Albuquerque Weekly Citizen, 09-15-1906 T
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University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 9-15-1906 Albuquerque Weekly Citizen, 09-15-1906 T. Hughes Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Hughes, T.. "Albuquerque Weekly Citizen, 09-15-1906." (1906). This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. VOLUMV 16 ALBUQUERQUE. NSW BIHXIOO, SATURDAY, 8!FT!HOUR 16, 1900 NUMBBR fO Arfcljo ef aria IKe WIe ot 4 Wli flUW PrwMh, and her lawful ItnabssM was wWHt frightened tha met away, be-tor- in tha dlaulet clerk's oStoe eeterday. SMITH AND KENNEDY woefaUy defteisnt In all 4mm treat-Itte- CONVENTION CITY they dared t amnrs near the ay which asrtatn deeds of land are SOME FIRST THIHOS OFFICIALS OF THE Mrs, Delia MHtosvlett her hapfty honta. When they Snnlh entered. brought In qneetton. The pintail nr home In fotonMavtlle Uurt Tuesday to the found the nld Wtm 'lead. The pears ns the bast friend of Jesus and lead a butterfly HP with Xartoa corwer's Jury found that ha had died Hstanrata Armijo and others. BOLD BAD ROBBERS Tague. It Is understood the erftte ofJM age and lack at tare. The Bank or Oommerre haa bronght ABOUTJLUD VIRGINIA SYSTEM coupi went to Qiobe. aaars the WIUJNJERTAIN Tie deceased wagv& singular and suit agalnet Oscar Lohmaa, as trans- - 8ANTAJE Artaotuu BuUetla. wan known character ymo haa lived urar of Don Ana county, to recover Abe ttllsoB. who lu this caas cot- - l a A alM--t Vhm W Inaft vaaiaa tt.000, the value of several head of Or at Least So Rules Jose sldera himself the fortnnntn, deserted Larger Nnmbor of Dalogatos He Vss a Httddhlst erWi other kind cattle and horesa. which the statntlK Plrst Dtclaratlon of Rights An- - fn Alhuquvrqu Today-C- an atieband. ratton that his wife inform of tndurkMM crank, mmI 'vra acottetem- - alMgea were levied upon by tha ee Miguel Chavos, J. P.. ed hhn the day before that the seat of to Various Conventions ed in gntner erippwn and homeless lendaat for taxes witnout arst gtmg Uolpatod North Carolina oral Mairagor Walls Her attentions bad undergone a radictu tmeiaml doga. faedOni Mid caring for the ownar the proper notice. Ttw of Old Town. hnnga, and that, Instead of being b During W&ak thatt. He gathered aerape from the stor-- wac some turned over to the By Two Months. sptrikes or entad aMrwhere about the an. tow? nf resfcfartutts to feed his pets and kls y Patrick Osrrett, late wa deep-roote- d the MM Abe, It a la fewehumene, and mtglit be seen ear- - Cntlff enstotts at IB Paso. sdoM proxlBtlty 48t-dott- ar was. OOUND o'verto grand jury to the Or BIG PAIR, SEPT. 17-2- 2 rrlnk; baskets or oc vtis feaa Barney Spears baa bronchi suit in ALSO MONTHS BEFORE JULY 4 IMPROVEMENTS TO DB A1ADE enrrlnd by the aforesaid w.'. debsn on pete aluag over m. shoulder. He iMtv1 conaty to recover tlMl Jdnrion Teagna, . aire and Preneh wejpg sever kill from -- H. Slosa of fmnu Pu. whtaS Aientc wHh this tntoraaatko the leu ang ha atreges the datatutaat owaa bin. tor On Grand Larwny Gharge-lll- s ow Than Ever Oathorod at One TImo the proeeeds the sale of First Iron and flour Made by Col ISIola Como In For Some Im- - wRh Win taetr gin, but and a few vnaum as which he werk done an some eoai pronertr in wm eonslnerate eneush to take her Sandoval county owned tha Mand' provfrnaiiU-Btoo- tory ofOharflo arld In Any City In BHhor ruflfld- - Irrtgallat hilb wde by car- - br onto Near Klolimond. K Syjitani htltr. te which her hueeand laya e luiAlgBft sat. He petitions the court to Plate water in a u Li v nj tu supplied hit Its Sequel. slalm. a eM bey. aHo Territory. ryt a low on the said etai property anu Virginia. and Tanks. ae.. new went aktng wttk Ms mother and years when the city mar maaninery ou it. ly tamn tauter. aw Mrs. Iva Or Springer broHght ifMtn oolleot baa km City went to the eld to la Sandoval county for dimrne. Constable Jim Smith, be ef th "Albuaueraue. the Convent ax found dogs suit Norlalk, Vau, tmpt. 18-- Paw but tha Oonaral Mnnaaor A. a. Wotti at the gvnfm eounteBMoe, Mexlee," will entertain mora he thirtfsix and alleging ner tmsnaau. T. T Santa, aoaet, and of Kew biy twice as tnanyeM. He kau that most dlHgetu Hudenta of American Pe mm, naaomoanlatl W avoirdupois, ami AMletnttt Murskai S OF US dekNmtes te various eenvnntlons to npnngar ana oesertsa ner. nm oaugktor, mmm louwc wane, ami Kumialti oliV ... tUUMtllfu! hWuik weex enougn to pay tnnaur ten or history knew the feet, ret It hi trae. guest, be held in thw city during; lair ta and crlen 1W Xtsnmtl when her Mies Ingram, ot Los An moustache, are bold, bad burners, ur tnan any etty in tne two terrnones that the citkmna of Norfolk dohiod tbo geles, arrived In the city this morning . I . 1 . TaaAi. I . ... I CRUGES LAKD OFFICE tbaToffirar aiot the liWhlSl twee Bt IM SO rutOU VH mm. Jiiatn erer entertained before at t gtren tysfc. right ot Orer Brttnm to tax the en n general Inspection trip, and Charm, jw.tlca of Uhi mM of Old time. FnllowlBg U a list of the eon eatOBlee without rapressnmioo mere icg tae ay wna in oonforonco with a Albequerqua, la bin eautt yaaterday, renttoos meeUnge to be held here number of otgofnw. ONLY M4 HOMESTEAD ENTRiCS and (ban two months before promul other Santa Pa m lUUwt In iMt evealag's issue of auring tne trees ot geptember n-- n CWyESliliTTIfDB- - the who spent tbo day In Albuquerque, Th ttvealug Chtsea, all of which goes DURINS YEAR WHICH IS BE- Sheen and Wool Orowers oonven COME EARLY gallon ot the coiebratad Meekleabwrg among then, being amperlalea4at ft nuiKWa -- Carlo to show tbut ia oute LOW RECORD OF OTHER ttett. In --Hks opera house. September aodaratlaa of independence nnd nearly J. Parker of tbo Wbatern grand 41- - gambling Joint attachment cm. OOUNTIES. IS. and Jl UCAXS NAME GArtDIQATES Ava months reprsusntntivec visum, mngmoor P. M. Blsaoo of th Constable-Smit- h It before of wherein stuonad l.s Oread lodge of Knights of Pythias Mia In Phiiadot-phl- same aad Divlaten Superta fm--t iriiMl hMlt roil, on tnirtM ootesiies met i.i. mut of New Mexico, in K. P. bell. Son Cambridge, Mass , Sept. 18 Tha nnd formally tctsaent Hera, who arrived from tbo --- tl attain-a-at- lU faVOT renounced the suth J ll aa.laTa.1 The Las Crnoea laM diatrtet MM tember 17 and Is. ority of (front briuin. east mat evening, nag Superintend sat of Mm OmmioC, to cigar man, after not mad as good shnwftg dnrimc the POR VARIOUS OPPIOES BNDOR8 1 and year 1778. W. K. Utter, who enmo In U .k .. Rseai eBwing as underlalteru lembalmerrf UBti aKiVKPtnon riAtSnrtMAN on tha Harvard eleven this mat As far bsck as March IS. a from tbo tM propne-r-s u " rmr June Jt. new Mexieo, '' iiu OlaywM, m etatlOR of in oes r a un lunttalMA this maiHtng at the request ot the number ot Norfolk patriots assembled south this morning. place bad been pulled off the back ot did the Rnswell ami ttsnta aluh rooma. Kent timber 17. Is niibf ti bciuil untter name Liberty' in a representa- OAtoer Kennedy districts. coach, Willi m T. Held. Jr.. to begin the of "Sens of converealton vritk Constable mlth ly re Merobaau' aseeelatita et eounty praaUee. and BRiMNtttced In ot bold tive of The JeVaning af- - enough allow of Mm The total number of hatnentead en Uetatl republicans at fJbavea It Is not unusual for the reaalirtlans Cttlaan thin long to readies New Mexleo. In Oommerelat eluti In. Monday begin practice on and certain terms thalr determined terntNm Goaoral Manager Wails the writ and securing til a HOC. asd tries during the year amounted to J4. jptventlon at Keiwell Harvard forces to staled M rooms. September 18. opposltMB any of or ofAclals MkAiuulllni a nlnv liv Al nhnllft.." a figure lauoh bstow that In the ether Rfimmated the fellewlng eounty ofd the gridiron before the institution to encroachment tuat the visit the hero at Good Heads ooaventien, In H1S op- - season, but lirttlsk authority on their right to gov thtr time bad no special significance. hn of the unpronounceable same. Is dlstrlets. This shows that the tide eersi Sfienslor tho the fact that em house, September 18, -- Wal (hid practice begins fully ftfteeu em theaueirea under the IlrlUsti It being merely a tour of Inspection. uaDie to go aown in me nwMi ui of Immigration has not yet reaenea ammlsslOBer. Vint district "far Mexleo AssookUlen ot Fire- Long, grower. or erawn. Ho atlJej, however, Albu- - Mexico history concerning Its qufter . ie aistriot, aiinoum some itsmigra Nw ter sheep days berare the opening tue ui that the men, la OommeroMl club looms. Sep Commissioner, mmmd district verstty is Interpreted as meaning Thus the city that Is tulav attract' querque shops would come In for law, as "tne ooae without a parallel." lion Is notlaeable in Oiero county, Ing Max QuiMroff where 170 uomestead entries were tember 17.