage of total- "o terrLtorlal expend.l_ture ; Co]onyi recurrent - capltal " 9.O LZ,z fl.9 . 6l"o 19.4 t!'I ,.*ctrpa*ty:ffiffi"::.:.:: ,r2;3 ol:i 5b.0 j 28,o

-] A/joIB/Add".z Engfi sh ADEN ?age 16 Medlcal and heaLtb st*g!

and. Govt. and. Govb. aEd. Govt. local Prlvate l-ocal Prlvate local Prlvate authgElty authorlty authorlty 'io aA 20 zA 4q 24 Reglstered. PhYslclans . .. ), physlclans 2 7 , ticensed q5 2l+ Nurses of senior tralnlng . 51 d+ r B l-o Certlflcated 1rD!6€e o r. 4 PartleLly tralned nurses i 4 60 4 I senior Mldvtveg of )+6 tralul!g 22 9 femloro,ry nidwlvee Partlally tralned 2 lr nidttlves I Sanltary lnspectors 7 I 7 I lsborato"y aEd X-raY A technlclans 1 L 4 4 ,r l+ 1 4 Pharmaclsts on oo 4al Medical- auxlllarles . . . . 511 t6; 90

of the arr0ed services' el Excludlng med.lcal and mrrslng staffs


NumbeI Number of bed6 'I O(O 't oAn Lr)e. ^Fo 'r o6a @ DE Al'n 6\9 General hospltals 64g nlspen6aries: onl-Y 7 7 For outpatlents o A Wlth bed6 L l_ L Speclallzed units I hospital l- L 1 6o 6,0 CU Maternity lBO 18o Tubercu]-osls unit g/ I t L 18o Venereal- disea,se r.rnlt I 1 L V l-o t0 l0 MentaL unlt g/ L t- ] ql Others I ]. L

il fn a general hosPital. a/5o78/aaa.z

ADEN Page 17


FolLo'w:ing a reconmendation of the Ad.enlsatron coru0ittee Reporb, Lg|,g, ria becaae the porlcy of the Gove"rment to provld.e free primaf,y and. lntermedlate ed'ucatlon for aLL Ad.en-born chrr-dren in the colony, and. hlgler ed.ucation on a seLectlve basis leadlng to scholarshlps for furthe]| study abroad., and_ to glve as fuLl" a tralDlng as posslble to no.en and.'wotuen sand.ldatee for the teachlng profession. ule Govexnment arso g1ve6 flnanclal and. other assrstance to 15 a's1sted. and lnd.ependent school_s. The ed.ucational programe ln government schools is cl-osely fo].lowed. by the other schools. W L96o t p3.aces vere avaiLable 1n governnent or other interned.late school-s for al-:_ chlLdren rho had coropleted the primaxy course. At the end. ot Lg60 tbe senlor headquarters staff of the Educaiil'n lepartment, an Arab Member i-n cbarge, 6oon to be re-d.es1gnated. Minloter, conslsted. of: a Director of Ed.ucatl.on (araU) anA a Deputy Dlrector (European); a Senlor Educatlon officer, an Educatlon offrcer and. a,n Asslstant Educatlon offlcer (arl t ); a controll-er of Girrs Educatloa, a Departnental secretary, and. a senior Accountent ( aJJ- xuropean). Adene'e have also been appor.Dted- to the newr-y created. losts of Prlnctpals of Ad"en Co]-lege and. the Boysr Secondary gchool. In L959 a thlrd. Educatlonal- Developnent ?1an, coverlng the pe"lod l960_196]+, 'Has approved. at an estlaated. cost of about 5ooro0o poundE for the buLldlng of new governnent school_s and for exbenBlonE to existlng goverbment school-s. The expanslon T{'11-1 enable the 6ovsrnusrl to protLde a geven yeerBr course of prinary and. Lnterned.iate ed.ucatlon for every Ad.en-born cnlia aaa nore secondaly school llaceg for boys a,r1d glrlB ]ealring the LqternedLate school_s. As 1t is feared that thlo erpanslcn ln nunber' ndght read. to a loverlng of stand.ard.s, lncreased efforts are belng rnad.e to provlde better teacher-tralnlng fac1l1t1eB for prlnary and gchool laternedlate teachers, and for a o1ore lntensrve and. ccrq>rehenslve lnspectlon of teachlng in p"lmary and. lntermedlate schooLB. A/ro71/Add.z

Page !-B AXEN

E:qlegdJture tg59/L96o

Ealendtture (thousahd pounde) : Becurrent L11.9 1 2.6 197.2 Ceplt'al . . . . 2i-:0,6 ror.o J). + . eulrent e:qrendtt ure as percentage of total terrltorial e:q>enditure 9.1 8.8 IO.0


r 068 I oqo -Z 6I -J-z 4l L96O ^ t . Ind.epend.ent::/ Covt. Ind-ependent:r Gol.t.Tnd.ependent9 'to PTlnary 22 16 22 I8 Internedlate 4 q lh 6 Se conde,ry l|6 ll B Teachex-trainlng 2- 2 el Alded a,nd. recognlzed. non-alded.

'I OqO 1960 3ogg Glrls a^rrd =L!- /:{ r] a 3oxg-S141 Prlnary \t8:.:z 2t734 )t?+) )tEa 6,098 1]5o lotermedlate lrOE 7r E z Dt7 920 1r1O7 !,24O Secondary c LraB) )41 I,229 L,Lil+ 1\t Teacher-tralnlng . 2b l+8 1'7 81 22

7T* uo',,"tndent, alded and recognlzed. non-aided. echool-s. At the 1955 census tlte number of chtldren of school age was !2t1OO.


r oqa 1 0qo t aAo vo- Men-women lv'tun-llomen -r"t^-o- Government school-s 174 XO 211 2U6 L11 .7.7 Tnd.epend.ent Bchoo]-s 1.75 17q 76 L36 92 a/5a78/ma.z ADEN Engllsh ?age L9

CULTIIBAL IiVST]TUTIONS AND MASS COI4MUNICAT]ONS In 1960 there rere da]l::y, z weekfyr 3 and. J nonthly publ-icatlons ln Arablc a total clrcuJ.atlon j:!ns116h publl:::,:.".,;;;;;;;;;"::,::;"'_3::lil":::.:J.#il:'i:T:J: ahed. yeerly, v-Ith a clrculation of 5rOOO. fhere were L2 pezuanent cinemas and one ..blre ci.eraa unlt. fhe Aden Broadcestlng servlce broad.casts ho'rs weekly. fhe fJ nuinber of radl.o TecelverE 1n use vaB about j.Jr!OO.


AREA AI{D POPIJIATION 1e about ,,. T. "i": ": LlLrooo sque,x€ nj.Ies (2g7rl+90 square K1-Lometre6, lncludlng the l'lAnd of socotla. fhe protectorate is dr.vlded. lnto the Western and. Eastern A"eas. At the end. oe 1960 the totat popuLatl on wae estlmated. at, of wbom I 75g fiao, about )4 per cent r-lve in the weste"n Area and. l+6 per cent 1n the Eastern Area"


AboUt 90 per cent of the popuJ-atlon ere eDgaged. ln agrlculture, the maln caeh crope belng cotton and' vegetabrds. .ther occl*)ations are dyeing, weaving, flshlng, and. the preparatlon of and. skins. Und.er2)he 1959 Cotori€,' Development and Welfare Act, a,n al-Iocatlon of 81 mll-Llon;y vas road.e to Ad.en pTotectorate for the lerlod 1960_1962. Th1s othes follow€d cor-onlal- Deveiopnrent end. a110cat10ns, totalllng 81p J2O10oo, vhich were spent mosu_y on agrlcuJ-ture,'oelfare cornmunlcatlon', ed.ucatlon an. health, v.lth Emaller aneounts gr'ven to co-operatl0n and. narketlng, fleherles and ldornatr.on DeYelgpment p1an31ng 'ervlces' 1n future is to be und.elts,ken on a re€lonat baslsj lt 10 e4recied that the Fed,eratl.n of Arab Amirotes of the south and. the other States of the protectorat,e tdl-f pl_ay an lmportant part ln the naklng of p-Lan6. The laxgest devel.Bment schemer stertia 1n Abyan In Lg47, alms of achleo-ing a better use of lend and r€tex resourcesi 1t has developed. at a satisfactory xate

. =.t H: iff31 :r#fi{ :; ;ffi.:a;: TIi;:3 i#:}i:H"":H"lx,i:ili':f: SiH,,,""u. a/5o78/aaa,z sb Engfi ADEN Page 20

could be mustered' The Ln al-]- fie].d.s vhere adequate staff, uachinery and' uatertaLs of representatlves of the sc}reme ls admlnistered. by the Abyan 3oard, conslstlng tvostateEintheAbyanarearl'dthgoverr'::nentaladvi'ceavailable;tbeSoardnTorke Cotton 1s gro'[YJ i.n partnershlp I'dth lando-9ine?s, o1'Irler-occupers or tenant farmers ' acres i5 as a maln crcp ano i"s narketed' by the Board' An area of about 50'0C0 gross area of nov control]-ed- for Lrrlgatlon fa1'miilg out of an estltrated' J.2Or00O acres. gtzr for d'eveJ-opnent echenes' TIle The Qut aLtl State has alLocated' |OAO agrtcu'Lture ln the origlnal allocatlon of s,TSrOoo ls belng used- for prorrotlng tbe d'evel-opment Wadl Eadhrarunaut by ltft lrrlgatlon and' f].ood' contro]-' Among hospita,1 lnryrovement' the proJects now consldexation are harbout irrprdvement ' oche]ne end the purchase of mod.ern machlnery to nalntatn road's, a flsherles ,lhe has alloeated. f,,Jo,000 for estab]lgbment of a technlcal co].].ege. Katblrl state of agrlculturat develolment. TIle d'evelopment progranmes for t'he lryrovement of about lrrlgation and agrlcuJ.tural- methods lnvol-ve an erlllual expendl'or:re fuods gl-OO, OOO froll Cololl.iaL levelopnent and- Welfare '

AGRICT]I.ITIBX AND LWE-STCCK are Ab)ran, l€hej Dathlna' flhe natn areas of d.evelopment in sottoE groving ' In the I7SB-L96O narket'ing and. Ah'war in tbe Lolrer Au].aql SultaEate ' lerlod ' the crops are treated' facllltles v'ere lnproved, particuLarl-y ln tbe case of cottof]i of a hl€h stand'ard is carried' in two weL]- equLpped glnning factorles, and €rad:ing lmpsoving cotton out by resld.ent gre&lng offlcers' ?rogress has been mad'e in but research ilndings strains. The probtem of lncreasing so11 sal-lnlty remalns' on the part of the tndjcate that by strict controL of lraterlng, lrtth co-operatlon famercs, ln$)TovemeDts can be made ' progrees ln reduclng lt he6 Agrlcu-Ltu"aL lndebtedneBs ls ll'lde-epread'1 but fafi0er6 r co-oleratlves. Loan6 for been nad.e 1n sone areas by the eEtablishnent of ere nad'e to farmers und'er schemes for the the tr}urchase of puInplng equlpeent State DeveLopment Boards powerlng of veLls. cotton Srowers are partJ'y flnanced by anoiints of money are through cash advances recoverable ai haffe st tlee; as large lmportance' tnvoLved., thls aid ls of consld'era'ble econonic a/5o78/aaa.z

ADEN Page 2L

FAO technlcal exrpeltB axe co-operatlng wlth Departnenil of Agricu-Ltuxe staff 1n the pl-anning of l-arge-scaJ-e d.evelopment ln r€treJ by neans of improved. use of l,lAter resoulces.

,-- .-Pt ln.llna l a'^he (Western and. Eastern-Ad.-en protectorate ) ATea Productron4 (tnousii?-acres ^ ) (tnouffiT.-Gi!-tons) r95b L959 1958 r9r9 L96o vvr Lu Ata It r'\ '1 tr E 85u 52.o 4T.o +f .v !).) z+. ) Bul-ruBlt niI-et 26.o r-4.0 6.6 8.0 l+. o litreat . 5.0 B.o 4.2 \.6 3a"ley 5.8 6.0 4.0 +r ? 2.4 Z.O ,.2 DateB . r.ll.0 9.o 6.0 SeBe,ne )r 5.0 ^ r.5 2.O '1 I Cotton 43.o 4.).V +4.) 5.2 1.r 6.0 g/ Estimates except for cotton.

[ota,l llve-stoct stattsttcs for the protectorate are not aval]-abLe. Estlmates I for the areas rhef,e approxlnate cormts have been nade are: cattle, 1616OO; goats, llOlOOO; sheep, 4615OO; cemel-6, 4615OO; donkeys, l_5r000. A veterlnary offlcer rlas appoLnted tn l-960, and. the appolntment of a live-stock offlcer was approved-.


The annual catch ls estlmated. at about ?OrOO0 long tons for a good. 6eaeon. At LeaBt ?5 pe" cent of this 1s cauebt 1n the Ea,stern !f,otectorate. Most of the flsh Is cured. for consurolrtlon lnLand. and for exlort to East Afrlca s,nd. the fa]| E€,Bt.

IandLnes ln Eestern Aden Protectorate

r o6n Sardi.nes (arfea uetgUt, long tono) . . orryt ,* Ktngflsh (nunbers of flsh ) .7\'@7 64,569'* 59r1?B Trma (nunbers of flsh) . 96,5\7 87,ti,z 7\'994 Al5078/Ad ." nngli Eh Paee 22 ANEN


There is a state-oubed. povex pl-ant at 1n the EasteTn Protectorate' 691-1 640 kvh A ne!,r generator vas lnstafletl in ]959i output ln 1960 total-led- '


Increaslng use is belng nad-e of motor vehlcl-es, vhich s're usually d'xi'ven roads' along sandy beachee, dry rlver bed.s or across' open d'eoert' Several natural have tlo"Fever, have been Lmp"oved for ootor trafflc, and' ln a fe$ cases nev foads are been cut througfr difficul-t country. Road.b 8,re extremely rougb and eurfaces infrequently rep-alred.. Rouies for new and !-nproved' road's are being Eurveyed'' A coastal- road. 1n the Sastern Aden lrotectorcate runs fLom neidat aI Abdal'ftocorrnectrtl:iththe the tr^leBtern Ad.en ?rotectorate. Roads rua irl-and' fron Shthr €'nd' Mukal-l-a to total l{adl Hadhlramaut and. from near Salhaf f,o AzzaJ. and Eabban. TJee approxiroate niles,ge of motorabl_e trecks in th.e Eastern Aden Protectorate is 21680 rnLles. The d.esertbet.weentheWadlHedbJcalaautaadselharrisalsotravelsed.bymoto"-carg. 'whlch cannot yet penetrate, trafflc is cerrled' by ca'neL caravanE' Where they .the s'nd' to 6ttLL travel in large numbers to Aden fllon the llestern Aden Protectorate are Mukalla and shihr fron otber parts of the EaEtern Aden Protectorate. Donkeys al6o enpLoyea fo" botb passengers and. goods' A xegular atr serrrlce by Aden AIT'ways Ls malutained betveen Aden and Mul


IIle flnanclal yea"'runs fron 1 April to Jl- l,larch.

t957/r958 LgSB/r959 1959/1960 ContributloE to Aden CoLoDy tor,,ard.B services tr)xovid-ed.. by the Colouy Governroent 6T.f t-10.4 Secretarlat^ and. mLscallaneous !t+,o eervlces ]jd.6 29.4 Advisory staff aud. Berv:iees $5.6 1\.6 Agriculture and ; tB6.l 2r1.2 veterlnary . i . 7.7 E el' r Elirr ao.Fi ^- ,g.g Eieherlesi...... t7.2 lO., 1Z F Eear-th 11.9 ;: : . . .:::: 4DA Infornation:: servlceg ::: :::: ?f:b 27.o *orks ; :-;-. . : : : : : : 6.1+ tecallublic forces : : : : : l:] \4.2 zo.y rro\2.7 289.8 SubBldies to States . , TntetLLsence,.:::''' 285.2 221.6 subsriLiee to ur.'r.eeerati"o ir'ai"i 22'1+ 28.o 'zz. L of the ari"i.J"' Soufli and Menbe? State s DOD D

Tota]- Lr5t2.6 2rL25.O 2r l+oo. o zl DLEcrepaucles caused by round.lng, Al5o7B/Add.z Engllsh ADFN Pa r:e ,lt

of State adrnlnlstyatlous llstirs,ted. ne

r9r2/L962.-..- Ls57/re5} - rg5}ltgrs-

We sterE Aden lro+ectolate: 196.o l-Oy.-L loy.u Lshej . . . 199.8 rfrr+" I22.)+ I) I.+ Fadhli 157.5 f ,zA oo.+ A 6'2.> 84.9 Lover Yafari 72.9 -tA A IL.O rq n L6.1 Dathiua . . r lr tr. 20.6 A 22.8 z).'+ ) Lo{er Aulaql 22,2 L.T 2i,t trAn ].9.2 21.7 ra 1l Anlrl .;. )rz z I'z lr 4J.. o 77.9 Audhalt . . \r.9 48.9 l,E n Upper Aufaqi tY.Y 18.9 (Sre*aon) 8.4 8,7 8.4 Shu I eitol' to.+ )+.) Bel.han t8.\ fi.r )t. I t9.B Eaetevn Ad.en Prote ctorate ; 6zL.o A1.' 7 Quralti.. 4l+2.4 )2o.u oY. 1u.o al., ou.2 fb,thirl . . 69.8 I |/f^ 49,4 Wahidl;3alhaf \6.2 +>.+ l{6.8 40.4 50.1 Wahidt, Blr A11 1,2 ).+

SANKTNG ,\ND CBEDIS and a branch of the Aden Post office In lr{r:kal-la t}xere are a coonercial be'nk t'be l'tukalla Post Office flxe balaDce of Savlngs Bank, lfilch operates throu€h ' are regulated' fron AAeu' pE yments and contxol of forelgn exctlange

TNTENNATIOI{AL EBADE for Adeu Pvotectorate are not Conflplete statlstlcs of lnternatlonal trade a!)pear to be great' ID quraltl arralLabfe. The voluroe of UxLs trade does not €rrot4rooo ln 1960, conpared Staie (Eastern Aden lrotectorate) iml:orts vere and' 4215001000 lu 1958. $!rh f2t726 |OOO ln 1959 Al5o7B/^dd..z Englt sh ADEN Page 2J


No signtficant d:.anges were reported. in general- 60 ciar- conditrons, hurnan rights, status of wonen, standard. of living, social securLtJr anA weffare, and. prevention of cri&e a,nd. txeatnent of offeEders.


rn 1960 the vage range rias beto'eeD B and 15 shll-r-ing€ a d.ay, conpared. n'tth 5 to Lj shlLl-lugs fn 1957. [here are no labour organizations.


flee narketlng of cottou ln AareE protectore,te iE carrj.ed. out by the AbyaE Board. rt deaLs not o!-Ly rrrth the crope fron lends w'lthin tts o'qo area, but aIBo vith the cotton groun i.n other States tn Uxe EaBtern and. We6tern ProtectorateB. rn several- of theee statee the rocat bandllng of the crop iB und.ertaken by cotto[ producers I aBBoclatlonB, Btx of which have been estabJ-lshed. ae a result of deerees by the states concerned.. tbey ray be regarded. as embryo co-operatlve socleties. fhe value of the cotton handl-ed by ttrese associatLons 1n ]960 ltas about f25orooo. A tobacco-grovevg t credit co-operatlve has been e stabLi shed. ln the EaEtern Pvotectorate. Three co-operative credlt and. narketlng socletLes have been organized B,Bong the l,,Iestern protectorate fnrlt and. vegetable farmers, to facil-itate enooth Earketlng of produce and. to teckLe the pxoblen of the chroEic inaebtedneBs of producexs to auctionee:rs and aEents ln Aden.

Encouragenent and. aselstabce is glveu to farmerB by the co-operative and. MarketLng Deps,rtment ln the tranopart by all of au lncreasing amount of fre6h lroduce from certal!. areas of the protectorate.


Uxe range of housing ln Aden protectorate 1s ld.d.e. The nonad.s have goat-halr tents, and soue shepherd.s use even sln6:ler sb.eJ-tere, consistlog of nats hung on loles or spread. over bushes. Tlee s ople et form of houee for the settled. popuj.etlon, or those who stay for a perlod. ln a place to lrork at harveBl: I\/ra7glAdd"z Engll sh fage zo ADEN tlne) 1s e, lrind of inverted nest of brush\.rood., i"i-th a l-ittle rnattlug added-. The most cornmon tlpe of pernaneDt house in the p1ain6 is built of lxud--buick; houses 1n the hill distrlcts are built of rouglr stones bound. Irlth mld-, s,nd nole raxely of squared. stones. Roons are generally smalL, l-ong tinber belng scarce; veatil-ation ts adequate, and the ttrick r.ralls plovlde lnsuLatlon from heat" flre farubouse is ]ltti-e relooved. from its ea]|fler function of a fort. Tbe cltles of the Hadhrarnaut hs,ve hlgb nultl-storled. mud-brlck houses. fn some part6 of the gxotectcrate there are modern houses of lresteyn d.e gign; the Abyan 3oard. has bu1lt many nodern ctoDe hQuBes, each r,ilth two roons, kltchen and" coultyard.


fhe Pyotectorate Eeal-th service consists of the basic state seLvlceE and a training and organizing tean pro-,,{d.ed- by the united. I{lngdom Goveynnent. lris team lncl-ud.e s slecla1i6ts, financed. flom Col-onlal Devefoll[ent and. Welfal.e fubd-st .wbo tour the Protectorate r B hospitals. In the weBtern ?rotectolate there ls a Fed.eraL Minlstry of Health. In the East there aye conventioEally organlzed Berv:Lces in quraltl and Kathixl vhich have theLr oun d.octors. In Bafhaf, Bir Ali .aud Majrl).the unlted Klngd.olo team runs the technlcal side of healtb vork, paye 'bhe etaff s,F.d rceets the rnajor need.s for technical elq)endables. The uLtlnate alnx ls an entlrely Arab service; local Arabs 8,re belug tlained. aB aoctors lE various countrles abroad. At pre€ent aII State6 d.octoxs are Indian or ?aklstani' There are tvo base hoBpital6 lrith devel-oplng specid,List facilities and assoclated tralnlng centres for nale and feEale pxofessLonaL staff and. !0ob1l-e Eanitatlon unlts, one lD the Federal alea at Makgan ln the l'Jestern Fxotectolate and. one ln the Eastern Protectorate at l{ukalla. A Health Ad[Lser in Aden dlrects the united Ifi.ugd.on tean and health natters relatlng to Kaaaran and lerim; tre advise6 th.e Statest servlces, and is regponsible for lntematl-onaL espects, th.e admLnlstration of Colonia.L DeveS-opment arld' Welfale scher0e6r and geBeraL co-ordhattoo anA Btandardlzatlon" tsre prlncipaL dLseases are nslarla, tuberculoBls, ana intestinal aEd eye infectlone. Leprosy and. bllharzlasis occur, but are not of naior conceln. Canpalgns agalnst nalaria, eye-infections, rouEd h'orB, tuberculo6is, and natexnal and lll-health have been elrlanded by! house-spraying; a A/ra78/Add.z ADUV Ehgllsh Page 2f

proglamme for eradicatio! of eye-infections ln ar-I chir-dren ln schools unde" reasonable adnlnlEtratlve control.; the building up of stocks of drugs for nass ruedlcation of all n,ho can be reached.; lncreased. care of mothers and chir'dien, associated' vlth the provisioa of a speclalist, a second. nalron, !10re girl trainees, an. largex suppltes of n1r-k and vitanins for dr.stxibutl.n to rnothers and. chlldren by Z hospltats aDd TO heaLth units.

Expenditure (thousand pounds)

t957/r958 tr958/rg5g r959/Lg60 State Governments . . 72.o 84., l_28.r United. Governnent a/ A< 't u4.4 97.6

fnctud"lng capltal extr)end.iture l/ and. Colonial Developnent and. Welfaxe gre,nt6.

Me&ical aqd. health staff 1958 ol \J Govb.3 FrlveteY Govb .V u***V co*.dlr..,uruV Re glstered. physlciaEs 144 NurBes of senior IO l, -l^ tralnlng c/ ta L Certlflcated' nurees l- 'l Ho spLta]. auA heal_Ul ,rr 0+ assistants u) 8o 'l Saoltary inspectoxs 'It 92 Lahoxatory and X-ray r4 teehnicia,ns o I PharnEcists q B : 6

Pyotectoxate a,nd. State Oovernnents. "/.b/ fooludlng nissiong. A].so quallfled. as nld$ives of senLor tralning.

Nunber of beds rer8 f55t 1960 ]eaE@ Geuexal ho slltals B Eea].th untts (dt I7o r7t 23o (o.lspensaries) Mo\lLe units 74 6

E A/5078/Add"2 Engj.i sh Page 28 ADEN


varleE greatly in development EAucation in the states of the Protectorate ' three governnent internediate the quraiti State beiag the nost advanced' It haB status; aI]- consist of four !ost- schoo].s with a fuxther schooL of intermed:iate time; of the others' primary standards. Two have been in e)Li-Btence for sone Shihr 1n ]959" An lnterrnedlate one in Mukalta ve.s opened io 1958 and' one in ln Ip!8, t'hus supplenentlng the scl:]ool- of a. similar tlT)e vas opened ln selyuu I'rht ch had' hltberto been poet-prinary educatlon facilitlee in t}Ie l'ladl Eadhranaut About boye recelve coDflned to a two-standard prlvate schooL i-n TaxlE' 500 education ls poet-prirary educatlou ln t'he ee lbtermedlate eclxooLs' Seconaaly a snalL teacher-tra1ulng provtded. either ln AAen or the Sud€'n by Bchol"arshtpE; coulBe' !o Et-lntermedlate Bchool-. at e*lal] 3a-!^Iazl.r, with 8' one-yeal lrepares post-lnternedlate Btud'ents from stuaents for prlnary teachlug' Secondary aud- courge in Aden Colony to pxepare the We6teln Aden Plotectorate attend' a elmllar fhere are 5 intelnedlate tbeneelves for l!.telmedlate antl prhary teachlEg. BchoolslntheWestelnAd.enProtectorate,lr1thatotalenrolmentofaboutS00. (or than priroary) scrhool-s Belov this ].evel Shere are about 90 pLtaary tover snal-L Kbranl' c Bchoo].s with a total of about 4,OOO pupt].s' Thls does not lnclude scboo].s of prlBarily rellgloue whlcti are found- j.n nany pl-aces, nor the prlvate brea atone type, of $hlch thexe are more than Jo in tbe lladi Eadhranaut ' Glr}s|educat.lonlsoffalrlyrecentdeveloprneut.merealenov}oschoo]g In addltion' follolling the prinary sy].labus, lr'lth a total of about 900 elrls' a loller level !dtb' about there axe Io glrle' schools aBd- one n:Lxed Bchool of Easteru Protectorate 7OO girl-s, moBt of then ln the '

t9r7h918 L9r9ft960 r2r.o . . . . 9\.2 State GoveYnmente . 28.9 26.o Unlted. ffi.ngaon QoverB![en'f, " 15,9 AlroTB/Ldd*z Engltsh ADHI Page 29

CWIURAL INSTITIJTIONS AND MASS COMM-INICATIONS pxotectoyate, In 1&e l,lesteru of,flclal gazettes are published nonthLy ln SeLher and yafal; Lo'rer a Eoqthl-y Dagazlne ls argo lutl-lshed. in Belha!. An gazette offlclar iB lBsued quartexly by the Government of the tred.eration of the Arab Anlrates of the South. In the Eastern protectorate, a veekly Arablc newslaper publlshed. ts 1n l,firkaL1a. rre eutaltl Governnent aLso 1s6ues an o f,flcial gazette pertoiucal_Ly. In Wahtd.l a Bronthly nagaz:ine ls publlshed. Newepapere pubr-lsbed. ln Aden col.ny and perlod.icar-s frora abroad., e spe ciar-ly the United. Arab Republic, circul_ete Ln the l-axge towns. here are 3_0 prlvateLy ovned. l6-En proJectoxs in the Fed.eyatlou and pxotectorate; J in the Eastern Adeb oecasional ehowe are given. Two mobir-e lnforne,tl.on unlts of the Ad.en Govexnment publi c Ber-atrons and. rnforna,tion Departnent glve publl c clnena Ehows in the vL]lage B. Thele are ao broadcastLr.g stations in the pxotectorate, but the Aden Broad.casting servlce transnitg d.alr-y programnes vhlcb incr.ud.e protectorate Dews l-tens and. d.escxlptiotrs of event e there. I{any of these prograneeg are recorded by the eobile tEfornatlon uElt' vlthln the protectorate for transnlsslon is Aden. AlS}TBl^dd.2 Fage t0



TLre lsLand of Zorzltar, 640 gquare nffe s (fr658 eguare. k:ilometree) ln auea, le separated. fron the East .Afrlcan coast by a chanqel of 22.J nlleE across ltq la!"oveaij lartr To tixe nortb'ea,Bt, at a Aj.stalxce of sone 2l niLe.s, lleB the lEland of Pemba, ,80 equare uiles (98\ equare kilonetree) in al'ea, vhlch forms Dart of the Zanzlbar Protectoxate.

POPIJI,A[[ON ( cereus )

1948 le59,

Afrlcans anA ArabB 2]+4rI[20 e79,915 IEdlans, Paklstaula, Coatrs and. Conorlane L9'L59 LSrl.tu EuvopeanB 296 Others . 135',o7 TO!AJ -fl261+rL62 299rrLL flre total populatLou, eetiuated at u1d-L96o, rlae JOJTOOO. Regtetration of blrtlis and d.eathe has not yet been geneml].y appllett: throu€bout tbe Berrltory aad. rel-iable data are not avallable.



Dirhl{^ Aa?rr{ aA

lhe conrposttlon of the Publ-lc gervlce at t]- Deeenber f96O rqae aE foLLowE: Supe!-siale Senior .Tunlor $rbof,dinate BoEtE posts poBts staff SubJects of the Sultaa - 282 2rrro Expatriate Europeaas zB lL€ 14 zQ ?n E:q:atriate ;sians vJv - 29 669 IOI Public servants, ubo are subJects of Eis ElgbneEs the Sultarr.Eay be meltlberE cf aDy racer and the flgures lnctude .A'f!l caDs, l\rats, Asl'aus antl CoeoriaDB; figures EhorriEg the racial break-tlolm are not avaiLable. E:q:atrlate Aslan ^/:)o78lAdd.zEngli sh ZANZIBTIR Page rl

officers ao no-b lnclude those llslans qir.o have taken out natuxar-lzation papexs to becone subjects of the su-ltan. offieers shown undev 'tothers" mostl-y cottrprise IoalbLand trfrlcans who have not taken out hatural_lzation l)alers. Tralning facitltles r,\ Frblic Ser{Lce Connlssion, establiehed. in 1960, eubraitted. lts report lu 196r. Ttr.e report contalns recomuendatLons for the l-oc€,J-izatlon of the ctv - gervice and. proposals for tralnlEg lrograrulles, scholarshtps aEd. supe rEune ra,ry po6ts. rn ad.d.itlon to tralnlng schenes for Junior staff in governnent depaxtmeEtB, tralning in other East Afylcan ferritoylee has been arranged. for techaiclans employed. by the Zenzlbar Gove rnmer.t. ;960, a totaL of j3 Zaaztbafi- nxenbers of the civlL service llere eent overseaF oa post-selectlon or 6tud.y leave couvseBi of th.eEe, 2J attendeti. courseB iE the uDlted. K1ngd.on, zj ve7e trained ln East .'\frLca and one offLcer r.r€,6 Btudylng ln Lebaoon. tre types of course. bellg foLLorrcd. incl-ud.ed. admlnistxation, labour relatlono, agri cul_ture, co-operatlon, public health, educ€,tlon, to'.m plannlng, bload.casting, po]lce, lorts and marlnes, etc.


Tbe e conolxy of zanzlbar is alnoBt entirery d.ependent on flre clove crop and on the prices paid. for this product. During the perlod. unden re.rriew (1958-196o) a d'ragtlc falL ln clove prlces and, the congequent reduction in incone to th.e cLove grollerB affected. the lftol-e econorny of the Terrltoryj unenploy!0ent lncreased- and. credLt reachea a dangerous level. No iraprovenent vas notlceable until the end of 1950, nheo the lrlce of cloves rose sorcevnal" Lhco-nltts provlde tbe gecond. eource of iucone. Durlng ]958, pricee for lccD-nuts were highr but there vas a recessLon in l-960. consid-erable d.everopment took place in proceeslng the nuts for export" LljoTB/^dd-.z E.h.|-l i ah Page t2 ZANZIBAB

Developrnent schenes gI\dng enpl-oynent to farge Eunbers of peopLe vere a neans of ])al]latlE.g the effects of the depresslon aesulting froE the fa]-l in the price of clove s and suepensloo of buy:ing. Expendlture on Zauziberr s Devel-opment PLan, L95r-L9!p, amor:ated. to gL tt\g t\:7.2 A nev leveLopment Pl-en for the perlod L960-l-!64 vas approved. by the Legislative Council lll November 1959. The plan euvisages an expendlture of 9119001000, of e{t}i cb L157 t5AO is to be d.evoted. to agrlculture and BaturaL resources; fl1r08rr500 to publ-Lc i{ork8 extraordinary and. cotmrutd. catlono; €2lOr00O to eoclal- Eef,vlceB; tL22 |JAO t'o general servi.ces (co-operatlves, houEing Loaas, recxeation ground.s, to rlE pl-annlng, etc.); and Flo6 t5oo to reEerves. An econonic Survey teau Lras appolnted by the Zanzlbar Government in October L960. Its termg of reference lncluded. the pyepalation of a neq econotrlc d.eveLopment pro gvarune.

IAND, AGRTCULTURE A1VD LI"IrE-SIOCK Of the total area of l-ro2o squave milesl 4fO equare n:i.les are planted. lrith tree crops, 70 Bquare eiLes are arabJ-e land., anA 80 squ8,re oiles are meadows anal- lastureg. About 400 equare nlle s consist of thin Eoifs overlying coraL and. ave used. obl-y partiaLly for shlftlug cultlvation. Ibe chief form of land tenure is freehol-d.. Al-leu€tlon of the laBd of Alabs and. Afrlcans 18 restricted- unaer the l€,nd" Allenatlou Decreei no lasd transfexE nay take place rdithout the approval of IaEd alleratlon comnittees, Irhicb have been establlBhed- tn every sub-iL[st11ct. A survey lEto ]-and tenure systeEs vas carried- out in L958. fhe western hal-ve s of both Zanzlbar and. Fenba are intenBlvely cultivated ultb. cloves (about B0TOOO acres) aud. coco-nuts (about I2O,0OO acree). Subsistende cropB sueh as rlce, eugar cane and. cassava are also grolm, thougb aot ln sufficlent quantltles to Bupply local needs. Activities u.Ed.ertaken by the lepartloent of Agrlcu-lture dualng tbe perLod unaer rev1ev lncLuded. tl1e devel-opment of tbe citrue fruit and. cocoa lndustrtes, the lnvestlgatlon of coco-nut aEd cl-ove d:iseaseB, generaf crop developnent, e,nd. agrleuLtural extension rrcrk. 2l The loca,l currency ls the last Afrlcan shilllEg. [henty shi].llngB eque.I one pound. sterl-ing or $us 2.8o. A/jo7\/rti..d.z ZANZIIAR Engli sh ?ase 15

Extr)oxts of B?LnclpaL caEh crops

. grlo2 ,"" L2rt\I 148 nr\n ff 4r 5oo 011 cake ...r...... SrOOO 1 A^6 2troo Coco-nut o11 ... . )tz J)e7E.\ !r+>u o AnA 'An estlmated. 90r00O touB of casEava and L4rOOO tons of bauanaB were harvested annually durlug the period undex veview; 11600 ton6 of cltrus frult r*ere har\rested 1E L95O, compared. ri-lth l_1680 toE6 lD I)J) and, l_1610 tons ln f9r8. iBre productl-on of rice vae TrOoO tons 1u LI|JB, IL,UT| tons 1o Lgrg, and throSo tonB in l-960. rn 1!60, tl:ele llere eone 48r0oo cattre ln zaazlhav and pemba, compared rrith tSrOOO cattl-e ID, l,g57t tiere r,rexe al-so about l-l+rOOO goats in both islands. The lnprovement of cattle by selective breeding for nilk was continued. durlng the perlod r.evlew; so vere the cattle-rancb. schenes for beef productlon on hitherto uuused grassl-and..

Llve-stock products

r oEA 1oqo IYOU Cattle hides (cwt. ) ItB -- Sheep and. goat ektns (cwb.) 2O8

About oBe n:i].llon €pl_].oEs of rniLk is produced. annual_Iy.

T,ISHERiES g3e ain of flsherles d.evelopnent ls to lncrease the catching lo.wer of local_ flghernen by tbe lntroduction of improved gear and. ðods, and by the use of povered. snel-L flshlDg craft. stEce L955 such craft can be purchased. wlth aD advaEce frour the Government repayabJ-e over eeveral- yearEj slnce the schene begen, flve craft have been taken over by prospective or{nerE. lflxe total- catch tn 1!6O was estlne,ted. at grOOO tobs, ldth a val_ue of €6001000 to the flshermen. A partlal census of flehermen and. vessers iD 1960 Led. to the estlnatlon of an increage of 5oo too6 of fish in the aquual catch. eonrpared \dth 1950. Ll5078/t\dd..z Elnal i eh .Hage ,4 ZANZIBAB

POI,IM AND INDUS1BY fron the OE L January I95B an Electrleity 3oaf,d' took over responslblllty el-ect"iclty' Departnent of publLc !{orks for tbe geueratlon aEd dlstrtbutlon of put A nev dleeel-poqer statloE ulth tbree 2J'!-ktlor"att geaerators llaB lnto e operatlon ln Pe&ba to 1959. Four JlO-kllovatt generators are now avalLabl lu Z,a\zLhar IsLand.. trre only tnduetrles are tbe proceesing of olove blf and coco-Dut oiI' tlie TtLe chlef rnanufasture of soap and. the proceosing and rcoufacture of colr' trandlcrafts are basket and nat lreavinge rsood--sOrkr e0broidery, flshlng 8ear, potteryl oetal lrork and. toys.

TBANSPOBT AND COMMUNICArIONS InLg6oZ'aazl:ha,tnad'187nilesofro8'd6rof\'tr:ILch2T6nl].eshadabltunlnous of whi ch 8I nl1es had a surface, and. ?emba :nad.22'l 'rLes (I10. ml-les ln l-p)i) , or netal bitunlnoqs surface (50 ntt.s ln 1957). Ehe reealnder have elther earth p0 Burface6. Beg:istered Eotor vehlcleB ln 1960 lncluded J06 buees' lorrles 157 ].orrles and and. Ir5O9 taxLB and. private cars; Urls conpares vLth' 1,3 bJBes' IriQ6 t,axl,' and prlvate cars ln f957. Alr transport (zanzttailara-FEiE-aalrf lelds)

]-959 1 a6a novenents 6'512 6res-)+ 6r21' Alrcraft )+2r6N )'f El,E PassengerB (arrivals and. departuree) . ., \2rr98 I.,!a11 set dolm and tr)lcked' up (metrlc toneJ 12.o t4.T ^Az f'reiglt Eet doru and Plcketl uP (netric toos] 2I2"7 2\9"9 ,00 "4

Sea-borne eblpptngi (Port of T.eazltar ) t95B ''I Oqq 1950 Q z), Nueber of Bteatrers entered- ?+o * C,€.rgo handJ.ed (long tone) Br,lgz 86rzBU 7l+162r Invara,;;. 6r,878 OutlrE xd. 20, OO-L 52r$l49 ZANZIEAR ^/5oTB/Add".aEngl-i sh Page ,5

Coneunlcatlops E letters, postcard.s, etc. hand].ed (tbouEands)... Parcels received. ' ltoW 2r1oa D Oq,^ ....;. . 23rr2g 1 .7 qq,-l ParceLs dLspatched. " t r/e I -L L.>1 . 3r5\z 1'\89 Jr4to rn 1960. there rere seve' Eal! post offlces and. a lunber of snaller offr.ce6 l.E rural areas. Dally al:r nall servlceB exi6t betreen Zlnztbay and. the East Afxlcan Ealnland, anc! Zs,nzibar an. penba. Za,nzIbar tovn ls Berved by au, 8oo-ltoe auto&atr'c tel-ephone .,i'lth exchange, a 45-r-rne au-bonatic exchange at l'{azlzlnl. Direct cable s llnk zaozlbar \rlth the geycherles, Durbaq, Dar-es-salaam a'd luceba'a. !*.relese clxcults operate wrth rondon, Ad.en, pemba an. MogadiBclo. ra 1959 a very hlgb frequeney radlo 1lnk cane 1ato operatlon between za'zlbar an* Pemba.


PUBTJC 3']IqANCE Ule flna,ncle,L yea! rul]s from l- January to 1L Decerober.

Feve+ge and. eq)endlture (thousa.nd. lounde)

t959 :-960 Prote ctorate revenue Protectorate zr3jz.4 at)l).) e4peDd.ltuxe . . . 2:51o.5 '254(4 l{ain hee,ds of reveuue: rb 2t525.1 Custoros 'I tr)r F -, Lt2z> r ?zl, i LlceEces and ta:ree "o Eaxnings a I+'z 244.o 254.0 and. sales 230.\ 2M., l4al or head.s of expenrllture: "25.O Publ_lc vorks 492.8 EducatLon 2>9.o 134.2 16a.9 Eealth . D'74 .? ,80.0 . 29t.9 Jo5.o PensLo[E 2r D1n A AgrLcuLture 1.8 22r.5 L2I.g r?o.'( rt+.+

H' L/ro78/Add.z Eirgush r^-^ 7a

Devel-opneqt flngnrP ( thousand PounoB./ 1040 t@

Revenue: " -c;i; DeYelopnent and from coloulal AA( ou .2 29,8 Welfare funde . 7L.9 re curlent budget 50.0 Transferg ff,on 25.2 ]-0.0 MlEceu-aneous 61 €ti ! 29.5 E:FeEdlture 52.1 h8.2 Agri culture J_;4. O Educatlotr Eealtb cA^ l+2 -q r 5r.7 Conmunicatlona . r rL tr 22.5 and. urban d'evelopment r\6.221 Houslng 12.7 Ml6ceLlaneous 21L"7 =-'z>u. )

general eerrices and' revotes' /TI*ou*" \'rcrks erbraordtns'ry' the lerlod- under xevle*' vas ftre deficr.t ln dever-opne.t e*endlture durlng covereabytranBfels.fromtlreprevloussurpluobalance.


fEtr)ortE aEd. eTpolts. (valGE-86[sand lounds ) r o6q

, ,,168 "5 ,,218., IeportE 't\6,7 1,822.6 )+,768.8 doBestic 1,gg\.6 tjt+>. Exports, 1r208.5 8r2.5 t Be-e:

Dlrection of trad.e

Orlgln of lmpo?ts: United.Kingd.on... i<(.o D6 tr, IB.6 TangaEyika. A'r 9.9 9.2 Js,pan 6.9 Indla;.... b.o Aq t... a.) o.9 other countrles eud TerritorleB ,2.2 48.]. Destination of e:q)ortB: I!.done sia rA< 1ntr Ind.1a -l J"{ A L5.9 L2.2 UElted. States Unlted.Kingdotr... 1.9 Kenya o.z lrn TaEgablilka Other countrie s and. terrltorles 29.'


frre vaet naJorlty of t'he lopulation 18 Afrlcaa, of about one quarter caloe conlaratJ.vely recently fron the m,iDLand., the rest havlng beeD tset _ed. iE z€,nzlba'v for Bevera]. genera.tlons. lraEy of i:rre latter o$?l. land, llhll-e the trlbeslxeu of nalnlend. e:rbractlon constltute the bulk of the labour foree. uxe Arabs are largeLy landowners; the rndLans coEtror nost of the conmerce aEd. induetry. Ie].an Lg fol-Lowed by the EeJorlty of the populati.on. until the 1957 erectloue to the r,egislatlve councll there was reEarkabr-y Llttl-e frictiou a&ong the varlous ra,ces, sects and. coununlties. The er-ectlons were based. ulon th.e prlhclple of a comnon roll; tn fact, however, they were fought upon a racial- bagls between the Afro-shirazl party s,Ed. the Arab-supported $atlonal-ist Party. fl1e dlscord. betveeE ttre tvo lolitlcal- partles deepened. after the electloas aud. re sulted. ttr stralned. xeratlons bet\4een nenbers of the AfxLc€,n and. Arab conrnunLties. AlS]IBlAdd.2 EngLish ZANZlBAR Page 18

16 Tbe status of voEen haB und.ergone a cb ange in recent years' Polygany ou botb for econonl.c f,eagons and- because of the vomenrg lnsistence but lt le rnoDogany. In the totxxs, the purdah 1s stl]-]- a d'eep-rooted cuetoB' graduaLly d:isappearlng anong the llusl-in women of the younger genevatioD' A fe{' oB other wonen ln lrornen ltho have been educated. overgeag exert a strong influeoce tbeir co@6unltie8. f:n' I9r9 the rlght of vote rraB granted to lronen'


Agrlculture provldes occupatiou fov tbe naJorlty of t'tre popuLatlon' a bl€b ltros! are proportion of x'bom are self-enrployed. 0f thoae $ho lrcrk fox \''ages' products of the clove and' coco-nut errtr)]-oyed. ln harvestlng aud io processlng the crops.Inuabanafeas-theplincltrla].occupatlonearetransport,bul.].&lng,poIt and clerlcal work' and. dock labour, elEl-oynent in sanltatiou and publ-ic works' OrringtothefallinthepriceofcloveBandtlxef,eBuftiagd.eBresBion,tbele 1960, the Labour \ras sone unenploynent durlng the pextod. relriew. Du31ng and-'work vas found for Xxchange recelved 2106)+ app]-lcatlons for enp]-oynent and 4oB placeraente La L959' JOo lerEons; tbls co!rya,res wlth 4r1o8 appllcatlons a.nd Jr}fl allllca,tlon s and 14? plaeenents ln 1958' pay b}r tbe Publi c lforks' Some Srooo nen .lrere eEPloyed' on dal-ly rates of gave eEployment to Eealth, and Agricultuxal Depaltnent s; prlvate establlshnebts vorkere ln about 2rlOO per6onE. In 1958, daily rate8 of tr)ay for skllled 1{ere paia government errploynent varled. fron 4s"2Oc' to 26ai unskifl-ed l-abourers 1s.6oc" ler dayr 6aEe o's LD' L9'7 The nunber of reglEteled trade ullionB 1n 1950 llas 17t ttre ' 1956 to ln Total- Benbership of al]. trad'e uDions lncreaaed from 2 1n f'1r24 and' a Cent'xal 1960. labour couEci].s are established' iD govelnEent departments"12o t'here are r'rotks labour counclf vas created. lE L960. Iu all tjre prlncLpal fIIUB counci.Is for deallng vlth mlnor grieve'nces' tbe labour; fl1e EettleneEt of labour dleputee 1s tJre responsibll-lty of haE falled the offlcers anA the Labour Lnslectors; r'there their tntervention s retr)orted' matter lE referred to arbitratioE trlbuna']-s ' Sre number of dlspute to the L€,bour Offlce durlng 1960 1IaB 104' A/5078/Add,"" Z\NZISAR Bxe].ish

Labour leglsLatlon brought luto force durlng the perled. under revle' lnc.lud.e s the workrnen t s Co!rye!,satlon necree, L95T (broueht lnto force in October 1959) aad, the Trade unlonrs Decree, r-958 (broueht lnto force in Mav r95il. Duxlng 1960, lnqulries sere nad.e lnto l-abour co.d'_tlons ln the port of Zah.zibat ead- on l_abour arrangeuento for harvestlng th.e c].ove crop,

CO.OPEFASTVE SOCIETIES The nunber of registered co-operatlve socletles increased fTom 17 Lr! Igi'T to Jp ln l-960, Membershl! 1D L96O totaued 5 r\2?,, Moet of the co_operatlve socletieB are coesunler socletlee, but btber types of socletles are reglstered. _ rural eredit, narketfu,g, canliqg, housl'g, and thrlft. Training and io'tructlon ln book-keeping and prlncltrlJ-es the of, co-operatLve organizatlo! axe given by nembere of the gtaff I of the Co-operatlve Developmeut office.

TOWN AND RURAL PLANNING AT{D EOUSffG rn 1957t pr-anllng a Tol,o .fflcer lras appolnted. to superrrlee the execution of the tovu-pl_a^nElug schenes prepared. by the planElng Autborltles. tre zanzlbaft plauning schene becam.e operative tn, rgrg a'd. schenes for the three peuba naln touns iB vere coGpleted. in L96O. Encouragenent has been glven to developers of prir,rate lov_cost houses, vh.idr are d.e signed. to replace the tyadltlonal hut. GovexnEent has aLso encouraged. the re-egtablishme't of lndu'try outslde the stone Tova (Zanzlbar tovn) ly acqulring r.and., servlclng 1t and. naklng it avarLabl-e to.r_ocal_ lndustrlalists.


some protectlo' 18 r afford.ed the fforker by the Ifolkeen s conpensatlon Decree of L957. Med.l cal attentlon 1s lro.'lded. free or at e, nonlnal charge at government hospitals and dl'pen'eries for those r,rho cannot efford. to pay lbr lt. The trllelfs,re provlEclar section of the Admlnistration is responBlble fox eoclal trclfarej its r,/ork lucl_ude 6 al-l forns of soclaL case_work, probation, dlscharged' prlsonersr ai-d., and. tb.e promotr.on of ha'dierafts. Two voluntar:r

H Alro71lAdd*z lngli sh ZANZIBAR Page 4u

sociaL we].fare off,Lcers in t'he socLal llelfare Bo.cletl-es co-otrlerate closely vlth the Governnent fl3'e rellef of de6titutloD and- secelve fioancial support fron ' Mlssj'ont s Poor HDuse for aged and Governrnent also Eupport6 the Roman Catlxo]-ic lnfirnl persons.

coMMlI[ITv DE\ril,0Px'imfrl tbe local goverDmen! Conrrr:nity d.evelopnent 18 closely ].ln.ked w:ith pouttd- to t'he nake s coutributlons pould for o rgani za,tlon. Bre CeDtral GovernmeEt councl].s have a'].lo ca'tett ftrnd's for reveEue of ].ocal- counclls ltbere 6ucb' ].ocal local popul-atlon mkes a sleciflc d.eveJolnent Bchenes' In some caoes the aDd- a govevn@eut contrlbutloE of vol-uuta.ry cash subscriptlon to tlre local cou:rcll fn additiou to thlB' ln those an equlval-eEt anount 19 ttren pald' to the coulcll-' agrees to provlde an equal areag whele there Is no ]-Qca]. councll, the Govemment people schetres it{tbin a certaln area' 6un to ttrat provlaled by the ].ocaL for coromrlllty d'evel-opneBt have rlsen from Ff,nds !)rovLded by the Governmeut for of s5t145 ras allocated' durlng t96o to L75 tt L955 to 8?r 50o Iq 1960' A tots'l projects vere coupLeted: ! new'wells PeEba, whese the fo]-lo!'lEg aevelopEent noeques' one meetlng haIL one veve built aEd 2? ofd \'rc118 were repalred; J ' tbree road's ltere repalxed' In na,xket, e,nd one cattle trough r'tere constructed; or repalretl; roads were le cood'ltloned'' ana z,a]Iz'Lha':' trl$e}}s were conEtructed' couetructed''' a causevay acrogB a rlangrove BHaBrp wag flreCl]J]lccentrelnNgartborenaj.ustheprincllalcentleofcotrnunalaufl zanzibar tou., and ls uBed' by actl"J:ltle s for the Afrlcan popuratlon of 'ociar a i:lInlc fot uonen and cbildren' a people of all races' 'Ihe gentre conslsts of rooo' a hall for lectures post officel a coffee Ehop, a readlng voon' a cornittee roral areasl regu].ar neetlngB are and datrcing, and a cblLdrent s playground' In offlcers gj've lnetluction it1 lreld In a Eumber of vLl-lage s, at I'lhlch welfare tsnlttlng, oeving, cooklug, byglene and lnfant care' AlroTB/Add,.z English ZANZIsAR page 41


Crlne statistlcs

'I460 offences agaLnst l-s,wfirL aut&orlty and. public order . rLz f,10 1A'7 Offences agal-nBt trhe person 482 1\6 OffeEces agalnBt lroperty ol 1 1-)rh a6^ offences the Penal Code J,UOU Statutory offences 2,O90 2,8r9 wffi #) s+22 Sentehces r oEA 'r otro 'r oAn

Deatb penalty ^ l_ Tmnr{ aannar+ 'oc|] t,ti5 o1 I CorS:oral punlghl[ent r2 Flue 7 zAA 11869 +rluJ- Warnetl or bountl over 289 Lrq at 1

An lncrease tE 1950 1n the nurober of offeDces agalnst publLc oxder wes nalnly due to prosecutJ.oes ln relatlon to offen8lve 1{eaponE; reglslation for the controL of such lreaponB, lntroduced ln :"959 t vas called. for by xaclal ano pol-lticaL tenslo! lrhlch continued. throughout 1960.

Juvenlle d.erinquericy ls very llnlted and. there fias a further .reductton 1B the number of Juveullee convicted" fyom 55 1n 1!)B to l+6 tn !959 and, to 40 iE 1960.


U:e general heal-th of the popuJ_atlotr reaalEed. satlefactory during the perlod- ulder reviev. with the exceptioE of an outbreak of lnfective hepatitls tn ]pf , no naJor outbreakB of connunlcable d,lseaseg vere reported-. sick returns f:lon bospitals and. rural dlspensaries ehotr d.iseases of the reoplratory systen, tralari8,, and. affectlons of the digestlve system to be the nost connon. A/5078ft\dd.z Eng]-l sb ZAI{ZI3AR

etavted' In L957 r'rlth the help Tbe scb.ene for the eradlcatlon of nalaria ' cases of Ea].aria haB fal-1en of trEO and" UNICEF vas continued' The nunbev of sb'ou an impressi-ve very steell-y and- the spleen aod paraslte xates in cb lld-ren at a d.rop. [bberculoeis, whlch ls Btifl a contnotl ca'use of d'eath ' Le trea'ted- tuberculosiB survey cheet cl-inic and- at a tuberculosls hoBpltal' A WEO-assisted' tean axrlved ln zanzlbar LA 1959. year is A three-year courBe fov EurSeF iaith an additlonal for old'ndves for ruxal given at the governtrent hospital in Zanzibar Tovn' A tralnlng schene health}Iorkersanc].healtbinspectors,inltiatedinrgSTwlththeald-ofwgOand UNlc]trtl', was contllued.. undev re\rie$ 1! cfude Nerr nedical buildings completed- durlng the pexiod' rural out-patieut d.elartments at the Zanzibar and Llete hospital-s and BeveraL bealtb centres. Maior i{orks to be carrled' out und'er t}Le ne\{ Developnent PIan' alo.d a children| B rmrd at the governrrrent L96o^I961+t lncfude a nursest hostel

ho spital "

ExoendLture (thousand pound.s ) lw 'l oEo L@ . 278.7 29L.9 Recurrent exPenditure " r.9 Capitat expenditure . . " ro''

Medical and heal!!-glgqI

195T Govb. Prlvate Govt. Prlvate ]B - 1B Beglstered PhYslclans A Llcensed PhYsiclans . !entists 1 l- [urses 1 IO ReglsteYed ' " ao) certified nurses B9 tn 1 -LO Registered. nldl.Iive s . o4 g _LO ,? Certlfied rnidll;ive 2! Sanltary lusPectors . 2L laboratory and X-raY 2 technicians L 1 ?hs,rnacists A/5oTB1Add..2 ZANZ]BAR English Page 4J


fn 1960, as Ia i)Jl, th.ere were J gene ra1 hospltal_s (197 tear), one cottage hospitaL (25 bed.s), 2! d:ispensaries, one tuberculosls hospltaL (hO teas), one roental lnstitutron (rB5 bed.s), and 2 leprosarla (2oo beds). ftrree separare naterntty centres ,nexe \ttth. 26 bed' esteblished. during tJre perlod under revierrr. lu addttLon to the 5 rraternlty ceEtres ln the general hospltal-s.


tre exceptlon of a snar"l nunber of private p"inary 'olth 6choo16, all schoor-s are ert'her gover.nent grant-aJ-d.ect. or trre 12 aselsted schoor-s (r-o prinery ana 2 secoudary) are run elther by CjhrlEtlan nissLous ar by Tndian conmunaJ_ oxganizationsl grants their beiag aEsessed. on the ba,sis of tvo_third.s of the teacheys I approved salarLes. A11 governnent ana as.isted. schoor-6 are open to c*r. .d-ren of ar-l races an* creed'Ej r'lhatever r-inr.tation has been t'posed. is baged. on language difflcur.tles. In government sd.ools, prlnary edueatlon iB free up to a,nd. lncludi'g standerd vrj a snall fee is cllarged. ln the hl8her 6tandard.s" Trere ie reniselon of fees ln case of indigence. Moot prin:ary achool_s reaeh standard. W and. rany reactr Btandard. \TILj out of BJ streans, 42 extend over the ful_l prinary course. fte prLnary course Ls fouowed by a four-year secondary course leading to the 0r""""r, school certlflcate. A Elgber school certlftrcate class at the Klng George \n School rias started in 1959. Te ctrhic€,l educatlon is prol,i-ded at a tradd echool_ accepts boys vho have coEpl-eted ',rich staadard trTrr. Th.e 3ourse is one of i;t.ree years for.lowed by tlto yearsl on-training. Two teacher colleges provid.e tralnlng for prinary 6 clrool teachers" The l.4us]-Inn Acad.ery 1n Zanzlbar pro!:id.eB instructlon for post_pxitrary etudents ln lfusr-iIxtheorogy and ln' Arablc. Adult everdng courBes are given in hgllsh, svahir-i atrd- arlthnetlc rn nany Bchools; rE 1960 aE estimated. 5oo Btud.ents attended. these classes. A/5o7BlAdd'.z Elglisb ZANZIBAR Page 44

fu 1958 a Cornmittee on Eaucation llas alloiuted- to reviell policy, e)(a'Itrine to the s,dequacy of tbe gduc€.tlon gerlrlces and asBess the Tervltoryr s abl].ity neet current and.ftrtlrre costs. Ihe Connittee I s report, publlshed 1n 1959' Eade lt platn that the expanBlon of educatlon ilepenaed entirely on nove xevenue being be obtalued to ueet rislng recurrent costs and' that nore revenue could' only obtained through t?re dlveislfics,tlon of tlle economy anal- !y a greater trllllngqeBs of the tr)ubl-ic to accept the Xrrinclple of direct ta)(atlon' Drling 1959 a nev -year educatlonal progranme tor" 1960-196\ was d'raltn the Coaeittee on u!. Ti:.e plan is based. Largely on the reconmendatlons of progranme EducatLon and ls llqi ted to a. capltal expen,l l ture of f,L8orooo. flre and the lnclude B the este,b].lsbnent of a nerc secondary boardlng school ln Pemba' exbepglontostendardJl-Iofa}j.exlstlngpri@,rysc]xoolsaud'ofalimltednumber to standaYd. VIII.

- E:$end,lture . (thousand pounds)

Governnent eq^ n exPenditure 3t\.2 160.9 Re current le. o CapltaL exlen&Lture . trAD VoLuntary agencie s t4.4


Aided llnalded cavb. Alded Unaided' Govb, Alded- Unelded. q Prls,ry.,.6t ro4 o). 10J 6t ro 1 D9 Secondary . , 3 \2 Vocational 2 1 -2 ,- leaeher; 2 I 2 tlaining 'l L Musltn Aeadeny I In ad.dltlon, tlrere are e.bout I,OCO Koraolc schoo]-s w:itb an eetlnated eqrolEentl of Lgrooo PuPile. A/ro78/Ad"d.z !'}lnl I ah ZANZIEAR .Yage +)


+2)9 'I 060 Soyg Glr].B Eoys Glrls Boys Gills Prtulary . . . . LLrl+zT 6rlTj It EtR n ??.E LlrBBg vt I tv I t JJ Secondary. ! . ,4j ZrB 7x )c+ 8oz 4ro',t VoeatLonal- A! LZ9 6f r25 vt ;tu^A Teacher-tralnlng 7I7 54 94 48 '70 4n l4uslln Acadeey 70 mI+ r42 Te chEical- tralnlng Ln Kenya ZO -lo

me 1960 enrornent figures ind.lsatea that on the basls of the r95B censui 16.8 per cent of boys end. ZJ,6 per cent of girls otr prlnary scboot age (!-L4) .l.rere recel.rdng educa,tl. on; the over-al-1" percentage ,/raB ,0, a 61igbt lncxease ovey the prevlous year, but pos'ibr-y Dot rarge F."ough to of,fget the lncxeadd ln popuLatton LE thls age range.


l-959 J.YOU . I{eg lvien WoBen Men Woeen Prtnary . ; .;4o8 \zs DDl 440 Se condary . )+5 20 l+B 2q Vo cational" 7 910 IL Teacher- tmlnlog 'tn o

El,eher educatloa ftre number of za,nzlbe.ris studylng at Lnstl-tutl,ooB of hi€her outBtde 'Protectorate tbe 106€ from 227 ln l95B to 250 ln I)Jp aad. to 2fJ In Lg6O, of these, 209 rrrere Etudtrrlng 1n ttie unlted. Klngdon and. 56 ln East Afrlca and. other countrleg. Of the 25O students fol t.or,rlng courBe6 abroad. in I!Jp, B) were recelv-fixg flnanclaL agslst€,nce fron th,e Governuent. A/jolq/Add.z Ene]-i sh Page )+6 ZANZIEAR

CULIUXAI INSTTTUMONS AND MASS COMMUNICAT'IONS In 1960, as ln l-95?, there nere B schooL llbrariee, 5 comunlty liblarles ana one book club. flee Eaet African Llterature Bureau ran 26-book-bor ]lbrarles Serlrlng rural areas. Duxing the period undel reviev, the forner muEeum refel.ence trlbrary lraB exlande4 and. xeorganized oD th.e l-lnes of a snall pubflc llbraly avaifabLe to alL resideute of Zanzibar. ftre nuseum and. lts i-ibrary ate now part of a Larger organizatlo!., tbe Government ArchlveE and. Museum. In 1960, 7 d.aily, 9 qeekl-y and oue fortnlghtf,y newspapers vere lubllshed +D Kl srtlahll-l, EagLish, rirablc and. Gujaratl. 31ve dElty aud one {eekfy nevB bulletils were pirbltohed" by Ule Govexnment. fh.ete veve 5 Bexne.nent clneme,s ln zb,nzibar Tom s,nd 4 1n Pemba. Tb.e lepartment of Infoanation bad 2 noblle ciaerns, units and B fllmstrlp proJectors. Uxe zanzlbar broadcasttng BtatloE lncleased tb.e nunber of "greekLy broad.caBting hours fron Lg h ]957 to 24 in 1960. nxe nupber of llcenEed. rad-lo receivers rose durlng tJ:e sane leriod. f"om ttt A tu 5tf\7.