
twitter.com/warwickboar theboar Wednesday 7th October, 2015 un censored (mostly) Est. 1973 | Volume 38 | Issue 1

SU chaos over Maryam Namazie ban

“No excuses”

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TF4332 Warwick Newspaper Banner.indd 2 10/08/2015 18:28 Sponsored by: theboar.org/News | @BoarNews | NEWS 2 2 News theboar.org Thrifty cook book free for Nigel ‘does a mean chil- freshers li con carne’ - Mrs Thrift The Boar spoke to Lynda Thrift, the published book to every fresher wife of Warwick’s vice-chancellor as they arrive. Hopefully it will help Professor Sir Nigel Thrift, about them to settle in more quickly. Alex Ball The book, published as part of the It is intended that the book will aid her involvement in the project Finally, as there are going to be University’s 50th anniversary celebra- students in eating healthily. and Nigel’s domestic skills: additional copies available, the pro- tions, will be handed out to freshers for ject gives us a chance to sell them Warwick has released a cookery free upon their arrival this term as part It is intended that the book Why did you decide to get involved to raise money for our two outreach book, bringing together recipes of their welcome packs. with Simple Scoff? projects, Warwick in India and from academics and students It will also go on sale at the univer- will aid students in eating Warwick in Africa. working alongside the vice-chan- sity book shop, with proceeds going to healthily. I got involved for many rea- cellor’s wife, Lynda Thrift. the Warwick in Africa and Warwick in sons. The first was that it provid- What’s your favourite recipe in the India projects. ed a means for people across all book and why? Put together by Rebecca Earle of The illustrations and poems that the walks of Warwick life to come The book will be launched the University’s History department, also feature in the book were contrib- together with a common interest. The book feels to be like a (very) with a live cooking the book is an update of Simple Scoff, uted by former students and staff such That it was in our 50th year makes large family - it’s impossible to have demonstration at the which was first published in 1972 by the as BBC media correspondent Torin it all the more special. a favourite! University of Warwick Student Union Douglas. Secondly, having read through ‘Festival of Imagination’. and Lady Doris Butterworth, the wife In being published almost fifty years the original tome from the 1970s, Does Nigel cook much at home? of the University’s first vice-chancellor. of the original, Simple Scoff: The An- I could see that it was going to The book will be launched with niversary Edition reflects changes in be fascinating to see how we have Nigel cooks when he can. Simple Scoff: The Anniversary Edi- a live cooking demonstration at the culinary tastes. For example, over half changed regarding our food tastes tion is aimed primarily at students, and ‘Festival of Imagination’ on 17 October of the new recipes are vegetarian or ve- and techniques in the kitchen. If so, what’s his speciality dish? offers cheap, simple recipes and cook- 2015 at 18:45 in the Studio of Warwick gan. Thirdly, I thought it was a sim- ing tips from around the university. Arts Centre. » Photo: planningqueen /Flickr ply brilliant plan to give a copy of He does a mean chilli con carne. theboar Editorial Team

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WE WANT YOU! SUHQ, Floor Two theboar is printed on 100% recycled paper University of Warwick Leave your paper for someone else when finished To write for your student paper University Road Coventry theboar is the University of Warwick’s Email the section editors above if CV4 7AL editorially independent student newspaper produced entirely by and for students. Except where otherwise noted, theboar and the you want to write for the paper works in theboar are licensed under: [email protected] http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.0/uk theboar.org/News | @BoarNews | NEWS 3 3 News theboar.org News ‘No excuses’: SU chaos in Brief Joe Lester over Maryam Namazie Connor O’Shea cause for concern, the application is handed to the chief executive or director of membership services to review the speaker. Last week, Warwick Students’ However, in this case, the first Union (SU) overturned a decision member of staff carried out both to ban ex-Muslim activist Mar- parts of this process and did not yam Namazie from speaking at pass the application on to a senior Warwick. member of staff. Ms Namazie, the Council of The SU would not provide the Ex-Muslims leader and prominent name of this staff member, citing critic of certain forms of Islam, was the student-staff protocol, which invited to speak to the Warwick prevents this type of data from be- » Paxman: University Chal- Atheists, Secularists and Human- lenge score was ‘terrific’ ists society (WASH). However, photo: H&F Council / Flickr High profile figures such when the society requested per- as Richard Dawkins and mission to host the speaker, this arwick’s University Chal- request was initially denied by the Brian Cox... threatened to lenge team beat Clare SU. boycott Warwick” WCollege Cambridge by a This situation had led to an up- formidable 95 points on last week's roar in the national press, including Episode of University challenge. tweets from high profile individu- ing released. Team members Hugh Osborn, als such as Richard Dawkins and Isaac reassured students last Emily Stevenson, Ashley Page, and Brian Cox. Dr Cox even threat- week: “We are investigating what James Leahy won the University a ened to boycott Warwick. happened and will be dealing with place in the second round of the It has since come to light that a it internally.” competition with a score of 195, staff member at Warwick SU who However, following the initial » Namazie is now allowed to speak pic: Anders Henrikson / Flickr which host Jeremy Paxman de- was not authorised to make a fi- “error”, WASH appealed the Un- scribed as 'terrific'. nal decision issued the ban against ion’s decision to ban Namazie in the appeal because of “holiday and He told the Boar it wasn’t un- Second-year management stu- Namazie. early September. After over two a very high volume of emails”. til that point that the people who dent Rob Hurley said: ‘I’m very SU President Isaac Leigh was weeks, the SU had not responded Isaac added: “These things do should have known about the sit- proud of the team – this should unaware of the situation until re- uation actually became aware of help boost Warwick’s status and ceiving “hateful messages” on social what was going on. has even made me consider apply- media after the information was “These things do happen.” Isaac stated: “We quickly and ing next year!’ released publicly on Friday 25 Sep- unequivocally decided the event tember. Isaac Leigh, SU President should go ahead.” arwick Economics Society The SU currently has a two- The SU has since overturned the hosted their third ‘Stu- part process for approving exter- ban, admitted there were “no excus- Wdent’s Question Time’ on nal speakers. First, a member of to the society. happen.” es and apologised for their “signifi- the 5th October 2015, with this SU staff will research the speaker Societies Officer George Creasy “While there is no excuse, it was cant error” and issued an “unequiv- year's panel featuring UKIP’s only and, if the research provides some had allegedly missed the email with an honest oversight.” ocal apology to Namazie.” MP Douglas Carswell, Labour pol- itician Hazel Blears and economist Vicky Pryce, as well as Warwick’s Vice-Chancellor Professor Sir Nigel Thrift and head of the Department ‘Boris Bikes’ on Campus of Economics Professor Abhinay Muthoo. Lily Pickard Pay-as-you go prices are £1 for Second-year politics student 30 minutes of use, and cheaper for Khadar Jama praised the diversity longer hire. Cheaper options are of opinion on this year’s panel, add- The University of Warwick also available with a subscription. ing that ‘it presented us with some has introduced a new UniCycle Alex Buxton, communications genuinely interesting debates’. scheme. manager for the University, com- A new cycle scheme has been in- mented: “It is hoped that the Uni- ollowing their victory in cam- troduced at the University of War- Cycle scheme will help to create an paigning for BP on campus wick campus, offering bikes to hire even greener, more accessible cam- Fto stop investing in coal, oil for all students and staff. pus at the University of Warwick.” and gas companies three months Reminiscent of the Boris Bikes ago, Fossil Free Warwick have an- in London, students and staff » pic: BackBoris2012 / Flickr nounced a new campaign targeted can rent a bike for either a quick at the company. ten-minute journey, or a whole day. The campaigners want the com- There are 50 bikes available at pany to remove the BP archive from 9 UniCycle stations including on Warwick library. They have issued a central campus, Gibbet Hill and letter with an ultimatum to War- Westwood, up for hire 24 hours a wick's management and revealed day. banners and speeches during War- You can hire bikes pay-as-you- wick's university-wide open day. go, or register for an annual sub- scription with reduced hire charges, ributes have poured in for if you’re a regular user. James Murphy, the Warwick Students and staff have to regis- Tstudent who died while Kay- ter on the Warwick website before- aking in New Zealand. The 20 year hand, with the option to then use old philosophy student, who had an online booking system, a smart been studying at Monash Uni- phone app, or make a phone call to versity in Australia on a year out, unlock a bike. died after falling into Lake Tekapo. Warwick Business School stu- James’ facebook wall was filled with dents, Stan Jallot and Gal Israeli, messages of grievance from friends collaborated with the University to since the accident. create the scheme. theboar.org/News | @BoarNews | NEWS 4 4 News theboar.org SU bar sales rocket Alcohol is a fresher’s best friend during freshers

Rachael Davies

7300 Jungbombs were bought during the first week of last year’s Freshers’, making it the most popular shot of choice. The sec- ond-most popular drink, with 4000 shots of vodka and 1000 te- quila shots, and 500 shots of gin for the slightly more sophisticated fresh. Circlers and sports clubs flock- ing early to SU events bought 2700 pints of purple, fuelling the messy nights enjoyed at POP!, Crash and Skool Days. This culminated in over 15,000 drinks bought during Week One. Declining bar sales Despite what would appear as staggering drinks sales, over the last few years Warwick SU bar sales have steadily declined and taken a backseat to the food sales. The Bread Oven alone sells over 6000 baguettes a week, not ac- counting for campus food outlets Xananas, the Dirty Duck or Le Gusta. Warwick SU’s commercial ser- “We want everything we offer to be as inclusive as possible” Isaac Leigh vices director Steve Russell told the Boar: “To give you some context we sell 3000 baguettes in the Bread Oven that week. “Our commercial business is weighted more towards food sales than bar sales & for a number of years food sales have increased whilst bar sales have declined.” Second-year Maths student Sid Lynn said: “pre-drinking is better than the event itself sometimes.” SU President Isaac Leigh offers advice to the incoming freshers and returning students: “We hope everyone has an amazing time dur- ing freshers, but of course make sure you drink responsibly, and only if you want to - the SU offers far more than just alcohol” » pic: kbatx / pixabay

Freshers spend Students in their first year of versity. 62 per cent believed that they had greed with Hawkins’ verdict. Ryan university allegedly spent £60 a The survey also drew attention become more money conscious and Weissler, a final-year Engineering four times week on alcohol and nights out, to how students finance themselves likely to budget than in their first student, rejected the notion that compared to £15 on food and gro- through university. The respond- year. first year students should cut down as much on ceries. ents stated that loan payments Dan Hawkins, a spokesperson on their spending. Over 2000 students respond- from the government would only for Lottoland, welcomed the shift He commented: “Ultimately, you alcohol as food ed to the survey, which targeted last for six weeks of term. in student spending: “It is positive pay for the life experience of uni- undergraduates who had lived in 73 per cent of students told the that so many of the older students versity as much as the education. either first-year halls or rented stu- research team that they had to work revealed that their spending be- “You will never get back the time Laura Cunliffe-Hall dent houses in the last two years. part-time alongside their studies, comes a little more sensible during you have in first year to go out with Furthermore, almost three-quar- while a third of respondents were their later university years. and get to know such a diverse ters of respondents claimed to have forced to rely on bank account Hawkins also expressed the range of people. First-year students spend up to bought the cheapest food possible overdrafts to pay their way through opinion that the survey unearthed “If you have a job that helps you four times as much on alcohol to account for multiple nights out, their first year of student life. “concerning” statistics about the pay for it and your first year doesn’t as food, according to a study by with the majority admitting to go- The study revealed a change in amounts of student loan spent on count towards your degree, who is licensed UK lottery website Lot- ing out at least three times a week the attitudes of second and third- alcohol. it hurting?” toland. throughout their first year of uni- year students. Of those questioned, Some students at Warwick disa- 5 News theboar.org/News | @BoarNews | NEWStheboar.org 5 Student stories from How well do you Warwick? Arrivals weekend happened, and guessed it could be “Cough syrup Warwick is now bustling with that gets you high.” new Freshers ready to take on Adam thought people had pur- around the globe Warwick. ple themed parties with “purple However, whilst all you new shit.” Freshers might be clued up when it Meanwhile, Lesly-Ann, a law Arthi Nachiappan reflects on some of the news that comes to your academics, the Boar Fresher knew her stuff and told us wanted to see how well you knew that purple was something to do is affecting students around the world a few key Warwick traditions. Do with drinking. you know about Circling, purple and the Koan? These Freshers (and ‘The Koan’ some of their parents) didn’t! Lesly-Ann suggested “maybe Circling you pour a drink into the Koan” The three Freshers from France We spoke to Ms Irvine, the also thought it might be the “shape Egypt: “Cut off students’ heads” Mother of a Welsh Fresher, she of a cup you drink from.” suggested that Circling could be Ms Irvine innocently suggested Students returned to Cairo Uni- provinces, as they are allegedly as- “gathering people up, like herding that the Koan could be a meeting versity after summer to threats that sociated with Islamist movements. sheep.” place. taking part in unauthorised protests Ministers allegedly announced One guy, Adam from Malaysia Then we found new phD stu- would put their lives in danger. over summer that the children of said: “Circling??? Circling! Maybe dent, John, who correctly told us Jaber Nussar, president of Cai- army generals and judges would be Freshers go around in circles with the Koan was the big white Koan ro University, was reported in the exempt from these rules. each other.” Adam wasn’t far off, shaped thing outside his office in Middle East Eye as having said to Protest group Students Against but everyone get’s involved. Peo- Senate house. CBC: “We will cut off the heads the Coup have called for protests ple sit in a circle and play drinking We’re sorry John you have to of anyone who leaves his work or over the coming year, according to games. look out at that all day :’( organises protests without permis- the Middle East Eye. Best of luck for the year from sion from the university.” Security has been put in place Purple Boar News, if you didn’t know what Regional discrimination was in- on campuses around the country to all of these things were, it’s time to troduced into the university appli- tackling the rising tide of protest. We spoke to three French fresh- up your Warwick game, get in- cation process this year to exclude » photo: Mohamed ers: Yaan, Adrien and Philippe. volved and have fun. Oh, and write applicants from Egypt’s southern Adel / Flickr When we mentioned purple they for Boar News.

Mexico: Missing students remembered

On the night of 26 September last the government of President Enri- year, 43 students were taken alive que Pena Nieto. and have not been found since. Their disappearance has been “They were taken, alive. linked with criminal gangs and We want them back, police corruption, according to a alive.” Guardian report. At the end of September, more The number of Mexico’s missing than 15,000 people marched people currently stands at around » The Irvines from South Wales, Mrs Irvine gave our quiz a go through the country’s capital, Mex- 23,000 according to estimates re- ico City, in an intended act of soli- ported in the BBC. The country darity with the families of the stu- took third place for its rate of fatal- dents. ities from armed conflict, suggest » Inspiration from spongebob photo: Meghan McCarthy / Pintrest » photo: Christian The placards of many protestors statistics from the International Frausto Bernal/ suggested they held accountable Institute for Strategic Studies.

Japan: Students protest military laws » Adam thought ‘purple’ meant to have a party with ‘purple shit’ After decades of apparent si- Action for Liberal Democracy. lence in political discourse, it Prime Minister Abe stated the took Prime Minister Shinzo the laws would ensure Japan’s Abe’s, proposals to expand security amid threats from the the country’s military role growth of the Chinese mili- beyond self-defense, to stir tary and concerns surrounding Japan’s students to protest. North Korea. Months of protests, some Chief Cabinet Secretary of which extended to tens of Yoshihide Sua said that the thousands of protestors, have widely attended August 30 pro- accused the PM’s legislation as test was fuelled by a misun- a violation of Japan’s pacifist derstanding of the legislation constitution, according to Wall proposed, due to unfair rep- Street Journal reports. resentations of the policies in At the forefront of protests the news and from critics. » photo: futureat- was the Students Emergency las.com / Flickr » Three French freshers Philippe, Adrien and Yaan spoke to us News theboar.org/News | @BoarNews | NEWStheboar.org 6 ‘I Consent’ workshops to run throughout Warwick

Ellie Campbell and Molly Russell society and sport exec committee. ly a core aspect of mainstream sex Pilot, said that it was already too peer, provides a better environment The sessions will reportedly in- and relationship education. The ‘I late to be learning about consent for learning and a great opportuni- clude a discussion of what consti- Heart Consent’ workshops will en- and lad culture for the first time at ty for students to discuss these is- Warwick SU has joined forces tutes sexual consent, how to respect able inclusive and educational dis- university: sues in a more honest manner.” with NUS as ‘I Heart Consent’ others’ sexuality, and a discussion of cussions on consent to take place. “Education on this topic is The sessions will be piloted in workshops come to Freshers’ rape myths and the effects. The aim of the ‘I Heart Consent’ something we should have from a Westwood accommodation with Fortnight. The campaign has been intro- workshops is therefore to facilitate far younger age, so bringing these the hope that, in the future, they The workshops are being duced in universities across the positive, informed and inclusive issues to Fresher’s is part of the at- can be extended to all student ac- brought in to try and encourage UK such as Sussex and Reading as conversations and campaigns about tempt to get this info out to stu- commodation on campus. There and promote the importance of a part of a national campaign to at- sexual consent across the coun- dents as early as possible, at the will also be workshops taking place positive culture of all parties in- tempt to tackle ‘lad culture’ which, try. With the emphasis upon the start of their time here so they can in SUHQ for current undergrad- volved in a sexual encounter having in part, can encourage misogynistic importance of consent, this goes progress through University and be uate and postgraduate students as agreed to it. behaviour which is said to lead to in conjunction to previous ‘Zero active in the construction of a cul- well as freshers and society execs. Attendance at the ‘I Heart Con- incorrect understandings of sexual Tolerance to Sexual Harassment’ ture of consent from day 1.” sent’ workshops will be mandatory consent and sexual harassment. training given to Warwick SU staff. He also added: ‘’the cooperative » Photo: William Holman-Hunt for at least two members of each Sexual consent is not current- Warwick’s Welfare Officer, Luke nature of the learning, from peer to / Wiki Commons Time to be ‘more open’ about mental health Lily Pickard talks to Isaac Leigh and Luke Pilot about mental health

Warwick Student’s Union the counselling services provid- ficers – president Isaac Leigh friends and making the systems (SU) have declared that they ed by their university, and 26% and welfare officer Luke Pilot already in place stronger. plan to make mental health will not receive any treatment – are behind the initiative ton They also hope to push for issues a priority for this com- at all. mental health. peer support groups to run on ing academic year. Warwickshire itself as a coun- They stated: “We are incred- campus. According to a 2013 poll of ty has one of the lowest suicide ibly concerned about the rise Isaac further commented: 1200 participants by the Na- rates in the country: from 2007- in issues relating to students’ “Warwick can be more open tional Union of Students (NUS), 2009 there were 5.76 suicides mental health. It is really im- about mental health, and the 20% of university students con- per 100,000 people. portant to us that we are there role of academics and the duty sider themselves to have a men- But this does not necessarily for students who are going of care to their students needs tal health problem – with 13% mean the University of War- through these experiences.” to be clearer, with tutors being admitting to having suicidal wick is providing the right level The pair intend to instigate more proactive and conscious thoughts. of support for the 1 in 4 people early intervention for students of their students’ wellbeing. Yet, of this number, The that suffer from mental illness suffering from mental health “We need to be comfortable Guardian about-mental-health- in their lifetime. issues, providing practical tips problems) claims only 10% use Two Warwick sabbatical of- for those worried about their » Photo: John Spooner / Flickr theboar.org/News | @BoarNews | NEWS 7 7 News theboar.org Only 28% of Warwick academics are female

Lily Pickard

Warwick is below all national averages on the diversity of aca- demic staff, according to the re- sults of Freedom of Information (FOI) requests made by the Boar to the Students’ Union and the University. Around 28% of academic staff are female, compared to the na- tional average of 44%, the High- er Education Statistics Agency (HESA). This equates to just 281 female academics working at the Univer- sity. There are more female staff at employed at Warwick overall, with 51.5% of staff at the Univer- sity being female. This is just marginally lower than the national average of 53.8% of University staff being female. Only 12% of the University’s academic staff are of black or oth- er minority ethnic (BME) back- grounds, even lower than the na-

27% of SU staff identify as non- white British: this includes 18% of permanent staff and 28% of student staff tional average of just 13.4%. The Student’s Union (SU) BME staff averages, though still low, are above the benchmark of the rest of the West Midlands, as well as the general University sta- tistics. SU President Isaac Leigh com- mented: “We benchmark against the West Midlands region – the 2011 census shows the white pop- Warwick says no to Azeem ulation to be 82.7% - so 17.3% are non-white British. “We are pleased to be above av- Ellie Campbell influences…”. erage in this respect but of course This announcement received there is much more to do. much enthusiasm from Warwick The women’s officer for the SU, Previously, a Facebook event students. Josie Throup, felt far less positive- for Azeem Ward’s Senior Flute However, Azeem himself an- ly: “Warwick massively lags behind Recital attracted over 50,000 nounced earlier in September that the national average here, which is RSVPs, the majority of which he, sadly, would not be perform- were seemingly British students. ing at Warwick, he said: “Well it is “Quotas are demeaning, The event became so popular what it is, its sad that I wont be able and in some cases to come to Warwick.” patronising” Azeem will still be According to Azeem, Warwick Khada Jama touring around Britain, SU did not respond to contacts, subsequently leading to the news just not at Warwick that dates could not be agreed. really disappointing. Azeem’s UK Tour with DJ Un- “There is a rock hard glass ceil- derbelly, funded by Kickstarter, in- ing for women and, especially, cludes performances at universities BME staff, with only 17 black fe- that Twitter users also petitioned around the country including Dur- male professors in the UK. for the event to be live-streamed ham and Kings College London. “While we may have decent di- with the hashtag #streamazeem. Dani Sharp, an English Litera- versity in terms of SU students and Thousands of Brits then watched ture finalist was disappointed that staff, these students occupy unpaid the live-stream of Azeem’s private Azeem would not be coming to part-time positions. If you look at senior flute recital on 16 May 2015. Warwick the full-time paid sabbatical of- Many then called for Azeem Politics student Alex Shaw was ficers, they’re all white men.” to tour Britain, suggesting that he also disappointed, he said: “We However, Khadar Jama, a sec- could perform at University Fresh- want Azeem .We want the flute” ond-year Politics student, believes ers’ events. Another student questioned why the quotas aren’t the answer. He It was announced on Facebook Warwick didn’t change its schedule said: “The selection of talent should on 28 August that Azeem had con- for Azeem. always be based solely on talent tacted Warwick Students’ Union He said: “The whole world “There is always a chance that a regarding performing at the Uni- would change their schedule for more qualified, non-targeted can- versity, stating that he was “in the Azeem, why can’t Warwick? didate may lose out to a less qual- process of booking events for a UK “If we can’t have Azeem, we want ified candidate in order to meet Tour…hoping to perform a concert Ahmed the clock guy.” » Azeem Ward photo: ‘Azeem Ward’ Facebook page those requirements.” full of hip hop, jazz, and classical 35 9 News 9

Comment Editor: Nour Rose Chehab Survey: What do Warwick Students think of Jere- Editor’s Letters my Corbyn? Alistair Drennan

ince Jeremy Corbyn’s recent election as Labour leader, the “New year, “The truth media’s response (both in fa- vour of, though most notably new me” about unpaid against him) has reached unprece- Sdented heights. I admit I can’t remember much internships” of Ed Miliband’s election in 2010 other than the infamous Ed vs. Da- vid controversy, in which the tab- loids created a ridiculous Cain and Jack Prevezer Sophie Dudhill Abel soap opera. Travel Editor Arts Editor But without question this time there’s something… different, and we can’t put our finger on it. had a disturbing dream last It means that you inevitably apply econd year summer seems exploitation, I disagree. This is ex- Are we to be hopeful or worried? night. Hearing two knocks at greater intensity to everything you to be the time that everyone ploitation perhaps if you’re on your And with the next General Elec- my door I sat up and observed do; not just to cracking a chemical frantically begins scrambling fourth internship and have gradu- tion in 2020, is it worth having an a hooded figure, stretching out formula or to rinsing an obscure for various internships and work ated from a respectable university opinion yet at all? Ia skeletal hand and holding two poem of meaning, but also to your Sexperience placements in the hope with a decent result. Although if I recently conducted a survey bony fingers up. It let out a horrify- social and extra-curricular life. that it will land them that sacred you’re on your 4th internship – amongst Warwick students to ing wail which sounded oddly like Your time is even more valuable graduate job. why are you still applying for these gauge their initial reactions to the “Down it fresher!” but grew stead- but this doesn’t mean you limit it Unfortunately for me, as some- roles? new leader. ily quieter. strictly to your work. Instead, the one who wants to pursue a career It’s important to be confident With news stories pouring in Around it, society membership dawning realisation that you’re in the creative sector, many of these enough to make the decision that, each day about Trident, the Na- stickers scattered across the floor halfway through what is universal- opportunities are unpaid. yes, now am I am employable in my tional Anthem and the Shadow dissolved into dust and were blown ly termed as the ‘best years of your As a widely discussed topic I was field and at that point you should Cabinet, opinion polls become out- away. life’ fills you with an unquenchable told by my friends and relatives not expect to be paid, but not before. dated right as they’re published. Upon waking up, I realised that thirst to accomplish as much as to undertake the two unpaid place- The experience an internship this was no ordinary nightmare, but possible. ments I had secured, as they felt I gives you holds monetary value be- a ghost of university-future. Sec- You could still find yourself was being exploited by the compa- yond £6.50 an hour – it holds the “[this is] a very political ond-year was approaching. wielding a lacrosse stick for the nies involved as free labour. key to a much higher wage for your generation that were Well, at least that’s the com- first time or thrusting your pelvis at I can’t express how wrong this future self. turned off by the way in mon perception. I’ve begun to re- a lecturer in Shades-esque fashion was in both cases. One thing I would say you which politics was being alise that my vision was merely an during RAG week. The sad truth is that unpaid in- should always make sure is covered conducted […] [Labour] amalgamation of overhearing older First year is undeniably filled ternships are something that, in my is travel expenses as this is some- must change that.” students’ jaded grunts in the library, with fun memories, but the unique opinion, will always exist. What are thing you can’t be expected to pay. Jeremy Corbyn and approval-seeking fresher in- freedoms one has during this year your legal rights? You are gaining valuable expe- sults on yik-yak. is usually dedicated to bacchanali- Do they even matter at this point rience and skills from them but Second year is supposedly where an drinking sessions and the type and are you actually going to walk you also are not earning and many But it’s important nonetheless fun goes to suffer a painful death of debauchery usually found on the up to the individual your trying to people don’t have the funds stacked to understand what students be- as your work actually affects your deepest recesses of MTV. get a job out of and start reciting away to spend on expensive train lieve in these early stages, especially degree and it’s no longer acceptable You may join some societies their legal requirements. fares into central London. since Corbyn specifically wishes to wear the purple-soaked mankini but there is the constant, linger- I didn’t have the guts to. I did You should also consider the to reach out to us, saying we are “a from last night’s POP into a lec- ing thought that you have an en- what most interns do, worked hard amount of time you are interning. very political generation that were ture. tire year to start something new. and tried to impress. Personally I would not exceed 3 turned off by the way in which pol- You no longer have time to par- Second-year doesn’t have the same There is the option, of course, to months, some people might be itics was being conducted […] La- ticipate in as many societies as pos- luxury so throw yourself into War- say to them you are legally obliged happy to do 6 but I think a year, bour] must change that.” sible but are instead expected to wick’s countless opportunities. to pay, or form some sort of formal- unpaid, is excessive. Some of the results weren’t all become a nocturnal creature, who This could be the best year of ity around the term ‘intern’. As I said before, it is impor- too surprising. prowls around the library suffering your life. The sprightly, carefree However as soon as you start to tant to notice when you are skilled Of the students who had attend- from caffeine-induced fits like an first year that you once were, who pipe up there’s a likely hood that enough to be paid. ed private and grammar schools, the extra from the Excorcist. However, was liberal in what constitutes a there are 200+ other applicants The decision is ultimately yours vast majority voted Conservative in there is no reason why any of this toilet and formed a sweaty cocoon waiting in line for your job who and each person varies, but anyone the 2015 election, and disapprove of should come to fruition. in the Copper Rooms, has perhaps won’t ask questions and will hop telling you to avoid unpaid intern- most – if not all – of Corbyn’s polit- In fact, second-year could be your disappeared, but this is no bad happily straight into your shoes as ships, especially in a lot of creative ical positions and statements. best year at university. Yes, you have thing. the hard working willing intern. industries, is in a dream world. Likewise, state school students to work harder than you may have In its place is a second-year ready Someone might argue this is typically voted Labour and feel previously but this isn’t the end of to seize university by storm. positive about the party. days, but rather a new beginning. Nothing out of the ordinary, with opinions diverting at the ex- pected junctures. But today’s optimism does not 2020 General Election?’ the results graphics, or how concrete or vague However, some opinions were preclude tomorrow’s scepticism. “No matter a student’s across the board are mixed, with lit- their political alliances, what’s clear shared across all voting and In fact, though many Labour demographics, [...] what tle correlation to participants’ pre- is that politics is going to change. non-voting participants; namely a supporters agree with a number is clear is that politics is vious answers. But with so much media content certain ambiguity about Labour’s of Corbyn’s principles, a surprising going to change” There was a similar ambigui- about the election in such a con- future prospects. number believe he won the election ty regarding whether the radical centrated period of time, it’s hard Looking across the data there is not because he was a strong can- left-winger is likely to be a better enough keeping up with the pres- an overwhelming feeling of posi- didate, but that his fellow runners In response to the question, ‘Do leader than his predecessor, the al- ent, never mind predicting what tivity about the new leadership. were so poor by comparison. you think Labour now has a strong- ready left-branded ‘Red Ed’. the political landscape may look er or weaker chance of winning the No matter a student’s demo- like in the future. 10 theboar.org 10 |

Nour Rose Chehab Cartoon Corner Syrian refugees: Where do they go now?

aces and stories of the nearly 5 million Syrian refugees have been a constant presence in the media for the past few months. FUN figures show that Syria’s pop- ulation has shrunk from 22m to 16.6m. The large majority of these people have fled to neighbouring countries such as Lebanon, Turkey and Jordan. However, since the beginning of this year, it is estimated that nearly 500,000 people have crossed the Mediterranean trying to reach safe- ty in Europe. Around 3,000 have drowned. These people are leaving everything behind and risking their lives in order to save their lives. The irony. They pile up into small plastic boats and sail towards the unknown just for a chance to a better future. They walk thousands of miles with no food or shelter to reach a coun- try that will welcome them. According to a Swedish study, more than 40% of these refugees belonged to the middle-class back in Syria: they had jobs and flats, many had completed higher educa- tion. They are now left with noth- ing, treated like less than humans, dying at the doors of Europe. It seems like everywhere they go, it’s only a world of suffering, and » “Gun laws in the US” Cartoon by Dominic Kojo humiliation that awaits them. In Lebanon - a country of 4m people - they are more than 1.6m and they are lacking basic needs. They live Warwick Black History month: Everything you need to know in poor humanitarian and sanitary condition and many of their chil- Amber Lascelles introduces the events that are taking place during the month of October dren have been out of school since the beginning of the war. istorically, Black History and Shakespeare, providing a plat- the forefront; how are racialised mary motor in reproducing this Ironically enough, it is the coun- Month is a chance to cele- form for young people to showcase bodies portrayed in the media and ideology and stereotypes regarding tries with the less resources that bear brate the achievements of their creative ideas. beyond? How damaging can these race, and this event seeks to chal- the brunt of the Syrian refugee crisis well-known black men and women. Akala will be joining us for one of representations be? lenge it in order to build genuinely with not enough help from the in- HWarwick takes this tradition a step his engaging talks on African histo- On Friday 16th a panel will ex- inclusive and progressive places of ternational community. Meanwhile, beyond by dedicating the whole ry and the importance of Black His- plore ‘islamaphobia’, and Saturday learning. the rich countries of the Gulf hav- month of October to exploring tory Month. 17th will There will be guest speakers from en’t taken a single one of them in. Black History from past to present. The Lil Sis discuss in- Oxford University, Warwick Uni- The only solution left for them is Run by Warwick Anti-Racism Social on tersectional versity’s own Dr Christabelle Peters, to try and get to Europe, no matter society, the month of October will 9th Octo- feminism, a and Cecil Wright, a black professor the risk. With the increasing flow see an array of exciting, engaging ber encour- term coined at the University of Nottingham. of people arriving at its borders, the and inspiring events as part of Black ages new by scholar The final panel ‘Media and EU was forced to react. It has re- History Month taking place across students to Kimberlé Blackness’ on Thursday 29th will cently approved a scheme to distrib- the UK. meet and Crenshaw discuss the impact of the Internet ute 120,00 additional asylum seek- Panel discussions involving excit- mingle on which links and the changing global political ers among member states, on top of ing guest speakers will explore the campus, between landscape which has made media 32,000 already agreed to in July. intersectional themes of race, poli- providing gender, race platforms more politicised than ever. This agreement will be binding tics, social injustice, inequality and a support and class. Examining how these institutions to the countries that voted against feminism. network for Does fem- have had a vast influence on the per- it. Earlier in the summer, Hungary The events involve collaborations fresh fac- inism need ception of blackness will reveal how even built a 4 meters tall fence on its with Warwick Anti-Sexism Society, es and the to be inter- these biases have impacted the black border with Serbia in order to stop Warwick Afro-Caribbean Society, opportunity for students to get in- sectional in order to be inclusive? experience across the globe. refugees from passing through the the Black Women’s Project, NUS, volved with the Black Women’s Pro- Week 4 kicks off with ‘Muham- Week 4 also includes an exhibi- country. the University of Birmingham ACS. jects’ meetings throughout the year. mad to Malcolm X- what did they tion on mixed heritages in the li- Many of the East European In Week 2 on Wednesday 7th, The first panel discussion in teach?’ on Monday19th, offering a brary on Tuesday 27th , and a trip countries share the idea that they the unmissable opening night ‘Mel- Week 3, Monday 12th entitled ‘Post fresh perspective on the significance to the International Slavery Muse- can’t host these refugees for cultural anated Minds: The Power of Prose’ Black: is racism dead?’,will explore of these influential figures. um on Wednesday 28th. The finale reasons and that western Europe is will highlight the achievements of the suggestion that some believe we On Thursday 22nd, ‘Melanin club night at the Copper Rooms on more able to adjust to multicultur- key figures within black history. live in a post racial society, and how and masculinity’ will explore rep- Thursday 29th October will make alism. We also will be joined by Akala, disruptive it can be that artists such resentations of black masculinity sure the month ends with a bang. Overall, this is underniably one who is an English rapper, poet and as Kanye, Pharrell and Common are and whether they can be harmful. Warwick Black History month is of the biggest humanitarian crisis of journalist. Although most widely implying that racism is dead. The panel will explore the compel- more than just a month- it’s a chance our time. And, as the conflit doesn’t recognised for his 3 , 4 mix- The following discussion on ling question ‘Why is my curricu- for students from all disciplines to seem to be resolving any time soon, tapes, 14 singles and Acoustic EP, Tuesday 13th will tackle the is- lum white?’ on Friday 23rd, aiming engage in relevant debates about so- it is imperative that we find perma- he also founded a music theatre sue of police corruption, and on to dissect the issues regarding race cial issues, gaining the knowledge to nent solutions and placements for production company dedicated to Thursday 15th the fetishizaton of within our education system. expand their minds. Syria’s exiled children. exploring the link between hip-hop the black body will be brought to The university has been the pri- » Photo: facebook.com/warwickbhm theboar.org/Comment | @BoarComment | COMMENT 11

Mike Wrench “People are such Do you vote based on gender? Pigs” Alexei Warshawski

ig gate. It’s probably the ender is an ever-present only telling people to vote for argument used by some media out- media than his. He replied, “When weirdest political scandal of topic in politics, but this someone based on their sex, but lets is that having a female Presi- the media worries about what the last decade. The story is, summer seemed to show telling people what type of woman dent would be a step forward for Hillary’s hair looks like or what my of course, that in his unofficial bi- that the media deems a woman’s would make the best leader! equality. hair looks like, that’s a real problem. Pography of David Cameron, Lord Gsex enough to warrant both a vote It would be illogical for a social- While this is true in some re- We have millions of people who Ashcroft claims that he knows for or against her. ist member of the Labour party spects, surely it would be a stronger are struggling to keep their heads somebody who knew Dave at a To vote, or not vote, for a can- to have voted for Liz Kendall, the move for equality to have a Pres- above water, who want to know posh club at Oxford. didate based on their sex totally Blairite candidate, as their vote ident who has always supported what candidates can do to improve And in this posh club at Oxford, cheapens them as a politician, as it would be based on Kendall’s sex, equal rights acts such as the legali- their lives, and the media will very the person that Ashcroft knows detracts from their campaign, their not her policies. sation of gay marriage, like Bernie often spend more time worrying reckons he saw Dave put his bits policies, but most importantly their This kind of vote is tokenising, Sanders? about hair than the fact that we’re in a pig’s mouth. Which is rather standing as a politician. and seems to be a step backwards Again, to use Clinton’s sex as a the only major country on earth sordid. In the Labour leadership elec- for gender equality in politics. reason to vote for her detracts from that doesn’t guarantee health care Of course, Ashcroft’s source is tion this summer, there were two The campaign of Hillary Clin- serious issues which would be more to all people.” now claiming that it might not male and two female candidates ton in America for the Democrat’s important during a presidency than Sanders hits the nail on the even have been Cameron. running; this in itself was not made presidential nomination seems to the President’s sex. head here. No matter who wins And Ashcroft’s partner in crime/ much of by the media. have been plagued in a similar way, In an interview quoted in the the Democratic nomina- biography, Isabel Oakeshott, says However, the Telegraph reported using sex as both a reason for and Washington Post, Ana tion, I hope it is on the that they only put it in as ‘one little in August that “Helen Goodman, against voting for her. Cox asked Bernie strength of their anecdote’. With only one source, an MP supporting Mrs Cooper, Clinton was interviewed over Sanders wheth- policies and their this is the sort of stellar politi- who is married to the ex-MP Ed the summer by Ellen DeGeneres, er he thought ideologies, not cal journalism you’d expect from Balls and has three children, said who suggested that it was time for it was fair that because they someone who started the Huhne vs her candidate would make a better America to have a female Presi- Clinton’s hair had good Pryce story. leader because she is a mother.” dent, implying that this should be received more hair. The story blew up for all of a In this case, the media was not the reason to vote for her. Another scrutiny in the week, and the weirdest thing is, nobody actually seemed to care. It’s clear that people were interested; I mean, someone claimed that David Cameron banged a dead pig’s head. But I think that the fact is that half of the people didn’t care, and everyone else knew that Ashcroft and Oakeshott were probably tell- ing porkies. But the pig story covered up one or two even more sordid claims, mainly on Ashcroft’s tax status. Ashcroft claims, controversially, that Dave knew about his non- dom status all along. This is the news, potentially, that ‘I Heart Consent”: Why training is important could have threatened to blow up even more than pig-gate. The Tories have a reputation for Lily Pickard and Tessa Schiller talk about the campaign and it’s relevance on campus being the party of the super-rich and the posh, and if it were true that onsent: it’s a word that is say that consent training isn’t appli- strictly ‘yes means yes’ basis. Con- a ‘yes’, you are leaving no stone un- Dave had covered up for someone thrown around a lot nowa- cable to you yourself. sent is a positive, mutually had dis- turned and no room for manoeu- who avoided tax, he would have days, but one that few gen- It also shows how much people cussion before anything sexual oc- vre. Either the other person has been for the chop(s). uinely understand. That’s why the are missing the point and basing curs between two or more people. consented, or they have not. There The people would go mad. How CNUS set up the ‘I Heart Consent’ their knowledge on a ‘no means no’ It’s a way to ensure that everyone is no doubt then that all parties could Dave dare protect his friend’s campaign last year, to educate stu- definition. It is surprising how few involved is happy and having fun; involved are consenting to what is tax status? That would definitely dents at university as to how im- people truly know what consent is. because, surely, that is why we have happening: and this is the best, and prove that the Tories are not the portant this term ‘consent’ truly is; According to a poll reported by sex in the first place? To paraphrase only, way to enjoy a happy, healthy ‘party of the working people’. past the concept of ‘no means no’. the Guardian, only 77% of men our women’s officer Josie Throup, sexual life. But then, that’s the ironic thing; The campaign runs inclusive and agreed that continuing to sexually if you’re not willing to ask whether There is no question that rape the pig claim showed the two sides positive discussions about sex and engage with a person who has ex- your partner is comfortable, happy and sexual assault are genuine is- of the coin for the ‘upper’ classes. sexual relations, led by fellow stu- plicitly said ‘no’ constitutes rape. T and enjoying themselves then you sues both in university, and outside On the one side, Dave could get dents: something most of us have hat means 23% of those ques- may want to ask yourself why that it. away with pig coitus, because ‘that’s lacked so far in our sexual educa- tioned for this poll would believe is. But by educating yourself on what the rich do’. tion. that saying ‘no’ to sex would still Rather than promoting ‘no the issues surrounding consent, But on the other, the claim in This year at Warwick, these con- count as a strange form of consent means no’, we believe the focus you could help yourself and your the autobiography probably came sent training sessions are being run in their eyes; that the other person should be one of positivity. This friends realise how important this about because it would be easy to during Fresher’s Fortnight for the involved would still want sex, or leaves no room for error when it ‘yes means yes’ outlook is. manipulate people into believing it, very first time, taking inspiration any other sexual act, really. This just comes to consensual sexual rela- Consent workshops are not just because Dave is from the up- from the hugely successful Ox- fulfils many of the rape myths that tionships. about restricting experiences, but per class (what even is the ‘upper’ bridge workshops and using the people are secretly ‘asking for it’, You can not consent to sex with- instead improving everyone’s re- class?). NUS model. even when they say ‘no’. out having to say ‘no’, especially as lationship with sex. It is a positive It highlights how petty, how Most people rule out such con- The idea that even the most fun- many victims of rape and sexual outlook with positive outcomes and vindictive the claim is; probably sent training almost immediately. ‘I damental and basic definition of assault are perhaps not able to say we hope you can join us for a ses- because it came from a petty, vin- already know how it works’, or the consent has yet to be accepted fully ‘no’: they could be unconscious, or sion soon. dictive man. more crude ‘I’ve never heard any shows how much these workshops mentally unaware of what was hap- The long and the short of it complaints’, are some of the most are needed. pening to them. is that Ashcroft was snubbed by common excuses bandied about to Consent, to put it simply, is on a So by highlighting the need for Dave; he wanted a position in pow- er because he was a big Tory donor. And Dave offered him a particular- buy his way into the government. Pig-gate is pathetic; it’ll be re- >> Sign up for the “I Heart ly minor one. Ashcroft got cross. I think that should be the real membered as weird and funny, Consent” workshops on: He claimed that Dave screwed a story, to be honest. but also an example of failed po- www.warwicksu.com pig head. End of story. A weird, and The real story should be Dave re- litical polemic. And Ashcroft will jealous story, all because one man, fused to allow an idiotic man buy to be remembered as the man behind >> Like on Facebook: a lord, a ‘respectable’ peer of the his way into a position wherein he it, the man, in the end, who was a I Heart Consent Campaign realm was angry that he couldn’t could do real damage. complete pig. Warwick 325704-Grad-Team-Advert-poster-420x297[+3mm]_v2.indd 1 08/09/2015 16:55 Features Editor: Blessing Mukosha Park Why In Our Time will save you in seminars Bethan McGrath speaks exclusively Victoria Brignell, one of the producers of the popular BBC Radio 4 show

ways seem to find the most impor- tant points to focus on. Overall, it is definitely one of the highlights of my career.”

B: How do you source academics for the programme?

V: Our guests are chosen because they are leading authorities in their field, engaging communicators and passionate about their knowledge. We only book people who hold positions at universities or lead- ing museums because it is felt that this gives them extra authority and credibility. As well as Don Pollacco, a num- ber of other Warwick University academics have been guests on In Our Time including Ian Stewart, Professor of Mathematics and Tim Lockley, Reader in American Stud- ies. In Our Time is also known for giving a voice to women. In the last five years alone, we have had 14 all-female panels of guests who have discussed subjects like the number ‘e’, the An Lushan Rebel- lion and the Icelandic Sagas.

B: Do you think the brevity of the episodes is limiting, or is their con- densed form helpful to the flow of Victoria Brignell in the studio / photo: John McCafferty discussion? » Melvyn (about once every 6-8 weeks) in which we consider what V: At the end of each programme ou might not have lis- on a BBC Radio 4 show, and why real privilege and I find it gratifying topics will be covered in the next there’s often much material that tened to it, but you certain- the show holds such an appeal for to think that my BBC career began tranche of programmes. Many of the guests have not had a chance ly should - BBC Radio 4’s students. just three months after In Our Time the ideas come from academics and to discuss. This can be frustrating. show In Our Time has been likened first hit the airwaves. listeners as well as Melvyn and the However, what In Our Time aims toY university seminars on more oc- Bethan: How has your career led you production team. Once the list of to do is to provide listeners with a casions than one. Listening to the to produce a BBC Radio 4 show? B: In what ways is the programme subjects has been decided, we book “taster” of each subject. It acts as a show, the resemblance is obvious; a suited to a student audience? the guests, usually several weeks in gateway to topics that listeners may panel of experts are assembled for Victoria: As a teenager, my plan advance. Academics lead busy lives not have encountered before. We each episode, who, along with the was to become a newspaper report- V: In Our Time began on October so it’s important to approach them always publish a list of books on host, Melvyn Bragg, discuss a topic er so, after studying Classics at the 15th 1998. More than 680 edi- before their diaries become too full. our website to accompany each ep- in just 45 minutes. University of Cambridge, I then tions have now been made and all isode so that listeners can do more The conversation is intense, and completed a postgraduate diploma of them are available to listen to or research for themselves, if their in- you really must pay attention to in newspaper journalism at Cardiff download via the In Our Time web- Whatever subject a student terest has been sparked. Frankly, I follow, but it’s never so academic University. However, having failed site. Each episode of In Our Time is studying, there is likely would rather leave listeners want- that you feel lost along the way (a dismally to obtain a newspaper job is like a university seminar and we to be an edition that is ing more than overload them with feeling that we’ve had in one lec- (I still have the pile of rejection let- tackle a huge range of subjects. To more content than they can face ture too many). With topics rang- give you a taste of what we offer, relevant. at once! And if you download the ing from the Industrial Revolution, this year we have examined Jane podcast, you get some added extras to Frida Kahlo, to microbiology, In Our Time is also known Eyre, dark matter, the California in the form of the studio post-pro- and hundreds of podcasts to listen Gold Rush and Sappho, to name Simon and myself then carry out gramme discussion amongst to on the In Our Time website (bbc. for giving a voice to women. but a few. Our back catalogue even detailed, hour-long research calls Melvyn and the guests. co.uk/radio4/inourtime), it’s more In the last five years alone, includes programmes on eunuchs on the phone with each guest. The than likely that you’ll find a discus- we have had 14 all-female and the Kama Sutra. Whatever information we gain from these B: Do you think there is an inex- sion by leading academics on a top- panels of guests subject a student is studying, there conversations subsequently forms haustible supply of topics to discuss? ic you’re studying. You might also is likely to be an edition that is rel- the basis of the briefing notes we find that one of your lecturers pops evant. write for Melvyn. V: We have more than 600 topics up in an episode or two. Don Pollacco, Professor of As- in our ideas list and the list is grow- If you’re looking for ways to ters I received), I was delighted and B: How do you gather information tronomy at Warwick University, ing all the time, so we won’t run out procrastinate without the guilt, or surprised when I gained a place in for each episode? comments: “In Our Time is one of of subjects any time soon! listen to a stellar introduction to a January 1999 on a BBC production the most respected academic radio On 3rd December we’ll be topic you’re going to be studying traineeship aimed at disabled peo- V: People who listen to In Our programmes available anywhere in broadcasting a topic chosen by a this year, have a browse of In Our ple (I’m a tetraplegic wheelchair Time often assume that there is a the world. I thought it a real hon- listener – so do please send in your Time’s podcasts, and expand your user). Over the last 16 years I’ve huge team of BBC staff behind the our to be invited onto the show ideas. The closing date is October mind whilst doing the ironing or been lucky enough to work on vari- scenes. In fact, just three of us are twice to talk about the subject I 29th. something equally mundane (lol ous Radio 4 programmes including involved – Simon, the senior pro- love. The show is put together in a jokes, students don’t iron). Start the Week, Woman’s Hour ducer; myself, the junior producer; most professional way. Preparations Will you be listening In this interview, I chat to Vic- and You and Yours, before arriving and Ingrid, the production coordi- for the programme start months in to In Our Time? toria Brignell, a producer of In Our at In Our Time. In my opinion, be- nator. advance of the live broadcast - and Comment online: Time, about what it’s like to work ing a producer on In Our Time is a We have regular meetings with it shows. The production team al- theboar.org/features theboar.org/Features | @BoarFeatures | FEATURES 14 FNOC: Featured Names On Campus Why should we care The names and stories that you need to know about Corbyn? I am a student and a refugee: n 1994, Tony Blair won the Campaign. He has remarked that Here is my perspective on the European Labour leadership election Britain should leave NATO, that by a landslide, a resound- Ireland should be united and be- ing 57 percent of eligible lieves that Britain should become Refugee ‘Crisis’ votes going his way. Over two dec- a republic. While I do not believe adesI later, Jeremy Corbyn’s even he will lead the Labour Party in the more emphatic victory represents broadly unpopular direction of nu- a similarly colossal shift in the dis- clear disarmament, leaving NATO course of the Labour Party, and and abolishing the monarchy, the indeed within the political arena media have already begun their un- as a whole. Seemingly, when the relenting attacks towards him on Labour Party recognises it needs these issues. fundamental change, it does so in However, while I did not vote overwhelming numbers. for Jeremy Corbyn for Labour While I did not vote for Jeremy leader, I do believe that the Labour Corbyn for Labour leader, I do be- Party must do all we can to unite lieve that the Labour Party must do around him. While there are many all we can to unite around him. in the Party who may disagree with The election of Jeremy Corbyn some of his policies or are sceptical represents a sense of dissat- of his ability to win a general isfaction with the Left election, his victory was of the party with overwhelming and what they per- to attack and un- ceive to be dermine him lack of op- before he has position to a chance Tory gov- to prove ernment. his crit- » Not all responses to refugees are negative / photo: Haeferl, via Wikimedia Commons This ics wrong lack of would oppo- not just n September, the university for- would try to learn English from We knew we needed to get out and sition is be disre- mally announced their pledge to cartoons and then practice with the UK had the possibility of a fu- encap- spectful provide 20 scholarships to refu- us at home. Every day she would ture for us, and a future for you and sulated to his sup- gee students looking to start higher take my little brother and I to the your brother”. by what porters, but Ieducation within the United King- library and allow us to spend hours I think that was the moment I many be- also wholly dom. This announcement came af- learning to read. Because of this I started to embrace where I was lieve is the undemocrat- ter a heightened media focus on the progressed quite quickly in terms from, where I am now and what I moment Cor- ic. Labour Party movement of refugees into Europe of my reading ability and I re- have accomplished along the way. byn won the cam- members who did this summer triggered by war and member being able to move up the My name is Tamana Kaur Gu- paign: the abstention not vote for Corbyn unrest in Syria and surrounding bookshelf the fastest in my class. In lati, I was born in Afghanistan, of the other three candi- must respect his mandate. Just nations. Many European nations year five I had the reading age of I came to the U.K. when I was 4 dates on the Welfare Bill, which have committed to provide refuge years old and I was a refugee. cut an extra £12bn from the welfare to refugees and the university’s an- Looking at the life I live, I am budget, thus hitting low-income Students were the driving noucnemnt was one that reflects ...a memory I do have is amazed at how far we have come as families the hardest. Along with a positive response to the move- a family. My parents, despite having the discontentment with Labour force in Jeremy Corbyn’s the constant panic and bid to become Labour ment of refugees into the United fear on my parent’s faces. received no education, have worked policy, the Left of the party have Kingdom. This announcment has very hard to set up two small busi- voted for a new type of politics, leader also resonanted with students who There was always an nesses and make a name for them- epitomised by Corbyn’s remarkably are refugees, for example, Tamana atmosphere of weariness. selves. They have encouraged both clean campaign, a more democratic Kuar Gulati, a second year student my brother and I to work honestly PMQs and the first female-major- and Afghan refugee. Hoping to and every day they continue to sup- ity Shadow Cabinet. as importantly, those registered and combat negative perceptions and port me throughout my degree and In the last five years, we have affiliated supporters who did vote response to refugees within Europe 15 years old and my parents were so my job. seen unprecedented attacks on stu- for him have a huge responsibility and bring an awareness to the ex- proud of me. So my view on the ‘Refugee dents and young people with the to follow through and become ac- istence of refugees within our stu- At one point during primary Crisis’ is that when we stop think- tripling of student tuition fees, not tive members. dent communities she shares her school a visitor called an ‘Asylum ing of refugees as a ‘crisis’ to deal to mention recent attacks including In the last five years, we have story with us. Seeker’ came in to speak to the stu- with or as a ‘swarm’, that’s when excluding under-21s from claiming seen unprecedented attacks on stu- I don’t remember much about dents. He spoke to us about his life we can start helping them. We housing benefit, excluding un- dents and young people with the why we left or what it was like, but and asked the students if they knew shouldn’t need a picture of a dead der-25s from the recent increase in tripling of student tuition fees, not a memory I do have is the constant what an Asylum Seeker or a Refu- child washed up on a shore to help the minimum wage, and abolishing to mention recent attacks including panic and fear on my parent’s faces. gee was. I remember thinking that us realise the fact that Refugees are university maintenance grants. The excluding under-21s from claiming There was always an atmosphere of I knew the answer and that I was humans. They are people that need Leader of the Opposition…is the housing benefit, excluding un- weariness. in fact was a Refugee. However, I our help to provide an opportunity person best placed to reverse these der-25s from the recent increase in Upon being sent to Coventry af- didn’t answer. for them. Refugees are people who targeted attacks… the minimum wage, and abolishing ter constantly being moved around, When our case was approved, will contribute to the economy I didn’t vote for Corbyn because university maintenance grants. The I was able to start reception. I ar- my parents were so relieved. My when they can. Refugees will be- while I appreciate and often share Leader of the Opposition, regard- rived on the first day wearing a mother always tells the story of the come the next lawyers and doctors this discontentment with the lack less of the outcome of the Labour navy blue jumper, as it was the clos- time the postman came to the door and bankers if we allow them to be. of opposition to Tory austerity and leadership election, is the person est match to the school uniform with a thick brown parcel; she al- Refugees aren’t here because they with the top-down politics of spin, best placed to reverse these target- and the best we could afford at the most gave him a hug because she want to claim benefits and take soundbites and suits, I was scep- ed attacks on students and young time. Despite our circumstances, I had sensed what was in it. I remem- houses and cause problems. Refu- tical of Corbyn’s ability to win an people by winning the next general was always required by my parents ber them crying but I know that it gees are here because they need to election. Jeremy Corbyn has been a election. Students were the driv- to look presentable to set a good was one of the happiest moments be. Not a single person wants to Member of Parliament for Isling- ing force in Jeremy Corbyn’s bid to impression. The first interaction I for my family. I told my friends at leave their home, their country, and ton North for over thirty years and become Labour leader, and must had with a pupil was an uncom- school but they didn’t have a clue risk their life unless they have no has been a prominent figure on the become the driving force in Jere- fortable one. They spoke to me in as to what I was talking about, as other choice. Left of the Labour Party for just as my Corbyn’s bid to become Prime English and I tried talking in Farsi they were surprised at the fact that long. In addition to promoting the Minister if he is to have a chance and Punjabi, inevitably feeling ter- I wasn’t born in Walsgrave Hospital economic agenda of Labour’s hard of doing so. rible when they didn’t understand. like the rest of them. What do you think left, he has been a strong supporter Matt Pierce My mother always supported my When I asked my parents why about the refugee of the Campaign for Nuclear Dis- crisis? » Jeremy Corbyn photo: Garry brother and I throughout our ed- we came to the UK, they replied, armament, the Stop the War coali- Knight / Flickr ucation as much as she could. She “We didn’t really have a choice. Tweet: @BoarFeatures tion and the Palestinian Solidarity 50th Anniversary o celebrate Warwick University turning 50 this year, The Boar is running a series of interviews with notable alumni and prominent figures in the world of media. Everything we do here is intrinsically Tlinked to both of these areas, so what better way to celebrate our university finally coming of age?

In Memoriam: Jacquie Page

idway through September, just sabb, but also a Jockey and a pub owner in I suspect thousands of people out there Jacquie Page’s death has broken my heart. as students from all across the her time (which she was). Not just because had the same first experience of Warwick She was a lot more than an institution world were readying themselves she seemed to solve all my problems with SU that I had: nervously climbing up the - not a pillar or a keystone but the whole for another year at Warwick a handful of peardrops, a laugh and a gin stairs of SUHQ brandishing a piece of paper house when it came to SU Democracy. University (and a few thousand ready to (which she did). She brought people out of nominating myself for Student Council, It is impossible to measure in words the startM for the first time), we found ourselves themselves - transformed awkward and shy heading into the Democratic Services office enormous help she was to anyone who met hearing of the passing of Jacquie Page. As young adults into people who changed stuff, to be greeted by a strong smell of coffee and her on any problem they brought to her. She the Students’ Union’s Democratic Services and people who led things. She listened to one of the nicest, most thoughtful and most looked after us, often to the point of driving Coordinator and part of the SU for over two them, encouraged them, and made them feel unforgettable people. Jacquie was never too herself sick. decades, it’s hard to understate the impact at home in the SU. busy to talk to a student in need and, though Jacquie Page died sad that so many had she has had on the life of every student at this It’s times like these that remind me of the not in her job description, she’d act as a lost faith and passion for student politics. university, no matter how small it may seem. real strength of the Union. It’s not just the mother type figure for anyone that needed a She wanted people to fall in love with Through overseeing the annual Sabbatical people at SUHQ, it’s anyone who has ever supportive shoulder. Above all other amazing having, discussing and implementing your Officer elections, she allowed every student been a part of it. The amount of tributes I traits, her gallows sense of humour had me in ideas for the world. If you want to tribute on campus to have a voice. have seen from ex-sabbs and ex-students stitches daily. my friend Jacquie Page, go out there and be We’ve complied some tributes here from just goes to show how amazing she was, and Every day as DDO before entering my a changemaker. She’ll look out for you from various people who knew and worked with how powerful the Union can be with special office, I’d pop my head round the door to above. her on an almost daily basis: people in it. We are all here to love and wish Jacquie good morning - more often Jacquie’s presence on this earth was very support each other, because that’s the kind of than not she’d inform me of the daily crisis real and very important for so many of us. In Cat Turhan philosophy people like Jacquie engendered in with a deadpan face before bursting into a my heart, though, she’ll always have her own SU President 2014/5 us. I hope it stays like that. fantastically wicked laugh. office, where she’ll stay: my guardian angel. Missing you everyday, Jacquie. I hope Despite many of us knowing for some time there’s an endless supply of gin and fags up how ill Jacquie was, you can’t really prepare there. for how you’ll feel when a good friend passes Make a donation at: “We are all here to love and away. You don’t choose the people you work Rob Ankorn with and so I’ll count myself lucky that for gofundme.com/dh4ymm34 support each other, because Democracy and Development the past year I worked next door a great that’s the kind of philosophy Officer 2014/15 friend: the institution that is Jacquie Page. people like Jacquie engendered Miguel Costa Matos in us” Social Sciences Faculty Rep “Jacquie was never too busy to talk to a student in need Every time I’ve tried to write this I’ve cried, but here goes: and... she’d act as a mother type “It is impossible to measure in Jacquie was truly special. Not just because figure for anyone that needed a words the enormous help she she was absolutely hilarious (which she was). Not just because she was the only person I’ll supportive shoulder” was to anyone who met her” ever meet who had not only been a union 35 HOW TO BE A CONSULTANT

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In The News

he United Kingdom’s Current study has predicted the num- Account deficit has fallen to it’s ber of UK workers on the Tlowest level in the second quarter of Aminimum wage is expected to dou- » McDonnell is considered on the far left of the political spectrum / photo: Wikipedia.Org the year to 3.6% of GDP from 5.2% ble by 2020, reaching 10% of the in the first quarter, signalling an workforce, reports The Guardian. improvement in the imports vs. ex- The wage increase by George Os- ports rate of the United Kingdom. borne means more workers will The dawn of New-Old Labour? have their wages set by the state. he prodcutivity of the Unit- Jennie Watkin petence and credibility of Labour’s ther cracks to appear in the Cor- Ted Kingdom lags behind, still, ouse price growth in the UK economic policy is still under se- byn administration, which has al- the rest of the G7, with it reach- His up an average of 0.5% in rious question by vast swathes of ready seen U-turns or setbacks on ing its widest gap since 1991. The September, with London, as ex- ith the Labour lead- the British public. In a recent NATO and the renewal of Trident. Office for National Statistics puts pected, outpacing the rest of the ership elections (fi- survey conducted by ComRes In stark contrast to Corbyn, the UK 20% behind it’s counter- United Kingdom. This now nally) over, our news and the credibility of his man- part’s average in the G7. George means that the average UK house has now been flood- McDonnell shouuld date, McDonnell has comment- Osborne has pledged to tackle this. price stands just shy of £200,000 ed with the policies and ideals of “tone down his negative ed that he understands the need at £195,585 according to Sky News. our newly elected leader of Her rehtoric to business” to bring the deficit under control, he interest rates in the Unit- W Chris Leslie ed Kingdom may be cut soon overnment borrowing has in- Majesty’s Opposition, but more with The Guardian reporting that T interestingly, our newly appointed ‘he will vote for the new charter of according to the Bank of England Gcreased in August to £12.1bn, Shadow Chancellor. Kick-starting budget responsibility as set out by chief economist Andy Haldane. up £1.4bn from the same period his tenure with some bold head- the public put the Conservatives George Osborne’. As for his views Already at record lows, he rea- last year. Pinned on a fall in tax lines and ideas, it seems that a up 12points on Labour to 42per- on broader institutions such as the soned that there may be fallout recipets, particularly from corpo- potential Labour government has cent, whilst Mr Corbyn’s Labour bank of England, McDonnell has from emerging economies and rations, a treasury spokesperson its eyes firmly set on reforming stands fairly firmly on 30percent. already commented that it must that UK inflation may not pick up. pointed out that borrowing re- the Bank of England as well as Whilst against the backdrop of be reformed, instead focusing on mains lower than previous years. giving the Department of Busi- the Conservative surge in the polls, broader economic growth as op- he IMF Chief has warned of a ness more economic power and a McDonnell is facing pressure from posed to merely following its man- Tglobal economic slow down, ood news for the FTSE which greater role in stimulating growth, the left, particularly from the trade date to maintain a 2% inflation rate. with emerging economies being Gseems to have braced the im- instead of the ‘stuffy’ treasury. union leaders, encouraging him All that we have now is to see hit by weeker than expected com- pending storms and the sluggish Chris Leslie, the previous Shad- to not ‘undermine [ Jeremy Cor- where the next few months will take modity prices over an extended pe- data released by China, with gains, ow Chancellor, urged McDonnell byn’s] democratic right to lead the us and any future surprises (or not) riod, along with the Eurozone back even though Asia is reporting losses. to ‘tone down his negative rhetoric Labour Party’. The pressure from that Corbynomics has in store for us! into deflation thanks to cheaper It is reported that Smith’s group in to business’ and it seems the com- both sides is surely to cause fur- oil prices reports The Guardian. the FTSE are leading the way lately. Graduate shakeup at Deloitte with selection criteria Aneesha Mahil examines the changes in their process

ith many students to consider A-Level results based might devalue the positions of uni- now going into third in context to the school’s average. versities and the point of League year and looking to For example, if three Cs is better Tables. Connor O’Shea, a third apply for graduate than the average at your school, year Ancient History and Classics schemes at major firms and organi- this will be considered in con- student points out that ‘many stu- sationsW throughout the country, this text, not against other applicants. dents have worked hard to achieve week we have received news of a As reported by the BBC, David their grades and get into exception- shakeup with the way Deloitte, the Sproul, a senior partner and chief al universities like Warwick or Ox- largest professional services network bridge. It would be a shame if that in the world, accesses its applicants. “improving social hard work was ignored in the selec- Anyone that has applied for jobs mobility is one of the UK’s tion criteria and instead other areas along with Summer Internships biggest challenges” were focused more heavily upon’. knows just how tedious it can be, David Sproul Whilst the objectives to improve filling out information with regards social mobility are certainly a top to you’re A-Level results along priority for a country, it is yet to be with your university information. executive of Deloitte UK com- seen whether these new selection Arguing that they are attempting ments that ‘improving social mo- criteria will help improve the op- to ‘tap into a more diverse talent bility is one of the UK’s biggest portunities of all across the coun- pool’, a new algorithm is reported challenges’. This comes at a simi- try of have different consequences lar time when recruiters are now that on face-value are difficult to looking away from purely academic anticipate. It will be interest to Deloitte hope to improve results, focusing more broadly on continue to monitor and see how the social mobility accross the backgrounds of applicants too it pans out over the next few years! the UK and give more people and any mitigating circumstanc- es that may have hindered results How do you think from deprived backgrounds in comparison to other students. this will change the Whilst it may have good inten- job landscape? » photo: Deloitte / Wikipedia.Org tions, cynics have argued that it Tweet: @BoarFinance 35 19 @BoarFinance [email protected] theboar.org/Finance Alexander Shaw It’s that time of year again...Let’s talk Robin Hood Tax Alexander Shaw examines the implications and why it isn’t all it is claimed to be

o there we have it! A new Shadow shortfalls in the EU budget for policies such Chancellor and the Robin Hood tax as the Common Agricultural Policy. is now back on the table. Arguing in Mayor of London, Boris Johnson, explains his speech that the tax would ‘help that ‘any Financial Tax threatens the City of pay for improvements to the NHS and oth- London’s pre-eminent position as a glob- Ser public services’ Mr McDonnell believes al financial centre’ pointing out that ‘John that he could not only reign in the excesses McDonnell…would put people’s livelihoods of the City, but also that it is a reliable way here at risk’. to help pay for services. Whilst criticised by However it is not just Mr Johnson who campaigners for the rights of the individuals, has concerns over such a tax. Christian Voigt, he denied that he was planning ‘big’ tax in- a business solutions architect explains that creases, instead commenting that ‘his speech ‘based on what we know of the FTT so far, could be pretty boring’. But what is the Rob- there is a strong risk that it will hurt the mar- in Hood Tax? ket’. Mr Voigt draw links between the situ- ation that markets are currently in, with the tax ‘impacting those who trade a lot. Market “there is a strong risk that it will makers are needed to provide liquidity to the hurt the market” markets in times of stress – but the FTT will Mr Voigt discourage them from doing so at the very moment when the market needs liquidity the most’. Calling for a tax of around 0.05% on all Further to this, the Adam Smith Insti- transactions, the Robin Hood tax taxes the tute calculates the 20-year cost to the UK trading and interactions of shares, bonds and economy would be £25.58bn as a result of currencies, which campaigners have argued will raise around £20bn per year for the UK “John McDonnell would put » A recent protest outside Barclays HQ in London // photo: Robin Hood Tax / Flickr treasury. However, Chancellor George Os- people’s livlihoods at risk” borne has already resisted moves by the EU, Mr Johnson a nation to tax itself into prosperity is like a negative effects may be far deeper reaching which earlier in the previous parliament at- man standing in a bucket and trying to lift than at first calculated, or anticipated. tempted to impose a Financial Transaction himself up by the handle’. Whilst on face val- I suppose, as with any tax, the question Tax (FTT) on the UK and the City, of which lost growth. Finally, Russ Mould, and invest- ue, any tax may seem like a good thing, trans- needs to be asked, who is better at spending he argued infringed UK Sovereignty and ment director at AJ Bell cited the words of ferring the power of money spending from our hard earned money? disproportionately affected the UK, funding Sir Winston Churchill, who argued that ‘for our own hands into those of politicians, the UK earnings grow at fastest rate since 2009 Elena Prest looks at recent figures produced by the Office for National Statistics

» The City of London is the UK’s Financial Hub / photo: wikipedia.org » The growth has been felt not just in the City of London too / photo: wikipedia.org

ew research conducted by the Of- liamson, chief economist at Markit, praised Commenting on the data, Chancellor fice for National Statistics (ONS) the news, saying that ‘the long-awaited up- George Osborne praised the level of employ- has shown that in the period of turn in pay…looks to finally be upon us, re- 73.5% ment at 73.5%, taking the opportunity to tell May through to July, average earn- viving a prospect of a rate hike by the end of The current UK employment rate is the BBC that ‘the employment rate is the ings, excluding bonuses, grew by 2.9% com- the year.’ Further to this, he pointed out that at its highest it has been highest is has been’. Also establishing that Npared with the same period last year. The un- if you strip away public sector pay increases, ‘working people have received the fastest re- employment rate has remained at 5.5%, down al-terms rise in over a decade’. The praise for from 6.2% in the same quarter last year. Owen Smith MP Labour’s shadow the private sector pay has risen by an annual the figures isn’t just isolated to the Conserva- Commenting on the statistics, Chris Wil- rate of 3.4%, far beyond the rate of inflation. tive benches, with Labour’s shadow work and Work and pensions Secretary has What this new data suggests is that families pensions secretary, Owen Smith, comment- “the long-awaited upturn in welcomed the increase in pay are seeing their incomes rise now, far faster ing that ‘it’s welcome news that workers’ pay pay...looks finally to be upon us” than inflation, meaning that standards of liv- packets are increasing’. Mr Williamson ing, as well as disposable income should be It may now seem, after years of saying it, on the rise too. we truly are ‘all in this together’. 20 @BoarFinance [email protected] theboar.org/Finance Alexander Shaw Europe is back on a Greece-y slope with recent strikes As Great Britain hails economic success, not all is well on the continent as anti-austerity protests worsen in Greece

» photo: wikipedia.org

though! Far from being a back- With the economy having Greece must significantly re- on, hitting headlines for all the Aneesha Mahil lash, anti-euro, anti-austerity party, shrunk by 29% since 2009, and duce its debt burden in order to wrong reasons. The crisis has ex- it seems now that there is no real with no sign of the recession slow- make a full economic recovery. posed one fatal flaw with the Euro- reason for the markets to worry. ing, it seems that the politics of What’s more is that the IMF has pean Union; that whilst Tsipras may hilst we have had our When he was first elected, he de- Syriza and ‘anti-austerity’ has only offer his voters and electorate one papers and media livered a set of promises; to stay in landed Greece in more debt, un- thing, it is the country that holds sources dominated the Euro, to put Greece back on the able to end austerity, and with an The International Monetary the purse strings that truly controls by the recent Labour road to recovery and finally to end economy that doesn’t seem to ever Fund has demanded that your politics. The anti-democratic leadership elections, Greece has austerity. We know now that he has be able to grow successfully again. Greece significantly reduce European Union has, if anything, hadW an election, and the public have only achieved one of those things. It appears that Greece has been its debt burden made anti-austerity parties and voted, once again for the left-wing fooled by the romanticised idea politics near enough impossible Syriza Party and Alexis Tsipras. of Tsipras of an ‘end to austerity’, for home nations…oh the irony! Earlier this year, we reported instead agreeing fully to all the that Greece, in particular Syriza, 29% terms of the Bailout package by ruled out contributing towards a What do you think is a threat to the monetary union the current extent to which the the European Union (Germany). support package unles Europe of- can improve the and the stability of the Eurozone, Greek economy has shrunk When examining the case, fers Athens more generous terms. situation in Greece? worrying the markets and inves- the International Mone- If anything, it appears that the Tell us on Facebook tors, what 8 months has shown us tary Fund (IMF) reported that problem with Greece will rumble

You can be part of organising the Warwick Economics Summit by applying for our Team Member roles. The Warwick Economics Summit is the larg- To apply or to read more about team de- est student run academic scription and roles, visit our website conference of its kind in Europe, www.warwickeconomicssummit.com, welcoming prominent speakers from or find out more at one of the following various industries, regions and events. backgrounds. It’s entirely run by Warwick students for fellow students from

Warwick and other universities to enable Freshers Fair: Thursday 8th of October from interactive debates and sharing of ideas. 10am to 3pm in the Sports Hall Meet the Exec: Monday 12th October, 7:30-9:30pm in Terrace Bar 9 News 21 Books Editor: Lucy Skoulding

My Summer in Books » photo: Wikipedia.org Beccy Willmetts reveals the titles that defined her summer...

The Unbearable Lightness of Being students and together they explore different nitely recommend this novel to anyone. year-old man who goes missing, but sadly, I Milan Kundera ways of thinking and living. The structure had a hard time getting into it. I found that, was intriguing in that it started with the On Beauty whilst it was entertaining, its plots seemed This novel describes the Soviet occupation crime, and afterwards discussed the events Zadie Smith increasingly more far-fetched as the story of Czechslovakia through the experiences of leading up to it. I highly enjoyed this read, went on, and a lot of its features appeared to four intellectuals: Tomas, skilled surgeon and my only criticism being that finding out Smith’s work follows the story of two mid- be included out of convenience rather than relentless womaniser; his amateur photogra- about the crime so early on causes the novel dle-class families, the Belseys and the Kipps- adding anything to the story. Perhaps it just pher wife Tereza; his mistress Sabina; and Sa- to lose some of its impetus towards the end. es, and their friendships, feuds and affairs in wasn’t for me, as I do know a lot of people bina’s Austrian lover Franz. The novel is also the academic bubble of a university just out- who loved it. interspersed with Kundera’s philosophical side of Boston. The entanglements of their musings. Whilst I enjoyed the writing style Half of a Yellow Sun two warring families and the believable char- and found the time period covered interest- Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie acterisation is the driving force of this novel. The Outsider ing, I had issues with some of the characters It covers an episode of their lives rather than Albert Camus themselves. I found that Tomas in particular This fascinating read is set in 1960s Ni- an obvious set of plot points, but the wit and became, at times, too unlikeable for me to get geria and documents the civil war through descriptive power of the writing makes for Meursault learns of his mother’s death, fully invested in the story. two households that are affected. One con- compelling reading. travels to her funeral and expresses no grief. tains Odenigbo, a radical university profes- Later, when he is at the beach, he kills his The Secret History sor, his lover Olanna who was brought up in friend’s girlfriend’s brother remorselessly and Donna Tartt a high-status family, and their serving boy The Hundred-Year-Old Man Who is arrested. He is later sentenced to death, Ugwu; the other is home to Olanna’s sister Climbed Out the Window and Disap- and only finds happiness in his belief that Set at an elite college in New England, Kainene and her English lover Richard. It peared life has no higher meaning. I did really enjoy Tartt’s novel charts the descent of student, covers a period of history and events I previ- Jonas Jonasson this novel and found the philosophical ideas Richard Papen, as he is drawn into helping ously knew very little about in a way that felt presented interesting, but the subject matter commit a terrible crime. He attends exclu- intimate, human and compassionate. Beauti- I had heard a lot of hype about this book, makes it something you probably wouldn’t sive Greek classes with a group of enigmatic fully written and characterised, I would defi- which details the adventures of a hundred- read beside the pool!

Tête-à-tête: Should certain books be banned? ooks have been banned for hundreds Even if you are completely for free speech, Free access to all books will give us the publication, it is now celebrated as a classic. of years in a wide variety of coun- it is hard to argue some books are sensible chance to decide what our own opin- Books considered controversial today may be tries for many different reasons. An (or even safe) to publish. Examples include ions are.” viewed with more of an open mind in time. It often-cited reason is obscenity, as the Australian-banned How to make dis- The main point of banning books is impossible to create content that everyone with the famously-forbidden Lady Chatter- posable silencers and the French-banned is to restrict certain ideas from reaching will interpret in the same way, but trying to Bley’s Lover, because many governments ob- Suicide mode d’emploi, instructional manu- “an audience. However, contradictory reac- stop people from accessing the content itself ject to books that go against a certain way of als respectively detailing the construction of tions to popular books prove that banning, is not a feasible idea in a time when knowl- thinking. Writing that criticises politics and weapons and methods for committing sui- or attempts at doing so, are disorganised. edge is easily accessible. religion has often been banned, with Salman cide. I doubt I need to explain the reasons For instance, according to Banned Book In any case, banning is not an effective Rushdie’s The Satanic Verses being made il- for doing so, nor convince you it is the best Awareness, the Harry Potter series has been solution to any problems. Once a reader gains legal in a lot of the Muslim world and a fatwa course of action. challenged in parts of the U.S, Canada, New access to a text, there is no control over the for his assassination being issued. As a final point, rarely a day goes by Mexico and Australia for promoting witch- way they will read and relate to it. It doesn’t Many people think of book banning as a when a video game or a TV show is criti- craft and violence. Yet it has also received matter what or when people read; reactions government-driven thing, but it can happen cised for gory content or excess sex, and yet over a hundred awards and remains well- to texts depend on an individual’s interpreta- at any level. Schools prohibit books that they books are completely glossed over. Game of loved amongst other readers. tion, which is created by influences that can- feel are inappropriate for a young audience, Thrones on TV is slated for violence against Harry Potter is just one example of many: not necessarily be controlled. Banning books especially if a parent complains about it – this women, but the books get off scot-free, take a glance at your bookshelf and you allows certain groups to impose possibly out- is clearly a sensible thing to do, as children which is hardly fair. I don’t want a blanket might be surprised at the number of titles dated ideas of right and wrong. Free access shouldn’t be reading explicitly adult materi- ban on books, but clearly banning some is that have been banned or challenged, from to all books will give us the chance to read al when they are too young to deal with it. not a terrible thing. John Green’s Looking for Alaska to Chau- about contemporary problems in their time, A similar rule is applied at libraries, where cer’s The Canterbury Tales. However, atti- to identify issues that are still relevant today, adult books are fenced off (if not banned Reece Goodall tudes to books are not permanent. Although and to decide what our own opinions are. completely), with controversial books also The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn was generally being given the chop. banned in the U.S. just a month after its Sohini Kumar Sponsored by: Arts Editor: Sophie Dudhill Arts Column Andy Parsons: Live and un- Some Citizen Kane in us all leashed, but naturally cautious Emily Dunford reviews his new tour at the Spa Centre.

ock the Week regular and con- because so are we. politi- cal debate, tributor to puppet satire ‘Spit- We veer into the dark, into existential whilst reassuring ndoubtedly one reason why Orson ting Image’, Andy Parsons sold angst, by the interval. The veneer us that he Wells’ 1941 film ‘Citizen Kane’ is out his set at Warwick Arts of the larger than life co- knows just as considered to be one of the best Centre in February. On this occasion though, median bounding onto the little as we do. films of all time is due to the dram- theM comedian was less lucky with the smaller stage with a scissor kick and a aturgy of Charles Foster Kane an American audience in the Royal Spa Centre for ‘Live belly laugh is replaced by a man sat at the As the evening ends and newspaperU tycoon, portrayed by Wells, based and Unleashed – but Naturally Cautious.’ back of the stage considering the futility we’re asked to hold hands with on William Randolph Hearst. Thankfully the initially frosty crowd was of being. our neighbours, the very brit- The storyline invites the audience to look soon won over by Parsons’ conversational When Parsons returns post-interval, ish audience dissolves into an for clues as to what Kane’s’ final words on style. Unafraid to take a pop at anything silly what follows is the cutting politics we awkward mess. On the way out, his deathbed “Rosebud” mean, as a newsreel in the personal and the political, Parsons’ in- recognise from Mock the Week. No poli- there are snippets of political de- producer searches for answers by talking formed satire has the audience thinking and tician or party is safe. Carefully blended bate to be heard all around the to people Kane had associated with in his laughing all evening. into irreverent comments about BOGOF auditorium. Nicely done, life, only to discover the answer lies in the Live and Unleashed is a show of two very offers and british values, this is reasoned Parsons. smallest of details; the word is inscribed on different halves. Parsons begins by contem- satire for the everyman. a sledge Kane is playing with in his final plating his hang ups about aging, masculin- The woman next to me “Mmmm”s at moments of childhood. ity and death. He’s pretty terrible at being a every new political statement, as Parsons As this childhood ends the dying begins, man, he says. He’s afraid of heights. All in reasons his views with us without aloofness. » Andy Parsons as perhaps knowingly to Kane who as the pro- all, he’s a bit of a shambles. We don’t mind, He knows how to engage his audience in he embarks on his new tagonist seeks throughout to fulfil his desire tour. Photo: Royal Spa to love himself. Alone, but the opposite of Centre desolated visually, also suggests the need Kane has to feel surrounded and protected » photos: Inkluded by the objects as well as lack of freedom in being tied down to owning and carrying so many pieces. This use of staging in what Kane has at the end of his life mirrors eerily with the opinion of Bradshaw who writes that with the film we are left with “a pointilliste constellation of gleaming moments from which we can never quite stand far enough back to see the bigger picture in its entirety.” Kane has more things than moments to enjoy so at no point does he have a view of the bigger picture of his life. His possessions are burned, including the sledge from his childhood, suggesting that key childhood memories are held on to for all our lives until, like us, becoming smoke and ash. Kane serves as a mentor in his own life because he numbs emotional responses to his first wife and son dying which in the film we see no reaction of. He is playing the part of his own guide by being impul- Inkluded Exhibition sive and charismatic like a grown up child. These elements are performed in aspects of our own lives to varying degrees and is why Sophie Dudhill sees some of the finest tattooists in Leamington this dramaturgy stands the test of time.

Inked Palette’ is a tattoo artists’ exhibition which is what a tattoo completely symbolises, movement and life in the work displayed. stigma around tattoos being seen as rough running in Leamington Spa until 20 one’s personal expression. The venue chosen, The Warehouse on or untidy has allowed many more people to October and the work on display is a University is the perfect time to get a Oxford Street, was a good, intimate space to express themselves by putting ink to skin. testament to the pure talent these true tattoo without the looming eye of parents, display these works. Seeing the artwork caused any stigma at all to artists hold. The concept of not only but just make sure you do your research and I spoke to participating tattoo artist David be wiped from my beliefs as David explained having to produce evocative work in various see the beauty of what’s out there. There was Brace who has been in the industry for over the freedom behind the work. ‘It is the best mediums but then having to transfer that a woman getting a tattoo live in front of me 9 years, about what makes tattoo artists work form of expression as you can be as violent as work‘ onto skin is what takes tattoo artists to at the launch of the exhibition. It was her different. ‘Everything I paint or draw now you like, or as girly as you like if you’re a man.’ the next level. first tattoo and despite initial feelings being is tattooable it’s natural to me. Everything The room was saturated with inspiring Mutual organisers Inkluded and Deasil reminiscent to the chair being lowered at I’ve done is with a tattoo technique whether works for artists, tattoo enthusiasts and other Art stressed the importance of what the the dentist her reactions weren’t as bad as I it be etching or sculpture, everything is creative minds. Whether you’re thinking exhibition was attempting to achieve that expected once the artist began. transferable.’ of getting a tattoo or not ‘Inked Palette’ is previous tattoo exhibitions had not, ‘Art From incredibly realistic inked faces, comic ‘Watercolour is harder to transfer into stimulating and quirky proving that a tattoo should be free to access it should bring and cartoon to sculpture and tentative animal tattoo as colours will dim down, as if wearing can be an art form at its most expressive. I people together and should always remain sketches there were a host of mediums and a pair of sunglasses, and go a shade darker so have to say I am contemplating putting ink fresh and inspiring.’ subject areas. My personal favourite were a it shows through the skin layer.’ to skin having seen the art form in a new As someone not totally educated on tattoos selection of bank notes hosting as canvases The technicality of the art form amazed light. I was amazed and surprised at the immense to various scenes by Shaun von Sleaze which me as I found myself appreciating the true The exhibition will run with free entry quality of the designs, making me question would set you back £315 each. Another artistic talent in the room. David confirmed at The Warehouse in Leamington Spa how so many people have such dubious that stood out was a gruesome and graphic this feeling saying, ‘we are artists before we until 20 October. Visit the website for more designs plastered across themselves without heart with a dagger through its centre. This are tattooists - it stems from creativity.’ details: www.inkluded.co.uk/2015/07/16/ a seconds thought for artistic expression, exhibition is not short of vibrancy, capturing We also discussed how the decline in the inkedpalette/ Photography Editor: Shruti Dayal This week: what represents your country?

Singapore in black and white Photo: Jimmy McIntyre/Flickr Photo: Joyce Lau Scott street - Glasgow, Scotland Photo: Giuseppe Milo/Flickr

Photo: BoarPhotography

Photo: BoarPhotography

Photo: BoarPhotography Binary Life Photo: Stròlic Furlàn - Davide Gabino/Flickr Photo: Joyce Lau 35

students 20 theboar.org 25 Film Editor: Kambole Campbell

The Boar’s Winter Preview Our writers preview the winter’s most exciting films » Left: The Millenium Falcon returns. Right: DiCaprio wanders the American Wilderness / photos: Lucasfilm/Disney; 20th Century Star Wars: The Force Awakens Victor Frankenstein Spectre The Revenant

s most nerds and probably all of ictor Frankenstein is a new take on pectre, the 24th instalment in the nly one year after winning the their friends and family already Mary Shelley’s classic novel, told James Bond film franchise will hit the Academy Award for Best Direc- know, the Star Wars franchise is set from the perspective of Franken- big screen on October 26th. Following tor, Alejandro González Iñárritu to make a return to the silver screen stein’s infamous assistant Igor. on from 2012’s Skyfall, Bond receives is set to release his next directorial in December under the direction of the Star Starring Daniel Radcliffe (Horns) as Igor a cryptic message from his past which leads offering, The Revenant, on the 8th of Janu- TrekA defector JJ Abrams. andV James McAvoy (X-Men: Days of Future himS to the sinister organisation SPECTRE. Oary. Set 30 years after the events of Return of Past) as Victor Frankenstein, the film charts Spectre will be Daniel Craig’s fourth (and Without wanting to tempt Oscars fate the Jedi, The Force Awakens boasts an out- their redemptive relationship and their de- potentially last) Bond movie, whilst Ralph too much, Leonardo DiCaprio plays the lead standing cast with names both old and new, ranged mission to create a sentient being. Fiennes, Ben Whishaw and Naomi Harris just ahead of the next awards season cycle, the entire core cast of the original trilogy Firstly, the cast of the film is incredibly will return as M, Q, and Moneypenny re- potentially making him a serious contender (yes, even Harrison Ford) making a return strong, starring the likes of Charles Dance spectively. New additions to the cast include for Best Actor, not least for the disturbingly along with the fresh faces of Daisy Rid- (Game of Thrones), Andrew Scott (Sherlock) Academy Award winning Christoph Waltz unmanageable beard that he has had to sport ley, John Boyega (Attack The Block), Adam and Jessica Brown Findlay (Downton Abbey) as the mysterious lead villain and WWE’s for several months – is the Best Actor award Driver (Girls), Gwendolyn Christie (Game of alongside Radcliffe and McAvoy. Addition- Batista as his henchman. Joining them are really worth that monstrosity? Thrones), Oscar Isaac and Domnhall Glee- ally, Victor Frankenstein is directed by Paul Lea Seydoux and Monica Bellucci, who at 50 Based on a true story, DiCaprio plays the son (Ex Machina). In typical Abrams fash- McGuigan, who has helmed several episodes years old, becomes Bond’s oldest love inter- fur trapper Hugh Glass. Having been mauled ion, much of the plot details and the trailers of the superb BBC series, Sherlock. est. by a bear and robbed and deserted by his have thankfully remained vague and/or mys- Whilst it probably won’t be the faithful Spectre promises to include some of the friends (Tom Hardy and Will Poulter), Di- terious aside from some information on the and nuanced adaptation that some are hop- classic ingredients that make a Bond film Caprio’s character recovers and tracks down enemy: ‘The First Order, formed from the ing for, Victor Frankenstein at the very least great, such as exotic locations (Mexico, Mo- his betrayers, returning as if from the dead. remnants of the Empire from the original promises to turn a classic tale into an enjoy- rocco, the Alps), fast cars (the brand new This is shaping up to be enigmatic and at- trilogy. If anything is certain and Star Trek able action flick with a dynamic, odd-couple Aston Martin DB10), and a powerful ballad mospheric, both of which can be signs of a was a glimpse of what to expect, this will relationship as its core focus - much like Guy accompanying the opening title sequence by ‘try-hard’ film – but I have a feeling this really truly bring balance to the force, and George Ritchie’s recent Sherlock Holmes reboot. breakout British star Sam Smith. The film’s could be something special. Lucas’ poorly executed prequels. grand action sequences should leave the au- dience shaken, not stirred. The Revenant opens in cinemas on the 8th Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens Victor Frankenstein is expected to release in of January. opens worldwide 18 December. cinemas 25 November. Spectre opens in UK cinemas on the 26th of October. Jordan Hindson Kambole Campbell Alexander Brock Alp Katalan Film Review: Beasts Of No Nation bouring state. He lives a happy, stable life with in the jungle and sees potential in him, and way. To truly understand a world where this Sam Gray his family; his father provides land to the refu- decides to induct him into the tribe. Agu has can be allowed to happen, the film has to sub- gees from a nearby civil war, which has an- to learn how to fire a gun, take a beating, and merge the viewer in a world of blood, sweat, gered many members of his own community. participate in an unforgiving initiation cere- mud and more blood, and take the most sacred easts of No Nation is one of those However, it’s not long before the vil- mony, where the price of failure is having your of cinematic icons – the innocent child – and films that comes along and violently lage hears reports that the war throat slit. crush it into dust, to devastating effect. tries to shake us out of our mundane is moving closer. Agu’s The Commandant’s appeal is Cary Joji Fukunaga, the director, is a mas- reality. Evoking everything from The mother and sister get cultish – he has soldiers fire ter of storytelling and atmosphere, as both Sin Thin Red Line to Blood Meridian, but very away but, after be- blanks at the boys to make Nombre and True Detective proved. But this muchB remaining its own beast, it reminds us ing captured by them believe they invinci- is arguably his best film. It takes a clear social that even now there are parts of the world the army, Agu ble, and he even has them message and imbues it with astonishing cin- that are hellish, violent and unliveable, be you sees his father believe they are part of ematic ability. old or young, man or woman, a member of an and brother his “family”. Of course, The performances are also superb. Elba is, army or a member of a rebellion. Or, if you’re a brutally mur- this results in an almost as you’d expect, dominant as a villainous evil dered, and he unwatchable sequence allowed to enact his savagery across the land; is left scared where Agu is told to kill though there is the interesting dimension of “...this is arguably his best film. and alone in a man with a machete. him contending with distant government It takes a clear social message the vast Afri- “These are the dogs superiors, who are constantly yanking on his and imbues it with astonishing can wilderness. that killed your father,” choke chain. cinematic ability.” Enter Idris he says, even as the man Beasts of No Nation marks the start of Os- Elba’s Com- pleads he is only an engi- car season in earnest. It is a tremendous success mandant. He is neer out to fix bridges. In- for Netflix – who, as expected, prove that it is swaggering, ruth- evitably, Agu and his friend young boy like Agu (Abraham Attah), caught less and, above all, Strika end up hacking the man somewhere in between, with no place left to charismatic, so much so to bits. run but into the arms of the devil. The film that he has compelled This is a very nasty and violent Any other films you’re excited takes place in an unnamed African country a battalion of (very) film: certainly not for the faint » photo: British Film Institute to see this autumn and winter? and centres on Agu and his family, who live young soldiers to fight of heart. Yet I think it would be Tweet: @BoarFilm in a village on the UN buffer zone by a neigh- for him. He finds Agu disingenuous to make it any other theboar.org/Film | @BoarFilm | Film 26

» photo: sheriffmitchell / Flickr Head to Head: Rom-Coms Two Boar Film writers discuss the merit of the popular genre

Alex Arsene Gere's brooding attitude; 500 Days of Sum- Joanna Jakubowska and meant to cash in as much as possible, mer (2009) was a mixture of joy, melancholia there is no finesse in making them. And t’s easy to find fault with romantic com- and great musical sequences; Clueless (1995) omantic comedies can be a touchy don’t ask me about the humour in desper- edies, but every once in a while a rom- doesn’t even need an introduction anymore, topic. Some love them without res- ately clutching at someone, unable to let go com will inevitably bring some sort of having served as the trigger to a global ervations, others will give anything of them no matter what, because they are the joy to your life; how can you fault a genre change in teenage fashion and relationships... not to watch them. Happily or not, mythical One and you don’t want to end up a of film which sparks such a warm and fuzzy and the list could go on. I have been the member of the second group spinster with a hundred cats. Ifeeling inside you? They don’t necessarily All these movies have targeted the viewer’s Rsince my teenage years. On the other hand, because such a genre have to be pieces of cinematic art and they basic emotions, but have been more than Most movies of the genre follow a tired already exists, it opens an unending stream aren't always likely to strike gold at award effective in doing so. If you’re heartbroken, mass of stereotypes that I, as a film viewer, of inspiration for satire. Without titles such ceremonies, but many modern day cult clas- you’ll probably watch a rom-com to keep thoroughly loathe. From the premises that as Notting Hill, You’ve Got Mail, The Wed- sics are romantic comedies and they have un- you company in your crying; if you’re in only people with significant others are happy, ding Planner, we probably wouldn’t have doubtedly infiltrated popular culture. love or simply just want to feel good, you’ll women’s goal in life is family, and ‘we are go- such masterpieces like 500 Days of Summer, When Harry Met Sally (1989) mixed again probably choose a classic rom-com to ing on a date to the cinema and need a light Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind or strong comedy with romance (who can for- make you laugh, smile affectionately and be movie!’ to many, many others. They center on Young Adult. Using old tropes and testing get the famous scene at Katz’s Delicatessen? subsequently catapulted into a good mood. the idea that being alone is the cruellest fate. the audiences’ patience and imagination, the “I’ll have what she’s having!”); Pretty Woman The fact of the matter is, a romantic comedy Well… I don’t think so! latter films subvert the genre showing that (1990) reinvented the notion of what shop- serves as a means for a director to stir some- To me, cinema is meant to provoke, try to sometimes, neither can you get everything ping on Rodeo Drive is meant to look like, thing truthful and strike a chord in the heart portray reality in ways we ourselves cannot you set your mind on, nor is love the ultimate leaving many women trying to copy Julia of the audience. picture and ask questions we are afraid to answer. Roberts’ style, whilst men aimed for Richard state. Romantic comedies are light-hearted Id-ris what we want? Ann Amarawansa shares her thoughts on the Bond debate

The name’s Bond. James Bond”. Such vicious nature of the scene strikes as some- is the iconic catch phrase of the British what thuggish, which strays from Fleming’s phenomenon. With his trademark tux- vision of Bond’s slick and suave character. edo, lethal skill set and devious charm, Prior to this, Bond was merely a means to his Ian Fleming had written quite the compel- adventurous lifestyle and lacked actual sub- “ling character. stance. It wasn’t until Craig assumed the role Throughout the years audiences have seen that audiences got to see the many layers to various portrayals of Agent 007. A collection the 007 agent unravel, giving the character a of talented British actors have each delivered new found sense of depth. their own take on the character and where Others argued that casting Elba would some have been a miss, others have gone break the continuity of the franchise. Ameri- on to become unforgettable. Sean Connery can right-wing radio host Rush Limbaugh became the archetypal Bond. He perfectly stated “He was white and Scottish. Period.” embodied the agent’s refined nature and However discontinuity didn’t serve as a promiscuity. Recently however, audiences problem in earlier instances. M, the Head were captured by a grittier yet more realis- of MI6, was written as a man and consecu- tic version of the character. Daniel Craig was tively played by male actors until Golden Eye definitely a contrast from Connery’s clas- (1995) when Judi Dench took on the role. It sic Bond, as he brought more emotion and was empowering to cast a woman into such a depth to the character. Undeniably his raw prominent position during the 90s. Though performance depicted one of the most com- it might have seemed provocative at the time, plex Bonds that we have seen so far. we can all agree that Dench made a phenom- The immortality of this franchise always enal M. She brought a subtle maternal aspect leaves us anticipating the next instalment, to the character that was most apparent with although it’s guessing who will play James Craig’s Bond. Giving Dench the role proved Bond next that primarily fuels our excite- to be a success, despite deviating from the ment for the newest film. Speculations of written character’s gender. who will replace Craig have been circulating, My personal stance however, resides on yet no actor has sparked as much controversy the direction in which producers intend to as Idris Elba. The Black British actor re- take this Bond. Assuming directors want to cently became a topical issue amongst Bond breakaway from Craig’s Bond and instead fans, whilst many have embraced the idea of return to the classic 60s Bond, then perhaps a black Bond, others have voiced feelings of casting a Black actor would appear unreal- concern. istic. Especially since people of colour were Author of the continuation Bond novels, given limited opportunities within that era Anthony Horowitz expressed his own opin- and therefore the likelihood of a Black man ions on the matter in a recent interview and assuming a key position in MI6 would be claimed that the actor was “too street” for the pretty slim. However, if directors decided to role. The interview initiated an explosive re- keep Bond within the modern world, I find sponse and numerous netizens came to El- no reason to object to a black Bond. After ba’s defence, as well as raising questions as to all if male characters can become female and what classifies as “street”? Horowitz insisted two dimensional personalities given a new that it isn’t about colour, rather he was refer- lease of life, why can’t Bond become Black? ring to Elba’s gritty portrayal of DCI John We should question why our collective im- Luther. By this definition, wouldn’t Craig’s agination still cannot see past colour. Bond be considered “street” too? The open- ing sequence in the 2006 reboot Casino Roy- Ann Amarawansa ale, established a rougher tone to Bond. The 30 theboar.org 27 TV Editor: Carmella Lowkis Recap: The Emmy Awards 2015 The Boar Ellie Campbell takes us through the highlights of this year’s ceremony TV Guide his year, the Emmys made history. not there”. Drama and Outstanding Supporting Actor Normally, such awards shows are Showrunner of How to Get Away with in a Drama, which went to fan-favourite Pe- slammed for being formulaic and Murder, Shonda Rhimes, strives for ethnic ter Dinklage (Tyrion Lannister). Boar TV brings you the top five TV shows to ignoring the minority. But this year and sexual diversity in each of her shows. Orange is the New Black’s Uzo Aduba be watching this fortnight: saw the most diverse pool of nominees ever. Another big story of the night was the subsequently won Outstanding Supporting TUnlike some awards shows, which end in winner of Outstanding Lead Actor in a Actor in a Drama for her role as Suzanne Unforgotten Premiere controversy over the deserved winner, the Drama. After a whopping eight nominations Warren, making the Aduba the first actor to 8 Oct / ITV1 67th Emmys seemed to focus upon recogni- in this category, and sixteen throughout win two awards for the same role – last ITV’s latest crime drama will see detectives tion and praise. his career, Mad Men’s Jon Hamm year she won Outstanding Guest investigating a cold murder case 39 years on. This year’s host, Andy Samberg, joked that finally won. It was seen by Actress in a Comedy. “Racism is over – don’t fact check that” as he many as deserved recogni- An honourable mention Disappearing Britain Premiere congratulated Hollywood for diversity being tion for his work in the of the night must go to 10 Oct / More4 “the big story this year”. This time around. AMC show for the past Transparent, Amazon’s In the first episode of a series exploring the Emmys opened the vote to a wider selec- eight years. comedy drama about Britain’s heritage, Larry Lamb and Benedict tion of Academies, in hope that they might Regarded as the a family who dis- Cumberbatch will be discussing Soho. better reflect the programmes and actors that favourite to win af- cover their father deserved to be honoured. ter Mad Men’s series is transgender. Jef- Homeland Season 5 Premiere finale aired in May, fry Tambor (Maura 11 Oct / Channel 4 Hamm beat the likes Pfefferman) picked The UK premiere of hit US political thriller A wider selection of Academies of Kevin Spacey up the award for Homeland looks to be a fascinating watch. were considered to better reflect (House of Cards) and Outstanding Lead the programmes and actors that Liev Schrieber (Ray Actor in a Comedy. Educating Cardiff Finale deserved to be nominated Donovan). Humorously Director Jill Soloway 13 Oct / Channel 4 climbing onto the stage thanked her transgender Catch the final episode of this documentary instead of taking the stairs, mother when picking up series to see how far Cardiff ’s schools have Hamm joked that it was “im- the award for Outstanding come. Viola Davis (How to Get Away with Mur- possible” that he’d finally won. Directing in a Comedy, whilst der) become the first black woman ever to This year’s Emmys also saw new encouraging the audience to vote for American Horror Story: Hotel Premiere win Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama. records be made as Game of Thrones stole The a trans equality bill. 20 Oct / Fox UK In her speech she praised the show’s writers West Wing’s record of most awards won in a It’s very clear that new Emmy ground was Yet another spooky season of American Hor- and critiqued Hollywood, stating “You can- night, totalling twelve. Amongst the acco- broken that night. ror story is back on our screens to get us in not win an Emmy for roles that are simply lades that the show won were Outstanding that Halloween mood early. » Viola Davis in her role as Annalise Keating from How to Get Away with Murder photo: Flickr / Disney | ABC Television Group » Photo: US CPSC / Flickr Say ‘goodbye’ to CSI

ome TV shows are so good, or run for into the sunset together. so long, that they become a cultural In talking about the show, it is impossible phenomenon. CSI: Crime Scene Inves- to ignore the effect that it has had in the real tigation has done both, and, now the world. cast have hung up their lab coats for the last time,S what better occasion to reflect on it? CSI has increased the demand A procedural drama dealing with criminal- ists using physical evidence to solve crimes – for forensic evidence in police it was never imagined to be the hit that it investigations and has seen a boom Thumbs-down for Downton became when it aired back in 2000, drawing in forensic science degrees in 27 million US viewers at its peak, as well as » The iconic architecture of Downton Abbey photo: Flickr / Gary Bembridge succeeding worldwide. The final episode, ‘Immortality,’ sees D.B. e’ve had characters in prison and exams? And I’ve really seen enough variations Russell (Ted Danson) and his team of CSIs The ‘CSI effect,’ as it is dubbed, has affect- people dying of Spanish influ- of the ‘country fair/cricket match/garden party investigate a bombing at the Eclipse casino, ed the public perception of forensic evidence enza; Christmas day deaths and where something goes dramatically wrong’ owned by former team member Catherine – jurors are often inclined to demand more, a corpse being sneaked down a theme. Willows (Marg Helgenberger). which has effectively raised the standard of corridor at night; not to mention Sybil’s un- Perhaps the problem is that this series isn’t Their inquiries lead them to Lady Heather proof for prosecutors. Wforseeable death in season three. set around a particular historical event. In Kessler (Melinda Clarke), a dominatrix and There are more factors to this – public With all this drama behind it, I’ve been season two, we saw how WWI affected the therapist who has cropped up in a number of awareness has increased the demand for fo- awaiting Downton Abbey’s return for months. whole community, with men from upstairs cases before. rensic evidence in police investigations, and The series so far, however, has been disap- and downstairs being sent off to fight, and the In an effort to better understand her, the has seen a boom in forensic science courses pointing. At the time of writing, I’ve only seen abbey itself becoming a hospital for wounded team bring back former leader Gil Grissom at universities worldwide. Few TV shows the first two episodes, so maybe I’m jumping soldiers. The historical context really united (William Petersen), who must delve into his have the power to impact the world as CSI the gun a bit here, but I can’t help but feel that the series. In 1925, however, we just seem to be past and repair his relationship with ex-wife has done. the show is starting to get boring. revisiting the same themes and events. Sara Sidle ( Jorja Fox) to help solve the case CSI has suffered with falling ratings, which The promo trailers have made everything Or maybe it’s the fact that actors keep leav- and find the bomber. claimed its two original spin-offs (CSI: Mi- seem far more desperate and dramatic than it ing which is the problem. Tom (Allen Leech) This episode showcases everything that ami in 2012 and CSI: New York a year later), actually is. Accompanied by a sad song about and Rose’s (Lily James) departure for America is good about the show. As well as the case, but its standard never fell. saying goodbye and the purposeful closing of at the end of the last series cut two of the best and the experiments that go with it, we get No matter what episode you tuned into, doors, the adverts suggest that the demise of storylines, leaving us to focus on the plight of to see the characters that we have grown to you would be guaranteed a piece of quality Downton Abbey is imminent and unstoppa- Lady Mary (Michelle Dockery) – surely the love back together (there is also a return from crime television: not bad when you think ble. In reality, none of the characters seem all most unlikeable character. Paul Guilfoyle as Jim Brass) in one last hur- that the three shows had around 700 epi- that bothered! Wedding plans and hospital Sadly, I can see Downton Abbey turning into rah. sodes between them. administration seem more important than the one of those shows which people say should’ve Everyone is given closure, but also the Now, it’s left to cybercrimes investigator looming end of life as everyone knows it. ended sooner. Unless there’s a dramatic turn- promise that life will go on – Russell leaves CSI: Cyber to carry the baton, but nothing It’s not just boring, though: it’s also repeti- around, I might be bowing out before Down- the lab (and will turn up in CSI: Cyber as a se- will ever compare to the original team catch- tive. Surely it can’t have taken this many se- ton does. ries regular); Catherine returns to take over; ing killers in Las Vegas’ bright lights. ries for Daisy (Sophie McShera) to pass her Nicola Paling and Sara and Grissom quite literally ride off Reece Goodall Think about how many times you missed the bus this week.

Think about the sleep you missed because of that last drink in Smack.

Think about those lectures you missed hoping to catch up on the recordings. (Yeah, because that will happen)

Think about the friends you are missing from home. Or the ones that are lucky enough to be swanning off abroad.

At Warwick, it is easy to miss a lot of things. However, this term we have got something that will help you stay connected to the things that are important.

The Boar App. Coming to iOS and Android this Autumn. 8 theboar.org 29 Music Editor: Stephen Paul & Jess Mason

Wolf Alice: “Get naked, I love you!” Backstage in Glasgow with London’s wildest wolfpack

» Engrossing instrumentation / photo: Flickr / Paul Hudson

Jess Mason band at the same time. They had a few gigs in ’s dressing room. but act as the calm before ‘Lisbon’’s chaotic like that at the start, though: “You kind of Conversation quickly turned towards storm. ‘Silk’ and ‘The Wonderwhy’ follow, have to – every band is shit when they’ve just more musical affairs, discussing collabora- swirling around the room, and cleansing the t’s the Friday of Glastonbury and there’s started out.” tions the band would love to experience, with crowd before the madness of ‘Storms’: a full- a storm thrashing around in the Park. Luckily, they’ve had some form of men- Joff pondering that “Arcade Fire would make on riot of headbanging punctured by verses Wolf Alice have taken advantage of the toring through supporting the likes of Man- a great backing band,” and Ellie confirming of sweet singing between the cries of “who downpour and thundered through their set, ic Street Preachers and The 1975: Joel Amey, “they’d take that as a massive compliment.” are your friends?!” Iculminating (for me, at least) in singer El- the band’s drummer, tells us, “It definitely Theo, however, had other ideas, stating The cries of “Here we, here we, here we lie Rowsell racing down, standing atop the helps to have friends in other bands – all “I’m obsessed with Miley Cyrus right now.” fucking go!” that follow every song (it was barrier to immerse herself in the crowd, and bands learn from more experienced ones.” It’s not a surprise that Wolf Alice’s mem- Glasgow, after all) are suddenly interrupted in turn holding my hand and telling me And (despite Theo’s most famous friend be- bers have such divergent tastes – My Love by darkness, and a spotlight trickles down to she loves me. Three months later, we’re (my ing “my mate Bobby from Camden!”), learn Is Cool is unpredictable and full of wildly illuminate Joel and his drum kit. It’s almost co-editor Stephen, the band, and myself) sit- they have; Wolf Alice changed dramatically varying influences, from Willy Mason to as though he’s the only other person in the ting backstage in the band’s dressing room at from that shy band on the prestigious John Outkast. Ellie’s vocals alone sound like they room, singing ‘Swallowtail’ alone with just the O2 ABC in Glasgow, and Ellie confirms, Peel stage in 2014 to a wild riot in the Park could be different people on each track, go- Ellie’s delicate strumming behind his soft “I wasn’t lying!” Who says you shouldn’t meet one year on. “It’s just confidence from play- ing from sweet harmonies to screaming, and voice – the crowd even quietens in what your idols? ing there more than once,” explains Theo. a blood-curdling cackle. It’s this that makes seems like a sign of respect, and it’s the most Wolf Alice have been on the tip of every- “It’s always scary playing somewhere for the them so interesting to listen to. peaceful moment all night. one’s tongue for a good few years now, but first time.” Despite their differences (they’re also Oldie ‘Fluffy’ brings the dancing back up they never expected to achieve a number two “Arcade Fire would make a great completely divided over Kanye West’s Glas- to speed, while crowd-favourite ‘Moaning with My Love Is Cool - let alone in backing band” tonbury performance, with Joff finding it en- Lisa Smile’ encourages all the headbanging the same week as a pair of spectacular Glas- tirely boring whilst Theo thought the crane you could wish for, and Theo finds his first tonbury sets. “At one point we didn’t think was particularly genius), they’re still just four perfect crowdsurfing moment of the night. we’d have an album at all,” Theo Ellis, their This isn’t their first time in Glasgow best friends having the time of their lives. Wolf Alice leave the stage following Ellie’s excitable bleach-blond bassist, tells us. “This though, and Wolf Alice have started to rec- “We don’t really have any rituals,” Theo says. cackle that concludes their most recent sin- tour is our first chance to play the album out ognise their most dedicated fans. “I know “But we do always have a hug before going gle: the frantic ‘You’re A Germ’. in full,” he says, because they’ve had the bus- some of them by name now,” says Theo. onstage.” It’s the love between them that you They creep back out to an atmospheric en- iest festival schedule this summer – so busy, “They all met on Twitter and come to the can feel in their presence, and that’s what core with ‘Turn To Dust’ hypnotising every- in fact, that their downtime between festivals gigs together.” I saw this for myself at their makes Wolf Alice so much fun. “I feel like one in the room, before the whole crowd has merely been spent travelling to the next. gig that evening (which the die-hards had we’re best friends now, I’m gonna get you tries (and unsurprisingly fails) to hit the high And yet, it seems as though that doesn’t faze been queueing for since the early afternoon), each a beer,” Theo declares, before bounding notes of 2013’s ‘Blush’. Theo and Ellie have a the band; you can see in the energy of their when people started shouting each other’s to the fridge and handing us each a Grolsch dance themselves during ‘’, clos- performances that they love the different Twitter handles in greeting, and someone to send us on our way. ing the set the way they know best: jumping personality each festival has, and, when asked asked me if he recognised me from Insta- around the stage while the crowd headbangs, what their favourite show as Wolf Alice has gram (definitely not). A bit surreal, but per- My Love Is Cool is unpredictable and Theo surfs above them. been so far, guitarist Joff Oddie reels off a haps that’s where fanbases are headed while and full of wildly varying influences, It’s a rollercoaster of a gig, full of wild whole list of festivals. There’s something in social media takes over the world. from Willy Mason to Outkast peaks and peaceful troughs contrasting the the spirit of this band that makes it so clear Ahead of that evening’s gig, knowing that happiest and saddest moments of the band’s they’re just itching to be onstage. all four band members are avid crowdsurf- debut album. Alas, no crane to please Theo, ers, we probe their onstage plans, noting that Wolf Alice open their gig that night with but, as he optimistically put, “we have lights!” Joff recalls their stand-out worst gig Florence Welch recently told her own Glas- a somewhat brave choice in their album’s On behalf of all the fanboys and fangirls gow crowd to get naked – something they namesake: the gentle, hidden track ‘My Love congregated on the perimeter of the barrier, was at Coventry’s infamous Kasbah most certainly did. “Just imagine if a guy said Is Cool’. It’s a chance to bond with their we were left starry-eyed regardless. that!” Theo exclaims, before Joff butts in: fans over an intimate demo, before stepping “Get yer willies out!” It was at this point that their dancing up a gear during ‘Your Loves However, it’s bad news for us when it I mentioned my previous encounter with Whore’ and ‘Freazy’. comes to whether Wolf Alice will be close Wolf Alice, with Ellie stating, “Well, one The crowd explodes into a cloud of glitter Want to write for us? to Warwick anytime soon. Joff recalls that of those phrases leads to the other…”, and during ‘Bros’ that’s so thick you can’t breathe Reckon you could do a their stand-out worst gig was at Coventry’s sparking a debate with Theo as to whether for the sparkling air, and everyone in the better job than this lot? infamous Kasbah, where they played to the “Get naked, I love you!” or “I love you, get room becomes best friends. The twinkling support, production, and a one-man crowd naked!” was more complimentary. It’s not a lights, airy synths and floaty vocals of ‘Soapy Search “The Boar Music Writers” on FB – despite being double booked with another conversation we thought we’d ever be having Water’ do nothing to wash the glitter away, • • •

J.P. Morgan is a marketing name for JPMorgan Chase & Co., and its subsidiaries worldwide. ©2015 JPMorgan Chase & Co. All rights reserved. J.P. Morgan is an equal opportunities employer. 31

Science&Tech Editor: Selina-Jane Spencer Warwick students visit MIT for biology competition Matthew Chester gives us the low-down on Warwick’s biological brainboxes ndergraduate and newly graduated really happy with the team we have so far, students from Warwick University everyone is putting effort in and we’ve been will be travelling to MIT, Boston, this working well as a group. I’m looking forward September 24-28 to compete in a global syn- to getting into the lab next week to conduct Uthetic biology competition. the first wave of experiments for our project.” The competition, International Geneti- To keep up date on the Warwick iGEM cally Engineered Machine (iGEM), involves team’s progress visit the team’s wiki or follow designing useful genetic features and incor- them on twitter over the upcoming weeks porating these into living micro-organisms and months. in order to create solutions for real world issues. The University of Warwick team will construct a bioengineering tool that can en- “This team’s work has the able the construction of organised structures potential to be applied to using living cells as the construction materi- medicine... they will also be al. Team member Matthew Chester explains; conducting outreach programs “The tool will be an engineered cell that is designed to display proteins called zinc fin- in the local area” gers on the surface of the cell – usually these proteins remain within the cell. These pro- The team will be supported with advice teins – which bind to double stranded DNA from academic and research staff, including – allow cells to self-assemble on tracks of Prof Alfonso Jaramillo and Prof John Mc- DNA that we have designed.” tigate the findings. Centre, who will introduce new techniques Carthy at the School of Life Sciences. They The University of Warwick team plan to This team’s work has the potential to be to the GEM team, some of whom are new will also receive training and advice from trial the tool’s use by making a 2D image applied to medicine; in creating a procedure to being in a lab. A member of Warwick’s the Warwick Integrative Synthetic Biology from the assembled cells in a pattern. If suc- to assemble different cells types for tissue 2015 iGEM team, Ben Hayward – third year Centre and Imperial College London. The cessful they will be the first team in the world bioengineering or constructing artificial or- mathematician – said: team will be travelling in September to pres- to produce a coloured picture using cells. gans. Another application is using cell as- “The fact that the competition takes place ent their work to the panel of judges at MIT. The team is interdisciplinary, with stu- sembly to execute a biological 3d printer, that in Boston at MIT is a bonus to an already If you would like to support their cause dents from distinct academic fields bringing could assemble cells into complex structures. great experience. MIT is one of the most by donating money or materials for their different skills and expertise to the table. They will also be conducting outreach inspiring scientific institutions in the world research, contact them at iGEM@Warwick. These departments involve Maths, Physics, programs in the local area, for instance do- and their work, both in and out of synthet- ac.uk. Engineering and Life Sciences, with Bio- ing presentations and lessons in secondary ic biology, has been really exciting to hear » The assembled brainboxes from IGEM medical, Biochemical and Biological Scienc- schools in Coventry, discussing the synthetic about over the years. This visit will allow us 2010 photo: igemhq /Flickr es represented. The breadth of disciplines biology project as well as the role of young to engage with other researchers, from many involved assists the team to share skills from women and men in the scientific community. different countries, in one of the most cut- Do you want to write for their areas of speciality to create the project, The team is beginning lab work with ting-edge universities.” SciTech? then work in the lab, and use mathematical guidance and training from the researchers This year’s project co-ordinator for the Email us on: models and predictions to predict and inves- at Warwick Integrative Synthetic Biology Warwick iGEM team, Aneesa Sheikh, – first [email protected]

OMG Philae finds life (well, not quite…) Kaja Milczewska talks us through the European Space Agency’s latest cosmic discovery

omewhere at an imprecise location on ecules via mass spectrometry. claims Prof. Chandra Wickramasinghe, our Solar System. a distant comet sits a humble space- By “organic”, we mean molecules con- member of Philae’s planning party. Photographs taken during initial descent craft. After a bouncy landing at the taining carbon: one of the major elements The organisms are believed to become ac- show physical signs of erosion on the comet, ‘Agilkia’ site of the 67P/Churyumov – that make up not only our bodies, but also tive at temperatures above -40⁰C, well above likened to those sighted on Mars. Presently, Gerasimenko comet, little Philae withstood life around us. The fact that four unprece- the range of -143⁰C to -183⁰C as the com- analysis has shown that whereas the initial Sa fair few bumps before grinding to a halt dented organic compounds (for the chemists et was measured to be in November 2014. landing site, Agilkia, consists of soft, gran- at what scientists now call ‘Abydos’. The new, amongst you: methyl isocyanate, acetone, However, as the comet’s trajectory leads it ular dust, Abydos has a contrastingly harder dark location ensured that Philae’s solar bat- propionaldehyde and acetamide) have been towards perihelion, surface temperatures will surface, as determined by the failure to dig tery reserves only lasted for some sixty hours detected amongst the total sixteen com- rise. Scientists live in the hope that Philae Philae’s drill into it. This therefore means before it went into hibernation. pounds found has caused quite a stir in the eats enough sunlight to be able to receive that current instruments onboard are insuf- But three days was enough for the public eye, following a successful peer-review communications from its recently somewhat ficient to dig out a rock sample to analyse lander to fish out some data and the subsequent release of these data on estranged mother Rosetta, in order to study those organic microbes; thus, we must rely about the chemical com- the 30th July in the academic journal ‘Sci- the ways the comet changes as it approaches on the powers of mass spectroscopy to deter- position of the com- ence’. the point of its orbit closest to the Sun. mine chemical composition. et, sending it to the Be wary of dramatic headlines such as Another optimistic claim about the afore- There is huge potential for future sampling Ptolemy and COSAC “OMG Philae Finds Life!” floating around mentioned organisms comes from the prin- and data analysis if Philae awakens from its instruments, the latter the Internet; allow your scepticism to creep cipal COSAC investigator, Fred Goesmann: current state of hibernation, following a brief of which is specially in upon hearing such claims. Philae has no “If such cometary material falls onto a planet period of awakened activity in June 2015. designed to analyse physical way of directly testing for life, the in the right environment, emerging life could This second round of data gathering will re- complex idea having been scrapped by its planning make use of it”. These findings may strength- sult in more excitement about both the phys- organic committee 15 years ago. en the belief that the origins of life on Earth ical structure and chemical composition of mol- What you should allow yourself to get su- may be deeply rooted in events of comet the comet. With sufficient results, we will be per excited about is the fact that the various collisions with our home planet. Because a able to further understand cometary evolu- ice structures enveloping 67P’s variable sur- comet is like “a time capsule of knowledge” tion and come closer to determining whether face may imply that there are “micro-organ- according to Goesmann, learning more about or not life on Earth emerged from a come- isms being involved in the formation of the the surprisingly porous structure of C-G may tary neighbour. icy structures, the preponderance of aromat- help scientists understand cometary evolu- ic hydrocarbons, and the very dark surface”, tion, as well as shed light on the history of Pictures: ESA, Coyau/Flickr 8 theboar.org/science-tech | @BoarSciTech | SCIENCE & TECHtheboar.org 32 Easy as ABC: Water on Mars – but don’t get your hopes up Google as you’ve Aaron Maroke explains why we should be excited about NASA’s latest findings (or not) walls on the Martian surface, suggesting -23oC as the salts lower the freezing point irst New Horizons and the Pluto fly- o never seen it by, and now this – 2015 has been a big water flow. These streaks have been named of water to below 0 C. year for astronomy. In late September, ‘recurring slope lineae’ (RSL) by mission Scientists are now currently trying to de- before NASA confirmed that they had found un- scientists, and appear to grow in size during duce where the water in these flows comes F the warmer months, consequently shrinking from. A possibility is that the salts present in ambiguous evidence for the presence of liq- n 10th August, the world’s largest uid water on the red planet, albeit in small during the colder ones. the water ‘pull’ water from the atmosphere, search engine became a subsidiary. amounts. This does, however, add credence to Recently, the RSL were examined using where it exists in small amounts as vapour. Google has a new parent company the old theory that Mars was once covered in a spectrometer – a device that essentially Another is that frozen water exists just below called Alphabet Inc. All existing shareholder oceans, and could quite possibly point to life measures the qualities of a specific light – the surface of Mars, turning to liquid when O that was present on board the MRO. Infrared in contact with the salts. The last possibility structure will transfer over to this new com- being found on what was formerly thought pany. Furthermore, each arm of the busi- of as a dry and dead planet. light reflected off the dark streaks across the considered is that subsurface aquifers (es- ness will also have its own dedicated CEO. Water on Mars is not a new concept. For planet in different states of appearance re- sentially water-bearing gritty rocks) cause Strange name notwithstanding, this is a bold hundreds of years, scientists have pointed to vealed light signatures given off by hydrated the water flows – but this would not explain move. Yet one that is necessary. The markets the icy caps on Mars as evidence of water’s salts (more precisely chlorates and perchlo- every example of water flow present. seem to agree as shares rose by 6%. presence, later learning that the caps were in rates for any chemistry buffs out there). More Of course, the presence of water would lead So why go to all that trouble of corpo- fact CO2 ice (although newer studies have importantly, the hydrated salts contained to the obvious suggestion of life on Mars, but rate hierarchy? There is precedent. YouTube shown that water ice exists under such caps). molecular water in liquid form, which actu- for all of you hoping to see some little green under Google has operated with its own In 1965, Mariner 4 provided evidence of ex- ally flows when the surface of Mars is above men in future, you’ll be sorely disappoint- CEO. The logical step would be to imple- tremely low surface pressure on Mars, which ed. Any life present on Mars is likely to be a ment this strategy cross company as Google would cause any water on the surface of the simple, tiny microorganism, which would be is no longer just a search company. It has a planet to simply freeze or boil away. This led notoriously difficult to find. Unfortunately, diverse portfolio that includes YouTube and scientists to believe that Mars was actually we’ll have to wait a few more years for NASA’s Android. Both of these brands, however, will always dead, until later visits to the red plan- Mars 202 rover or the ESA’s ExoMars mission still remain under the ownership of Google. et in the 1970s indicated long dried up river to be in with any chance of finding those mi- Google in recent history has struggled to beds – present evidence even suggests that croorganisms, as the Curiosity rover is cov- show itself as a growing business. Many have much of Mars was once covered by a large ered in resilient Earth microbes that could argued that Google is falling into the Mi- ocean. possibly contaminate any samples taken, or crosoft trap. Trying to do too much without For a while now, NASA has gone one step even Mars itself – which would indeed make focusing properly at all. In the process losing beyond and has been pointing at the possi- for a strange discovery in years to come! its core competencies. Its social network and bility of actual liquid water on the red plan- Google Glass projects can both be consid- et, a large part of the fundamental clues that ered failures. Neither have taken of, and have could allude to the existence of Martian life. What do you think about caused embarrassment to the Google name. Pictures from both the Mars Global Survey- water on Mars? or and the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Image: Jcpag2012/Wikimedia Commons Tweet: @BoarSciTech (MRO) reveal recurring dark streaks on #wateronmars The Pentaquark: Fact or Fluctuation? And the award for the least talked-about discovery of the summer goes to... or many of us it’s been a long sum- ti-red, blue+anti-blue etc. They don’t actual- is, the data was in fact collected 3 years ago mer, and yet in the blink of an eye its ly have colours, but this allows us to know and thus far has not yet been disproven. So almost over! But while we’ve been off which quark combinations could or couldn’t the answer appears to be (at least for the time This fundamentally allows Google to layingF on beaches, building schools in Ugan- happen. The simplest groupings are the ones being): fact! separate the accounts of risky, loss-induc- da, visiting long distance friends, catching described, with three quarks making a bar- So what does this actually mean? Well, as ing businesses elsewhere. Google Labs, life up with home friends or maybe just trying yon (protons and neutrons), or a quark and for any other physics breakthrough, we now sciences and drone delivery departments will to earn enough money to make it through an anti-quark making a meson. This rule have one more answer in a sea of questions. separate into Alphabet. It can differenti- the year (or just freshers week), the boys and doesn’t forbid the existence of more tropical This particular answer may help astrophysi- ate the earners from the losers without the girls at CERN have been busy publishing particles containing four or even five quarks, cists understand what happens inside certain Google brand taking a hit on its books. This their newest findings. The elusive and mys- and although they had not previously been types of stars, and it could help particle phys- does mean that in the foreseeable future, rev- terious pentaquark has landed, and it looks confirmed, the existence of tetraquarks (four) icists develop a better understanding of how enues at the Google arm will be down, but like it’s here to stay. and pentaquarks (five) have long been theo- quarks come together to form particles at all. profit will crucially be up. To understand what the pentaquark is, we rised. The search is by no means over. What the Larry Page, now CEO of Alphabet, has need to think first about what quarks are, and In the past two decades, various teams of pentaquark we’ve found actually is remains said that it isn’t supposed to be a brand in how they come together to make the parti- scientists have attempted to find evidence of something we’re not even entirely clear on. its own right –rather a platform to create cles that we all remember from our GCSE these more complex particles. In every at- It could be a collection of 4 quarks and one new brands. There seems to be an element physics lessons. Quarks are what we believe tempt (until recently), all data that seemed anti-quark all bound into one particle, or it of truth in that. The trademark for Alphabet to be one of the most fundamental parti- to suggest success would be rendered unre- could be 3 quarks (a baryon) and a quark an- and alphabet.com are owned by BMW. Even cles in the universe. That is, it doesn’t get liable shortly afterwards, and proven to ti-quark pair (a meson) joined to one anoth- the Twitter handle belongs to an unaffiliated smaller than quarks. Everything you be the result of misleading data or er by the same fundamental weak force that party. see around you is made of quarks a lack of calibration. This is a re- keeps electrons in atoms. Whatever it is, the So, what’s next? The new CEO of Goog- and other fundamental particles ality frequently faced by scien- theory doesn’t lie, and from what we already le will be Sundar Pichai. Most people have known as leptons. There are tists, especially with data that know about quarks and how they interact never heard of him. In October 2014 he be- six different types of quarks – requires insanely high levels of together, the rest of the more complex com- came responsible for the product and engi- up, down, charm, strange, top precision. Protons have a diam- binations of quark should certainly exist too, neering sides of the internet businesses. It is and bottom – all with different eter of about 0.8x10-15 metres. which means there’s still plenty more explor- considered that after Larry Page, Sundar has defining properties and corre- That’s 1x1012 (a million million) ing to be done. the greatest level of influence to any Google sponding anti-particles. When times smaller than a grain of sand, Particle physics is still a field shrouded in Product. Like Jonathan Ive to Steve Jobs. It quarks come together, they form so as you can imagine we’re talking mystery, and with every breakthrough comes will be interesting to see how he shapes the particles like protons and neutrons, but about pretty finely tuned stuff. In order more questions. Following the CERN reboot company to his liking. there are rules about how this is allowed for data to be considered reliable, it has to in June, its possible a couple more answers This is a bold move by a bold company to happen. To make things ‘simple’ particle stand up to rigorous scientific investigation, could be coming our way in the next few but, no one got anywhere by standing still. physicists say that each quark in a particle and the whole process of how the data was years. All we can do until then is keep calm has a colour or anti-colour: red, green, blue, collected has to be checked and rechecked and carry on theorising. Hamza Oza anti-red, anti-green or anti-blue. Only com- over and over again. So the big question is binations that have an overall colour of white this: fact or fluctuation? The teams involved Alice Stamp Image: Robert Scoble/Flickr are allowed, e.g. red+green+blue or red+an- are confident that their data is correct. As it Image: Maximillien Brice/Flickr 33

Games Editor: Ali Jones

EGX: Queuing Simulator 2015 Ali Jones checks out this year’s upcoming games at Birmingham’s EuroGamer Expo

» Just Cause 3 was one of the biggest games on offer at this year’s EGX photo: Flickr / PlayStation Europe

urning up to the National Exhibition Deciding to avoid games that had already ly much larger game in which you build your but the freedom VR offers even a game as Centre at 9.30 on the first day of EGX, been released to try to avoid queuing for ideal society through manipulating the genes simple as Creative Rift is truly astounding. the UK’s biggest gaming exhibition, I something I already knew I liked, I had to of your citizens; Induction, a time-travel Moving away from the Indie games, there thought it would only be the hardcore fans force myself to bypass Mad Max and Met- based puzzle game; and Party Hard, a pseu- was one game in particular I felt I had to andT some particularly zealous press that al Gear Solid V. Even though it wasn’t even do-stealth game in which you have to pick check out, so I headed down to the other end would be arriving before me. Unfortunately, I 11am by the time I left Assassin’s Creed, the off all the guests at a late-night party. The of the hall towards Just Cause 3. I opted for was wrong, and by the time I arrived, there was queue for the upcoming Star Wars Battle- reduced scale of the indie areas meant that I the more chaotic ‘Destruction Frenzy’, rath- only just enough time to take my place right front was already reported to be three hours wasn’t getting the simulated, crowd-pleasing er than Free Roam, which didn’t show off as at the back of a sea of enthusiastic gamers. long, so I steered clear. Bypassing some of spiel that the Nintendo, Sony or Microsoft much of the game as I might have liked, but the bigger games proved to be a pretty good stands were pumping out, and I could actual- still gave an idea of the size and freedom that idea though, as it brought me to the end of ly get a lot more out of the games. JC3 has to offer, and at this point it definitely the hall devoted to indie games. feels like a good improvement on its prede- “Even right at the beginning The three indie sections actually ended cessor. of the 4-day event, EGX was up being my favourite places to be; minimal “The three indie sections By this point, I’d been on the go for about pretty overwhelming” queues, more choice of games, and the chance ended up being my favourite nine hours, so I decided to call it a day. While to actually engage with developers. While I’d gone expecting it to be busy, standing in you might be waiting 40 minutes or more to places to be” queues by yourself gets dull quickly, and with play a popular new release elsewhere in the so many companies trying so hard to shove This was my first time at any kind of gam- exhibition, here you could play through three their presence down your throats (looking at ing exhibition, and even at the beginning of or four demos in the same amount of time. My personal highlight of the indie booths you, Nintendo), it can be hard to maintain the 4-day event, it was pretty overwhelming. Popular multiplayer games like SpeedRun- was Creative Rift, which offered me my first the wide-eyed enthusiasm you walk in with. After stumbling around in awe of the scale ners and Gang Beasts proved popular, but chance to try out virtual reality. This was the And if you’re not prepared to stand in queues of everything, I started my EGX experience there was a lot more on offer. My first port longest I had to wait to play any of the indie for hours, there’s not actually all that much to properly with Assassin’s Creed Syndicate, of call was Enter the Gungeon, a top-down games, but it was definitely worth it. From do – a lot of floor space was taken up by big the upcoming instalment set in Victorian rogue-like dungeon-crawler, where you face watching other people play while I was queu- company’s stages, and while there are obvi- London. The segment that we got to play off against murderous anthropomorhpic ing, Creative Rift didn’t seem particularly ously games to play, and it’s cool to get a first involved a short mission in which you took bullets. It’s brilliantly animated, and even impressive – it looks like a classic late nine- look, there’s not really enough to comfortably Evie, one of two brother/sister protagonists, though the demo didn’t let me get very far, ties dungeon crawler, with pre-determined fill two days, let alone four. into the Tower of London to take out a Tem- gameplay was wonderfully challenging. pathing and monsters who can only attack plar. Syndicate has a few new features, name- Other indie hits included Poncho, an 8-bit or move in straight lines. As soon as you put ly the arrival of a grappling hook/zip-wire style platformer in which you guide an ador- the headset on, however, all that goes out the Want to write for combo, and a slightly more Hitman-style able poncho-wearing robot through a variety window, and it’s amazing to see the impact Boar Games? Email way of slowly developing an approach to your of beautifully-drawn levels, by switching be- that a technology still basically in its infancy us at games@the- target, but at its heart, it’s still just another tween different levels with the 2D environ- can have. It takes a while to get used to – I boar.org Assassin’s Creed game. ment; Eugenics, an early build of an eventual- was more than a little unsteady on my feet, Until Next Time... 8-11 October and 15-18 October - League of Legends World Championships Groups and Quarter Finals The League of Legends World Championships are taking place throughout October, with the final taking place on the 31st. The group stages are probably the best chance to see the largest variety of teams, with international wild cards from Brazil and Thailand taking their place amongst the competitors from the European, North American, Chinese and Korean servers. Look out for more coverage as the Final approaches...

16th October - Back to the Future: The Game Telltale Games, the team behind games attached to the Walking Dead, Game of Thrones and Borderlands universes, are back with their foray into the world of Marty McFly and Doc Brown. Taking place after the events of the third film, this five-part episodic adventure travels into Doc Brown’s past and visits an alternate 1986, and is available on all major platforms. 24 theboar.org Travel Editor: Jack Prevezer Culture Shocks: Warwickshire’s hidden gems Hitchhiking in the Philippines Think you’re in the middle of nowhere? Nicola Paling begs to differ Scarlett Mansfield

St Mary’s Guildhall glimpse into medieval life. It was originally a A visit to this lesser known tourist attrac- meeting place for merchants where ceremo- tion should definitely be made by anyone hough the busy nature of South- lthough Coventry is famous for its nies and banquets were held and now hosts who wants to explore the history of Coven- East Asian cities usually attracts Cathedral and its history, hidden weddings and other events as well as being a try. This atmospheric medieval building is me, Manila, capital of the Phil- just behind the old Cathedral is a tourist attraction. worlds away from Coventry’s high street and ippines, was a step too far in the much smaller, but equally interest- Coventry’s Guildhall has a unique history really allows you to take a step into the past. wrong direction. ing building. of its own, as Mary Queen of Scots was once TIt is not a city that is accustomed to tour- AWhilst the original Cathedral was de- held prisoner there and it is thought to be the ists. For this reason, after 2 nights I needed stroyed in the blitz, despite its close location, setting of one of local author George Eliot’s to escape. I ventured to the bus station and St Mary’s Guildhall is completely intact. novels. asked where the next bus went – Donsol, Built in 1342 it provides a fascinating It also houses the Coventry tapestry, one 10 hours down South. “Sure, I’ll go there I of the most impressive tapestries left in the guess” I responded and hopped on board solo, country, and with these connections, the unaware of what would lie ahead. Guildhall holds an important place in Cov- It turns out Donsol was dead that time entry’s history. of year as the busy throngs of tourists have ventured away as the whale sharks migrate. I arrived at a boat port to hop to the next This atmospheric medieval building island, only to find no females. A group of men stood in a circle, watched me and follow is worlds away from Coventry’s high when I move. Of course, petrified by this and street and really allows you to take a a language barrier existing, I begin to panic. step into the past Much to my amazement, one comes over and begins talking broken English. He ex- plains how I will get to the next island and offers me a place at his house. I politely de- cline and he sits next to me on the boat for sport fields. The walk takes about an hour The Greenway is a brilliant location in support. He proceeds to show me photos of Kenilworth Greenway Walk one way and passes through beautiful wood- itself and would be great for a picnic on a his family and tells me about his life – he is a ed areas and fields. sunny day. Otherwise you can walk through 50 year old local who owns a few petrol sta- or anyone who wants to leave the The track is a bridleway which follows a the Greenway in order to get to Kenilworth tions on the deserted island. bubble of Warwick campus and es- former railway. The railway was opened in itself, and perhaps visit the famous Kenil- Eventually we arrive at Masbate City – cape for a while, a walk from campus 1884 and was vital in the transport of muni- worth castle. again, my lack of preparation has left me baf- to Kenilworth is ideal. tions during the war, when the tracks were Although there are some lovely walks on fled and with nowhere to stay, so I take up As campus is practically in the middle of removed though the railway was left to itself and around campus, the walk to Kenilworth the offer of his house. Climbing into a car Fthe countryside it is easy to feel as though you and overtime the track has become a haven Greenway feels like stepping out into the real with 3 large men, I pass a sign that cautions are in the middle of nowhere within minutes! for local wildlife, providing everyone with world after spending a long time on campus, ‘beware of human trafficking’! Immediately The route follows a path that begins just the chance to experience the surrounding and it’s a brilliant place for a nice, peaceful I regret my decision and suppress fears that near the Bluebell car park and passes the area. walk. I was going to star unintentionally in ‘Taken 4’… ‘I will find you, and I will kill you’ – my » Kenilworth Greenway walk and St Mary’s Guildhall photo: geograph.org.uk and wikimedia.commons ex-met police dad hunting down the enemy. However, I can safely say – it turns into the best adventure I have ever had. He ended up being such a pleasant man with the most welcoming family. His little children made An Australian Adventure me braceletsw all evening and the following day he drove me 3 hours across the island to Claire Fuller provides a feast for the eyes with photos from her gap year in the land of Oz my next stop. We made a pit-stop at his father’s house where I rode a very old and tame bull and ords cannot describe the ex- had practise attempting to lasso cows. Since citement I felt when I stepped the boats weren’t running the other end, he off the plane as my Australian bought me a mattress and allowed me to stay adventure began. I spent five in the room above his petrol station (kicking weeks travelling around Australia during my the employees to the other crowded room!), gapW year, and it was the best thing I have ever and ordered a boy to take me in the morn- done. The thing about Oz is that one mo- ing to the port once again - equipped with ment you’re in the hustle and bustle of Syd- freshly baked bread and to the amazement of ney, and the next you’re quad biking through locals I whizzed past. the outback. By far, the highlight of the trip Sometimes, the unplanned things end was snorkelling in the Great Barrier Reef; it up being the most memorable… And boy I was beautiful. I’d be jetting off back to Oz won’t forget that any time soon. tomorrow, if I could!

» Sunset at Alice Springs » Scuba diving in the Great Barrier


» Uluru, otherwise known as Ayers » Exploring the Australian outback » One of Australia’s azure beaches Photo: common.wikimedia.org theboar.org/Sport | @BoarSport | SPORT | 35 25 theboar.org Absolute Boarginners: Extreme Edition Mountains Moved: Conquering Kilamanjaro

et me make one thing clear in the region. And the porters and distance and high stamina trek to from the very beginning; I staff are stunning. Providing any keep you going and make sure you » photo: Hiran Adhia am not built to climb moun- equipment, all meals, tents, medi- are motivated. tains. As a chubby, city-born Indi- cations and carrying baggage, they Having said that though, I would Lan, on a scale of one to Bear Grylls, catered for everyone. be lying if I said that I enjoyed I fall somewhere between a failed The trek itself was six days long every second of it, because it real- Boy Scout and Kim Kardashian with each day consisting of be- ly pushed me mentally. Of course, when it comes to coping with the tween 8-10 hours of walking uphill I was suffering physically, but the outdoors. In every sense of the with the summit day consisting challenge was keeping my head word, I am a Boarginner. of 19 hours in total. No, seriously. straight even when I had severe However, I took on the challenge I might have underestimated it a fatigue to make sure that the peak of climbing the world’s tallest free little bit. was only a footstep or two away. standing mountain early in my first Nevertheless, it wasn’t the burg- The closer we got, the more dif- year, with the intention of raising a ers, but altitude sickness that got ficult it became. Colder conditions, boatload of money for charity and me and quite early on. On the first more treacherous paths and the pushing myself to the limit. Fortu- day, I could feel the tightness in my constant niggle of altitude sick- nately, I managed to do both. chest and the shooting pains of a ness made some points unbearable. Taking an extra year to do the thumping headache. Most trekkers However, the closeness of the team fundraising, I spent a lot of time suffer from some form of altitude made me determined to get to the thinking of innovative ways to get sickness when climbing but I was top and get that famous picture. students to part with their hard I had already planned well in earned overdraft capital. The high- advance to wear the suit - the out- light of which was a Facebook Kilimanjaro Fact File: come of a £100 donation/bet that I event entitled, “Trek, Fat Boy, Trek” Elevation: 5,895 m am waiting to cash in on. Yet, when parodying the famous Simon Pegg (19,341 ft) I got to the tent at Base Camp film, swapping the marathon train- waiting to climb to the summit, ers for walking boots. It managed World’s 4th Higest Peak it was more a question of warmth to raise over £600 on its own and Location: Tanzania than style. took me over my £3,000 target. It The last day was gruelling. Af- just goes to show you that if you ter walking for 10 hours on the can make people laugh, then they penultimate day, we had 3 hours to are much more likely to make a unfortunate to have a more severe rest before midnight struck and we much needed donation. version. As if climbing a moun- started our ascent in the pitch dark. The trek itself required a lot tain wasn’t tough enough! Luck- It started at -5 degrees and didn’t of preparation, both kit wise and ily, soups and smelling salts were warm up much until sunrise...7 physically. Whilst fully on top of enough to keep it at bay. hours later. It nearly broke me as the things I needed to bring, I was Moreover, there were a few bits we climbed having absolutely no a bit lax on the exercise. I man- of kit that saved me. Walking poles idea where we were or how close it aged to walk in my boots, but my which I got for less than a ten- was to being over. ner in Sports Direct took serious tling everything (including myself) then systematically put in goal, I passion for burgers did not cease But we made it. After nearly col- had culminated in a photo that feel like climbing a mountain has during the weeks leading up to the pressure off my knees and were lapsing with fatigue, being severely an absolute God-send. A seriously could almost rival a Swatch advert made me feel more confident with trek. Whilst delicious, it didn’t help dehydrated and wildly devoid of in GQ magazine. I just wish I had carrying the extra weight up the warm 4 season sleeping bag made endurance challenges. by the time oxygen, at approximately 9:40 in taken the time to do my top button you have read this, I will have com- mountain. sure that I got a decent enough the morning, I was the last person night’s sleep and was able to walk up. pleted another trek in the Himala- The first thing to say about Tan- to reach the Uhuru Peak at 5,959m Overall, Kilimanjaro was an ex- yas and so with two mountains un- zania is that whilst a relatively poor the next morning. And finally, hav- above sea-level, completing a 100% ing a GoPro Hero 4 camera kept perience. Not always a pleasant der my belt in a month, I feel like country, it is a wonderfully friendly success rate for our group. I una- one, but I am bloody glad I did this the might be the Boar-ginning place with a lot of livelihoods de- me occupied and was really easy to shamedly weeped as I touched the use. These were three things that it! Having been the last one to be of something beautiful. pendent on Kili. From travel to wa- planks of the peak which told me picked in football at school, and ter companies, it is a huge employer I would recommend for any long that it was done. Six days of bat- The fastest revision break of all time

hen asked by the Boar being an accomplished driver with Adrenaline. Pure, insane unadul- the racing line as possible. One of rear of the car on the corner closest if If I fancied heading GT Academy he sacrifices his own terated adrenaline. I had never felt the race stewards beckoned me to the pit lane. Without wanting down to Warwick Mo- enjoyment to prioritise others. Ba- anything like it in my life and start- over. “Listen son” he said, “I’ve been to sound like an Oscar-winning torsport’s Driver Development sically, I would say he is the equiv- ed whooping like an excited child. doing this for nearly 50 years, and actor thanking all of his backroom ProgrammeW to test karts that alent of Jesus if Jesus was a white I was Ayrton Senna, flying round I’ve seen people killed doing what staff from personal stylist to cof- reached up to 70mph, I remember van man. the bends of Monaco, Silverstone you just did there.” After that I lost fee-fetcher, the point of this all is I the assault I subjected my laptop As the day’s racing commenced and Spa setting lap record after lap the psychological battle. I wanted keyboard to repeatedly typing the the first thing I noticed was the record… Then a seven-year-old to drive faster but it was like there » photo: Tim Arstall word ‘YES’. It turned out to be one noise; it immerses you in that grand overtook me. To clarify, this sev- was a mental block stopping me: of the most incredible experienc- prix atmosphere, feeding your But- en-year-old and others like him are that moment of hesitation those es of my life, but was I in any way ton/Hamilton delusions. Two karts known as ‘cadets’, they join racing seven- year old future champions ready for it? Probably not. were on show, the ‘less’ powerful teams at a very young age and seem never develop. If I raced more I’m The day started like any other TKM which had around 15 BHP to have a suspiciously high number sure I could overcome it, as many for me, rolling out of bed at 5:30am and the other Rotax at 32 BHP. of days off school. Maybe I was of Warwick Motorsport have. An- (honest) having a shower and wea- When you factor in these karts overtaken by a future F1 champion, drew Tyrell, a long-term member rily sighing at the increasingly weigh as much as helium balloons, I was overtaken by a lot of people was telling me how it took him two non-existent prospect of revision. they effectively feel like rockets. that day, maybe I was just a bit rub- years to have the steel to drive flat- I could barely hide my excitement As my turn arrived, my lack of bish. out. I should say once again all the at the idea of a day spent bombing experience beyond Xbox started to At this point. I momentarily team were absolutely brilliant and a round the Whilton Mill circuit in creep into the back of my mind. lapsed in concentration and spun. far cry from ‘boring engineer’ stere- Northamptonshire. Warwick Mot- At least I was earning the ‘Abso- Frustrated I looked to the heavens otypes. Callum was telling me how orsport’s Driver Development Of- lute Boarginner’ tag and there was for answers. Nothing doing. Sigh- he found the car I drove “actually had an amazing day and I sincere- ficer Callum Brewell would drive no backing out now. Tentatively I ing sluggishly, I got out of the car quite slow” and another member ly hope I can do something like it me all the way to the track. Cal- stepped on the throttle. The first to see Callum running towards Kyle Roberts tasked himself with again. lum’s job is basically to make sure couple of corners I intently focused me shouting. In karting, the pro- going out in the pouring rain on everyone involved enjoys karting on keeping concentration and get- tocol for spinning off is to let any slicks for the sole purpose of drift- Tim Arstall as much as possible at the expense ting the car round, but then coming nearby traffic pass, then once the ing. It was a sight to behold, espe- of his own time on track. Despite up to a clean straight, I floored it. track is clear, get the car as far off cially when he momentarily lost the 36

Sport Editor: Shingi Mararike » photo:WWarwick Sport #Pre-Season PUMP! Warwick’s sports clubs have been putting themselves through their paces preparing for the new season: here are three of the best...

Men’s Football on an extensive programme which hard work with a series of futsal to two important friendlies against incorporated high-intensive fit- games and the much-loved shoot- Racing Warwick FC and Coventry n keeping with tradition, UW- ness drills with technical gameplay ing-and-elimination game. De- University. MFC’s pre-season kicked off and match-based exercises. From spite the numerous tired legs and The boys will be eager to im- with the dreaded bleep test ear- standard sprint sessions to chal- fatigue beginning to kick in, the plement the progress that has been ly Tuesday morning. Regardless of lenging Dutch squares, the squad squad continued to give it their all made so far and get the season off Ithe miserable weather conditions, were put through their paces in a as best seen in Saturday’s punish- to a great start. the boys more than impressed bid to prepare every player for the ing spin class. and set a high precedent for the coming BUCS season. Week Two will aim to build Sam Brook (Team Captain) coming two weeks. Over the next As the week came to an end upon the foundations set in the couple of days, the club embarked the boys were rewarded for their first week as the club looks forward » photo: UWMFC

Squash ty and intensity to their training, for improvement in such clutch cit should pay dividends as the honing in particular their ability to scenarios, during which an addi- impact of avoidable mistakes be- n the wake of a strong perfor- perform under pressure and to im- tional burst of energy and mental comes more prominent. Partnered mance in BUCS last season, prove their fitness.The men’s first toughness could help turn a match. with daily interval training ses- Warwick Squash have engaged team’s unfortunate playoff defeat Pre-season action has therefore sions on court to prolong physical in a rigorous and detailed pre-sea- to Manchester in their bid to reach included the implementation of competitiveness in matches, these Ison programme this past week. Re- BUCS Premier League status last conditioned games in order to ac- pre-season efforts will help shape turning members of all three com- year brought to an end an extreme- curately reflect crucial match sce- a fiercely competitive outfit for the peting teams have already used the ly fruitful campaign. narios. Throwing all players into 2015/16 season. benefits of the club’s focus team However, an analysis of this situations where they must fight status in an effort to add diversi- performance highlighted the need back from a pre-established defi- Rob Clayden (Men’s 1st Team) » photo: Warwick Squash

Men’s Hockey freshers was thrown into a game This time tired legs took their toll, conditioning team put us through against local rivals Berkswell. The and despite only trailing 2-1 at half our paces testing stamina and fter a summer of intern- game was played at a high tempo, time the game got away from us in sprint endurance as part of the new ships, soul searching, and and despite tired legs we ran out the second half and we lost 5-2. performance sport program. Then a European tour more ex- 4-3 winners, securing bragging There was plenty to be encour- it was off to Bristol for pre-sea- tensive than that of an aging rock rights for the season. aged about though, Chris Barnett son tour. It has been a fantastic 12 bandA with serious debt problems, The following few days followed scored an absolute worldie - you days, with the club looking in great the UWMHC returned to Leam- a similar pattern of fitness, small can see just how well the UWL- shape to start the season strongly. ington Spa to begin the new sea- sided games and recovery work in HC did filming it on our Insta- son. After a gruelling first day, the pool, before a second fixture gram page… In the second week Rob McGeachie (Men’s First a makeshift side featuring three against a talented Stourport side. Warwick Sport’s new strength and Team) » photo: UWMHC A letter to my first year sporting self

kay Ralph, enjoy your first that it’s impossible not to get in- now my closest friends. ing trying out a new club when you take a mate if you’re worried about term, don’t drink too much!’ volved. The first Tuesday of term Somewhere through the grape- don’t know anyone in it! flying solo SLAM! The rickety door was the Sports Fair, I was ushered vine we heard that Wednesday But fear not, every club puts on As a fresher I’d have massively on my military barrack style room into a bustling Sports Centre, sur- night was a must for a fresher look- socials throughout the year (mostly regretted not joining a club, they’re Oin Rootes H-block swung shut on rounded by more sports than I ing for a good laugh. I grabbed a Wednesday nights at the SU), so a fantastic way to keep fit, meet new moving-in day at Warwick Fresh- knew existed. spare ticket to what’s called ‘cir- there are many opportunities to get friends, and to get that bit extra out ers’ Week 2013. After making a beeline for the cle’, the biggest night of the week involved. of your time at Warwick. Let’s face The first few days are always the taking place in the SU. Safe to say, If you’re interested in a club, just it, if you’re doing humanities, what most difficult for anyone. You get after an enjoyable night of tipsy in- else are you going to be doing with thrown into a flat with 15 other peo- he first few days are al- discretion (understatement of the all that free time?! ple whom you’ve never met. You’re ways the most difficult year) with Men’s Hockey. I haven’t port is such a big part of life praying they share your interests, Tfor anyone. looked back since. 60 competitive at Warwick that it’s impos- Ralph Haville humour, and above all your respect fixtures, 70 socials, 4 domestic and Ssible not to get involved. Men’s Hockey for the ‘don’t leave skidmarks in the international tours and 2 years later, toilet’ rule you religiously adhere to. Men’s Hockey stand I got chat- I’ve loved every minute of it. I survived my early days as a but ting to a few current club members, That’s the story of how I joined drop the Social Sec an email or I knew I was never going to confine gave them my details, and went to one of Warwick’s major sports Facebook message (details can be Got an idea for a myself to my halls. I’ve always been the trial session the following day. clubs. Inevitably, not all of you are found on club websites) and they’ll similar article? a sporty bloke, I’d played hockey to After a relaxed run around, I got the same. But the good thing about tell you more about the socials their drop us a tweet a decent level at school and wanted talking to other freshers and was Warwick is there are so many clubs club offer. If you fancy it, give it a Tweet: to carry it on at uni. Luckily, sport relieved to meet more people in the on offer, that one is bound to suit go and see if it’s right for you, if not @BoarSport is such a big part of life at Warwick same boat as me, some of who are you. It’s always a bit nerve wreck- then no harm done! You can even