A HffllSll Jm so, ®1W®11® TO M® OORO


T H E M U S E . himself minus sonic twenty-five dollars. He From the Boston Olive Branch. they manufacture n considerable, quantity of roots nf the weed upon which I partially tic- led to wear mourning for me, in case of such became excited, and enlarged bis bets, w ith a SOUVENIRS OF TRAVEL. maple sugar, and this,together with their furs, pended gave way, as I was in the act of turn- a diselosttre of our engagement. It is a pro- Our sweetest Songs arc those that tell of sad- hope to regain what lie had lost. He contin­ they exchange at the white settlements, for ing. Sir, one’s senses arc sharpened in .lead- voking thing for n girl of nineteen to Imre to , dest thought. ued to lose, and on bis a rriva l at Pittsburg N o one canThe read American the nrronn.s Indians. th e carlv dis l,la,,kcts’ or «•«<>." h e Oth- ly p e ril; ns I live now, I distinct!) heard the go into mourning for a deceased lover nt the e.t . . c n l) dis- C1. fl)Ol, |g scnrco w ilh thc|n> tll()y cnt t||(;i|. |)C,|s „ f lr i llk y lnil)nig|lt M , rog(} |(j bpgint|inir o f gecon(, w j(jtc r .() t,)e Youth, that Pursnest. bad barely suflient money to pay bis passage to bis destination. He paid bis litre immedi­ covcrics of An,erica give of the simple man- |lorsCs tlog9. , surfflcc „cxt jn I ^7^, IIY It. MONCKTON Jttt.NES. tters and contented Itvcs of the nat,vc inltabt-I Pc|.|,„pS the course pursued town.'.Is them stone cauldron, where I must swim for „,v ately on going on board for Lou isville, and ‘ 1 lie water, though) with tny motionless tants, without stglmig for the present degra- py t|)e United States is no doubt tilia-l l.ffo 1 t , „ „ t , ...... h i ...... i...... i i ■ Youth, that pursues! with such eager pace the boat bad scarcely loft the wharf, when Heaven only cottlp tell how long! I mu position, must have had something to do with Thy even way, the two gninldcrs proposed a ganto that lie datum ol the remnants ol that once numerous voilljlblc. but 110 ono wi|| dcliy ,nost „ cnpitn| swiin„|c|.. j llnturally, gavc ||)y c|li||lt>cs-. , sc(( sir( thi~k lhat , tc„ Thou dauhtcsl on io win a mournful race ; might make himself ‘whole.’ When they nnil poAVci ltd people. W aslimgton Irving in ol.r (roubles wit|, t|10 Indians have grown out a degree of self possession. Falling «• ’ mv story with great lei itv; but indeed, indeed, Then slny ! ph, stay ! Ins Life ol Columbus, oyes to dwell upon „v ,.„ agressions of tlicir while neighbors, | had, I of course bad pitched ,ut some distam I should grow delirious did I venture to bold found he had no money, they proposed to Pans'- and luxuriate on the sunny plain , stake money ngtiiusi w atch. Still hoping Ibe dreamy beauty of their existence by the .Rfotunled them o f their lands w lieu sloping parapet. A few strokes udilv to the nnfidnen ol eXlcclings thn t t,niter.—en,oy : ,;,\er waters and in the gcnunci vu leys of 1 •„Hnvirnlfl,|) instigated them to deeds of vi brought me to jlie 'I'Tr'^Trcidlv'w ■ - .... a el a.eater part of nwlu 1 tilin' "deed I ms, Olfte past, thou wilt never come back again, lie age ill played, losing It s watch. 11 is breast Hispnuolu, before me .'pnnuirds scattered tlm „|,,nce in ordci tlint tlm Government should eertuin Jj'lt ilitil I could claml.ei up llie l of have be, n neet of the time h.t.sterical with A second Boy. pin, rings, cct., were disposed of in the same seeds ot iliseoul auioiig tlicni, tuiit b) " bc ,,,,'iig.-' to lorce them to nbiinilon t heir idd , wall any where. I hoped that 1 co Id I thorror, for the vibrating emotions I hntw o- The hills of manhood wear a noble face, manner. Becoming desperate, lie sought bis When seen limn far. trunk, where be ltad’a package in charge to snv.i^c tyinini} oicc( ticm to iccoine c m 13 , |,,i;lting-g|-nuii Is, nn