©tJ£=^E^ii.EinN^Eisri* AL ESTATE RECORD AND BUILDERS' GUIDE, VJL. XXX. NEW YOEK, OCTOBER 28, ls82. No 763, Published Weekly by The D. M. SEAMAN. Courtlandt st. No, 10, n s, abt 97 w Broadway, 42d sr, No. 557 W.; n s, 2.5x100.5, flve-story brick abt 25xl-.'5, five-story brick (stone front) REAL ESTATE RECORD ASSOCIATION tenem't. Patrick Egan.' 13,000 store. Contract. Henry Naylor to Ernest 1st av, s B cor 43d st, 100.5x100. M. & P. Dono HaU. Mort. $45,000. Oct. i2. 100.000 hue 26,( 50 TERMS: 1st av, e s, adj, 25x100. F.Sulzberger 4,6.50 Cannon st, Nos. 27 and 29, w s, 75 n Broome st, 1st av, e s, adj, 25xl0J. F.Sulzberger • 4,975 50x100, tLree-.story and. two-story frame ONE TEAR, In advance - $6.00 store and dwell'gs and two four-story brick J. F. B. SMYTH. tenem't in rear. Herman B. Lanfer tb Eliza- Communications should be addressed to 116th st. No. 350 E., s. s, 16.Sx:00.10. three-story bfth wife of Joseph Hillenbrand. Mort. stone front dwell'g. Geo. E. Daniels 9,400 $7,000, taxes, &c. March 1.5, 1881. 20,000 C. W. SWEET, 191 Broadway. A J. BLEECKER & SON. Chatham sq. No. 4, and No. 6 Catharine st, on 9?th st, n s, 1.50 w Sth av, 25xlU(. 11, vacant. N. e s Chatham sq, 43x30 to Catharine sL x34 5x J. T. LINDSEY. Busmess Manager. Cortwright 5,425 60, four-story briok store.
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