Međunarodna izložba fotografija International Exhibition of Photography

Zagreb, 2016. 37. Zagreb salon Fotoklub Zagreb Ilica 29/III, 10000 Zagreb; tel: 01/4833359 [email protected]; www.fotoklubzagreb.hr; www.facebook.com/fotoklubzagreb

Organizacija izložbe / Organization of the Exhibition: Fotoklub Zagreb Predsjednik Salona / Exhibition Chairman: Hrvoje Mahović Tajnica salona / Salon Secretary: Vera Jurić Organizacijski odbor / Organising Committee: Vera Jurić, Biljana Knebl, Božidar Kasal, Hrvoje Mahović, Zvonko Radičanin Nakladnik / Publisher: Fotoklub Zagreb Urednik / Editor: Hrvoje Mahović Lektura / Proofreading: Vesna Zednik Grafički dizajn / Graphic Design: Biljana Knebl Tisak / Print: Denona Naklada / Copies: 500

ISBN 978-953-7749-06-4

CIP zapis je dostupan u računalnome katalogu Nacionalne i sveučilišne knjižnice u Zagrebu pod brojem 000950148

CIP Catalogue record for this book is available from the National and University Library in Zagreb No. 000950148

2 2016/141 2016/01 2016/121


Međunarodna izložba fotografija International Exhibition of Photography

Pokrovitelji / Patronage Predsjednica Republike Hrvatske / President of the Republic of Ministarstvo kulture / Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia Gradska skupština Grada Zagreba / City Council of Zagreb Gradonačelnik Grada Zagreba / Mayor of the city of Zagreb Grad Zagreb - Gradski ured za obrazovanje, kulturu i sport / City of Zagreb Office of Education, Culture and Sport


Kao dugogodišnji član Fotokluba Zagreb, a od 2015. i njegov predsjednik, s velikim sam zadovoljstvom sudjelovao u svim fazama organizacije i realizacije 37. Zagreb salona. S obzirom na to da Zagreb salon ima stoljetnu tradiciju i da je jedan od najstarijih fotografskih salona u svijetu, njegova je organizacija jedna od najvažnijih klupskih aktivnosti. Dosadašnji Saloni održavali su se pod pokroviteljstvom FIAP-a (Fédération Internationale de l’Art Photographique) i Hrvatskog fotosaveza, a od ove godine pokroviteljstvom se pridružio i PSA (Photographic Society of America). Osim spomenutih stručnih pokroviteljstava, ponosni smo što se ovogodišnji Salon odvijao i pod visokim pokroviteljstvom Predsjednice Republike Hrvatske, Ministarstva kulture, Gradske skupštine Grada Zagreba, Gradonačelnika Grada Zagreba, te Gradskog ureda za obrazovanje, kulturu i sport. Na ovogodišnjem salonu sudjelovao je 331 autor iz 46 zemalja s ukupno 3.737 fotografija. Međunarodni žiri u sa- stavu: Neda Rački, EFIAP/g (Hrvatska), Matej Peljhan, KMF FZS, EFIAP (Slovenija) i Aleksandar Tomulić, EFIAP (Hrvatska) prihvatio je ukupno 1.043 fotografije iznimne kvalitete, koje odražavaju raznolikost kultura, motiva te različitost u foto- grafskom pristupu i obradi. Žiri je imao težak zadatak izabrati i nagraditi samo 60 fotografija. Kruna Salona reprezentativna je dvotjedna izložba fotografija u Muzeju Mimara (od 9. do 24. studenog 2016.) na kojoj je izloženo 80 fotografija - sve nagrađene te još 20 fotografija po izboru članova žirija. Nakon zatvaranja izložbe u Zagrebu, od 5. do 18. prosinca 2016. izložba će biti predstavljena i u Muzeju grada Šibenika. Ove godine Zagreb salon prvi put smo predstavili i trogirskoj publici, u sklopu manifestacije Trogir photo party, gdje je održana digitalna projekcija radova u Galeriji Cate Dujšin-Ribar. U organizaciji 37. Zagreb salona sudjelovalo je petnaestak članova Fotokluba Zagreb, te im se ovim putem zahva- ljujem na nesebičnom trudu i predanom radu.

Hrvoje Mahović, dipl.ing.geod. Predsjednik Zagreb salona Predsjednik Fotokluba Zagreb


Being a long-standing member of Fotoklub Zagreb and as of 2015 its chairman, it was a great pleasure in participating in all phases of organizing and producing the 37th Zagreb Salon. Bearing in mind the fact that the Zagreb Salon has more than a century-long tradition, organizing it is one of the club’s most important activities. To date the Salons have been under the patronage of FIAP (Fédération Internationale de l’Art Photographique) and the Croatian Photographic Union, and as of this year also under the patronage of PSA (Photographic Society of America). Besides the mentioned professional patronages, we are proud that this year’s Salon has been held also under the high patronage of the President of the Republic of Croatia, the Ministry of Culture, City Assembly of the City of Zagreb, Mayor of the City of Zagreb, and the City Office for Education, Culture and Sports. There were 331 participants at this year’s Salon coming from 46 countries with their 3,737 photographs. The interna- tional jury consisting of Neda Rački, EFIAP/g (Croatia), Matej Peljhan, KMF FZS, EFIAP (Slovenia) and Aleksandar Tomulić, EFIAP (Croatia) accepted 1,043 photographs. The photographs received are of exceptional quality, reflect the diversity of cultures, motifs and diversity in approach and processing, so the jury had a difficult task to choose and award 60 photo- graphs. The crowning of it all was a two-week-long showcase photo exhibition at Muzej Mimara (Mimara Museum) from No- vember 9th till November 24th , where 80 photographs were exhibited, among which were all of the awarded ones, and an- other 20 chosen by the jury members. After being closed in Zagreb, the exhibition will be presented in Muzej grada Šibenika (Šibenik City Museum) from December 5th till December 18th. For the first time starting this year Zagreb Salon was presented to the public of the city of Trogir as part of the “Trogir Photo Party”, when a digital projection of the works was shown at Galerija Cate Dujšin Ribar (Cata Dujšin Ribar Gallery). And finally, I must stress that 10-15 members of Fotoklub Zagreb participated in organizing the 37th Zagreb Salon, and herewith I would like to thank them for their dedicated work while sparing no efforts.

Hrvoje Mahović, dipl.ing.geod. Zagreb Salon Chairman President of Fotoklub Zagreb


Ne ulazeći detaljno u razvoj fotografije u Hrvatskoj i u Europi, ukratko ćemo se osvrnuti na povijest Zagreb salona, međunarodne izložbe umjetničke (izlagačke, kreativne, odnosno autorske) fotografije u kontekstu djelovanja i fotografskog stvaralaštva Fotokluba Za- greb. Zagreb i Hrvatska susreli su se s fotografijom već 1840., odnosno samo godinu dana nakon njenog otkrića. Te godine trgovac Demeter Novaković snimio je prve dagerotipije u okolici Zagreba, a nedugo zatim, 1856., zagrebački slikar i fotograf Franjo Pomer izdao je album s petnaest fotografskih portreta hrvatskih književnika. Godine 1874. zagrebački fotograf Ivan Standl izdao je mapu fo- tografija pod naslovom Fotografične slike iz Hrvatske. Ovdje valja istaknuti i Karla Dragutina Draškovića koji je napravio i sačuvao stotine fotografija Hrvatskog zagorja. Snimljene na mnogobrojnim putovanjima Draškovićeve su fotografije iznimno visoke tehničke i estetske razine. Znamenite su i njegove fotografije zaustavljenog pokreta - Skok grofa Stjepana Erdödyja iz 1895. i danas je zaštitni znak vizualnog identiteta Fotokluba Zagreb. Krajem 19. stoljeća, kad je fotografska tehnologija uznapredovala, na tržištu su se našli pristupačniji fotoaparati, pa se veći broj ljudi fotografijom počeo baviti amaterski, a kasnije i udruživati u fotografske klubove i saveze. Tako je u okviru Hrvatskog društva umjet- nosti 1892. osnovan zagrebački fotoamaterski klub pod nazivom Klub fotografah amateurah, čiju tradiciju danas nastavlja Fotoklub Za- greb. Osnovan je samo godinu dana nakon održavanja prve bečke izložbe umjetničke fotografije, koja se smatra ishodišnom točkom amaterskog foto pokreta u Europi i svijetu. Već 1894. članovi ovog Kluba prvi put su kolektivno izlagali na nacionalnoj izložbi Društva umjetnosti u Zagrebu. Nažalost, zbog financijskih poteškoća, Klub je nakon ovih uspjeha prestao djelovati u istom obliku, te su se članovi okupljali u fotografskom odjelu Društva umjetnosti gdje su djelovali sve do početka Prvoga svjetskog rata. Od značajnijih uspjeha valja istaknuti organizaciju prve međunarodne izložbe umjetničke fotografije iz 1910., koju smatramo pretečom današnjeg Zagreb salona. Godine 1913. organizirana je druga takva izložba na kojoj je sudjelovalo znatno više autora iz većeg broja zemalja. Iako tijekom Prvoga svjetskog rata mnogi klubovi u Hrvatskoj prestaju s radom, zagrebački Klub i dalje djeluje, ali manjim intenzitetom i nešto skromnijim rezultatima. Tek 1922. znatnije oživljava rad Kluba, ali sada pod novim imenom koje i danas s ponosom nosi - Fotoklub Zagreb. Početkom 30-ih godina dolazi do reorganizacije i novih uspjeha Kluba koji ponovno preuzima jedno od čelnih mjesta u domaćem fotoamaterskom pokretu. U to vrijeme Fotoklub stavlja težište svojeg rada na izlagačke aktivnosti organizirajući čitav niz klupskih, nacionalnih i međunarodnih izložbi, a mnogi članovi Fotokluba sudjeluju na brojnim međunarodnim natječajima i žiriranim izložbama širom svijeta, gdje postižu zapažene rezultate. Time se hrvatska fotografija uzdignula do samih vrhova europske i svjetske fotografije. Velik značaj u to vrijeme pridaje se obrazovanju članova Fotokluba, pa se tako redovito organiziraju razgovori o fotografiji, predavanja, seminari, tečajevi i slično. Sistematičnim radom i međusobnim utjecajima najistaknutijih članova-izlagača u Fotoklubu se tih godina formirao zajednički stil koji je kasnije u inozemstvu dobio naziv Zagrebačka škola fotografije. Uspjesi članova na međuklupskim i nacionalnim izložbama bili su od- skočna daska za organiziranje novih međunarodnih izložbi. Tako je Fotoklub 1935. u Umjetničkom paviljonu u Zagrebu organizirao prvu Sveslavensku izložbu umjetničke fotografije. Bila je to treća međunarodna izložba u organizaciji Kluba. Nakon toga, sve do 1940., Fotoklub svake godine organizira jednu međunarodnu izložbu umjetničke fotografije i svaka bilježi izniman uspjeh, kako po broju su- dionika, tako i po odazivu stručne javnosti i publike. Do početka Drugoga svjetskog rata u organizaciji Fotokluba priređeno je osam me- đunarodnih izložbi. Godine 1939. na inicijativu Fotokluba Zagreb osnovan je Hrvatski fotoamaterski savez, a iste godine, uz njegovu veliku pomoć, osniva se i Odjel za fotografiju u zagrebačkom Muzeju za umjetnost i obrt. Drugi svjetski rat umnogome je otežao rad hrvatskih foto- klubova, no Fotoklub Zagreb i u ratnim je uvjetima uspješno djelovao, organizirajući uglavnom klupske izložbe u Zagrebu, a s nekima od njih sudjelovao je u prijateljskim zemljama. Devetu Međunarodnu izložbu umjetničke fotografije Fotoklub Zagreb održao je 1942/1943. i ona je bila posvećena 50. godišnjici osnivanja Kluba. Nakon Drugoga svjetskog rata, Fotoklub Zagreb nastavio je svoje djelovanje u okviru organizacije Narodne tehnike. U to vrijeme osnivale su se razne komisije za fotografiju, a 1946. osnovan je Savezni odbor za fotoamaterstvo iz kojeg se 1949. razvio Fotosavez Jugoslavije, a pojedine su republike osnovale svoje republičke fotosaveze, pa se organiziraju republičke i pokrajinske izložbe fotografija.


Not entering too much into retrospection of the history of Croatian and European photography, to which Croatia at all times culturally belonged, we shall give a short review of the history of Zagreb Salon. We are talking about an international fine art photography exhi- bition, in the context of presenting the work and all the authors’ creativity while, at the same time, showing the overall activity and pho- tographic production of the Fotoklub Zagreb. Zagreb and Croatia met with the concept of photography already in the first half of the 19th century, more exactly in 1840, which is only one year after its discovery in 1839. That year the painter N. Novaković took first daguerreotypes in the surroundings of Zagreb and, not long after it - in 1856 - the Zagreb based painter and photographer Franjo Pomer published his first album containing 15 pho- tographic portraits of Croatian literates. In 1874 the photographer Ivan Standl published in Zagreb a collection of photographs titled „Photographic pictures from Croatia“. One person should be specifically mentioned, Karl Dragutin Drašković from the famous family of counts Drašković. He took and archived hundreds of photos of Croatian Zagorje, as well as many taken during his numerous travels, ac- hieving high technical and artistical levels of quality. We shall single out the photography of a stopped motion - a jump of Stjepan Erdödy, from the year 1895, which is built in the logo of the present Fotoklub Zagreb and makes part of its visual identity. By the end of 19th century, following the development of photographic techniques and technologies, on the general market appeared the photographic cameras at somewhat more reasonable prices, so larger number of people started doing photography, at first as ama- teurs and then the first clubs and their unions were founded. Already in 1892, as a part of the Croatian Society of Arts, the Zagreb Pho- toamateur Club was founded (“Klub fotografah amateurah“) and its traditions are developed and maintained by Fotoklub Zagreb. So, Fotoklub Zagreb was founded only one year after the first exhibition of fine art photography in Vienna, which is considered to be the origin and starting point of photoamateur movement in Europe and the world. Already in 1894 the members of this Club, as a collective, participated at the national exhibition of the Society of Arts in Zagreb. Un- fortunately, after these successes, due to financial problems, the Club stopped working in the same form, so the members gathered up in the Photographic Department of the Society of Arts and continued to do so until the beginning of The World War I. As regarding some Club’s outstanding successes, we must stress out the organization of The First International Exhibition of Fine Art Photography in 1910, which is considered to be the forerunner of the present Zagreb Salon. In 1913 already the second such exhibition took place with much higher number of participating authors and countries. During The World War I many clubs in Croatia stopped wor- king, but the Zagreb Club continued with its activities, although with lesser intensity and less significant results. Only in 1922 a remarkable revival of the Club’s activities happened, but now under the new name - Fotoklub Zagreb, the name it proudly bears even today. At early 30s new reorganization and new successes of the Club came to light, bringing the Club to one of the top places in photoamateur movement again. Main point among all Club’s activities is set to be the exhibition activity. Many exhibitions are organized on different levels: that of the Club itself, national and international levels. The Club members participate in numerous in- ternational photographic juried exhibitions achieving extraordinary good results and, by this means, putting the Croatian photography to the very top of European and world photography scene. Great importance is paid to education of Club members: On regular basis the Club organizes open discussions about photographic works of the members and photography in general, different lectures, seminars and advanced photograpfic courses, etc. By systematic continous work and reciprocal influences of the foremost members of the Exhibitor Section, during these years in the Club, a common creative style was formed and, by international authorities, it was given the name “Zagreb School of Photography“. The members’ success on club’s, interclubs’ and national exhibitions served as a “springboard“ for the Club to start organizing the international exhibitions again. So, in 1935 the Fotoklub Zagreb organized The First All-Slavic Exhibition of Fine Art Photography in The Zagreb Art Pavilion. Actually, it was the Club’s third international exhibition, organized exactly 25 years after The First International Exhibition in 1910. After this exhibition, until 1940, the Club organized one international exhibition of fine art photography every year. These exhi- bitions had extraordinary success, as regarding the number of participants, so regarding the expert community and the public too. Until the beginning of The World War II, the Club organized 8 international exhibitions of art photography. On Fotoklub’s Zagreb initiative, in the year 1939, the Croatian Photoamateur Society was founded and, in the same year, with the

7 U to vrijeme mnogo se pozornosti posvećivalo edukaciji članstva u smislu općeg razvitka i širenja tehničke kulture. Tako je 50-ih godina došlo do velikog uspona zagrebačke umjetničke fotografije, kako na lokalnoj tako i na široj razini. Na međunarodnom planu taj se na- predak odrazio češćim sudjelovanje naših članova na međunarodnim izložbama. Mnogi članovi Fotokluba dobili su međunarodna priz- nanja i stekli međunarodna počasna umjetnička zvanja. Nakon stanke od deset godina, Fotoklub nastavlja tradiciju i 1951. ponovno organizira međunarodnu izložbu umjetničke fotografije. Nakon ove izložbe Klub priređuje međunarodne izložbe svake dvije godine, sve do 1957. kada dolazi do petogodišnjeg prekida. Razdoblje između 1960. i 1980. obilježio je ponovni procvat različitih djelatnosti Kluba - raznovrsne artističke ideje, tehnička raznolikost, različitih pristupi, stilovi i slično. Tih godina u neprestanom traženju novog, originalnog i posebnog, u Fotoklubu su formirane razne grupacije autora, tako da su na jednoj strani bili oni koji su se bavili isključivo fotografijom života (Life), a na drugoj članovi koji su krenuli putem eksperimenta i foto- grafizma. Krajem 70-ih godina oformila se i grupa fotoreportera okupljenih oko omladinskog lista “Polet“, koji je izjednačavajući značaj fotografije i teksta njegovao drugačije i nove poglede na novinsku fotografiju. Kao i razdoblje iz 30-ih godina i ovo je razdoblje bilo jedno od najznačajnijih u djelovanju Fotokluba, prije svega po suvremenim pristupima. Tada kontinuirano raste kvaliteta i ugled Zagreb salona, o čemu svjedoči veliki odaziv autora iz cijelog svijeta, među kojima su se nalazili i mnogi svjetski poznati fotografi, kao na primjer Yousuf Karsh i drugi. Neposredno prije početka i tijekom Domovinskog rata dolazi do kraćeg zastoja u radu Fotokluba, međutim već sredinom 90-ih go- dina aktivnost Kluba ponovno oživljava. Obnavljaju se stari i uvode novi sadržaji, organiziraju se razna društvena događanja, obrazovne, izložbene i izlagačke aktivnosti, uključuju se novi članovi, a mnogi stari, koji su bili prestali sa radom, ponovno se vraćaju u Klub. U novije vrijeme posebna pozornost pridaje se obrazovanju mladeži i građanstva - Školu fotografije Fotokluba Zagreb godišnje po- hađaju tri do četiri generacije polaznika. Svoje članove Klub usavršava raznim oblicima edukacije kao što je kritika fotografije pod na- zivom “Fotogled“, prezentacija autorskih fotografija koje su postigle značajne uspjehe na međunarodnim natječajima i izložbama, predstavljanje autorske fotografije pod nazivom “Portfolio“, organizacija brojnih predavanja, foto-radionica, foto-tečajeva, foto-izleta, digitalnih projekcija i slično. Intenzivirana je izložbena aktivnost Kluba - u klupskoj galeriji priređuju se autorske, skupne, promotivne i žirirane izložbe te se organizira gostovanje članova Kluba u galerijama prijateljskih klubova i gradova. Članovi izlagačke sekcije, koja iz godine u godinu postaje sve brojnija, unose u Klub svježinu i entuzijazam. Obnavljaju se i kvalitetnije organiziraju već tradicionalne godišnje klupske izložbe “Žene snimaju“ i tematska natječajna izložba “Zagreb i Zagrepčani“, a izložbe se razmjenjuju s mnogim klu- bovima u zemlji i svijetu, od kojih ističemo susrete mladih foto-stvaratelja zagrebačkog Kluba s fotografskim školama u Ljubljani, Beču, Olomoucu, Nottinghamu i drugdje, kao i organizaciju međusobnih posjeta i foto-radionica i izložbi pod zajedničkim nazivom “Fotoklub Zagreb u gostima“. Posebnu afirmaciju doživjela je Izlagačka sekcija Fotokluba koja je okupljene članove neprestano poticala na učenje i suradnju s drugim autorima, na eksperimentiranje i istraživanje. Izniman naglasak stavljen je na razumijevanje umjetničke fotografije, na interpre- taciju vezanu uz uvid da je autorska fotografija stvaranje novog i originalnog umjetničkog djela. Kroz kontinuirano sudjelovanje članova Kluba na natječajima i žiriranim fotografskim izložbama, kako u Hrvatskoj tako i svijetu istaknuto je značenje selekcije i valorizacije ar- tističkih i izražajnih vrijednosti. Ovakav pristup rezultirao je velikim brojem prihvaćenih i nagrađenih fotografija mnogih članova Kluba na natječajima i izložbama u domovini i izvan nje, a isto tako i znatnim povećanjem broja članova koji nose počasna umjetnička zvanja Hrvatskog fotosaveza i FIAP-a. Na taj način članovi Fotokluba Zagreb svojim radom i rezultatima znatno utječu na razvoj fotografije, ne samo na razini svog matičnog kluba, već i na razini hrvatske i svjetske amaterske fotografije. U tom kontekstu valja promatrati značaj kontinuirane organizacije međunarodne izložbe fotografija Zagreb salona, gdje uz reprezentativne radove mnogih renomiranih autora iz svijeta svojim radovima ravnopravno sudjeluju brojni članovi Fotokluba Zagreb, kao i članovi mnogih drugih fotografskih udruga iz Hrvatske. Od prve izložbe organizirane 1910. do ovogodišnje, trideset i sedme po redu Zagreb salon potvrdio se kao značajna i prepoznatljiva svjetska fotografska manifestacija, koju odlikuje čvrsta spona tradicije i suvremenosti - tradicija se prije svega očituje u mnogim principima i pozitivnim povijesnim iskustvima, kako avangardnih tako i evolutivnih razvojnih procesa, dok se suvremenost ove manifestacije ogleda u organizaciji i stvaralačkom pristupu vodstva i članova Kluba, po kome suvremena fotografija nije samo jedno mišljenje, jedan pristup ili kanon, nego skup različitih i naprednih mišljenja. Ovakvo se gledište u Fotoklubu Zagreb njeguje i razvija pod okriljem suvremenih artističkih pristupa čiji sadržajni i estetski principi izražavaju duh današnjeg vremena.

Vinko Šebrek, AFIAP, ESFIAP počasni predsjednik Fotokluba Zagreb 8 Club’s great help, the Department of Photography of the Zagreb Museum of Arts and Crafts was founded. Second World War rarified or broke the activities of the Croatian photoclubs, except Fotoklub Zagreb which, despite the war conditions, functioned successfully or- ganizing Club’s exhibitions in Zagreb and in some friendly countries. The 9th International Exhibition of Fine Art Photography the Fotoklub Zagreb held at the end of 1942 and it was dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the Club’s founding. After the Second World War, the Fotoklub Zagreb continued its activity within the framework of the organization called “Narodna tehnika“. At that time different committees for photography were formed and in 1946 the Federal Board for Photoamateurism was founded. From that board in 1949 emerged The Yugoslav Photographic Society. Some republics founded their photosocieties and repu- blican/provincial exhibitions were organized. At that time a lot of importance was paid to education improving of the Club members in the sense of general development and of technical culture. Already at the 50s, a remarkable rise of Zagreb art photography happened, both on individual and common levels. It was reflected in the increased participation of our members on the international photographic exhibitions. Many Club members were granted international recognitions and achieved honorable artistic distinctions. After a break of ten years, the Club, continuing the tradition, organized again the International Exhibition of Fine Art Photography in 1951. After that, the Club continued organizing international exhibitions on the biennial basis until 1957 when another break of five years happens. Next period, between the years 1962 and 1980, was again marked by blossoming of different Club’s activities, technical heterogeneity, diverse approaches, styles, and so on. In those years, in constant search of new, original and special, various groups of authors were formed in the Club, so that on one side were those who were engaged exclusively in Life photography, and on the other those members of the Club who chose the way of the experiment and photographism. At the end of the 70s a group of photo reporters was formed, who gathered around the youth ma- gazine “Polet”, which has fostered a completely different and new perspectives on photojournalism, equating the importance of photos with text. It should be noted that even this period was very important in the development of photography and the activities of the Club, just as it used to be in the 30’s, represented primarily by new approaches and modernity. The quality and reputation of Zagreb Salon, the international fine art photo exhibitions was continuously growing, as evidenced by the large turnout of authors from around the world, among which were included many world-renowned photographers, such as Yousuf Karsh and others. Shortly before the start of and during the Homeland war, there is a small delay in the work of the Club, however, already in the mid 90’s the Club again comes to life and increases its activities. Old activities are renewed, and many new programs are introduced. The Club gets new members, and many old members, who have stopped working, are returning to the Club. We witness various social and educational events, as well as exhibition activities, etc. Special attention is paid to education of youth and general citizenship through the School of Photography, through which are passing three to four generations of students per year. Very important is the education of Club members through various forms of practical learning, from commenting and criticism of photos that have achieved significant success in various international competitions and exhibitions (ac- tivity titled “Fotogled”), presentation of original personal photographs (activity titled “Portfolio”), organization of various lectures, photo- graphic workshops and courses, photo-excursions, digital projection of images and the like. Exhibition activity of the Club is increased, the individual author and group exhibitions, as well as judged exhibitions, are organized in the Club’s gallery and, at the same time, the Club organizes hosting exhibitions of our members in the galleries of friendly clubs, cities, etc. Members of the Exhibitor Section, which every year becomes more numerous, are entering into the Club the new freshness and enthusiasm. The traditional annual club exhibitions “Women Photographing” and thematic juried exhibition “Zagreb and Zagreb citizens” are renewed and better organized. Exhibitions are exchanged with many clubs in the world, of which we emphasize meetings and exchanges of exhibitions of young photo creators from our Club and from photography schools in the world (Ljubljana, Vienna, Olomouc, Nottingham), as well as organization of mutual visits, photo workshops and exhibitions under the name “Fotoklub Zagreb away” and the like. The Exhibitor Section experienced special recognition, for constantly encouraging the Club members to learn, collaborate with other authors and do their own experimental research. Special emphasis is given to the understanding of art photography, its interpretation and the fact that creation is conected to innovation, to bring new and original creations in author photography. In this creative process, special importance is paid to the selection, actually choosing the best photos and valorization of their artistic and expressive value through continuous participation in competitions and juried photographic exhibitions at home and abroad. The result of this approach is best il- lustrated by the large number of accepted and winning photographs of many Club members at competitions and exhibitions at home and abroad and the significant increase in the number of club members holding honorary titles of Croatian Photographic Society and FIAP. In this way, these members of the Club, with their work, commitment and results, significantly affect the development of photography, not only at the level of their parent club, but in general, at the level of overall Croatian and world amateur photography. 9 In this context, it should be historically viewed the importance and value of the continuous preparation and organization of Zagreb Salons, international exhibitions of fine art photography, equally involving members of the Club with their works and representative works of many renowned authors from the Croatian photographic associations and many countries around the world. It should be mentioned that the Zagreb Salon, from the first exhibition organized in 1910 until this year, the 37th in a row, confirmed itself as a significant and recognizable global photographic event, which is characterized by its strong ties of tradition and modernity. Its traditionalism is recognized in retaining many of the principles and practices of the organization from its beginning until today, on its positive historical experiences, both avant-garde and evolutionary development processes, and notable successes of many authors on photographic competitions and exhibitions in the world. Modernity of event is, in turn, reflected in its contemporary organization and creative approach of the leadership and members of Fotoklub Zagreb, in which modern photography is not just one opinion, one generally valid approach or canon. In this Club, it is cherished and developed on an individual level, under the auspices of contemporary artistic approaches, whose aesthetics and meanings express the spirit of our time.

Vinko Šebrek, AFIAP, ESFIAP Honorary President of the Fotoklub Zagreb

Translation to English language: Božidar Kasal, AFIAP

Muzej Mimara, Zagreb



Rođen 1967. u Rijeci. M. Peljhan klinički Diplomirana Diplomirao strojarstvo je psiholog koji se ekonomistica, na Tehničkom fakul- intenzivno bavi fo- rođena 1949. u tetu u Rijeci 1991. Živi tografijom od Zagrebu, član- i radi u Rijeci. Oz- 2009. Za svoje je ica Fotokluba biljno se bavi fo- fotografije osvojio „Zagreb“. Fo- tografijom od početka više od stotinu tografijom se 2004., a druženje s nagrada, a imao je aktivno bavi od fotografijom traje od trinaest samostalnih 2007. od kada djetinjstva. 2010. primljen je u u članstvo izložbi u Sloveniji i u inozemstvu. Najpoz- s uspjehom sudjeluje na nacionalnim i HDLU Rijeka, iste godine dobio je zvanje natije mu je djelo serija fotografija pod međunarodnim natječajima i salonima u Artist FIAP (AFIAP), a 2012. dobiva visoko nazivom Mali princ (2013.), koja je doživ- više od 50 zemalja svijeta. Za svoje fo- zvanje Excellence FIAP (EFIAP). Izlagao je jela nevjerojatan odjek u cijelom svijetu i tografije osvojila je 98 nagrada i 2 Grand na devet samostalnih izložbi i na preko bila proglašena jednom od najdirljivijih Prix-a. Dobitnica je godišnje nagrade za 290 skupnih izložbi među kojima je preko serija fotografija ikada snimljenih. fotografiju „Tošo Dabac“ za 2013. godinu. 100 FIAP salona u preko 30 zemalja. M.Peljhan je koautor knjige Za-govor Uz sedam samostalnih izložbi u Zagrebu i Dobio je 120 nagrada i priznanja, a podob - filozofija fotografskog gledanja Rijeci, sudjeluje i na brojnim skupnim sedam je puta uvršten u nacionalnu selek- (2011.) i fotografske monografije Fo- izložbama u zemlji i inozemstvu. Iako se ciju Hrvatskog fotosaveza na FIAP bienal- tografije (2012.) Jedan je od začetnika fo- koristi digitalnim fotoaparatom, svoje fo- ima. Početkom 2012. je bio selektor toterapije u Sloveniji i suosnivač Instituta za tografsko promišljanje temelji na klasičnoj Smotre rovinjske fotografije u Rovinju, a fototerapiju. Održava različite fototer- crno bijeloj fotografiji. Kao odmak od 2014. član međunarodnog žirija FIAP sa- apeutske radionice i projekte, kako sa dje- svakodnevnog života i ulične fotografije, lona 1st Photodays digital art photo salon com, tako i sa odraslima. povremeno se dotakne eksperimentalne u Rovinju. Od 2013. radi i kao fotografski fotgrafije i tada daje mašti na volju da instruktor i održava fotografske tečajeve i Matej Peljhan (1967) is a clinical psychol- pomiješa stvarnost i fikciju. 2015. stekla je radionice. ogist who is intensively dealing with pho- počasno zvanje EFIAP/g (Excellence Fédération Internationale He was born in Rijeka in de l’Art Photographique, 1967. He graduated in gold). Mechanical Engineering at The Faculty of Engineering Born 1949 in Zagreb, in Rijeka in 1991. He lives graduated in Economics, and works in Rijeka. He member of the Zagreb Fo- has been seriously en- toclub. She has been ac- gaged with photography tively engaged in since the beginning of photography since 2007. 2004, although his involve- when she started success- ment with it started in his fully participating in both childhood. In 2010 he was national and international accepted as a member of competitions and photo ex- the HDLU Rijeka. In the hibitions in more than 50 same year he got the FIAP countries in the world. For Artist title (AFIAP) and two her photographs, she has 11 years later he received an even higher title, tography since 2009. He has won over a won 98 awards and two Grands Prix and Excellence FIAF (EFIAP). He has had nine hundred prizes for his photographs and received the Tošo Dabac, Croatian national independent exhibitions and has partici- has had thirteen independent photo- photography award in 2013. Together pated in over 290 group exhibitions, graphic exhibitions in Slovenia and with seven independent exhibitions in Za- among which 100 FIAP Salons in over 30 abroad. His most known work is a photo- greb and Rijeka, she has taken part in nu- countries. He has won 120 awards and graphic series titled The Little Prince (2013) merous exhibitions in the country and recognitions and has been included in the which was received an enormous response abroad. Even though she uses a digital Croatian Photographic Union national se- all over the world and was announced as camera, her photographic insight is based lection for the FIAP Biennale Competition one of the most touching photos ever taken. on classical black and white photography. seven times. At the beginning of 2012 he He is co-author of a book entitled Za-govor As a retreat from everyday life and street was the selector of Rovinj Photography podob - philosophy of photographic gaze photography she occasionally touches ex- Show in Rovinj and in 2014 a member of (2011) and author of photographic mono- perimental photography which lets her the 1st Photodays Digital Art Rovinj Photo graph titled Fotografije/Photographies imagination fly and allows her to mix real- Salon international jury. Since 2013 he (2012). He is one of the pioneers of pho- ity with fiction. Neda Rački is recipient of has worked as a photo instructor holding totherapy in Slovenia and cofounder of the the honorary title EFIAP/g (Excellence In- photographic courses and workshops. Institute for phototherapy. He carries out ternationale de l' Art Photographique, different phototherapy workshops and gold). projects, both with children and adults.


                                      !                  "            #  $     %  &  " '      '     (       (     TEME:  ) *++ +          ,    &  a) SLOBODNA (kolor digitalna) PSA PID Color ,      b) SLOBODNA (monokromatska digitalna) PSA PID ,      Monochrome , &   " c) PUTOPISNA FOTOGRAFIJA (kolor/monokromatska -      -. /     digitalna) 0  *++ +    " d) DETALJ (kolor/monokromatska digitalna) 1        1  ,      12     3     " SECTIONS:     "      a) OPEN COLOR (color digital) PSA PID COLOR 4    & b) OPEN MONOCHROME (monochrome digital) PSA PID       " MONOCHROME * /      * /      c) PHOTO TRAVEL (color/monochrome digital) * $    d) DETAIL (color/monochrome digital) *      " * )      *     * -$     *2      *2 !      5 2     5$     " 6  *     " 7     " 8          " "" 

13 Otvorenje izložbe Zagreb salona u Muzeju Mimara / Opening ceremony of Zagreb Salon Exhibition at the Mimara Museum, Zagreb

14 15 Najuspješniji autor Salona i najuspješniji hrvatski autor Best author of the Salon and best Croatian author

Petar Sabol Sharpeye rođen je 1981. Živi i radi u Goričanu, Hrvatska. Fotografijom se počeo baviti 2007. Od početka bio je očaran prirodom i njezinim svijetom. Osim što foto- grafira prigode poput vjenčanja i ostalih proslava, posebno je zainteresiran za područje makro fotografije, te prirode i divljih životinja. Njegove fotografije dočaravaju i prikazuju trenutke iz životinjskog svijeta koje teško ili gotovo nemoguće možemo vidjeti, osim na njegovim fotografijama. Od početka 2012. pa do sada sudjelovao je 275 puta na međunarodnim izložbama umjetničke fotografije pod visokim patronatom FIAP-a (Međunarodne Federacije Umjetničke Fotografije) i nagrađen je 290 puta (150 medalja i 140 diploma) u više od 30 zemalja. Također je sudjelovao na međunarodnim izložbama pod pokroviteljstvom PSA (Foto- grafskog Udruženja Amerike) gdje je također mnogo puta nagrađivan kao i na mnogim specijaliziranim fotografskim natječajima diljem svijeta. Ukupan broj nagrada premašuje brojku od 400. Dobitnik je i prve nagrade na 1x Photo Awards 2015. Nositelj je počasnih fotografskih zvanja EFIAP/s i EPSA. Njegova poznata fotografija ‘Natural abstract’ nagrađena je FIAP zlatnom medaljom u makro kategoriji na 7. Salonu fotografije u Ujedinjenim Arapskim Emiratima 2012/116 i trajno je pohranjena u Nacionalnoj biblioteci u Parizu, a također je bila među najboljih 10 na Sony World Photography Awards-u. Pobjednik je na Sony World Photography Awards u kategoriji National Award za 2015. godinu, gdje mu je još jedna fotografija plasirana među najboljih 50. Za manje od 4 godine postao je naj- nagrađivaniji hrvatski fotograf. Do sada je imao tri samostalne izložbe. Krajem 2014. izlagao je u Zagrebu sa svojom prvom samostalnom izložbom ‘Leptiri’ . Drugu samostalnu izložbu ‘Kingfis- her’ imao je u travnju 2016. u gradu Negova u Sloveniji u galerijskom pro- storu pod visokim patronatom FIAP-a, u jednom od 6 svjetskih priznatih izlaga- čkih centara međunarodne federacije umjetničke fotografije. Treću samostalnu izložbu, ‘Kingfisher’ predstavio je u Boru u Srbiji početkom listopada 2016. Redoviti je član žirija na međunarodnim izložbama i fotografskim natjecanjima te je Sony ambasador za Hrvatsku.

Petar Sabol, Croatia: THE KINGFISHER, PSA Gold Medal, Color

16 Petar Sabol Sharpeye, born in 1981, took up pho- tography in 2007. He lives and works in Goričan, Croa- tia. From the early beginnings, he was attracted to nature and its vivacious world. Apart from pursuing professional photography of events like weddings and similar celebra- tions, he is particularly interested in macro photography and wild animals’ photography. With his photographs, he brings to you the world of animals that cannot be seen by the naked eye and the mo- ments which are almost impossible to be seen, except in his photographs. Since 2012 he participated 275 times in International Photo Exhibitions under high patronage of FIAP (Federation Internationale de l’art Pho- tographique) and won 290 awards (150 medals and 140 honorable mentions) in over 30 countries. Petar Sabol, Croatia: BELI LEPTIRI, Monochrome

placed into the collection of Bibliotheque Nationale de France in Paris, and it was in the top 10 at Sony World Photography Awards. He also won 1st place at Sony World Photography Awards 2015 in the National Award category. In less than 4 years he became the most awarded Croatian photographer. He had three solo exhibitions so far, ‘Butterflies’ in Zagreb at the end of 2014. His second exhibition, ‘Kingfisher’ was held from April till August 2016 at one of the six worldwide international exhibition centers of FIAP, in Negova, Slovenia. His third exhibition, ‘Kingfisher’ he held in Bor, Serbia in October 2016. He is a regular member of international juries in photography competitions and is the Sony ambassador for Croatia.

Petar Sabol, Croatia: DRAGICA, Detail

He also participates in PSA (Photographic Society of America) photographic exhibitions and has won many valuable worldwide acknowledgements and awards. Re- cently he won the 1st prize at 1x Photo Awards 2015. He is a bearer of an honorary vocation of EFIAP/s (Excel- lence FIAP Silver level) and EPSA (Excellence PSA). His very well-known photograph ‘Natural abstract’ also won the 1st prize in Macro category at 7th Emirates Photography Competition 2012/116 and is permanently

Petar Sabol, Croatia: GOLDEN SUNSET, Travel


Krunoslav Večenaj, Croatia: WINDY DAY - FIAP Gold Medal


Petar Sabol, Croatia: THE KINGFISHER - PSA Gold Medal


Jacques Heritier, France: SURF JAUNE - FKZ Gold Medal


Ivan Kosic,́ Croatia: ZORA RIBARA - FIAP Silver Medal

Ioannis Sidiropoulos, Greece: DYSTOPIA - PSA Silver Medal

Ole Suszkiewicz, Denmark: ON BYCYCLE 4 - FKZ Silver Medal


Kristina Oberling, Croatia: FREEDOM - FIAP Bronze Medal

Andris Apsenieks,̌ Latvia: DANCE INTO THE LIGHT II - FKZ Bronze Medal

Damir Zurub, Croatia: FREEDOM OF MOVEMENT - PSA Bronze Medal


Jasna Rujevic, Slovenia: LEFT OR RIGHT - FIAP Honorable Mention

Soren Skov, Denmark: SMOKER 2796 - FIAP Honorable Mention

Ivana Planinic,́ Croatia: IN BETWEEN - FIAP Honorable Mention


Leonid Goldin, Israel: I LOVE MY BEER - PSA Honorable Mention

Koon Nam Cheung, Hong Kong S.A.R.: BROWN BEAR FISHING 02 - PSA Honorable Mention

Hakan Ozdemir, Turkey: MECHANICAL FOUNDRY - PSA Honorable Mention


Slavica Isovska, Croatia: CENZURIRANA PRIRODA - FKZ Honorable Mention

Morena Kvaternik, Croatia: SAMA - FKZ Honorable Mention

Kam Chiu Tam, Canada - DRAGON GO - FKZ Honorable Mention


Valentina Bunic,́ Croatia: BREAKFAST, LUNCH, DINNER Manfred Kluger, Germany: BLACK BEAUTY-2

Stanislav Novak, Croatia - SKY COFFEE


Mato Zeman, Croatia: COLOURED FIELDS

Damir Rajle, Croatia: AT THE END OF THE SEASON Vesna Spoljar,̌ Croatia : DREAM OF A ROSE


Chi Hong Chan, Macau S.A.R.: COLOR OF THE TERRACES

Davor Dolencič,́ Slovenia: ALONE Krunoslav Vecenaj,̌ Croatia: TOUCH OF SILENCE


Nenad Martic,́ Croatia: PASSENGER Zvonimir Rendeli, Croatia: KHAN

Sayan Sarkar, India: CURIOUS 29 MONOCHROME

Zvonko Kucelin, Croatia: JUMP -13 - FIAP Gold Medal


Željko Šinka, Croatia: SPOT LIGHT - PSA Gold Medal


Graziella Sapienza, Italy: RESTLESSNESS - FKZ Gold Medal 32 MONOCHROME

Vesna Đukic,́ Croatia: END OF SUMMER - PSA Silver Medal

Xunlei Li, China: FLYING HORSES IN WINTER - FIAP Silver Medal

Damir Borcič,́ Croatia: EXPECTANCY - FKZ Silver Medal


John Whitby, England: TUNING UP - FIAP Bronze Medal

Yongxiong Ling, Australia: STROLL 6 - PSA Bronze Medal

Anto Magzan, Croatia: SMOKER - FKZ Bronze Medal


Ole Suszkiewicz, Denmark: TOP MEETING - FIAP Honorable Mention

Dejan Kokol, Slovenia: ALL ALONE - FIAP Honorable Mention

Gustavo Herman Schneider, Argentina: ETHIOPIA 674 - FIAP Honorable Mention


Kaushik Dolui, India: SAGAR BATH - PSA Honorable Mention

Chan Leong Tam, Macau S.A.R.: DANCER18 - PSA Honorable Mention

Goldin Leonid, Israel - NEW MUSEUM PIECE - PSA Honorable Mention


Adit Agarwala, India: MORNING DUTY - FKZ Honorable Mention

Robert Gojevic,́ Croatia: KRESIMIŘ ZIMONIĆKOLODIJ 1- FKZ Honorable Mention

Jurica Galic,́ Croatia: HELP - FKZ Honorable Mention


Graeme Watson, Australia: BEAUTIFUL MUSIC Ernst Pini, Germany: FACE

Nenad Martic,́ Croatia: KISS AT THE SOURCE OF LIFE Krystine Moessner, France: L'INCONNU SOUS LA PLUIE


Pavao Toth, Croatia: HARD TIMES Ognjen Karabegovic,́ Croatia: DJEVOJKA I CRNI KONJ

Pinki Ghosh Guha, India: MEN AT WORK


Kai Lon Tang, Macau S.A.R.: ADVANCING POWER

Ivana Miletic,́ Croatia: WALKERS I

Xunlei Li, China : PASS THROUGH


Snjezanǎ Pozar,̌ Croatia: DVA PORTRETA

Zeljkǒ Ovcar,̌ Croatia: LEDENA Vesna Zednik, Croatia: MAJA


Cantemir Aron Mandru, Romania: MOMENT - FIAP Gold Medal


Tomas Okoniewski, Poland: ON THE HEIGHT - FKZ Gold Medal


Io Kuong Leong, Macau S.A.R.: INNER MONGOLIA FALL - FIAP Silver Medal


Yongxiong Ling, Australia: HAPPINESS - FKZ Silver Medal


Lajos Nagy, Romania : NIGHTSKATE - FIAP Bronze Medal

Rafael Podobnik, Slovenia: SPRING 06 - FKZ Bronze Medal 46 TRAVEL

Sayan Sarkar, India: COEXISTANCE - FIAP Honorable Mention

Dejan Kokol, Slovenia: GEOMETRY - FIAP Honorable Mention

Prathama Mookerje Das, India: DUSK DANCE - FIAP Honorable Mention 47 TRAVEL

Oleg Mastruko,̌ Croatia: PAMIR HIGHWAY - FKZ Honorable Mention

Joao Taborda, Portugal: FRENCH QUARTER - FKZ Honorable Mention

Rajdeep Biswas, India: AT WORK - FKZ Honorable Mention


Rasa Milojevic, Serbia: CAPPADOCIA 9242 Damir Zurub, Croatia: UPSIDE DOWN

Salah Alrawas, Oman: THE KNIGHTS 49 TRAVEL

Nguyen Vu Phuoc, Vietnam: THE WAY HOME 2

Peter Zajfrid, Slovenia: THE MILL HSIU-CHIN LEE, Taiwan: PURSE SEINE


Sherman Cheang, Macau S.A.R.: FOLLOW THE LIGHT

Pinki Ghosh Guha, India: THE EVENING ARATI Tomasz Okoniewski, Poland: BON APPETIT


Maja Strgar Kurecič,́ Croatia: FLORAL FORM 1 - FIAP Gold Medal


Tvrtko Ujevic,́ Croatia: IDE NA BOLJE - FKZ Gold Medal


Zeljkǒ Car, Croatia: PRVA POMOĆ- FIAP Silver Medal


Marjan Cigoj, Slovenia: THE SUFFERING - FKZ Silver Medal

Kirit Day, India: ORIGINATION - FIAP Bronze Medal 55 DETAIL

Miljenko Marotti, Croatia: WHITE WITH RED STRIPES PRINT - FKZ Bronze Medal

Pelin Atilla, Turkey: MIRROR - FIAP Honorable Mention

Darija Sesto,̌ Croatia: A DETAIL OF FACADE - FIAP Honorable Mention 56 DETAIL

Jerolim Vulic,́ Croatia: BLUES - FIAP Honorable Mention

Sunita Aich, India: SCREWED - FKZ Honorable Mention Mariza Formaggini, USA: GEOMETRIA - FKZ Honorable Mention 57 DETAIL

Anto Magzan, Croatia: KROZ USICǓ IGLE -FKZ Honorable Mention

Zlatko Balentic,́ Croatia: DETAIL 1

Vlasta Stalekar,̌ Croatia: PRUGASTI TRAG U PIJESKU


Torhild Hyllseth, Norway: THE GLOVE Maja Clara Stella, Italy: PROPELLER UNDER WATER

Goran Mehkek, Croatia: IZBORI


Burkhardtif Clemens, Germany: CIRCLE OF COLOURS

Nikolina Petolas, Croatia: WOMAN WITH APPLE


Country Gänsepaar A Window D Surname Name Accepted photo Theme Award Genussraucher 81 B Šavrljuga Mirela Silencio C Companie adhoc 32 B Šimunić Vladimir Full metal matej 1 A ARGENTINA Polesny Ludwig Mariel A Jošani 2015 B Billards D Špoljar Vesna Dream of a rose A RovagnatiDaniel El vino A Flower in ice D Between the lines B Miguel angel A Schrittwieser Johann In action A Air view of ilica st. C El diablo B Prayer D Raices ii B BELGIUM Raindrop D Schneider Gustavo Herman Ethiopía 266 A Leimann Dirk-olaf White lady sw B Štalekar Vlasta Uz vodeni zid A Buenos aires 192 A Beach baskets C Ilicom B Buenos aires 209 A Firk and spoon D Prugasti trag u pijesku D Ethiopía 497 A Magic D Štimac Sandra One man and his dog B Ethiopía 429 B Štromar Boris Nazorov spomenik B Ethiopía 674 B FIAP hm BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA Zapruđe B Buenos aires 481 C Žunić Tajib Posebne potrebe A Žegrec Ljiljana Behind B Ethiopía 671 C Fotograf B Enter C Ethiopía 295 C Buntić Marko Crkva sv. Duha A Broken illusions D Steel snail D Torn D AUSTRALIA Pejakovic peyo Branko Morning in the village A Babac Ljubica Ggt 16 A Ling Yongxiong Rodeo thriling 6 A Jewelry D Nothing to tell B Sails 2 A Balaško Branko My vineyard A Surfing open n A CANADA Waiting C Rodeo open 4 bw B Kwan Phillip Bear eating fish bw B Bridge C Stroll 6 bw B PSA B Jackal with kill bw B Holiday C Surfing bw B Osprey with bass bw B Let there be light D Smoker bw B Orange sled racer C Balentic Zlatko Hat 2 A Purse seine 3 C Power forward D Detail 1 D Old stone bridge aver C Tam Kam chiu Catching the steer A Detail 3 D Happiness bw C FKZ S Dogsled 02 A Detail 4 D Woman 1 C Dragon go A FKZ hm Balta Denis The art of worship A Moritz Vicki Belvedere morning fog C Following A Barać Miroslav Going B Vatican spiral C Painful landing B Bocina Mirjana Blee B Eildon tranquility16 D Revenging B Bolant Davor Vještina B Trevan Nadia Busker B The fury horse B Van sezone ll C Farm B Borcic Damir Dr. Sandor A Watson Graeme Lake george dawn 1 A Impression A Beautiful music B CHINA Sunset A Li Xunlei Flying horses in winter B FIAP S Rugby league 7 B Yellow chair A Pass through B Car park coffee B Expectancy... B FKZ S Fisherman C Lake george dawn 2 C In a quiet winter night B Playing football C Windows D Little girl B Wan Yi Glacial 14 A Offensive weapon D Adriatic C Water aquaculture5 B Dewy pearls D Squirrel 5a D AUSTRIA Holes D Grohotolski Peter Steel A Bratanovic Snjezana Hassan A Liang-pacher Caifen Kapelle A CROATIA Ballerina project B An old woman B Aščić Ilija All things we lost B Peace B Mataja Anton Tamaris D All things we lost I B Bunic Valentina Breakfast, lunch, dinner A Moderitz Gerhard Red box A All things we lost II B Lines A Obertscheider Josef Beine A Aleric Ivana Superhero B Curves B Orakel B Đukić Vesna Summer rain A Disappearing B Corsage D Snow A Graz C Architektur 1 D Seagull jonathan B Calatrava D Pacher dr. Franz Malerbrigade A End of summer B PSA S Dance of dandelion D Zeil 75 A December B Paper D 61 Marionette D Jurjević Dario Red sunset in the windowsA Fish eye D Burilovic Domagoj Butterfly A Aranžman D Railway wheel D Butković Silvija Slavonski san B Karabegović Ognjen Sunčani dan A White with red stripes D FKZ B Stopped D Zimski nokturno B Martić Nenad Hallo to the sun A Butković Dren Morning B Žena i crni konj B Lea and lucy A Siena B Sjećanje na brod no.1 D Passenger A Car Željko Marlen A Sjećanje na brod no.3 D Vukovarska 6,13 A Morska geometrija A Kocijančić Đurđica Touch z B Abbey road's shadows B Fields in spring B Kolaric Zoran Melancholy B Bogie jump B Ledena šara D Midday walk C Kiss at the source of life B Priča jedne masline D Theater in the fog C Light me bogie B Prva pomoć D FIAP S Tribute to m.s. C Misty distances C Cippico Sven Rhythm A Kosić Ivan Morski lovac A Homage to toso D Motion C Popaj A Thorn and the cross D Network 1 D S okusom soli A Martić Morana Coffee break D Cuculić Helena All roads lead to... C Zora ribara A FIAP S Tatoo you D Curic Davor Twilight in tuscany A Ma... Samo gledam B Mastruko Oleg Pamir highway C FKZ hm Florence carousel at night C Nedjeljom u dva B Mataković Robert Charge A Table for two D Svratište B On the edge A Dežulović Miro Sn478 A Legenda o jeseni C Help B Kišobran za dvoje A Krčadinac Željko View through my window A Meštrović Matko Forbidden color C Slana pruga C Desert horizon B Out of focus D Domac Julija Braille B Dangerous work B Mehkek Goran Tour of croatia A Domazet Vedrana Tango A Krnčević Željko Amarcord A Tele B Melancholy A Briskula B Izbori D Desire A Metarmophosis B Miletic Ivana Glamorous woman i A Under pressure D Kucelin Zvonko Bora-12 A Good morning A Reborn D Rhythm A Little mermaid A Dorigatti Josip In the net B Dance-7 B Summer time B Drobnić Slavko Brz, brži B Fishing-3 B Walkers i B Ruka sudbine u kokpitu tramvajaD Jump-13 B FIAP G Burgos C Sanjarenje o ljetu na moruD In expectation C Rifts D Dujmovic Valerija A portrait with red cap A -4 C Fins D Galic Jurica Drummer B Detail-3 D Miljak Ivan Skip the stone A Help B FKZ hm The rest D Oil on canvas C Fisherman C Kuhar Lidija Abandoned B Milošević Sanda Waves A Moon girl C Vestibul C Prerano za turiste D Galinović Andro Migration A Kvaternik Morena Sama A FKZ hm Zaključano D Gkikas Tamara City lights B Lalin Nikša Between A Molnar_ursić Ankica Šare A Self portrait with the twist B Difference B Boje jeseni A Cross process #1 D Paralel world C Ritska idila 1 C Gojević Robert Martina na kisi A Pressure C Novak Stanislav Reach out A Perfekta ii A Macek Patrik Čirilometodska, probijanjeA Sky coffee A Kresimir zimonic kolodij 1B FKZ hm Matoševa 3 A The white stripes B Pero kvrgic kolodij 1 B Opatovina, bojenje B Simply fresh D Nin C Magzan Anto Dimitrije popovic A Sleepy hollow D Goleš Alemka Crno bijelo u koloru A Massimo savic A Windscape D Gorjanski Jasmina Kiss A Hitchcock B Novaković Željko The boy and his bicycle A From another world A Smoker B FKZ B Traces A The giant B Arhitektura u arhitekturi D Passenger C morning return C Kroz usicu igle D FKZ hm Oberling Kristina Freedom A FIAP B The sheep in baranja C La linea D Jump A the road without end C Makek Višnja Levitacija B Orbanić Doriano Veli jože B Gros Čedomil River mouth A Pozdrav dami B Ovča Željko Pogled A Velebit spring A Bonaca C Tužna B Chance encounter C Marinić Kragić Ivana Tijelo 3 B Ledena B Isovska Slavica Cenzurirana priroda A FKZ hm Marotti Miljenko Colour touch A Pavic Roberto Hallstatt vii A Isovska Slavica Cenzurirana priroda I A Butterfly A xxv B Josić Kristina Minimal woman orange A Three colours A Pavlović Ivana Silence 5 C 62 Henna 4 D Floral form 1 D FIAP G Race to the top B Pavlovic Mirna Contagion A Floral form 2 D Kamille iv B Petolas Nikolina Journey A Autumn colors D I pray for you ii B House in rain A Summer rain D Grand central C Ocean view A Tanocki Zvonimir Land art 3 A Jokulsarlon C Woman with apple D Tirić Dražen Irena B Svinafellsjokull D Someplace else D Nensi B Winter unfolds D Planinić Ivana In between A FIAP hm Topličanec Boris Moonlight love A Skov Soren Pikypotus eyes ssk1979 A Between the lines B Lake in autumn B Smoker 2796 A FIAP hm Astonished B Toth Pavao Stormy fields A Sei ruhig ssk1242 B Guitar breeze B The sun A Suszkiewicz Ole Disappearance A Bridge membrane D Hard times B Harmonica clown A Crystals 2 D Stormy walk B On bycycle 4 A FKZ S The hole D New times-old customs C Top meeting B FIAP hm Požar Snježana Dva portreta B Truntić Sandra Emerald D Simones place 2 B Josip B Forest guardian D Free hugs B Popović Igor Zavist A Ujević Tvrtko Počasna bojna A Runner alone B Na crti A Helsinki C Venice street C Waiting for the ship A Ide na bolje D FKZ G Ćakule B Plavi pramac D ENGLAND Pustički Marija Dandelion D Crveni pramac D Duncan Jim After the storm B Dandelion life D Večenaj Krunoslav Touch of silence A The late tram C Rajle Damir Golden haze A Meadow of dreams A Duncan Jeanette In the style of vettriano A At the end of the season A Under the rainbow A Practice makes perfect A Soil of bounty C Windy day A FIAP G The bread line A Ranogajec Ivan Mlado proljeće A At the end of the world B Caught red-handed B Ravnica A Life is cruel B Naughty but nice B Rendeli Zvonimir Khan A Frozen look D Harrison Colin Laura A Pogled A Vrkljan Berislav Single C Rock tree D Queen of lace A Vukelić Zdenko City lamp A Keel David Lincolnshire windmill B Slavkin pogled B The rythm of the city A Mead Ann Hoodoo dawn A Two of us C Memory B Dust rider A Eyjafjallajökull C Ying yang C Pensive A Adriatic detail D Colourism C Shady dealer B Vrt svjetlosti D Vulić Jerolim Blues D FIAP hm Night creeper B Sabol Petar Mating butterflies A Lift D Hoverflies helophilus D Butterfly imagination A Zednik Vesna Maja B Egg guardian D The kingfisher A PSA G Zeman Mato Coloured fields A Mullins Lisa Horse portrait A Beli leptiri B Yellow ringlets D Out in the cold B Three butterflies B White flakes D Richardson Tom School teacher benguerra Tuscany C Zurub Damir Home sweet home A island C Ways C Under the jetty A Thomson Ian Timber spiral A Golden sunset C I'm following you A Balconies B Dragica D Freedom of movement A PSA B Ebb tide C Swallowtail beauty D Ghost of the past B Bamburgh castle C Blue hawker propulsion D Mv kudhima B Whitby John Descent A Butterfly and snail D Sharks B Namib trail A Sentić Edita Fluidity take two A Upside down C Tuning up B FIAP B Fluidity take three A Under the jetty C Sesto Darija A girl A Underwater story C A trapped leaf A FINLAND Ylinen Pertti A shy girl B CYPRUS Foggy sunrise A A detail of facade D FIAP hm Andreou Andreas l Stop B Sinka Zeljko Spot light B PSA G Triangle D Beyond the mask B FRANCE Stošić Denis Kovac svoje srece A Heritier Jacques Exploration touristique A Strgar Kurecic Maja Playing with fire A DENMARK Connecte A Henriksen Mads Pe A Light painting split A Surf jaune A FKZ G Kamille iii A Chase trough kimono forest C Clarisse 4 B 63 Arles C Castle in sky C Krang shuri 2 C Ombrello rosso C Water drop D Bhattacharyya Arijit Eye A Martin Paul Reveuse A Labyrinth B Ombres portees B Puskar-1 C HUNGARY Asphaltage B Pattern D Lokos Zoltan Girl with a cello A Moessner Krystine L'inconnu sous la pluie B Bishayee Prabir Hardship for man n animal C Girls A Faux reflets B Biswas Rajdeep Woman B Franciska 055 B Plénitude B Figure study 2 B Breast D Samoyault Guy b. Vindicatif A At work C FKZ hm Triangle D Au fil de la dordogne C Nagarjuna tribe 1 C Stipsits Ibolya Manashi A Marche de konya C Fishing C Pathin A Le depart C Bath time 3 C Mother B Indigo C Geometrical 3 D Lln the school C Kaleidoscope D Geometrical 4 D Snowdrift D Curve D Burman Sushanta Across generations B GERMANY INDIA Grandmother's pride B Boettcher Tillman m. C. Shining stairs iv A Adhikary Salokya Desire A Transfer C Clemens Burkhard Contemplation c A Solitude A Chakraborty Dipanjan 103 years of sweetness A Kranhaus cologne B In to the future B Smile B Bubbles D The black bird B The lost boat C Circle of colours D After bath C Chakraborty Rathin Sravanbelgola A Kluger Manfred A natural beauty-1 A Jacuzzi C Kalindi col C Black beauty-2 A Flower-1 D Chatterjee Debashish Stop A Black beauty-1 A Butterfly1 D Facial furrows B Meditative-1 C Adhikary Suman Jungle girl A Das Amlan Reflextion of love A On sightseeing tour-1 C The companion A Prayer C Pini Ernst Upstairs A Agarwala Adit Princess arrives A Warmth C Fassade A Morning duty B FKZ hm Das Ritankar Monk of varanasi A Face B Ahmed Roopam Sunset1 A Ghat of barbers C Dancing trees B The onion saga A Playfull C Bug D The sky1 A The unused cot C Costume D The unsolved mystery B Das Tuhin kanti Rainy day B Fog3 C Dasn Ranjan kanti Art of childhood A GREECE Nakhoda1 C Haste A Sidiropoulos Ioannis Spiritual suicide A Aich Sunita Friends in need 2 A Sand storm C Dystopia A PSA S Smoke in the dark B Do i look stupid wearing Struggle of life B a hot pink pajama C HONG KONG S.A.R. Screwed D FKZ hm Firearms C Bandyopadhyay Dipendra Grasshoper mating A Cheung Koon nam Brown bear fishing 02 A PSA hm Circle of life D Banerjee Shaswata Gossip B Brown bear fishing 09 A Sexy legs D Boats of varanasi C Osprey preying 07 A Dey Kirit Experience A The goat D Brown bear fishing 04 bw B Morning saga A Basu Tapas Colours of life D Good catch 21 bw B Agitation B Basu Dwaipayan Misty mall B Little owl 10 bw B Creation C Birdsman C Osprey preying 02 bw B Holy chanting C Colors in the mist C Fong Hoi yan Feeding my babies A Locomotive and men C Contrast in mood C Amazing trip A Origination D FIAP B Sellers house C Ballroom dance A Dolui Kaushik All sleepy A Basu Soumya Naughty childhood B Sunset in masai mara A Boss A Colors in the lane C Start working B Life vs graffiti A IBhattacharjee Arup Festival of colours A Shake your body B Sagar bath B PSA hm Maskman A This is my turn B India Ganguli Debasish Alone A Sadhu A All over the sky C Miles to go C In a mystique land B Freezed up C Symbol of love C Man vs nature B Magnificent C Valley of sun flower C Dream destination C Kwok Man wo Long scarf A Prayer D Fishing nets C Table tennis A Ghosh Biswarup Crossing the river C Green field 1 C Hard working B Ghosh guha Pinki Men at work B 64 The fisher man C Water play B LATVIA The evening arati C Why B Apsenieks Andris Dance into the light ii A FKZ B Fising under the blue sky C Coexistance C FIAP hm Enigmatic soul A The spider D Colors of life C Element B Lodh Prosenjit Foggy weather A Village of colors C Equilibrium B Delicious breakfast A IRELAND Nevermore B Monsoon C Boyle Judy Ready for work A Frog eating insect D Cashell Graham Curve of the stairs A Hide and seek D LUXEMBOURG Fireside stories A Mathews Vinaya Tender vine B Daemen Harry Chloe A Mermaid fredau B Banjaran busy working C Eng dreps D Fredau in the window ii B Dance by devotees C By the window B Mitra Indrajit Not alone A Doyle Dick Garrus beach lumen A MACAU S.A.R. Ecstasy B Sasic Aleksandar Blue wonder A Chan Chi hong Color of the terraces A Elder sister B Beo fair C Morning,golden terraces. C Experienced C Naked eye C The rest of the shepherd C Playful C Fury C Cheang Sherman My god A Pose 2 D Follow me A Moitra Debashis Framed A Across the bridge B In search of fish A ISRAEL Going home B Mondal Basudeb Sun shy B Goldin Leonid I love my beer A PSA hm Praying B Behind the mask C Autumn behind a window A Repair fishing net C Daily life C New museum piece B PSA hm Winter harvest C Mookerjee das Prathama Versatile hands A Every second B Going to market C Waiting A Greek orthodoxes C Follow the light C His story B White cat C Ho Ka wun Moving dance A Dusk dance C FIAP hm Handle made of gold D Beach rugby 2 B Sleeping buddha C Jasmine bush D Brother and sister bw B Verdant veins C ITALY Diving man and fish C Mukherjee Arijit 39 steps B Cioni Mario Arctic fox predation A Lam Sze chun Constraint A By lane B With cow B Dissimulate A Mukherjee Swapan Processing chilli C Clara stella Maja Damn white rope! - Shanghai stairs C Patra Ranjan Anindita 02 A water reflection A Terrace C Patra Soma Preety lady 1 A Shady window B Leong Io kuong Guilin fisherman A Affection B Atlantic winter sunset C Inner mongolia sheep A The potter B Marsa alam special guests Think A Imambara 3 C - red sea C China xiaodongjiang B Pottery D Boat n.100 - water reflection D China hani rice terraces 2 C Ray Dipak Colorful family A Propeller under water D China jiangnan C Diagonals B Ficarelli Daniele Nightmare A Horses cross river C Studying in the courtyard C The phantom of kelpies A Inner mongolia fall C FIAP S Saha Suman Sweeping across arches 2 C Ghio Giulio Fog in the nursery A Leung Kwok tung Fog in morning river A Lighting up the stairs 3 C Sunbeam over country road C Snowfield herd A The apprentice C Scanno lake C Herdman B Sarkar Neelanjana Life in a street A Cortona hills C Winter keeper B Treasure in turmoil A Mazzucco Giovbattista Class one B Fog C Pray for souls B Deux sorelle B Mongo morning C A divine journey C L'arc travel B Sheep in autum C Road to frontier C Verso la luce B Sunset horse C Hanging bridge C Salice Francesca Ladakh prayer A Tam Chan ieong Cow racing1 A Sarkar Gouri With the future B School girl A Cow racing2 A Between red and yellow C The stepwell A Cow racing10 A Sarkar Prabal k Old face A Unicredit tower B Cow racing12 A Crossing the street C Sapienza Graziella Restlessness B FKZ G Dancer18 B PSA hm The reader C We three C Great wall2 C Women at work C Simaz Mario dario Ganci D Traditional festival C Sarkar Sayan Curious A Idrocarburi D Tang Kai lon Snow monkey family A Cuteness unlimited A Parallelelismo D Snow monkey A Two couple B Swinging ladies A 65 Advancing power B POLAND Alibrahim Ahmed Abashment-2 A Break through 3 B Okoniewski Tomasz Little miss B Zebra A Painful fall 3 B Alex pause B Sadness B Tang Chan seng Fighting 4 A On the height C FKZ G Sick child B Relax moment 3 A Bon appetit C Sad child B Swing couple 3 A Titanium from the land Sadu 5 C Anger birds 4 A of smoke C Bridge girl C Hold the ball 4 B Outdoor freedom C Defending pass 9 B Wroski Mieczyslaw Peak D SERBIA Wong Weng sang Shepherds c1 A Milojevic Rasa Enjoying the streets of Dancing c2 A venice_7587 A Li river great moment A PORTUGAL Streets of crete 0256 A Breakout m1 B Taborda Joao Flying in color A The streets of gorizia - Cooking m1 B Friends will be friends A italy_5749 A Terraced fields m2 B Festival B Gucha_0538 B Terraced morning m4 B The new world B Cappadocia 9149 C Cooking m3 C Colors of my flag C Cappadocia 9242 C Pottery field C French quarter C FKZ hm Colors and reflections 4178 D Pray for peace C m here C Colors and reflections 4273 D Yeung Chi yip Crop A Yellow news D Fisherman rivers B

Run racing B QATAR Fisherman lighting C Al-mushaifri Abdulla Aya A SLOVENIA Snwo arrogant horse C Take me home bw B Banfi Bostjan Yellow crane A Snow riding C Long way B Toompea B Send me free B Long way back C Bedwani bw B Mystic morning ii C NETHERLANDS Blue door D Detrixhe Frank Rendez-vous at the pier B Visit to sultan qaboos Cigoj Marjan Memories of childhood-4 A Hindu offering nepal C mosque C Težko delo A My white car cuba C Open sesames C Will or not will A Separating the chaff from Street barbers C Morning on the barje C the corn nepal C Desert lines D Avenue C Van balken Marcel Peace and quiet C Snowclimber A ROMANIA Colourful rocks D Farewell letter A Balla Arpad zoltan Alone A The suffering D FKZ S Three umbrellas A Daily bread A Dolenčić Davor Alone A Freedom B Meeting A Forest i A Seethrough C Summer A End of the world A Taj mahal C Observer D Misty forest A Snout meat D Mandru Cantemir aron Moise A Loneliness B Lines B On the bridge B NORTHERN IRELAND Moment C FIAP G Playful B Boyle Judy Red hat A Old man C Romania impressions 1 C Nagy Lajos Bee eaters with Romania impressions 3 C grasshoppers A Groti resman Kristina Dark forest A NORWAY Cormorant fishing A Lonely tree A Hyllseth Torhild Crossing B Grey heron with fish 05 A Fairy A The glove D Grey heron fishing A Kokol Dejan Emptiness A Empire of the snow B Misty island A OMAN Long shadows B All alone B FIAP hm Aladawi Oman Rocky window A Nightskate C FIAP B Into unknown B Albusaidi Samir Follow the line A Warning C Nowhere to go 1 B Alrawas Salah Popular market B Geometry C FIAP hm Teamwork B SAUDI ARABIA Have a nice day C Sea heroes C Al naser Majdi Hamer girl A Towards light C The knights C Eyes telling B Margon vuga Katuša Reflection C Glowing eyes D Bamboo bread B Burano C Aleskafi B Fly C

66 Thatch roof D SWITZERLAND On the fence D Awile Omar At the seine C Wall shelves D Mavrič Maja Collecting salt A Friends B TAIWAN Alone B Lee Hsiu-chin Explosive A Pupils B Hanging dripping A Kirkjufell C Purse seine C Man with the dog C The bridge C TURKEY Writing homework C Atilla Pelin Giant mirror B Metljak Drago Before evening A Mother C Mist and sun A Urgup C Podobnik Rafael Man with scythe B Break D Spring 06 C FKZ B Mirror D FIAP hm Stormy petrel C Fleck Annette Motion B Columbine cave C Ozdemir Hakan Mechanical foundry A PSA hm Harmony of contrasts D Wonderful nature D UNITED STATES Rujevic Jasna Into the deep A Formaggini Mariza Illuminated A Left or right? A FIAP hm The Bread of every day B Alone B Little boatman C Endless contemplation B Family D The country side B Geometry I D FKZ hm Sijaric Biserka Resistance A Geometry II D Remembrance A Tran Tuan Sunrise point-bryce Blue umbrella A mountain 011 C Passion B Route to the unknown B Vidmar Stanko Mist A VIETNAM 404 B Huynh tan Thang Hoang hon dai ngan A Zajfrid Peter Green island A Theu tay no2 A In the distance A Tung chai no3 B Misty morning A Gio hoc kinh koran no2 B First touch C Nguyen tan Tuan New day on the plateau A Morning light C Vesak in viet nam B The mill C Children in nam cuong B Push netting C Vu phuoc Nguyen Daily work A

SOUTH KOREA Religion and life 5 A Lee Jong il Maternal love A Little girl and cat 2 A Fighting A Childhood time 4 B A flock of birds A Chilhood time 5 B A horse family B Religion and life 3 C Religion and life 4 C SRI LANKA The way home 2 C Ipalawatte Kamal Hopes.. A Rite overcome teens 2 C

SWEDEN WALES Forsberg Veronica Bridge B Hallett Lynford Scottish wildcat A High altitude music Deep in thought A lissabon C Pondering B Stake Jan-thomas Bongeline black beauty Poker face B no2 A Black draped in brown A Woman and child B

67 Izložbe fotografija / Photo Exhibitions

9. - 24. 11. 2016. Muzej Mimara, Rooseveltov trg 5, Zagreb

5. - 18. 12. 2016. Muzej grada Šibenika, Gradska vrata 3, Šibenik

Zahvala / Gratitude Sudionici organizacije Salona / Participants in organising the Salon

Obrada podataka / Data: Hrvoje Mahović, Zvonko Radičanin Design web stranice / Web Design: Josip Smoljić Grafički dizajn / Graphic Design: Biljana Knebl, Nenad Martić Likovni postav izložbe u Mimari / Exhibition Design: Valentina Bunić, Helena Cuculić Tehnički postav izložbe / Exhibition staff volunteers: Matija Pavić, Neda Rački, Vera Jurić, Biljana Knebl, Snježana Požar, Bruno Gjopar, Tamara Gkikas, Vedrana Dević, Sonja Županović, Nenad Martić Print fotografija / Prints of photos: Foto oprema d.o.o. Fotografiranje žiriranja i otvorenja / Photos of the Jury and Exhibition: Bruno Gjopar, Đurđica Kocijančić, Dren Butković, Zvonko Radičanin Medijska promocija / Media promotion: Hrvoje Mahović, Vesna Špoljar Informatička podrška / Informatics: Robert Ballon Suradnici / Associates Madeleine Wolf, Gradski ured za obrazovanje kulturu i sport / City Office for Education, Culture and Sports Laura Topolovšek, Gradski ured za obrazovanje kulturu i sport / City Office for Education, Culture and Sports Jadranko Baturić, Zagrebački foto kino savez / Zagreb Photo and Movie Association Predrag Bosnar, Hrvatski fotosavez / Croatian Photographic Association Lada Ratković-Bukovčan, Muzej Mimara /Mimara Museum Marko Hell, Hotel Pašike / Pašike Hotel, Trogir Gojko Lambaša, Muzej grada Šibenika / Šibenik Museum

Logotip Zagreb salona / Zagreb Salon Logo Zlatko Rebernjak, Josip Smoljić Oblikovanje plakete / Plaque Design Slavko Čosić