A HffllSll Jm so, ®1W®11® TO M® OORO VOLUME III. EAST THOMASTON. MAINE. THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 23. 1813. NUMBER XLIV. T H E M U S E . himself minus sonic twenty-five dollars. He From the Boston Olive Branch. they manufacture n considerable, quantity of roots nf the weed upon which I partially tic- led to wear mourning for me, in case of such became excited, and enlarged bis bets, w ith a SOUVENIRS OF TRAVEL. maple sugar, and this,together with their furs, pended gave way, as I was in the act of turn- a diselosttre of our engagement. It is a pro- Our sweetest Songs arc those that tell of sad- hope to regain what lie had lost. He contin­ they exchange at the white settlements, for ing. Sir, one’s senses arc sharpened in .lead- voking thing for n girl of nineteen to Imre to , dest thought. ued to lose, and on bis a rriva l at Pittsburg N o one canThe read American the nrronn.s Indians. th e carlv dis l,la,,kcts’ or «•«<>." h e Oth- ly p e ril; ns I live now, I distinct!) heard the go into mourning for a deceased lover nt the e.t . c n l) dis- C1. fl)Ol, |g scnrco w ilh thc|n> tll()y cnt t||(;i|. |)C,|s „ f lr i llk y lnil)nig|lt M , rog(} |(j bpgint|inir o f gecon(, w j(jtc r .() t,)e Youth, that Pursnest. bad barely suflient money to pay bis passage to bis destination. He paid bis litre immedi­ covcrics of An,erica give of the simple man- |lorsCs tlog9. , surfflcc „cxt jn I ^7^, IIY It. MONCKTON Jttt.NES. tters and contented Itvcs of the nat,vc inltabt-I Pc|.|,„pS the course pursued town.'.Is them stone cauldron, where I must swim for „,v ately on going on board for Lou isville, and ‘ 1 lie water, though) with tny motionless tants, without stglmig for the present degra- py t|)e United States is no doubt tilia-l l.ffo 1 t , „ „ t , . .....h i .........i........i i ■ Youth, that pursues! with such eager pace the boat bad scarcely loft the wharf, when Heaven only cottlp tell how long! I mu position, must have had something to do with Thy even way, the two gninldcrs proposed a ganto that lie datum ol the remnants ol that once numerous voilljlblc. but 110 ono wi|| dcliy ,nost „ cnpitn| swiin„|c|.. j llnturally, gavc ||)y c|li||lt>cs-. , sc(( sir( thi~k lhat , tc„ Thou dauhtcsl on io win a mournful race ; might make himself ‘whole.’ When they nnil poAVci ltd people. W aslimgton Irving in ol.r (roubles wit|, t|10 Indians have grown out a degree of self possession. Falling «• ’ mv story with great lei itv; but indeed, indeed, Then slny ! ph, stay ! Ins Life ol Columbus, oyes to dwell upon „v ,.„ agressions of tlicir while neighbors, | had, I of course bad pitched ,ut some distam I should grow delirious did I venture to bold found he had no money, they proposed to Pans'- and luxuriate on the sunny plain , stake money ngtiiusi w atch. Still hoping Ibe dreamy beauty of their existence by the .Rfotunled them o f their lands w lieu sloping parapet. A few strokes udilv to the nnfidnen ol eXlcclings thn t t,niter.—en,oy : ,;,\er waters and in the gcnunci vu leys of 1 •„Hnvirnlfl,|) instigated them to deeds of vi brought me to jlie 'I'Tr'^Trcidlv'w ■ - .... a el a.eater part of nwlu 1 tilin' "deed I ms, Olfte past, thou wilt never come back again, lie age ill played, losing It s watch. 11 is breast Hispnuolu, before me .'pnnuirds scattered tlm „|,,nce in ordci tlint tlm Government should eertuin Jj'lt ilitil I could claml.ei up llie l of have be, n neet of the time h.t.sterical with A second Boy. pin, rings, cct., were disposed of in the same seeds ot iliseoul auioiig tlicni, tuiit b) " bc ,,,,'iig.-' to lorce them to nbiinilon t heir idd , wall any where. I hoped that 1 co Id I thorror, for the vibrating emotions I hntw o- The hills of manhood wear a noble face, manner. Becoming desperate, lie sought bis When seen limn far. trunk, where be ltad’a package in charge to snv.i^c tyinini} oicc( ticm to iccoine c m 13 , |,,i;lting-g|-nuii Is, nn<l find new ones vest ol |< It certain nt least there unssome spot w hen; s‘•npitiilnted did pa»s through my brain even The mist id' light from which they take their grace carry to bis sister.— lie forced open the cas­ cruel Mid revenglul. In our wanderings wo t|lc Mississippi. Their fading memorials arc f nilght get hold with my hands, even if I did • have detuded them. But as I now’ became Hides what they are. ket which contained a bracelet, with a beauti­ have been thrown some in the way ol tin: red .lisipating like mist before the morning situ; not ultimately ascend it. I tried the nearest calm in thought, I summoned up again soma The dark and weary path those cliffs between ful gold chain, sent as a present by the moth­ men, and in looking upon their scattered wig- a|1|| unot|wr century will perhaps witness the | S|)ot. The inclination of the wall was so {resolution of action. I will begin nt tlmtcor- Thou catist not know. er to Iter daughter. He discovered an un­ wams, always feci sad m view of the total exlinctioti of ibis singular and niystcri- vertical, that it did not even rest me to lean j "cr (said I), and swim round the whole en- And how it leads to regions never-green, that but n littlo while and they will till be ous V11CC) t|)0 oriRj„ ,,f which has been the | against it. I felt with my liands and with my 'closure. I will swim slowly, and again feel Dead fields of snow. sealed letter, which contained a hundred dol­ [thy gain, lar bank note. The letter was from bis futli- wept Irom the earth, w ith their tra tlitio n s, ,sllbj cet of auc|, ,|eep reg0lirc|) n|„ i volum ious I foct. Surely, 1 thought, tltero must bo some the sides o f the tank w ith ntv feet. I f die I Pause while thou mny’st nor deem that late to bis sister, directing her to give the money beautiful superstitions and romance, and noth- (|i3(;ll3SjO|b 1| fissure like ' those in wliivlt that ill-omened 1 must, -let me 'perish nt least front well-directed Which, all too last, be le ft to us but the memory o f the w rongs Will drive thee forth from this delicious plain, to her brother when she should deem it prop­ I weed hud found a place for its root! There though exhausting effort, not sink from inure A Man at last. er to do soso. Ho seized upon the note, and wo have done them, and the teri'blo revenges r r i j qt p i v r I r _\r f ’ I 1) f ’ I , was nolle. My fingers became sore ill busy ing bootless weariness in sustaining myself till the soon the gamblers fleeced bint of that. 11c which they have visited upon us. InnoState l l l J i t T A aIJU i U I l V v I t themselves with the barsli and inhospitable tuorning shall bring relief. 'I be sides of tlu< perhaps, has the destruction and decay of the The Seasons. resorted to the casket again, and lost the jew ­ Alt intellectual repast, composed of the choicest I stones. My feet slipped from thesmonlh and place scented to grow higher and higher os I aborigines been more sudden than in the State ‘viands’ of the Literary market. BY THOMAS HOOD. elry it contained. Desperate in every rcs- slimy masnnry beneath the witter; and several now kept my watery course berween them.— j poet, w hen lie arrived at Lou isville, Ins des- of Michigan. THE MAN IN THE RE3EV01R. times tny face enine in rude contact w ith the It was not altogether a dead pull. I hail some Summer’s gone and over, i tination, bo called at the door of bis sister’s In 1837, according to Lantunn’s history o f variety of emotion in making my circuit.— Fogs are falling down,— wall, when my foothold gave way on the in- . house, rang the bell, and leaving the package ' Michigan the number of Indians in tho State And with the russet tinges 11Y Cll.lltI.ES I'ENNO HOFFMAN. | stnnt that I seemed Io have found some diiu- When I swam in the shadow, it looked tome I only amounted to 8,flf10, composed chiefly of Autumn’s doing brown. be had robbed on the threshold, hastened on ituinitivc rocky elect upon which I could stay more cheerful beyond in the moonlight. When board the boat where the two villians bad tu- Ottowns, on Lake Superior, the Wyandots You may see some o f the best society in I swam in the moonlight, I had the hope of Boughs are daily rifled | the l’atnwatamies and the Cliippcwns and myself. Sir, did you ever see a rat drowned By the btiisy thieves, I ken passage. T he y appeared glad that I , New York on the lop of the Distributing Re­ in a half-filled hogshead ? bow be sw ims round mtiking some discovery when I should again dds number lias been very materialiy rcltm cl (scrv((ii.
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