Men's Wear of Canada

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Men's Wear of Canada MEN'S WEAR REVIEW plan was in operation had been far above what it would "I have always believed—in my own case—in studying be in the ordinary, thus demonstrating the usefulness of the tastes of my customers. Of course a man who has the scheme. been established for many years in a growing city and has This selling stunt is important because it is the ex- grown up with that city naturally comes to have a number ample in the case of the boys' department, of giving away of customers who go to him as a matter of course and something which is high priced. Heretofore, books, mouth- order a shirt or order half a dozen shirts or collars or hose organs or footballs or some plaything have been more or without bothering to ask the price. This is not so with all less easy and inexpensive as give-aways to catch the men I know. But I would advise, when it is possible, to get boys' trade. The bicycle was something new, however, hold of a certain bunch of customers who come to you and something expensive. You cannot get a bicycle for regularly, and then you know that those men as soon as nothing, or a victrola either. (By the by, none of the boys you have anything worth while in your window will come preferred a victrola, they all wanted the bicycle.) in and get it. I believe, in the main, that in a provincial town, as distinct from a metropolitan, a men's furnisher is Lots of Watches, Too. more likely to attract a certain number of his own customers In addition to the bicycle being given away to the seven and not to cater to an indiscriminate trade. Of course, boys who had the highest coupons, a hundred watches were such trade as one picks up by the way is all to the good, given to the boys, each of whom had one hundred coupons. but it is a good thing, too, to have a stand-by in the shape This meant—for it was announced early in the competi- of a number of customers who are always, more or less, tion—that nearly every boy who worked hard had a regular buyers. chance of at least getting a watch and very possibly a "I would say, too, that I think a good many of the bicycle. This made the thing worth while. young men starting up as men's wear furnishers need to This means the outlay of some money, but it has been be told not to try and make money too quickly. It is not demonstrated that it was very much worth while. The an easy thing to make a fortune at selling men's wear in time has gone by. we think, when trade can be corralled a couple of years. It is done often; it is not like selling by cheap and inexpensive stunts. It is a fallacy to think the Ford motor car, for instance. A man has to plod along that any men's wear man can get something for nothing. steadily and do his best for his customers and use bright He cannot. He has got to make some outlay if he hopes ideas and trim his windows and stores to be attractive to bring something in, and the Oak Hall people demon- and novel, and then he will be successful, but he cannot strated that such expense as they went to was amply expect to do it all in a week. Rome was not built in a justified. day, and no successful man's business was either. Trying This was not inconsiderable, because it meant advertis- to get rich quick is all right, but it usually involves some ing the scheme to begin with, advertising the scheme now bargain stunts and other methods which I have not found and then during its duration, advertising the winners when myself to be necessary. To the young man I would say, they were known, sending men round the town with the do your best for your customer and keep on at it, and then bicycle and an announcement, and then the cost of the you will make good." seven bicycles and the couple of hundred watches. Alto- © gether this meant a considerable outlay, but as we have pointed out, it was amply justified and the Oak Hall store SERIOUS WOOL SITUATION is to be congratulated the initiative upon and upon blazing The seriousness of the situation as far as suitings are —what is, in some sort a new trail in men's wear pub- — concerned, is further accentuated by rapid advances in the licity. We do not mean to say that this stunt has not prices of linen canvas. With a total advance of about been done before, but there are some features of it that thirty per cent to date, there is a danger of the price rising are new, and it is very commendable. still further. ® As evidence under which manufacturers of clothing are working the following letter, which was received by KEEP the Campbell Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Montreal, from a ON KEEPING ON large English woolen and worsted manufacturer, is inter- C. W. GARDENER of Gardener & Thompson, esting. Retailers are asked by the above firm to keep MR.of Hamilton, Ont., has in some wise words to say these conditions mind if they find that orders are not with regard to moderate success in business. Mr. filled with the usual promptness, or if the goods are not Gardener has been in business in Hamilton now in men's exactly according to sample, or if advanced prices are wear for at least 30 years, and somewhat astonished The charged in repeat orders. Review when he told us that during that time he had never "We beg to draw your attention to the fact that your had a sale, and had not spent $500 all that time in adver- order is accepted for delivery in 16 weeks conditionally on tising. Whether such methods as he has employed would our being able to secure raw materials for same, and, for suit all the stores is a question upon which we are not this reason and also for any claims which may be made going to say anything definite. Some situations demand upon us for Government Service, we reserve the right to measures which are different to measures taken in other cancel in the event of being unable to give delivery and situations. It is impossible to be generic; one has to be do not accept any responsibility for loss of sale or other specific. Mr. Gardener, however, has the following to say: losses which may be caused by the cancellation. It is "To my mind one of the most important things in mak- also possible that owing to the scarcity of dye wares, and ing good in men's wear is to watch one's stock. A great the unusual deviation from the ordinary standard of all many men fall down because they go on keeping up stock classes of raw materials, we may also require a little lati- time after time, and then they have to sell it out at prices tude in the matching of shades. At the same time we can which do not pay them. It would be much better if, buy- assure you that we shall do our best, under the existing ing in small quantities, buying hand to mouth, they were circumstances, to execute the orders placed by our friends to go more often and get less at a time and thus they and shall conform as near as possible to their require- would keep their stock newer and not be placed with a ments in every case. We shall be pleased if you will problem of having to get rid of a lot of stuff which would kindly note these conditions and shall be pleased to have prove difficult to sell. your acknowledgement of same by return." 29 Interior of the Store of L. A Roy, of Quebec City, who has some words of wisdom to say the interview given beneath. USING HABERDASHERY AS A BAIT I,. A. I!. Quebec, Introduced This Line to (live Customers Free Entry to His Clothing Store—Added Boys' Suits to Catch the Men of the Future. Spt cial in Tin I!< vit w by a traveling staff writer. OUEBEC, June 12.—It is a different matter opening other cities. In Quebec, social connections are perhaps a clothing or haberdashery store in Quebec City to, more to a clerk than salesmanship. It has been known say, in Montreal, Toronto or Sherbrooke. You will for a slovenly man, with deplorable knowledge of his know why if you have ever stayed there any length of goods, to make a greater success in the furnishing busi- time. If you have not, know then that the city of Quebec, ness than a clever salesman, simply because he had a despite its history, its importance as a port, and the fact wider circle of acquaintances. that it is the capital of the province, is merely an over- Clerks who speak good English are scarce, because grown village or town—in many respects. both languages are necessary. There are lots of bi-lingual A stranger from New York, Paris, or Timbuctoo could men's wear clerks in Montreal and Sherbrooke, but they open a clothing store on St. Catherine street, Montreal, would be handicapped in Quebec through not being and, granted he had the right goods and a reasonable acquainted.
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