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UNITED NATIONS Generkl ASSEMBLY ~ UNITED NATIONS GENERkL ASSEMBLY ENGLISH I I SPECIAL COMMIT'lj'E;E ON THE SITUATION WI'I'H REGARD TO TH_lj; IMPLEMENTAT I ON OF THE DECLARATI ON GN THE GRANTING OF INDEPENDENCE TO COLONIAL COUNTRIES AND PEOPLES DRAFT REPORT OF THE SPECIAL COMMI'ITEE ON THE SITUATION W 'IH REGARD TO 'I'HE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE DECLARATION ON THE GRANTING OF I NDEPENDENCE TO COLONIAL COUNTRIES AND PEOPLES* (covering its work during 1965) Rapporteur : Mr. K. NATWAR SI NGH (India) ADEN CONTENTS Paragr phs Page I. INFORMATION ON THE TERRITORY 1 - 8 2 A. General . 1 - 2 B. Political and Constitutional developments 3 - 0 3 C. EconJmic conditions 41 - 14 D. Soci 1 conditions 69 - 21 E. Educational conditions 85 - 23 II. CONSIDERJ}TI ON BY THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE 99 - 75 28 .. Introduction . 99 00 28 ✓ ,. A. Written petitions and hearings 101 - 20 28 B. Statements by members . 121 - 75 34 • III. ACTION T"4KEN BY THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE 276 - 02 78 ANNEX: REPORT OF TEE SUB - COMMITTEE ON ADEN * This docu1ent contains the draft chapter on Aden. Part I was previously issued as Annex III of the report of the Sub - Committee on Ade (A/AC.109/L.194 and Corr.1). Other chapters of the draft report of the Speci 1 Cammi ttee will ,. be reproduced as separate documents . / ... ' A/AC .109 /L .236 English Page 2 (!· .; I. INFORMATION ON THE TERRITORY A. GENERAL 1. The Territory of Aden consists of the Colony of Aden, no ...· known as Aden State and twenty Protectorates known as the Protectorate of South Arabia. Sixteen of the Protectorate States are joined with Aden State in the Federation of South Arabia, three having joined at the beginning of 1965. Of the four States outside the Federation, one, Upper Yafai, is in what is known as the Western Protectorate, while the other three, Q1aiti, Kathiri and Mahra, make up what is known as the Eastern Protectorate. Also included in the Territory are Perim Island, the Kuria Muria Islands and Kamaran Island. Perim Island is part of the Col ony of Aden but is administered separately by the High Commissioner. The Kuria Muria Islands are also part of the Colony of Aden but are administered by the British Political Office in the Persian Gulf. Kamaran Island is not part of the Colony of Aden but is administered separately by the High Commissioner. 2. Information concerning Aden, as well as an account of action taken in respect of the Territory, is already contained in the previous reportsY of the Special Committee to the General Assembly. Supplementary information on recent political and constitutional developments and on economic, social and educational conditions is set out below.Y , ..,,,,, "~ £ r; ,j• ; l ~ ~ "' "'-!- .,.,,} 4,,_,'!; Official Records of the General Assembly, Eighteenth Session, Annexes addendum to item 23 (A/5446/Rev.1), chapter V; and A/ 5800/Add.4, section B ~ i1t and appendix, section III. 'Ihe informaticn presEnted in this paper has been derived from published reports, and frcm the information transmitted to the Secretary-General by the United Kingdom under Article 73 e of the Charter, en 28 October 1964. I ... A AC.1O9/L.236 ; E glish P ge 3 . I B. POLITICAL AND CONSTITlJTIONAL DEVELOPMENTS Results of eleqtions held in October 1964 Elections ere held for the sixteen elected seats in the Aden . egislative Council on 16 I ctober 1964, when 6,079 of the 8,345 registered vo ers went to the polls to elect sixteen members from forty-eight candidates. Mr. Z ·n Abdu Baharoon, the former Chie~ Minister was re-elected along with nine other for r members. The largest vote inr any district went to Mr. Khalifa Abdulla ifa. Mr. Khalifa had been arrestbd after the grenade incident at the Aden Airport in December 1963, and at the tim~ of the election was still detained under the ncy powers. Following the e}ection, fourteen of the newly elected Council s informed the High Commissiont r that they would not accept ministerial office unl ss Mr. Khalifa was released ana ten of them asked that he be made Chief Minister. On 26 October, + Mr. Khalifa 1 s release was secured and Mr. Ba~aroon was asked by the High Commissioner to form a Gover ment. 4. On 30 Octobert 19 6 4, following the nomination of the five membe s to complete the Legislative 1Council, Mr. Zain Abdu Baharoon was re-appointed Chef Minister, and I on 31 October the following members of the Legislative Council wer appointed as Ministers: Chief Mini:;;ter: Mr. Zain Abdu Baharoon "'· ,j Minister of State: Mr. Hussein 1Ali Bayoomi "· IS' ' ' Minister of Public Works and J1, Water: f Mr. Has son I smail Khudab Khan ' {\' l' :i: Minister of Finance: Mr. Abdo Hussein Sulaima Adhal ~ ct .. ,. Minister of State for .. Constitutional Affairs: Mr. Saeed Hasson Sohbi • Mr. Saeed Hasson Maddi Minister for Endowment (Wagf): 4', 'Ii, • j " Minister o:f Labour and Welfare: Mr. Abdul Rahim Kassim M ammed 'i, ~... Minister fdr Local Government: Mr. Mustafa Abdilla Abdo \ ,l .... • ~ ~" ' Minister fdr Lands and Antiq_ui t:i!e s: Mr. Ahmed Salem Matari ,. 5. The new Aden Legislative Council met on 23 November 1964. meeting, the '.I;· 1 .. Chief Minister, Mr. Baharoon, was reported to have stated / determined "to push the wheel forward and, in particular, to move ./'· i, I ••• {ti ¢, ,. ~ (.< t: ~ t ~ • ,. 4i • , a, '' ~ \ ~ .., ~ ~ ~ . <' • • • 'r, t I•, ., ~. n- 1• A/AC.l09/L.236 English • Page 4 towards independence, freedom and social justice. 11 He also said that the present Government felt that many of the country1 s problems could be solved only by root changes in the Constitution and that the next London conference on the Federation of South Arabia would discuss the ending of colonial rule in Aden. 6. On 25 November 1964, Opposition members of the Aden State Legislative Council ~ decided to put proposals for a single parliament for the whole of South Arabia to the United Kingdom Secretary of State for the Colonies, Mr. Anthony Greenwood. ... Speaking for the Opposition, Mr. Abdul Qawi Mackawee said that this would mean a single parliament for Aden Colony and the South Arabia Protectorates, including the Protectorate States which were not members of the Federation. The parliament would be elected by universal suffrage under United Nations supervision, within two years. Meanwhile, the Aden State Legislative Council would be dissolved and li, a government formed from all parties after the lifting of the state of emergency, the return of political exiles and the restoration of public freedoms. The interim government's main task would be the preparation for elections. Mr. Mackawee added that the Opposition hoped Mr. Eaharoon's Government would accept their proposals and make a joint approach to Mr. Greenwood. Visit of the United Kingdom Colonial Secretary to Aden ,!;~ 7. On l2 November l964, the United Kingdom Secretary of State for the Colonies, .if>< Mr. Anthony Gxeenwood, made the following statement in the House of Commons: " :: 11 Now that the elections in Aden have been held and a Government has been ~. formed there, we shall proceed as soon as possible with the further ' constitutional conference envisaged in paragraph 32 of the report of the South Arabian Conference held in June and July (Cmnd.2414). I hope ·t to visit South Arabia later this month in order to become better • acquainted with the problems of the area. I shall have talks with the political leaders and one of the matters I propose to discuss is the date \~ > of the constitutional conference. Meanwhile, I am having general ~ • discussions with the High Commissioner, who is at present in this country. 11 8. Mr. Greenwood arrived in Aden on 26 November 1964 for a ten-dav visit to study the political situation preparatory to holding a new constitutional conference. During his visit, Mr. Greenwood held meetings with Ministers of the Aden Government and of the Federation Government and with representatives of organizations in Aden such as the Peoples Socialist Party and the South Arabians " Zl A/A .109/ L.236 Eng ish Fag 5 I League. The ~olonial Secretary had talks with the ruler of Fadhl State, Sultan Nasser bin Abaullah, and members of the Fadhli Legislative Counci. He also visited militllry installations in Aden and the frontier area. 9. At a pres conference held before leaving Aden on 7 December 1964, • Mr. Greenwoodl read a joint statement issued by the ministers en and of the Federatio of South Arabia. According to the statement, the overnments of , ll the Federation and of the other States in the Federation had aggr don the following: (i) The creation of a unitary, sovereign State comprising a 1 the States of South Arabia and "enjoying full powers and responsibili ies that are enjoyed by other unitar y, sovereign Stat es". / '(ii) The establishment of such a State on "a sound democrati basis and the rec©gnition of human rights and independent equitabl e j stice11 • (iii) Disr ussion of a sound basis for the State at the next L ndon conference. The sponsors of this statement said that they intended to consult the Governments still outside the Federation immediately. 10. In answering questions, the Colonial Secretary stated that state concept! "was a big step forward" for South Arabia, ihich he ttributed t o a change of altitude of the Governments and parties concerned. also said that independence had been promised not later than 1968 and that if th date could be brought forwa~d, "that would be better". He did not think that f rming a unitary State instead! of a federation would delay independence.
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