Dynamical Manifestation of Gibbs Paradox After a Quantum Quench

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Dynamical Manifestation of Gibbs Paradox After a Quantum Quench Dynamical manifestation of Gibbs paradox after a quantum quench M. Collura1, M. Kormos2 and G. Takács2;3∗ 1The Rudolf Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physics, Oxford University, Oxford, OX1 3NP, United Kingdom 2BME “Momentum” Statistical Field Theory Research Group, H-1117 Budapest, Budafoki út 8. 3BME Department of Theoretical Physics, H-1117 Budapest, Budafoki út 8. (Dated: 29th September 2018) We study the propagation of entanglement after quantum quenches in the non-integrable para- magnetic quantum Ising spin chain. Tuning the parameters of the system, we observe a sudden increase in the entanglement production rate, which we show to be related to the appearance of new quasi-particle excitations in the post-quench spectrum. We argue that the phenomenon is the non- equilibrium version of the well-known Gibbs paradox related to mixing entropy and demonstrate that its characteristics fit the expectations derived from the quantum resolution of the paradox in systems with a non-trivial quasi-particle spectrum. I. INTRODUCTION parameter hx shows another kind of anomalous behav- ior: a sudden increase setting in at the threshold value of A quantum quench is a protocol routinely engineered hx where a new quasi-particle excitation appears in the in cold-atom experiments [1–9]: a sudden change of the spectrum. Hamiltonian of an isolated quantum system followed by Using the physical interpretation of the asymptotic en- a non-equilibrium time evolution. The initial state cor- tanglement of a large subsystem as the thermodynamic responds to a highly excited configuration of the post- entropy of the stationary (equilibrium) state [2, 12, 33, quench Hamiltonian, acting as a source of quasi-particle 37, 38], this can be recognized as arising from the con- excitations [10]. In a large class of systems, there is a tribution of mixing entropy between the particle species, maximum speed for these excitations called the Lieb- and therefore constitutes a non-equilibrium manifesta- Robinson bound [11] which results in a linear growth of tion of the Gibbs paradox. entanglement entropy S(t) ∼ t of a subsystem of length ` for times t < `=2vmax, after which it becomes saturated II. ENTROPY PRODUCTION RATE AS A [12]. The mean entropy production rate @tS character- izing the linear growth naturally depends on the post- FUNCTION OF THE LONGITUDINAL FIELD quench spectrum and reflects its quasi-particle content. Entanglement entropy contains a wealth of information The Ising quantum spin chain is defined by the Hamil- regarding the non-equilibrium evolution and the station- tonian ary state resulting after a quench, and therefore has been L−1 studied extensively in recent years [13–26]. The growth of X H = J −σxσx + h σz + h σx ; (1) entanglement also has important implications for the effi- i i+1 z i x i i=0 ciency of computer simulations of the time evolution [27– 30]. Recently it has become possible to measure entan- x;z where σi denote the standard Pauli matrices acting glement entropy and its temporal evolution in condensed at site i, and we assume periodic boundary conditions matter systems [2, 31, 32]. For integrable systems, an an- x;z x;z σL ≡ σ0 . alytic approach of entanglement entropy production has It is exactly solvable for hx = 0 with a quantum criti- been developed recently in [33–35]. cal point at hz = 1. For hz < 1, the system shows ferro- In this paper we consider quenches in the quantum x magnetic ordering with order parameter σi . The para- Ising chain by switching on an integrability breaking lon- magnetic phase corresponds to transverse magnetic field gitudinal magnetic field h in the paramagnetic phase. In x hz > 1, where the spectrum consists of free fermionic ex- similar quenches in the ferromagnetic regime, it was re- citations over a unique ground state with the dispersion cently found that confinement suppresses the usual linear relation growth of entanglement entropy and the corresponding arXiv:1801.05817v2 [cond-mat.stat-mech] 30 Sep 2018 p 2 light-cone-like spreading of correlations after the quan- (kn) = 2J 1 + hz − 2hz cos kn ; (2) tum quench [36]. However, in the paramagnetic regime 2π L L L considered here confinement is absent and thus entangle- k = n ; n = − + 1; − + 2;:::; ; n L 2 2 2 ment entropy grows linearly in time. Nevertheless the de- pendence of the entropy production rate on the quench where we assumed that the chain length L is even. The fermionic quasi-particles correspond to spin waves with the maximum propagation velocity of (d/dk)max = 2J. We consider quantum quenches in the thermodynamic ∗ Corresponding author (email: takacsg@eik.bme.hu) limit L ! 1. We prepare the system in the ground state 2 2 1 hx =0.020 hzz = 1.25 hx =0.120 z h =0.032 h =0.132 x 0.8 x 1.5 hx =0.056 h =0.156 hx =0.068 h =0.168 hx =0.080 0.6 h =0.180 1 S(t) 0.4 0.5 0.2 0 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 t z 0.06 z z z 0.04 S t ∂ 0.02 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 Figure 1. Top panel: time dependence of half-system entanglement entropy as the post-quench longitudinal field hx is changed. The shaded regions show the time interval used to fit the linear time dependence. Bottom panel: the mean entropy production rate @tS, defined as the slope of the linear part of the entanglement entropy S(t), is shown as a function of hx, with the dashed min vertical lines showing the position of the minimum hx . jΨ0i at some hz > 1 and hx = 0, and study the time tropy production rate obtained from iTEBD simulations evolution of the half-system entanglement after suddenly is shown in Fig. 1. switching on a non-zero hx leading to the time-dependent The top panel demonstrates that the average late time state jΨ(t)i = exp(−iHt)jΨ0i using the infinite size time evolving block decimation (iTEBD) algorithm [39]. behavior of the entanglement entropy S(t) can be fit with The standard measure of the half-system entanglement a linear behavior apart from slowly decaying periodic is [40–42] fluctuations, as expected after a global quantum quench [12]. The mean entanglement production rate @tS is ob- S(t) = −TrRρR(t) log ρR(t) ; (3) tained from the slope of the linear part and can be in- terpreted as the production rate of the thermodynamic which is just the von Neumann entropy of the reduced entropy. In the bottom panel the dependence of @tS on hx density matrix ρR(t) = TrLjΨ(t)ihΨ(t)j of one half of the is shown. After some initial increase the entropy produc- system obtained by tracing out the other half. The en- tion rate starts decreasing, but at some value of the lon- 3 hz 1:25 1:5 1:75 2 hx 0:12 0:18 0:25 min hx 0:040 0:140 0:268 0:412 vmax 1:873 1:772 1:657 Table I. Position of the local minimum of @tS as a function Table II. Values of the Lieb-Robinson velocity determined of hx for different values of hz. from the data shown in Fig. 2. ϵ1(k) gitudinal field hx this trend gets reversed in a dramatic fashion and turns into a rapid increase. This surprising min 5 trend change happens at the value hx where @tS has a local minimum; the measured positions of these minima are listed in Table I. As we demonstrate below, the ex- planation of this curious behavior lies in the quasiparticle L=16 4 content of the model. L=18 L=20 L=22 3 III. QUASI-PARTICLE SPECTRUM OF THE PARAMAGNETIC ISING CHAIN hx=0.12 hx=0.18 Switching on the longitudinal field hx 6= 0 breaks inte- 2 hx=0.25 grability, but the spectrum can be determined by numer- ical methods by exact diagonalization which we applied to chains of length L = 16; 18; 20 and 22, using units J = 1. The energy eigenstate basis can be chosen to be k a simultaneous eigenstate basis of the position shift op- -3 -2 -1 1 2 3 erator S defined by Figure 2. The first quasi-particle dispersion relation for hz = a −1 a 1:5 and h = 0:12, 0:18 and 0:25. The differently colored dots Sσi S = σi+1 x are energy levels computed for systems sizes of L = 16, 18, The eigenvalue of S is a complex phase eik where k is the 20 and 22 spins, illustrating that finite size dependence is momentum of the state, defined modulo 2π. alreadyp negligible. The continuous lines are fits of a function 1(k) = A + B cos k. A. The first quasi-particle excitation From the numerically computed spectrum, the lowest- A more complete picture of the properties of the first lying one-particle states can be selected as the lowest quasi-particle is shown in Fig. 3 for hz = 1:25 . This energy states among those with a fixed momentum k 6= 0, value was simply chosen for illustration; the qualitative while at k = 0 the relevant state is the first excited above picture does not change for other values for hz. Note the ground state; this gives the first quasi-particle branch. 2 that the quasi-particle mass gets corrections of order hx The dispersion relation 1(k) of the first quasi-particle for small hx and becomes linear for large hx.
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