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6.0 Report Preparation Sources 1 6.0 REPORT PREPARATION SOURCES 2 This section provides a comprehensive list of individuals who contributed to the 3 preparation of the Revised Analysis of Impacts to Public Trust Resources and Values 4 (APTR). 5 6.1 CSLC REPRESENTATIVES 6 Jason Ramos, Project Manager, Division of Environmental Planning and Management 7 (DEPM). 8 Cy Oggins, Chief, DEPM. 9 Eric Gillies, Assistant Chief, DEPM. 10 Kenneth Foster, Public Land Management Specialist, Land Management Division. 11 Seth Blackmon, Staff Counsel. 12 Shelli Haaf, Staff Counsel. 13 6.2 REVISED APTR PREPARERS Years Personnel Role Experience AMEC Dan Gira, Senior Program Manager 30 Project Manager Bronwyn Green, Project Manager 8 Deputy Project Manager Erika Leachman, Project Manager 8 Quality Control Doug McFarling, Senior Program Manager 19 Quality Control Aaron Goldschmidt, Practice Leader 17 Project Principal Rita Bright, Senior Land Use Specialist 23 Coastal Planner Melissa Busby, Senior Biologist 12 Terrestrial Biological Resources Ben Botkin, Environmental Scientist 4 Impact Analysis Nick Meisinger, Environmental Scientist/ 3 Terrestrial and Marine Biological Biologist Resources; Alternatives Shannon Moy, Environmental Scientist 3 Impact Analysis Sam White, Environmental Scientist 1 Impact Analysis Julia Pujo, Environmental Scientist 1 Impact Analysis Barry Snyder, Principal Aquatic Scientist 25 Coastal Processes, Alternatives Janice Depew, Publication Specialist 35 Document Production Deirdre Stites, Technical Illustrator 29 Graphic Arts Coastal Environments Hany Elwany, PhD, Oceanographer and 37 Coastal Processes Coastal Engineer James Peeler, Professional Geologist 8 Coastal Processes Clevenger Geoconsulting Bill Clevenger, Engineering Geologist 35 Geological Hazards Kerry Cato, Engineering Geologist 17 Geological Hazards Broad Beach Restoration Project July 2014 Revised Analysis of Impacts to Public Trust Resources and Values Page 6-1 6.0 Report Preparation Sources and References Years Personnel Role Experience Associated Traffic Engineers Scott Schell, Principal Transportation Planner 29 Traffic and Parking Marine Research Specialists Bonnie Luke, Marine Biologist 9 Marine Biological Resources Steve Radis, Environmental Scientist 25 Air Quality 1 6.3 REFERENCES 2 A 3 Acevedo-Gutiérrez, A., D.A. Croll and B.R Tershy. 2002. High feeding costs limit dive 4 time in the largest whales. J. Exp. Biol. 205, 1747-1753. 5 Ackerman D. and S.B. Weisberg. 2003. Relationship between rainfall and beach 6 bacterial concentrations on Santa Monica Bay beaches. Journal of Water and 7 Health 1:85-89. 8 Adelman, Kenneth and Gabrielle Adelman. 2011. California Coastal Records Project. 9 Available at: http://www.californiacoastline.org/. 10 Allen, L.G., D.J. Pondella II. 2006. Surf zone, coastal pelagic zone, and harbors. In 11 Allen, L.G., D.J. Pondella II, M.H. Horns (eds.), The Ecology of Marine Fishes: 12 California and Adjacent Waters. University of California Press, Berkeley and Los 13 Angeles, California 149-166, 660 p. 14 Allen, M. J., H. Pecorelli and J. Word. 1976. Marine organisms around outfall pipes in 15 Santa Monica Bay. J. Wat. Pollut. Control Fed. 48, 1881-1893. 16 Allen, M.J. 1982. Functional structure of soft-bottom fish communities of the southern 17 California shelf. Ph.D. Dissertation. University of California, San Diego. 18 Allen, W.E. 1945. Occurrences and abundances of plankton diatoms offshore in 19 southern California. Trans. Amer. Microscop. Soc. 64:21-27. 20 Alter, L, S, Flores Ramirez, S. Nigenda, J. Urban Ramirez, L. Rojas Bracho, S.R. 21 Palumbi. 2009. Mitochondrial and Nuclear Genetic Variation across Calving 22 Lagoons in Eastern North Pacific Gray Whales (Eschrichtius robustus). Journal of 23 Heredity 100(1):34–46. 24 Alves, F., A. Dinis, and I. Cascão. 2010. Bryde's Whale (Balaenoptera brydei) Stable 25 Associations and Dive Profiles: New Insights into Foraging Behavior, Marine 26 Mammal Science, vol. 26, no. 1, pp. 202-212. 27 AMEC Earth & Environmental, Inc. (AMEC). 2002. Regional Beach Sand Project 28 Preconstruction and Construction Monitoring Report. Prepared for San Diego 29 Association of Governments. July 2014 Broad Beach Restoration Project Page 6-2 Revised Analysis of Impacts to Public Trust Resources and Values 6.0 Report Preparation Sources and References 1 AMEC Geomatrix, Inc. (AMEC). 2011. Data transmittal report, sediment sampling, bulk 2 chemistry testing, and geotechnical testing, Ventura Harbor maintenance 3 dredging. Prepared for US Army Core of Engineers, Los Angeles District. 4 AMEC. 2012. Informal survey performed by Ben Botkin, Shannon Moy, and Nicholas 5 Meisinger at Broad Beach. June 16, 2012. 6 AMEC. 2014. Informal survey performed by Bronwyn Green and Shannon Moy, at 7 Broad Beach. April 2014. 8 American Cancer Society. 2006. Cancer Facts and Figures 2006. Atlanta GA. Available 9 from: http://www.cancer.org/downloads/STT/CAFF2006PWSecured.pdf. Accessed 10 March 18, 2010. 11 American Petroleum Institute (API). 2004. Compendium Of Greenhouse Gas Emissions 12 Methodologies For The Oil And Gas Industry. 13 Angliss, R.P. and R.B. Outlaw. 2005. Alaska marine mammal stock assessments, 2005. 14 NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-AFSC-161. 15 Aspen Environmental Group. 2005. Environmental Information Document for Post- 16 suspension Activities in the Nine Federal Undeveloped Units and Lease OCS-P 17 0409 Offshore Santa Barbara, Ventura, and San Luis Obispo Counties. 18 Associated Transportation Engineers (ATE). 2012. Traffic Impact Study for the Broad 19 Beach Restoration Project EIR, City of Malibu, CA. 11056L01.WP. June 20 ATE. 2012. Supplemental Traffic and Parking Analysis for the Broad Beach Restoration 21 Project, City of Malibu, CA. October 2012. 22 Association of Environmental Professionals (AEP). 2007. Recommendations by the 23 Association of Environmental Professionals on How to Analyze Greenhouse Gas 24 Emissions and Global Climate Change in CEQA Documents. Comment Draft. 25 White Paper. 26 Au, W.W.L. and M. Green. 2000. Acoustic interaction of humpback whales and whale- 27 watching boats. Marine Environmental Research, 9:469-481. 28 B 29 Baird, P.H. 1993. Birds. In: M.D. Daily, D.J. Reish, J.W. Anderson (eds.). Ecology of the 30 Southern California Bight. Berkeley: University of California Press. 926 p. 31 Banner, M.L. and D.H. Cato. 1988. Physical mechanisms of noise generation by 32 breaking waves – a laboratory study. Proc. NATO ARW on Natural Mechanisms of 33 Surface Generated Noise in the Ocean, Lerici, Italy, June 1987. Ed. B.R. Kerman. 34 Reidel, Dordrecht. pp. 429–436. 35 Barlow, J. and K.A. Forney. 2007. Abundance and density of cetaceans in the California 36 Current ecosystem. Fishery Bulletin: 105(4), in press. 37 Bay, S.M., B.H Jones., K. Schiff, and l. Washburn. 2003a. Water quality impacts of 38 stormwater discharges to Santa Monica Bay. Marine Environmental Research 56 39 (1-2):205-223. Broad Beach Restoration Project July 2014 Revised Analysis of Impacts to Public Trust Resources and Values Page 6-3 6.0 Report Preparation Sources and References 1 Beach California.com. 2012. Beach formation and types of beaches and sand. Available 2 at: http://www.beachcalifornia.com/beach2.html. Accessed on: 16 February 2012. 3 Beach Erosion Authority for Clean Oceans and Nourishment (BEACON). 2007. Draft 4 Review of Biological Impacts Associated with Sediment Management and 5 Protection of California Coastal Biota. In Support of the California Sediment 6 Management Master Plan. Prepared for California Coastal Sediment Management 7 Workgroup. March. 8 BEACON. 2012. Scoping letter. 9 Beatson, E.L. 2007. The diet of pygmy sperm whales, Kogia breviceps, stranded in New 10 Zealand: Implications for conservation. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 11 17:295–303. 12 Bent, A.C. 1926. Life histories of North American marsh birds. U.S. National Museum 13 Bulletin 135. 14 Bernard, H.J. and S.B. Reilly. 1999. Pilot whales Globicephala Lesson, 1828. Pages. 15 245-280 in S.H. Ridgway and R. Harrison, eds. Handbook of marine mammals, 16 Vol. 6 The second book of dolphins and the porpoises. Academic Press, San 17 Diego, CA. 18 Bloeser, J.A. 1999. Diminishing returns: the status of West Coast rockfish. Pacific 19 Marine Conservation Council, Astoria, OR. 94 p. 20 Bloodworth, B.E. and D.K. Odell 2008. Kogia breviceps (Cetacea: Kogiidae). 21 Mammalian Species 819: 1-12. 22 Blunt, C.E. 1980. California Coastal Marine Resources Atlas. California Department of 23 Fish and Game, Marine Resources Division. Sacramento, CA. 134 maps. 24 Boekelheide, R.J., D.G. Ainley, S.H. Morrel, and C.S. Strong. 1990. Brandt’s 25 Cormorant, in Seabirds of the Farallon Islands. Ecology, Dynamics, and Structure 26 of an Upwelling System Community. (D. G. Ainley and R. J. Boekelheide, eds.) 27 Pp. 163-195. Stanford University Press. Palo Alto, CA. 28 Bolin, R.L. and D.P. Abbott. 1963. Studies on the marineclimate and phytoplankton of 29 the central coastal area of California, 1954-1960. California Cooperative Oceanic 30 Fisheries Investigations Report 9, 2345. 31 Bonnell, M.L and M.D. Daily. 1993. Marine mammals. In: M.D. Dailey, D.J. Reish, and 32 J.W. Anderson [Eds.]. Ecology of the Southern California Bight: A Synthesis and 33 Interpretation. Berkeley: University of California Press. pp. 604–681. 34 Broad Beach Geologic Hazard Abatement District (BBGHAD). 2013. Upland Sand 35 Source Coarser-than-native grain size impact analysis. Prepared by Moffatt & 36 Nichol. November. 37 BBGHAD. 2013a. Shore Protection AS-Built Plan Historic Permit Status per SLC 2010 38 MHTL. October. 39 BBGHAD. 2013b. Broad Beach Restoration Onsite Wastewater Feasibility Study. 40 Prepared by Ensitu Engineering. October. July 2014 Broad Beach Restoration Project Page 6-4 Revised Analysis of Impacts to Public Trust Resources and Values 6.0 Report Preparation Sources and References 1 BBGHAD. 2014. Response to comments RE: Coastal Development Permit Application 2 4-12-043 (Broad Beach), Prepared by Ensitu Engineering. February. 3 Broad Beach Restoration Project Draft Analysis of Impacts to Public Trust Resources 4 and Values. 2012. (BBRP, Draft APTR, April, 2012). 5 Broughton, J., D.V.
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