pi IuoT pi IuoT cONIS For your PRINTING and STATIONERY BECHUANALAND PRESS (Pty.) Ltd. P.O. Box 64 Mafeking PRICE Ic REGISTERED WITH THE DIRECTOR OF POSTS AND TELEGRAPHS AS A NEWSPAPER Volume I No. 9 Organ of the Bechuanaland Democratic Party OCTOBER, 1964 A Service for your Country Now is the time for 9Il 'the" resources of Bechuanaland to be poolet 1together for the good of the country. Those who do not have the genuine love of their country must realise what burden they are to the rest of the country. Those who participate actively in organising the masses have on the contrary, personal gain as their primary aim, are doing more harm than good. Sacrifice is needed now as it has never been before; each one according to his means or ability. Not all the intellectuals who have a stake in the country are putting their shoulder to the wheel. They ought to be in the van-guard of this political up-surge of Bechuanaland. Some are in the Republic of South Africa where they are making a first-class living. It is obvious that they regard their personal security as more important than the future of their homeland. Some who are in Bechuanaland now and have made a few abortive attempts at this or that venture, have now -resorted to politics, and are using the masses of the people for gaining their personal ends. They have become dangerous demagogues making a vain bid at power, with which to hit at existing, albeit legitimate, authority. This latter gategory of intellectuals uses anything to cajole the ignorant masses into joining their ranks of political confusion. It is natural to have different parties of different ideas and approaches to the problems of the country; that provides a valuable interplay of Ideas. But to make people believe, for instance, that Britain has done no good for the country for the past By Non-Partisan 70 years or so, and therefore every white face must budge, is to make a travesty of the truth. Had Britain not stepped in 70 years ago, where would be the freedom that is the special pride of the country's people? Today Bechuanaland is in the unique position of experimenting on multi-racialism, a policy which will be no extra money or police to enforce. It is for the sincere politician, who wants to make Bechuanaland a better place for human beings of whatever colour, to present the facts in as objective a manner as possible. The shrewed politician should take advantage of the available resources SERETSE KHAMA and aid, and realise that a bird in hand is worth two in the bush. If the whites (who are mainly British) must go, (and go with the money) a vacuum will be left into which the forces of mischief will miss no opportunity in entering. The question then will be, which of the two devils is better ? Is it the one we already know and have learned to live with for all these decades; or the new devil with revolutionary changes that strike deep at our foundation? Not that it is imperative to have a master; but since we cannot go it alone at this critical time, we must have the help and guidance of an experienced partner. Britain is our salvation; we must swallow that in spite of all bitter memories. Let bygones be bygones. We are going through the most challenging times in the history of Bechuanaland; m o r e challenging than when the country was threatened by Paul Kruger's expansionism of the last century. This time is more challenging because the future will be decided by us; if it is an unhappy future, you will only have, yourself to blame for no having supported the clear-thinking leaders of today. The political arena of today does not exclude the services of the chiefs. A special tribute must be paid to three chiefs who sought the Protection of Queen Victoria. We owe to them the privilege of being a free society that we are today. The successors of those chiefs have inherited that honour, and now have a special duty to perform, namely, to be the stronghold of democracy. Continued on Page 5

PAGE TWO THERISANYO - CONSULTATION ~TOBER, 1964 HOW TO BE READY FOR THE PARTIES OWE BECHUANA EXPLANATIONS Now that the country is fully assured to have self-government next March many people are wondering just what will happen and what political party will they support. At present we are informed that there are four parties which have registered their identification colours. Mr. Khama's party has red; Mr. Motsete's white; Mr. Matante's yellow, and Mr. Mpho's green. These colours will be shown on the voting cards on polling days. It should be expected that all parties will soon begin to run up and down the length and breadth of the country, telling the electorate many many things and pledging themselves to do wonderful things should the electorate put them into power. The ways to be ready can briefly be stated as follows: ATTEND ALL PARTY MEETINGS Although one may have decided which party to support, one should attend all political party meetings to hear their different ideas, pledges and promises. If one is unwilling to hear a party which opposes one's own, it is a sure sign that the person is afraid of changing his or her mind. This wouid mean that a person is fear ridden and to go to the polls with a mind full of doubts would leave the particular voter uneasy about his or her decision. A SK GENUINE QUESTIONS The potential voter should ask as many reasonable a n d intelligent questions as is possible. If the leader or chairman of the meeting is willing to answer the questions, though the person asking the questions may be belonging to a different party, then that particular leader does show that he is not afraid. The party that does this is practically certain to have support. I repeat, the questions must be reasonable. The questions should be asked anybody who is competent to answer them intelligently. They should not be reserved for political parties meetings, important as this is. FORGET TRIBAL PREJUDICES Tribal sentiments should die and the voter should elect a candidate who in his or her considered opinion will serve the country well, be he white, brown or black. DISREGARD SOCIAL STATUS Next to tribal sentiments is the social distinction. The idea of "whose son are you" should be discouraged, though it is realised that it is an idea that will take many many years to die out inspite of the many exogamous marriages today. THE ROLE OF THE EDUCATED The educated minority upon whom the illiterate majority depends f o r reasonable leadership in all spheres of life, will have to be particularly dareful not to be swept off their feet by the petty jealousies com- GENERAL ELECTION By Makepeace Ogready mon among them than among shep. herds. If they let personal grudge run away with them, they will be doing the country a disservice. No one knows better than they of importance of being objective and dos. passionate. This may be too frank, but it is true. LET THERE BE NO CONFUSION Confusion may arise among voters but that will be the result of thefailure of the leaders of the par. ties to get the masses to understand fuly what all the problems and how they can be solved. Mr. Daniel M. Shamukuni, former headteacher of PandaMatenga School in the Chobe District, is one of the Bechuanaland teachers at present studying in Britain. He is doing a course in education at the University of Bristol Institute o f Education. Mr. Shamukuni is one, of the overseas readers of the 'Domkrag' mouth-piece. PAGE TWO THERISANYO - CONSULTATION O0 CTOBER, 1964

OCTOBER, 1964 THERISANYG - CONSULTATION PAGE THREE MAPIPOLOSO A ATLHOLWA KGWEDI TSE THARO KWA GABORONE Ke Mot. K. Segokgo Basimane ba le babedi, Dux Bogatsu e maswe ba athotswe kgwedi tse tharo mongwe le mongwe mo kgolegelong ka go bonwa molato wa go bopela le go kganela batho g reka mo bentleng ya ga O'Reiley, Legale katlholo e beetswe fa thoko fa ba ka itshwara sentle lobaka lwa kgwedi tse 12 ba sa dire molato o tshwanang le o. Tsheko e ne e tshwerwe ke melaodi wa kgaolo ya Moehudi. MAANO A KGAPELETSO Ka go dira "Boycott' ya Bentlele ya ga (YReiley, Mapipoloso a ne a bo a re a leka maano a kgapeletso ya go fora batho ba re ba ka direla sengwe. Mokgwa wa bone o o maswe le wa go tlhoka botho o itshupile mo "Boekhotong" e. Santlha ba ne ba eteletsa bana ba batho pele, bone (Mantona) ba emetse kgakala ba tshaba go "tshelegelwa ke madi a kgofa". Bana ba batho ha tIa seke ba a ja di welang ka lobaka iwa kgwedi tse 12. Kana baeteledi-pele ba Ma-B.P.P. ba tshwana Ie moloi ba a romeletsa. Ba tla fetsa bana ba batho ka ditoronko. Sabobedi, e rile ka letsatsi le basimane ba atlholwang ka lone ba bo ba seo. Ba ne ba sifle o-Maruping le bo-Otsheleng le ba bangwe. A ke yone poloko e? 0 teng motsadi yo a tieng a tshabele ngwana? Nnyaa, Mmangwana ke yo o tshwarang thipa kafa bogaleng". Sa boraro, ba dira mo go nntseng jaana, morafe wa Botswana o tshwere "Ikwadiso" e fa e sa dirafala re ke seka ra bona "Boipuso" jo, re bo batlang. Ba ne ba rera ntwa mo boemong jwa go rotloetsa batho go ya go Ikwadisa. Ba tlhakanya batho tihogo. Se se itshupile ka go tla gabatho ka boutsana go ikwadisa kwa kampeng ya Gaborone. Batho ba ka ba tlhopha jang fa ba sa ikwadisa? Legale mo ga go re gakgamatse ka go o baeteledipele ba bone ebong Mookamedi, Philip Matante le mothusi wa gagwe ba ile kwa bo-Ghana koo teng go ya go rafa madi a ba a bong ba tlaa Iwela. Rona re tshwere ka thata ra re batho ba ikwa4ise, bone ba tsaya maeto a 'Nice time' Kwa kgaolong ya Kweneng go utlwala fa batehwari ba diphuthego tsa bone ba ne ba tshosa batho ba ba neng ba ya go ikwadisa ka go ba raya ba re ba tla duedisiwa R10.00 morago ga ikwalo. A tota ba batla ipuso? Ga o ka ke wa itse. Sa bone ke gore fa ba ntse ba dira ba ho ba itsalanya le mekgwa e e ka dirang gore baeteledi-pele b a bone ba tshwarwe ke boeleele ka gobo go tIa ba koafatsa mo ditlhophong. Go setse kgwedi di le nne re o re tsena mo ditlhophong. BA KGATLHANONG LE MOKENTO Fa gaufi jaana mongwe wa bone a bua mo "Freedom Spuare" kwa Gaborone o reile batho a re ba gane go tsaya mokento o o thibelelang bolwetsi jwa kgotlholo (T.B.). A re ba tsenngwa bolwetse ga se gore ba a thusiwa. A re "ntlha Borra-rona mogolo ba ne ba sa lwale". Se ke tshupo ya go swa dipelo le bosetlhogo jwa bone. Ga ba na sepe le botshelo jwa motho. Sa bone ke go gapeletsa ka maaka fela. Batho ba lefatshe ba tshwere ka thata go kganela bolwetse jwa kgoltholo (T.B.) ka bo fetsa batho. Ba gopola gore fa merafe ya mafatshe a mangwe a ka utlwela thero e ba ka gopolang eng ka ga bone. Ke fetsa ka gore a re ba rapeleleng Modimo ga ba itse ba se dirang. Registration for Voting By B. D. Molefe Have you registered for the first universal voting in your contry? If not, why not? Remember your registration is necessary, and your vote is indispensable. The future of our country depends on your own decision and the sucoess lies in your head and hand. If you do not or have not registered to vote well, do not blame wrong people thereafter for voting wrongly. It is your duty to vote their errors. A wrong choice for an M.P. is an Incurable disease to be regretted by you and your children.. It is worse than cancer and T.B. or leprosy. This is a momentous period in the History of Bechuanaland. B.P. has peace. It seeks prosperity. Prepare to choose the right man, or woman to lead your country to progress. Domkrag needs the support of every man, woman, lad and lass fit or crippled. It is the duty of every Headman, Minister of Religion, Doctor of Medicine, Herbalist, Teacher and Layman in the country to close their ranks and vote Domkrag. Domkrag is the Party. It stands for your interests. It stands for prosperity. It stands for every B.P. citizen, rich or poor irrespective of colour or creed without prejudice. If you have not been told which Party to join, don't worry. If you have been told, I am here to tell you the right thing. Register to vote, to register your vote. Vote Domkrag. Vote Seretse Rhama and your future will be assured. Domkrag is the only Party led by your best country men. Your honest men. Your efficient men. Right is Might. A Vote is Mighty. "Ga go koloi e se nang Domkrag". B.D.P. ke Domkrag'ya Botswana. Joseph C. Anderson, educated at Embakwe School, Southern Rhodesia 1942. He is a memher of the Area Council of the Trade Licensing and Composer of the Party Song " holetsa Domkrag". 0M OBER, 1964 THERISANYO - CONSULTATION PAGE THREE

THERISANYO - CONSULTATION Whither Bound Bechuanaland If I were asked to say what the purpose of government was I would, as a devout democrat, say that it was, above everything else, to promote and maintain the liberty of the individual, which is no doubt the basis of any democratic society. To be in a position to promote and maintain that liberty government must have sovereignty or supreme authority. That part of government machinery that has the power to say what may, or may not be done is the supreme body of any state, and it is the respository of this abstract concept sovereignty. In Bechuanaland this sovereign organ will be, or should be the Legislative Assembly that we shall elect in March next year. The sovereignty of the Batswana state will not rest with the People's Party, the Independence Party, or the Democratic Party, which ever will win the general election, but rather the supreme authority wil 1 be enshrined in the whole Bechuanaland Parliament embodying the different political views held by the various political parties represented in that Parliament. That should be the sovereign in the state of Bechuanaland. TYPE OF GOVERNMENT DETERMINED BY POWER OF SOVERREIGN The sovereign body must be strong enough to make itself obeyed, but, and this must sound paradbxical, it must not be so strong that it can do just as it will. It is on this nature of the power of the sovereign, on its extent that governments of the Advertising Ta r iffs DISPLAY ADVERTS Full Page ...... R40.00 I Page ...... R25.00 I Page ...... R15.00 J Page ...... R 8.00 CLASSIFIED SMALLS 2c per word - Minimum 30c. By Democrat world are classified into democratic and autocratic types. The distinguishing qualities of the former type as opposed to the latter are as follows: (i) all adults should have an equal share in the choosing of the people who are to govern; (ii) a large number of the citizens should take part in the actual work government; (iii) the will of the majority, acting through the government, but not as a party, (this point must be stressed) must be obeyed, failing which the government has both a right and duty to meet any defiance of its authority with all the power at its command; (iv) a democratic government will allow all its subjects to citicise its actions freely and openly, and will provide in its constitution for regular elections to give the electorate the opportunity to change the government if it so wishes; (v) the economic and social structure of the nation must be such as will allow equal opportunity for all citizens to elect, share in, and criticise the government of their country without fear of victimisation. THE RIGHT TO CRITICISE ESSENCE OF DEMOCRACY Perhaps emphasis might be laid on the fourth of these distinguishing qualities between democracy and its counterpart - autocracy, namely, freedom to criticise the government in power with impunity, without fear of recrimination in any form. But any such criticism as is levelled against the government or party in power must be constructive, and responsible, that is it must not be subversive, seditious or treasonable, it must not tend towards promoting seclusive, tribal interests, as opposed to national ones, (this latter must be stressed, particularly for Bechuanaland). All criticism must aim at effecting a change In government by constitutional means, through persuasion of the electorate, and by offering more enticing socio - economic programmes. POLITICAL TRENDS IN EMERGENT AFRICA Much is being said of the one-par. ty states that are emerging through. out Africa, in which the ruling party (the word "govern" would be inap. propriate to use here) permit of no action of its actions. Why, in fact, this one-party states in emergent Africa? There are two possible answers to the question. Either the Wester Democratic ideal is not acceptable to us, namely government by persuasion, by consent, by argument and the power to present a convincing case; or on the other hand we must admit that we fail, when we fall into the minority, to constitute a responsible opposition that looks forward to becoming the next government. It is likely that the one-party system in Africa is a result of the minority parties' failure to play their responsible part in the machinery of government. Perhaps they turn into irresponsible and rebellious factions, and in this way force the hand of the government to adopt an uncompromising attitude towards them, jailing some of their leaders for life and banishing others. WHITHER BOUND BECHUANALAND At this point the question that forms the caption of this essay may now be put: "Whither bound Bechuanaland?" The answer can be provided by the party that should win the coming first general election for self-government next year. Will the party govern by persuasion and consent, or by imposing its will upon the minority? And what of the loosing parties? They too can provide a positive answer to our problem by constituting themselves into a responsible opposition, not a rebellious and seditious faction that talks glibly of guerilla warfare. Otherwise the sovereign body will be obliged to exercise its right and duty to maintain law and order, and in that way be forced to repeat in Bechuanaland the oneparty pattern of the emerging African States. Once more - "Whither bound Bechuanaland?" Perhaps the parties election manifestos are being drawn up even as I write, and we shall soon have the answer to my question. OCTOBER, 1964 PAGE FOUR

DOMKRAG YA RE IPUSO E BONWA KE MOPHAKEDI Lobaka lwa go ikwadisa lo setse lo fitile mie go utlwala fa batho ba ikwadisitse ka bontsi go feta jaaka go ne go Solofetswe. Go ikwadisa ga batho ka bontsi go ka nna le tshupo kana sekai sa dilo di le pedi: e ka ne e legore tihagiso ya motsamaisi wa ditlhopho ya, "0"tshwanetse go ikwala gore o tlo o tlhophe", e amogelesegile mo seshabeng ka kakaretso, ampo gore merero ya makoko a dipolitiki ya go lemosa batho tshiamo ya ga ipaakanyetsa thopho e atlegile. Mo malatsing a a fa pele ga tshimologo ya ikwadiso, Mookamedi le batsamaisi ba merero ya B.D.P. ba ne ba kgarakgatshega le bophara ja A Service for... Continued from Page 1 It seems then that the House of Chiefs that will come into being is a challenge to the chiefs. The creation of this House must not be regarded only as a compromise between traditional authority and the popular will; the two are vital components which must sink their differences for the sake of peace and progress. Finally, while Bechuanaland is a nation with a tradition of its own, we must not close our eyes and ears to new experiences and exotic practices. Some good can come from contact with foreign ideas. We must weigh the pros and cons of a thing and not condemn on the mere basis of tradition. There is the challenge; it is to you whatever you are. What service are you rendering to Bechuanaland? Ke M. P. K. NWAKO Moeng College Botswana go dira segakolodi mo bathung gore di 21 tsa Lwetsi di atametse. Mookamedi- Morene Seretse Khama a patilwe ke Ramatlotlwawa Domkrag ba ne ba tsaya loeto ka sefofane go ya Bokone'ja Botswanaba etela Chobe, Maun, mine ba busa loeto lwa bone ntlheng ya Kgalagadi. Ba ne ba boa ba itumeletse loeto lwa bone thata ka fa ba neng ba amogelwa ke baagi ba dikgaolo tse ba di etetseng ka teng. Mr. Amos Dambe a patiiwe ke Mr. Lebudilwe Matlhare wa Lerala mo kgaolong ya Letswapo ba ne ba etela Tuli Block -, go e simolola kwa Borwa go ya go e feletsa kwa Bokone. Gp utlwaua mo loetong iwa bone'ba ne ba buisanya le boradipolasi ka ga ikwadiso ya ktabereki ba bone le go ba lopa gore ba thuse ka dikoloi go isa batho kwa go ikwadisediwang teng. Le bone loeto lwa bone lo ne lwa atlega thata ka erile mo malatsing a ikwadiso ra bona ba-radipolsai bangwe ba ntse ba rorela badiredi ba bone kwa mafelong a go ikwadisiwang teng. Ba bangwe ba ba neng ba tsaya loeto lwa malatsi a mabedi ke bo-rre Gaefalale Sebeso, Gaolese Koma le Moutlakgola Nwako. Ba ne ba etela Tswapong South Constituency, b a tshwara phuthego kwa Pilikwe ka Matlhatso Lwetsi a le 19. Ka Sontaga Lwetsi a le 20, ba tshwara diphuthego mo metsing e: Moshopha, Chadibe, Mokobeng, Seleka, Malete le Ramokgonami. Kgang-kgolo e ne e le go gakolola batho gore motiha o atametse wa gore batho ba ikwale gore ba tie ba tihophe. Mongwe wa lekoko le ene e le Mr. Richard Diphoko wa Komiti ya Palapye. Kwa Ga-Moshopha Mr. Koma o ne a tshwara bothata a rekisa dithunya tsa Domkrag. 0 ne a tshotse di le 50 mie tsa fela ka ponyo ya leitlho, mo ba ba di batlang ba ne ba setse ba mo goga ka dibaki fela. Mo diphuthegong tse di tshwerweng mo maetong a a sa tswang gq umakwa bareetsi ba ne ba hutsafala thata go utlwa ka go tlhoka go itekanela ga Mokwaledi-mogolo wa Domkrag, mme ba mo eleletsa botsogo ja boitekanelo. Maeto a mangwe ke a a neng a tsewa ke Mr. Lenyeletse Seretse 0 ne a ya ntlheng ya Tati kwa Mapoka kwa a fitlhetseng efangele ya Domkrag e esi e tume jaaka mo dikarolong tse dingwe. tsa Botswana. Mr. Seretse o bolela gore erile a tswala phuthego bo-mme bangwe ba thubega ka mogolokwane, mme a nna le tsholofelo ya gore motlhaope peo ya boammooruri e wetse fa feong ga mmu o o nonneng. Go tswa Mapoka Mr. Seretse le lekoko la gagwe ba tla mo Franeistown go tshwara phuthego teng. Go ne go le dipitso di le tharo, ya Domkrag, ya. B.P.P. (Matante) leya BIP. Legale B I.P. e ne e le phuthego ya Ka letsatsi Ia Tshireletso (B.P. Day) Mr. Seretse a etela Bobirwa landrover le folaga fela. Constituency mine a boa a itumetse gore Badirwa ba iketleeletsa go ikwadiso. Ma-Domkrag ba dumela gore boipuso ga bo bonwe ke motho a robetse, mine ga ba kitla ba robala go tsamaya boipuso bo nna ja bone. Tsholetsa Domkrag! FITLHANG BASWI BA LONA KA TLOTLO - A BA FITLHWE KE BAKGA TLA BURIAL SOCIETY (Lekgotla Ia Bakgatla la Phitlho). MATLO A BASWI, DITHUMPA TSE DI SA SWAFALENG, DIGOPOTSO KA MEHUTA YA TSONE, MATLAPA A MABITLA KA DITLHOTLHWA TSE TSE Bakgatl.a DI Burial WALANG LO BOTSE MOEMEDI: s. L. sEJwE Society P.O. Box 75, Mochudi, Pilane Station THERISANYO - CONSULTATION OCTOBER, 1964 PAGE FIVE

An Effort of Self-Help by People was not cleared for over three years and the final instalment was only of M o eng College paid this year after a stringent as, tion by the sub-chief against the defaulters. But as there is no euile. By M. P. K. NWAKO ment the borehole has not eased the water problem. It is hoped to get Moeng Village (Mabajaneng) is the coherent community, e.g. water sup- help from Government in regard to village of sub-Chief Molebatsi Tholo ply, trading store, school etc? the provision of equipment, i.e. en (now late) one of the Batswapong gine, powerhead, piping and troughs. tribes in the Bamangwato Tribal The young sub-Chief designate - gme rprenaping ade g Territory. Originally this village oc- Tholo Molebatsi, in an effort to get Some representations were made by cupied the site on which the Moeng his people together has launched two Commiser o e thattse College is situated and was removed important schemes for which he ap- Commissioner, Serowe that these by agreement with the tribe in order pealed for the conserted effort of his people be assisted with these items to make the site available for the people, namely, the sinking of a in recognition of their laudable efestablishment of an institute of borehole to provide water for domes- fort. An interview with the District learning. The new Moeng Village is tic needs as well as for the cattle Commissioner, Peter Heady was arat a place called Mabajaneng which and he has also got them a school, ranged for the Headman and this is, as the crow flies, some six or so To meet the cost of drilling it was took place at Moeng College, when miles and some ten or twelve miles agreed that each adult maje should the former had come over on one of via Ratholo from Moeng College. pay R10.00 and each adult female his official visits. A tentative promise was given and later reiterated The intermittent range of hills make 5c. at a kgotla meeting at Moeng Village the shorter distance less negotiable. The borehole cost for footage and by Mr. Readon who was the District The old Moeng Village was blessed casings, is well over R800. But as Commissioner incharge of the area. with abundant sunlv of water from subscriptions came in dribs the bill Continued on Page 7 the natural spring known as Mmabjale and several other springs in the immediate vicinity such as Madala, Pasawe, Mahibitswane and Setlhatshane all of which but one are within the bounds of Moeng College estate. The sitting of the college at Moeng did in fact not only deprive the people of Moeng of their natural sources of water supply but also the other nearby villages were also affected. The new Moeng Village now draws its water at a spring called Matimpole some three or four miles of a very steep climb over the intervening hill. The alternative water point is at Raholo. During good years the villagers can repair, if for a limited period, to the "masenyane" found here and their ploughing area. The, new Village settlement does not, by its scattered nature, deserve being called a village, in fact at the village site itself you can hardly count as many as fifty huts, a state of affairs enough to make one reluctant to accept the statement that the villagers can number anything up to 1,000 people. T h e y are scattered over a vast area and a section of them has settled at Lerale much against the wish of their Chief. But what could they do in the absence of facilities by which they could be knitted together into a settled and REGISTRATION OF VOTERS IN THE B.P. 171,152 The 13 days period of registration of voters throughout the country, in preparation for the general election next March ended on Saturdak 3rd October, 1964 with a provisional total of 171,152 registrations. This represents 73% of the total potential voting strength of the Territory. The Chief Electoral Officer, Mr. George Winstanley has announced that a supplementary registration of voters, is being organised to give people who have not registered an opportunity to do so. The supplementary registration woull continue until the 31st December, this year. Details are being worked out for this supplementary registration. It is likely that all the District Commissioners, District Officers, Education Officers and Livestock Officers will be appointed as Registration Officers. The figures for registration in every Constituency are given as follows:- Name of Constituency Provisional Figures Maun and Chobe, Okavango Ngami 1,204 Ghanzi 2,880 Kgalagadi 4,500 Francistown West 4,460 Francistown East 6,392 Sebinas and Gwetta 5,703 Nkange 5,757 Botletle 5,859 Tonota 5,851 Madinare 8,168 Bobirwa 4,992 Serowe North 6,412 Serowe South 5,408 Tswapong North 6,366 Tswapong South 4,871 Shoshong 7,397 Mahalapye 6,821 Kgatleng and Tlokweng 5,079 Mochudi 5,488 Molepolole North 4,518 Molepolole East 5,817 Kweneng South 7,057 Kweneng West 4j953 Gaberones and Ramoutsa 5,304 Moshupa 5,282 Kanye South 4,353 Kanye North 6,054 Ngwaketse and Kgalagadi .6,666 Lobatsi and Barolong 6,800 171,152 PAGE SIX OCTOBER, 1964 THERISANYO - CONSULTATION REPORT OF RANAKA TRIP On Thursday morning 10th September, 1964, 1 commenced the tour of the Moshupa Constituency in the B.D.P. van B.P.A. 344. Two young men from the Youth Section, Hendrick Stegling and Main Kgopo had volunteered to accompany me and were therefore a team of four including the driver. Starting at Ranaka, we covered most of the villages on the Eastern part of the Ngwaketse District and crossed into the Ngwaketse Kgalagadi Constituency, along the Molopo and went as far as Bokspits covering a distance of 1,357 miles in 14 days and held meetings in 28 villages and sub-villages. Continued from Page 6 Mr. Readon suggested that any help that Government might consider would depend on their first settling the bill with the driller. Whilst still endeavouring to clear the bill for the borehole, the people embarked yet upon another project, viz, the putting up of a school. The young regiments were called upon to erect a school building and parents were entreated to meet the salary of the teacher by paying a fee of ten cents per child per month. The school is run as a prvte and has an enrolment of 60 pupils. An application for its recognition has already been made to the Bamangwato School Committee. Coming back to the question of water it was recently agreed at the meeting of the Bamangwato Water Development Committee, that the provision of equipment for Moeng Village water supply be placed amongst the top priorities of tribe's water development programme. It was suggested some of equipment could be removed from some boreholes which had become unserviceable. All the committe does is to recommend and the putting into effect of its recommendation falls to the lot of the Water Division of the Department of Public Works which, as can be expected, might find it By P. M. Sebotho On the 10th - 11th, I addressed meetings at the following places Ranaka, Lekgolobotlo, Ntlhantlhe, Magotihwane, Kgomokasitwa, Molapowabojang and Digwana. The turnup was very good. The audience averaged between 150 and 200. Though we never had a branch or a representative in some of these villages, nonetheless, the enthusiasm and attentiveness of the audience made it abundantly clear that the support of Bechuanaland Democratic Party in these places, was strong and definite. There w a s nothing mentioned in favour of the other ri- difficult to save this particular project from the tangle of the back-log with which the Department appears incapable of coping. Meanwhile the poor headman is turned the subject of continual attack by the villagers who are being led by anxiety to feel that he is not sufficiently strong in representing their case to the authorities. I have had several visits from him and each time he has come to enquire of me when things are likely to turn up, and each time I have assured him that something was being done by the "Molaodi" to see that they got the equipment in the not too distant future. It is regrettable that no quicker way can be found to save all those who had and are having to do with this matter the harm to their reputation, which must necessarily be the result if a section of the p u b 1 i c should loose trust and confidence in them. The very fact that the headman employed harsh method to get the people settle their debt to the driller and this coupled with the promise that they were given by someone in authority is enough to make them doubt his sincerity. It is desirable that as many as need help should be given it, and how much more is it so, where a section of the community has made a commendable effort to help themselves. val parties "Rona re Ma-Domkrag". Questions asked were good and reasonable. Throughout the trip, my theme was, "Why are you registering as voters?" And most of the audience would shrugg their shoulders as an exppression of uncertainty. This immediately gave me the green light to give a clear explanation about registration and election procedure and pointed out to them that all this will depend on their decision. The government that will rule them, will be the government of their own creation and when I developed this theme into party politics and hammered my points into place and put it to them that the final choice to follow B.D.P. or B.P.P. rested with them. I was every tine greeted with a thunderous "Tsholetsa Domkrag". On Saturday the 12th, I addressed meetings at Gathwane, Mathethe and Metiobo, wtare over 30 people at Metlobo took membership cards tsholetsa! There were no meetings on Sunday the 13th, instead I spent Sunday Continued on Page 8 PULAFELA M. SEBOTHO, - Born at Kanye in the Bangwaketse Reserve 38 years ago. Educated at Adans College 193943. Worked for the Royal Armament Depot at Umbogintwini; Natal from 1943-1957, during this time belonged to the S. African Institute of Race Relation3. Came baCk home 1957. Joined politics 1962. An Effort of Self-Help by People of Moeng College OCTOBER, 1964 THERISANYO - CONSULTATION PAGE SEVEN

PAGF EIGHT THERISANYO - CONSULTATION OCTOBER, 1964 Report of Ranaka Bokspits Trip Continued from Page 7 around Magoriapitse and Malore area visiting and seeing members of the party. I went to Mafeking on Monday and spent the day doing Therisanyo. We left Mafeking for Phitshane late that day about 6 p.m. in the evening and arrived Phitshane 10 p.m. On Tuesday the 16th, I conduct 2 meetings at Phitshane, one at Leporung and one at Tshidilamolomo then left for Mabule where I was joined by that indefatigable worker of the party, Moroka Pitso. The people at Mabule are working very hard, not with their brains only, but with their hands as well. They have cleared a "Domkrag" road about 300 yards long. they are now planning for a "Domkrag Centre". We held very successful and inspiring meetings with Mr. Pitso that day, he was in fact an essential reinforcement in those areas. We left him at Tlhobolo; and made for Werda 77 miles away, I would have liked to touch both Marnewiek and Lee's Farms, but the time-table could not permit. It will be necessary during the registration period to detail a registration officer to go through these farms. We arrived Werda 10 p.m. on the same day of the 17th. The following day, and on the two subsequent days successful meetings were held and completed in the following places Werda, , , , , Gachibana and Bokspits. Molopo is definetly "Domkrag", the main worry is "Documents of Naturalisation". Most of the residents along Molopo were born in the Republic of South Africa, they are therefore aliens, they cannot be registered as voters. These people strongly regard themselves as "Batswana" and no doubt they are feeling bitter about the whole situation. It will be advisable to detail a competent man along Molopo to explain to the people how they can obtain British paswsports peacefully. From Tsabong on Sunday the 20th via Werda, we made for Khakhea, arriving there about 9.00 a.m. on Monday the 21st, This being the first day of registration, we had no difficulty in getting the people together, and we were able to do Khakhea, Mabutsane, Sekoma, Maokane, Mokhumma, and Lehoko in two days. The turn-up was also good except at Mokhumma. I would suggest that a non- stationed registration officer be detailed to go through these settlements including Mochumnia 'and Tsonyane. In conclusion, I venture to say that I have no doubt that Bechuanaland Democratic Party has the masses behind it, the only thing needed is political education of the masses to save them from the confusion of the splinter parties, and as far as possible our President to visit as many places as he possibly can. People just want to see him. This fact was most prominent at Tsabong. So many of them had travelled several miles to see their leader. If I had space in the van people as far afield as Bokspits should have come to Tsabong to see Khama. "The cry is, we want to see Khama" Tsholetsa ! Lekgowa le Araba Mr. 0. M. Lesetedi Ke Mr. W. Putterili Mo pampiring ya August (Theri. sanyo) Mr. Lesetedi o ngongoregela rona Makgowa ka go sa tsena diphuthego tsa diphathi ntswa re le maloko a diphathi (Party Members). Mabaka a a dirang gore ke seka ka nnela diphuthego tsa B.D.P. gooSebina:(a) Erile B.D.P. e simolola diphu. thego mono Sebina, ke ne ke le ma phuthegong ya yone ya ntlha moeteledipele wa yone le ene o a itse. Ke ile ka bona fa e le lekgotla le le siameng, ka dumalana le dikeletso tsa lone. Ke ile ka ikwadisa ka nna mongwe wa lone go fitlhelela gompieno. (b) Mo kgopolong ya me diphuthego tsa makgotla a ke go dira gore bareetsi ba bone fa e le lekgotla le le siameng go feta a mangwe gore ba tle ba ikwadise. Ka bokhutshwane babui mo diphuthegong ba batla gore batho ba ikwadise gore ba nne le batho ba le bantsi mo tlhophong (Election) e e tlang. Fa motho a ikwadisitse go tlhopha (vote), tihopho ya gagwe e a solofesega (assured) le gone ga go sa tlhole go tlhokega gore a nnele diphuthego fa e se mongwe wa baeteledi- pele (officials). (c) Mo mafatshing a sekgowa diphuthego tsa makgotla a dipolitiki di nnelwa fa tlhopho e atamela, ke gore, lekgotla lengwe le bo le batla go oketsa batho ba lone ka go senya leina kana go supetsa bareetsi mekgwa wa maswe ya le lengwe. Re ikarebetse rona Makgowa. Editor's Comment: Go tlhokafala gore batho ba tie diphuthegong lefa ba ikwadile mo phathing. Phone 111 P.O. Box 85 Lobatsi Pharmacy (Pty.) Ltd. PATENT MEDICINES - VETERINARY REMEDIES EYE TEST AND SPECTACLES SUPPLIED PHARMACEUTICALS AND TOILETRIES WE CORDIALLY INVITE YOUR MAIL ORDER FANCY GOODS ENQUIRIES WHICH RECEIVE SPECIAL AND DISPENSING OPTOMETRISTS PROMPT ATTENTION PAGE EIGHlT THERISANYO - CONSULTATION OCTOBER, 1964 Lobatsi

CTOBER, 1964 THERISANYO - CONSULTATION PAGE NINE PHUTHEGO YA B.D.P.: GHANZI Ke D. Mankgane Baagi ba Ghanzi ba ne ba le mo boipelong jo bogolo go bona Mogogi wa Bechuanaland Democratic Party, Morena Seretse Kgama a ba etetse ka di 19 tsa Lwetsi go ba bona le go ba tlhalosetsa maemo a diphetogo tsa metlha eno tse di thaileng diphathi, Morena Khama o ne a patilwe ke Mr. Steinberg. Mookamedi o simolotse ka gore Ke le boga go bona bontsi jo bo kana to tsile go reetsa se ke tla se buang. Bagaetsho, tiro tsa Diphathi re di simolotse e le selo se se nnye thata e le ka mabaka a gore puso ya ga Mmamosadinyana ya tunya, ke gone ka moo e tla reng kgwedi eno e le 21st September 1964 go bo go ikwadisiwa gore e tle e re Isago lo bo lo nonofile go tlhopha. Mo tihophong e, re tsile go ntsha yo re bonang a tshwanetse go nna mogogi wa Botswana. .Mookamedi a tlhalosa ka bophara gore diphathi di simologile di le pedi. Ka go batla maemo phathi ya Mapipoloso ya lwa ba kgaogana tihopha tse tharo gompieno re na le diphathi di le nne. Ba bangwe ba kgaogantswe ke go iwela madi a a kopilweng mo mafatshing a mangwe le mebotorokara e e rekilweng ka madi a go tweng go tsilwe go agwa seshaba ka one. Rona re simologile re le Domkraga, re sa le yone, ga go ise go bonale bape baitaletsi go tsaya bontlha ja Domkraga, mine nna bagaetsho segolo ke tshosiwa ke phathi tse di iwang ka bo tsone tse. Mapipoloso a simologile e le phathi e le nngwe fela ya tsala bana ba ba babedi, bobeding kwa bone ba batla Ipuso mo go Raabo. Bagaetsho Mapipoloso ba ipaletse e le bone, ba ka boloka seshaba jang? E rile Mookamedi a sena go digela, Mr. Steinberg a are, ke a dumedisa bagaetsho makgowa le bantsho, e rile re simolola tiro e, ka 1962 ya phathi ya bo e le potlana thata me eletse erile kwa Shakawe Morena Seretse Khama a bua gore Goromente o nkgaisitse ka a re o ntsha karata ya gagwe mahala kwa ntle ga madi; nna ke ntse ke lopa 2/-. Domkraga e tswa kgakala thata le boammaaruri, phathi tse dingwe di ntse di ikantse go lwela madi ka go tlhoka nnete mo go tsone ka tsosi bangwe ba lwela mebotorokara ka go tlhoka letlole la madi le bone ga ba itse se ba se lwelang. Mr. Steinberg o boletse gore mongwe le mongwe yo o ikwalang fa a itseng gore letsatsi la tlhopho le tla mo fitlhela teng. Mr. B. Monthusi Constable a botsa gore rona babereki ba ga Goromente re ka ikwala jang re sa itse gore a ga re nke re romelwa mafelong a sele (transfer). Karabo ya re, tiro yotlhe ke ya ga Goromente, o tia itse gore a direng ka badiredi ba gagwe jang? Tsholetsa Domi !! ! I Ke leboga bagogi ba B.D.P. ka go dira Therisanyo ya lefatshe la Tshireletsb. Ke motheo o motona o o dirilweng keMa-Domkraga. Morena Seretse Khama o thaile boipuso ka botIalo. Bagaetsho latelang lekgotla la B.D.P. ka gobo maungo a lone ke Therisanyo ya lefatshe la TshireletSO. Go kile ga utlwala maaka a lekgotIa la Mapipolobo ba re Morena Seretse o dule mo setilong, Masire le Tsoebebe ba lwela maemo. Ba bile ba re Tsoebebe le Masire ga ba a tshwanela go nna bagolo, mine rona Matomokeraga re rialo fa Seretse a le bokowa Tsoebebe o teng. Ke jaaka lo bonye ka kgwedi ya Mopitlo 28-29 kwa Lobatsi. Jaanong Matomokeraga, a re ipaakanyetseng tihopho e e tlang re lese dinyana tsa B.P.P. Re setse re bonye dithulaganyo tsa tihopho. Tsholetsa jaaka o ntse o tsholetsa Morena Masire le wena Morena Tsoebebe. Ke leboga Matomokeraga otlhe, ka a sa reetsa maaka a B.P.P. Rona re bona bone ba lwela dikoloi le difolaga. Tsholetsa phutha dichaba domi ya rona. Ke gakolola seshaba gore botshelo bo dirwa ka diatla e seng ka molomo jaaka B.P.P. ba dira ka molomo ba solofetsa batho madi a go sa itsegegeng gore bone ba tia bo ba a bonye mo go mang, ka mabaka a fe? Re itse sentle gore Morena K.T. Motsete ke monnamogolo wa Lesokola o rile atswa dithutong a dirang fa e le gone a rang o na le kitso, o paletswe a santse atswa dithutong. Di teng ditshimega tsa B.D.P. dingwe di tswa West Germany lo a di itse. Natla tse di tona tsa B.D.P. di tswa go tsaya malebela kwa West Germany. Go tla ba ruta seshaba sa Botswana maano a botshelo. Matomokeraga a bonwa ka temo le go rua kgomo le go aga dikole eseng go lwela dikoloi le difolaga. Tsholetsa domkrag re bone ipuso. MOTLATSI - SEGOKGO B.D.P. Director of Elections Therisanyo Motheo 0 Montle Ke D. Kabelo - Madinare IT WILL PAY YOU TO ADVERTISE IN THERISANYO Write to: The Editor, Box'10, Kanye. ,CTOBER, 1964 THERISANYO - CONSULTATION PAGE NINE

PAGE TEN THERISANYO - CONSULTATION OCTOBER, 1964 GO TLA TLHOPHIWA JANG? Ikwadiso e tshwara 171, 152 mo malatsing ale 13. Batho ba botswana ba ne ba ikwadisa ka makatlanamane mo tshiping tse pedi. Go simologa la Iwetse a le 21, go fitfla phalane a le S. Go ikwadisitso batho ba le 171, 162 mo tshireletsong yotlhe. Bontsi jwa bakwadisi (Registration Officers) e ne e le matitshara a aneng a thapilwe ke Gohomente. Tiro ya ikwadiso e tsamaile sentle fa e se gore baeteledipele bangwe ba diphathi ba nnile le go kgoreletsa bakwadi ba re, ba kwadise batho ba ba sa tshwaneang go tihopha mo Tshireletsong. Molaodi wa ditlhopho o ora - Goromente, Morena G. Winstanley, o bolela fa Goromente a ruiagantse gore batho ba ba iseng ba ikwale ba ka kwadisa kwa diofising tsa Balaodi tse di gaofi le bone. Re eletsa babadi ba ka anamisa molaetsa o. DITLHOPHO Ditihopho di ta dirafala ka letsatal le le lengwe ka kgwedi ya Mopitlo ale 1, ngwaga e e tiang. Kgato ya ntlha ya go ipaakanyetsa ditihopho e setse e dirafetse ebong ya go ikwadisa. Batho botihe ba ba ikwadisitseng ba tia ba ba na le tshwanelo ya go tihopha. DIPHATHI DI NNE Diphathi tse di ikwadileng mo go Goromente di nne. Ke phathi ya ga Morena Seretse Khama ya Domkrag, le ya ga Morena K. T. Motsete, B.P. P. I. le ya ga Morena M. Mpho B.I.P. kgotsa B.P.P. II; le ya ga Morena P. Matante B.P.P. ]I. Nngwe le nngwe e setse e itlhophetse lotshwao (symbol) le mmala wa tlhopho. Ke Mot. K. Segokgo (Molaodi wa Ditihopho - B.D.P.) Ga go na phati e e thakanetseng mmala le e nngwe. Mebaa e farologanye gore go seka ga nna tsietsego. Morena Seretse Khama o ithophetsa lotshwao la Domkrag, mine mmala o mohibidu. GO TLA DIRWA JANG? Ka tsatsi la ditlhopho rotihe re tia ya go tlhophela kwa re ikwadiseditseng teng. 0 tshwanetse go tia ka karata e tshetiha ya ga Goromente e e tia go supang fa o na le tshwanelo ya tlhopho. Fa kgorwaneng ya ntlo e go tlhophelwang mo go yone o ta fiwa konopo tse nne. Fa diphati di oketsegile o tia fiwa palo e e lekanyeng batho ba ba tlaabong ba emetse tihopho. 0 ta bo o neelwe onfolopo. Jaanong o bo o tsena mo tiung o le nosi; o ya go tihopha. Ke gone o tla tihophang konopo ya ga Domi e- khudibo o e tsenya mo onfolopong. Dikonopo tse dingwe o ta di latlhela mo pokising e e atihameng. Jaanong o tswela fa ntle ka onfolopo e e tswetsweng e tshotse Domi mo teng. o supegetse monna wa ditihopho onfolopo. Mine a bo a re o e latlhele mo pokising e e nang le letshoba, jaaka ja poso. 0 bo o re thataha Domi! Tsamaya sente. 0 tla bo o benne. POKISI E NNGWE Ke utlwile batho bangwe ba re go tia bo go na le pokisi ya Domkrag, le Pipoloso-Phathi le B.I.P. Lo seka iwa utiwa dipuo tse di ntse jaalo. Ga se boammaaruri. Se se thokafaang ke gore o tsentse konopo e fe mo onfolopong. Tsenya ya ga Domi e khudibu. Mmala go o ke wa tsie. tsa ope le fa motho a sa rutega go motIhofo fela. Q. K. J. MASIRE Tsogo ya ga--Mr. Q. K. J. Masire Bagaetsho: Re itse ka fa lo tlhobaelang thata ka teng, ka ga tsogo ya Mokwaledi- mogolo wa rona wa Bechuanaland Democratic Party, Mr. Q. K. J. Masire. Jaaka lo utlule betsho, o sale kwa kokelong, Baragwanath - Johannesburg. 0 tsogile sentle thata, tsogo ya gagwe re utlwalena letsatsi le letsatsi. Le ene tota ka boene o a re itekodisa. Mmne le mo go tlhaeletseng ga gagwa o a nametsa. Re mo solofela go ba le rona mo bogaufing jwa one malatsing a. Stockists of: SABENA STORE o P.O. Box 67 Blankets, Rugs, Sheets Monatic, Alba, Rex Trueform, Club Rhodlan and Other Brands. John Drake, Apollo, Jarman Shoes. All kinds Radios and Torch Batteries I OCTOBER, 1964 PAGE TEN THERISANYO - CONSULTATION Phone 113 LOBATSI

OCTOBER, 1964 THERISANYO - CONSULTATION PAGE ELEVEN DITHUSO TSA MAFATSHE A MANGWE Mr. A. J. Beeby wa lephata la madi, o kaya fa dithuso tse di tswang mafatshing a mangwe di nntse di oketsega fa e sale 1961, mine o gate. letse that gore selo se se seka sa hora ope go tsenya marapo-dinameng go tlhabolola ditiro tsa boipe. lego mo Botswana. Mr. Beeby o boletse fa dithusi mo pakeng tse di fitileng di nntse di pala ka ntata ya botlhoka-kitso, jaanong go tshwanela gore tiro e ya dithuso batho ba e ithute ka natla yotlhe gore ba tlhaloganye bontle ka fa e tshwanetseng ya tsamaisiwa ka teng, e tlhaloganngwa bontle. DR. C. L AMARAL WA URUGUAY Ngaka Amaral wa Uruguay o gorogile mo Botswana ka kgwedi ya Lwetsi, o setse a simolotee tlhotlhomiso ya go batla go itse ka fa leuba ke phaladi le patikileng baagi ba Botswana ka teng; tiro ya gagwe e tla tsaya kgwedi. Tlhotlhomiso e e nntseng jalo e tia bewa fa pele ga lekgotla la (Food and Agricultural Organisation) go tla la thologa Bechuanaland mokgosi ka thuso ya dijo. Dr. Amaral o tla tsamaya tikologo yotlhe ya Lefatshe la Botswana, fa Dr. Amaral a ka fitlhela go lo fa go tshwanela, thuso e e ntseng jalo e ka bonala. LETSATSI LA TSHIRELETSO Ka Lwaboraro kgwedi ya Lwetsi e 30, e ne ele letsatsi le legalo la maitapoloso mo Botswana. Ke letsatsi la Tshireletso. Go ne go dirilwe metshameko kwa Serowe, Werda le Lobatsi. Kwa Molepolole le kwa Kanye metshameko ya go nna jalo, ga ya ka ya dirala ntateng ya leuba le go tlhoka metse. LOETO LWA GA MISS HOLVERSON Maitse-a-nape wa thuto ya bagobo, Miss Holverson o tla etela Bechuanaland ka di 12 tsa Phalane. Loeto iwa gagwe lo rulagantswe ke ba Bechuanaland Social Welfare Department. DIKGANG Miss Holverson o dirile thata kwa Tanganyika; o tsile mono go ruta bangwe ba ba ka thusang go ruta bagolo go bala le go ikwalela. Thuto e, e tla tshwarelwa ka Lobatsi, Kanye le kwa Maun. KAGO YA SEPATELA-GABERONES Mo kgweding ya Lwetse go simolotswe tiro e kgolo ya kago ya sepatela kwa Gaborone. Kago e tla lopa R200,O00. Go solofesega thata gore e tla re ka Mopitlo se be se setse se dirisiwa. Sepatela se tla nna le dikamore di le 16 tsa tlhotlhwa tse di kwa tlase le tse di 12 te di kwa godimo (Private Wards). f[M.C. 0 YA GO ITAPOLOSA Motlotlegi Sir Peter Fawcus, o simolotse malatsi a gagwe a maitapoloso kg Lwetsi a le 25. Ka nako ya fa a seo, maemo a gagwe a ne a tshegeditswe ke Mr. A. J. A. Douglas Mokwaledi mogolo wa puso SIR HUGH STEPHENSON KWA MAUN Moemedi wa Ennyelane kwa Rephaboliki ya Kopano Sir Hugh Stephenson, yo e ntseng e le Tau-tona ya mafatshe a Tshireletso, o tsenye ka Maun ka Lwetsi, a tswa South West Africa a ya Johannesburg. 0 ne a nna le nako ya go duma-duma le Molaodi wa Maun fela. BO-RADITSELA: Badira ditsela ba ba ka nnang mashome mabedi b gorogile mo Lobatsi ka Lwetsi. Ba ie ba tsaya sefofane go kanoka gore tsela di ka dirwa jang mafelong a:1. Francistown go, ya Maun. 2. Nata go ya Maun. 3. Palapye go ya Serowe le 4. Gaborone go ya Rothesia Borwa. Ke tiro e tona thata e tla tsayang ngwaga tse nne. Madi a R2,570,000 a dule Amerika, a ie a saenelwa ke Morena Khama ka Phatwe. TLHOTLHOMISO YA LOSO LWA GA KENNEDY Banna ba ba 7 (Warren Commission) ba ba tlhophilweng ke President Johnson go tihothomisa gore mabaka a kaneng a dirile polao ya ga President Kennedy ke afe, ba weditse tlhotlhomiso ya bone maloba, e dule morobela wa mafoko wa ditsebe (pages) tee di 700. BOIPUSO Ke G. M. Raboitsheko BAGAETSHO A re ithuteng selo se se tlang ebong Boipuso. A re akanyeng gore bo ka dirwa jang. Borre le bomme le rona bana, a re tsenyeng matiho mo pusong e re reng re batla go e tsaya mo Makgoweng, re bone se se e ikitlantseng. E kitlantswe ke dilo di le pedi, ebong:(a) Lorato (b) Tlotlo Mine le rona a re lekeng go nna le lorato magaring a rona. Re tseye malebela, re bone kafa makgowa a dirang ditiro tsa bone tsa tihabologo ka teng, e le ka lorato le kutlwano. DIPHATHING TSE DINGWE Heelang tlhe! Bagaetsho; ke raya Ma-B.P.P. le B.I.P. Lesang go nna kgatlhanong le tihopho. Dirang gore tihopho e nne teng ya tlalo le lentsho, lo kgona go mo tshwaa diphoso go sena yo o lo kgoreletsang. E bile dikgosi tsame, lo gololesegile go romela mafoko ko dikgatisong go ganetsa sengwe se lo sa dumalaneng le' sone. Lesang lehufa; agang Botswana ka lorato le tlotlo teweetswee ke a lo rapela. SUPPORT OUR AD VERTISERS OCTOBER, 1964 THERISANYO - CONSULTATION PAGE ELEVEN

PAGE TWELVE THERISANYO - CONSULTATION OCTOBERe iNt ------. -.woo...... 0.0...... Bakaulengwe M o Go Domkrag__ Ke isa malebogo go lona. Lo dirile ka natla mo go ikwaleng le mo go Uhagafatseng dikobana le baitihokomolosi gore ba ikwale. Ke gone mo go kgonegileng gore ba 70 mo lekgolong (70%) ba' ikwale ba iipha tshwanelo ya gore ka Mopitlo 1 1965, go le Mantaga, ba nne le tshwanelo ya go tihopha baamedi ba rona ba Lekgotla la Melao. Fela rea its gore mashi a bonya go fela mo theling. Pudi e a thengwa, kgomoe e gangwa morokotso, Jalo he ga go a kgonega gore ba ba batlang go ikwala ba ikwale botlhe mo ditshiping tse pedi tsa ikwalo. Ka moo re buisantse le boora- Goromente gore mo kgaolong ngwe le ngwe ya tlhopho ba bee motho kana batho babaka nnang ba kwala batho ba ba forokilweng ke go ikwala. Thulaganyo ye e ka solega molemo fela fa e ka dirisiwa go tloga jaanong go ya bofelong jwa ngwaga. Ba ba tIa ikwalang morago ga mo, ba tla bo ba iteile bontsho, ga ba nke ba tsena mo dikwalong tsa bathophi tsa Mopitlo I. Tlhagafatsana ba ba sa ikwdlang gore ba ikwaleng mo lobakeng lo. Selo sa. babedi se ke ne ke rata go bua le lone ka sone. Ke "Tlhopho". Meferefere e yothe e e dirwang ke go ipaakanyetso TLHOPHO, g o simolo la ka go ikwala mo Phathing go tla go tsena mo go ikwaleng mo ga maIt Pays to Advertise in Therisanyo loba gotlhe ga go nke go lo solegela molemo fa e re Mopitho a tIa lo sa iphe sebaka sa go tihopha. Motlapele a re, "Go aletsa ga se go itse go bofa". A ba a re "Go bapala marumo ga se go losa ntwa, ntwa e Iowa ka go bololwa". Ba ba ikwadileng ba bapetse marumo a golwa ntwa ya Mopitlo 1, mine fa e re ka Mopitlo 1 ba sa bolole go iwa ntwa eo, ikwalo ya bone e tla bo e le matsapa le lefela fela. PITSE E SULE KWA MAFEKING MOTORS Re etele o tsilo Mafeking. Re tla go thusa matshwenyego otihe a koioi ya gago. Fa o rata go reka kofol e ncha kana e dirisitsweng, re bone re buisanye. 0 tla re duela fa o ka go kgonang. Mo go salang a tia nna o re ketla. Peterolo le yone re e go thelela kwa ntle ga tiego. Station Road Phone 21 MAFEKING Jalo fe ke lo kurusa gore a mewa ya lona e nne e tihagafaletse letsatai Mopitlo 1. A' go ne pula, Mabele a dike a padile mo masimo. Ka ditumediso, Tsholetsa ! SERETSE KHAMA NTLA KE TLA TOSGA Ke Q. K. J., MASIRE Ke mo sepatela sa Barakwana, ma Johannesburg, ka bolwetsi Jwa dlpb 10. Mme ke solofela thata gore e ta re fa lo bala itekodiso e ke bo ke setse ke ja bogobe kwa ga nma-Gsone. Molato a dule mo go reng e kile ya re mo lobakeng ka tshwara chefi e e alafang phori mo mabeleng (Agrison GN) matbettesi yat Ua y rata go nkisa mabitleng. Ya bona di plolo tsa me ya itelekela ka tsone ga tsoga tshwarang tshwarang. Ramasedi a ala diatta. Ka seka ka fola sentle .Jaanong fa Domkraga e ntse e iphahatlela ka nna, marara a bo a tsena. Molato ole wa diphilo wa ipshahatsa. E rile fa Ice tIa fofisedwa kwa Johane ka bo ke ko ke ne ke abile boswa fa ke ko ke ipitsa ka sengwe se ke ka se abang boswa; Ke isa malebogo go dingaka le toki ba Barakwane ba ba ntseg molemo gole kana kana mo igo nna e ntswa ba ke ne ke ba tshugile. Ke isa malebogo go bagaetsho le ditsala tse di ntseng di omoga ka ntlha tsotihe tsa Rand go tla go nte; kola Is go nteretse maung. Malimo o utlule merapelo ya Iona. Printed by Bechuanaland Press (Pty.) Ltd. .I OCTOBER, Ii; II[ TI PAGE TWELVE THERISANYO - CONSULTATION