Courier Gazette, Tuesday, August 3 1H>'
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Rockland Gazette The Largest Rockland Tribune Circulation Union Times In Eastern M aine Consolidated March 17, 1807 T he Courier-Gazette. ---------------------------- -1-------------------------------------- TWICE-A-WEEK . TUESDAY AND SATURDAY. Two Dollars a Year Rockland Maine Tuesday August 3 1897 V ol. 52. N o . 51 *X*X*X*K*X♦x*x*x» WITH ROOANO HUN THEOSOPHY- THE LA* OF JUSTICE GRADED PENSIONS COMMENT ON CURRENT EVENTS | gallons of beer and crediied by to many sal- | IN A CORNER OT THE LIBRARY X X ; tries to teachers; debited to to much suppres sion of competitors in production of oil, Note, of Forest and Stream From the IV. The Union Veterans Union nre Asked to President Andrews Stkts Down.—The The hiographv of Profeaaof Iluxley, which jThis Changeable J Work for Them. trustees of tbe Brown University have credited by so many sermons,tract! and Bibles Hook of a Local The law of justice,or of action and ol reaction, to the heathen. The only practical way hit ion Leonard has been preparing, it now The national commander of the Union publicly requested President Andrews to aald to be pretry well advanced. It ia ex July 18 I taw two large flocks of bobolinks, whose working we see in the physical wurld all suppress hit utterances in favor of free coin teems to be to consider cash at a non-moral, J W ea th er J each containing more than a hundred bird,, a around ut,pre>ides also over nur mind and our Veterans' Union, hat recently tent out to the dead and conscienceless force every way and pected to appear in tbe autumn. commands of the order, including the com age of silver, in the interests of the college. ♦ ♦ large proportion of which were young bird! soul. What we sow we reap, not only in the They allege that intending benefactori of to lie credited with neither good nor bad in Readers of Kipling who have not happened grown to full aiae. One or two of the old grain we plant.and which in due season comet mands in this city and elsewhere in the State, tentions. But that does not eliminate Jones to see “Slaves of the Lamp” may be directed a circular letter asking from the legion its best the institution decline to bequeaih money to Is apt to Break the bird! essayed to ling but it was useless— back to ns of its own kind and in just proportion the college because of tbe president's out or Rockefeller from the equation. We have to the current number of McClure’s Magazine, ♦ • there waa no incentive. I doubt if one of the to our planting, but alao what we do, what we efforts in having tbe now per diem, or graded yet to find the value of jr. wherein the story is printed in full. pension bill, passed during the coming teim spoken approval of the free ailver heresy. male birda knew the m; te to which he had say, wbat we think and what we feel, react If the trustees expected anything else than a Dodd, Mead A Co. have tn press “The aung hi! love long only a lew ahott week! ago, upon us or give us a harvest, each of its own of Congress. The circular says: Romance of Civilization in the United States." •MAINSPRING; I recommend that we now commence this prompt resignation by Ibe president they Fvs SY Japan.—Japan seems to be turning or even the children be waa wont to make kind and in its own due season. Now, it mutt have been surprised to receive it "by It ia by G. Barnett Smith, and will cover the !uch a fuis about when I went near his neat. work in a systematic and intelligent manner over the proposed annexation of Hawaii by ♦ ♦ must be evident to every one of us that return mail j" if they looked for it they were the United Stales and a good deal of war talk period from the earlieat timei to the landing And Robert bas lost his spruce look as we are constantly reaping that which and thereby assist our representatives in Con of the Pilgrim Fathers. X in your watch, if it X gress by creating a public and general expres promptly gratified. President Andrews is a ii developed. The United States is not in well. He hasn't changed his coat yet, but he we have not sown in this life, which fact im tree trader and a free silver advocate. He Students of theosophy will be interested to ♦ should, take your * is looking shabby and I would not wonder plies past lives in which we have town such sion of favorable opinion for justice to the old very good condition to go to war with Japan. soldiers, who made the noblest sacrifices that iinpreases all who know him as a very sincere There would he no glory In victory, while to learn that “Theosophy," the official magazine watch where they * (if he addressed her at all) that he spoke to things,or in which we have created the causes and straightforward man who "would rather of the cult, has been enlarged and improved. J for such effects. Also,we are now sowing many have ever appeared in the pages of history, to be defeated would put ua in the unhappy hii wife as the "old woman.” Ot perhaps be be right than be president," even of Brown. frame oUnlnd of the man who waa kicked It now makes a comely octavo periodical of X warrant them for X called her "mother." things that we fail to reap in this life and maintain the integrity of our beloved country, and in tbia, as in most every other cate, the It is to be regretted that he it opposed to by a jackass. At toon at it becomes clear about seventy pages, and its list of contribu ♦ two years . * How little Summer we have had. The since, according to onr scripture as well as the doctrine ol protection and the gold stan what it ailing the Jap, Sec’y Sherman will write tors has been increased. bobolink! will not remain in families any most other sacred writ, the reaping whether most deserving and best worthy are left to the last in receiving just recognition of their mer dard, for thia aide ia very much in need of men him one of his soothing, diplomatic epistles. A meeting was held in Liverpool the other more. In a very ahoit lime they will don of good or evil must come, more lives are who are ready to sacrifice as much as Presi day to start a subscription for a memorial to their Quaker suit of sober brown and depait necessary for such harvest. So we see that its. The shriek from the Island Kingdom ia that F o r $ 1 .0 0 . The national commander suggests that dent Andrews has for the sake of conscience the rights of 2J,ocxi Japa in Hawaii are en Mrs. Ilemans. It is expected that the for the reed and rice fields of the South and, this law of justice or of cause and effect nec and personal liberty. It seems to ua that, in dangered by annexation. Mr. Sherman can memorial will take the shape of a fund from sad to say, thence into tbe frying pan. essitates ils co-worker reincarnation. petitions, a form of which was shown at the metting, be signed by every ex-soldier and by consideration of the scarcity of such men, confidently assure the hysterical party that he which an annual prize w ill be awarded in a It is equally true that reincarnation neces and of the general prosperity of Brown under will have as many rights as are good for him lyrical competition. The successful poet will sitates the law of justice. II coming here as many citizens as can be secured to give it ♦DANIELS, J t ; Ray Erskine, at Ingraham's Hill, has a hen their support, wbic)i petitions are to lie for Andrews' administration, it would have been under our government as under hit own. If receive a considerable sum if the committee’s again and again into tbit life were only a tort worth while to allow him tome time to be Japan bat no intentions of her own on expectations are fulfilled. that recently batched out elever chickens, ten of tread mill, a going over the same steps of warded to Congress even though they would ♦ ♦ of which were black and one white. The old weigh a ton. He writes: "Tbit bill, not convinced by the logic of events, on such a Hawaii, why all thia rertiarkable demonstra The name of Maria Louise Pool has be X Bring In Your Old Gold. X the wheel with no variation, no advance and matter of opinion as silver coinage, while he tion over the people who have emigrated from come conspicuously identified with that small hen refused to own the white one, but the resulting in no new experiences, with no new exact justice to every comdade, as bit honor family cat his adopted the orphan and is able discharge will show how much he it waa doing so good work for the university. her domain to a far diatant island in mid-Pac band of New England women writers who in lessons learned, it would certainly appear Do they want a machine made president at ific? Her complaints will have to tie more the past few years have done so much strong -------------- X taking excellent care of it.