Er, Fitzgerald Cop Co-Editor Positions E Unique Layout the Most Distinguishing Fea Ture of the LOG Seems to Be the Unique Layout
THE I 'ITIBPBISI SHIR•EVEPORT, LOU IS IANA , .FEBRUARY 5, 1968 Numbe r 4, "Z for Zest" :::: very well season. The members are pres • e Captain ently undertaking projects that g .rl s have include weekly visits to the · ~ s1astically children at Confederate, helping ,.., ..~ ..... s projects teachers with ·tytp ing and grad s stockings ing and s itting with sophomore --·- ch ildren", ~ttye W'lliams, who recen·tly •::· a lonely, suffered a brain hemorrhage. , -~" of Dimes "Z" Club members offer their • • ·ful Christ services to the faculty for any : nd in the work needed to be aocomplish holiday ed with zest. er, Fitzgerald Cop Co-Editor Positions e Unique Layout The most distinguishing fea ture of the LOG seems to be the unique layout. According to F~ED ELSING, SR. , TAYLOR PUB LIS•HirNG CO. representative, CAIPliA:IiN SHI~EVE is the firs t high school to use this particu lar layout throughout the book. The layout was selected in an effort to make the lOG outstanding in design. THE CLASS FAVORITES elected last week are, left to right, sophomores Lang Wedget organizations worth and Becky iorden, juniors Archer Frierson and D. D. Wurdin and' seniors JeH Lorant and 'f GREER and LOG was christened as the Letty Schriver. sophomores name by the STUDENT COUN ~ "d NEIL ER O~L, from a list of recommenda •oe KfN ZI E over- t ion from the student body. The LOG staH had narrowed the selection down to LEDOSSI.ER Students Get Extr~ Holidays [Debaters Win l and LOG. The word log is a sume until Wednesday, January Jan >Lofton and Pat Walmsley On Tuesd ay, January 2, 700 took third place in junior divi record of the voyage of a ship.
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