7^ ^ IfSDNESOAT, BIABCH 9, 19U, ( 1 wQOKmm iK an ^ratnr lEitnibtg IfnraGk AVBMAOB DAOUT GBCCIATION T H B W K A T H W •t (1. •. W—ttat tor tiM BSMitk a* Fahr— ry, ItW VCB, FBIDAT, MARCH 8 ■ckMl M. ■ter—tloB O—ter ■•In or mmw with ol—t taolgM 5 .4 8 6 aad Friday, sHglitly colder la aoBth BIOHAmD BKNVENrTTS • t th* AmUt <HtCBB8TRA h a l e s s e l f - s e r v e porMea taalgfeL CTi— kitlB— fH m trtetrr S u f uiug ml ( ■ ■ I n Igr ra|»Bl«r Beqacat). ' ItBBuliic 8:M to UiSA. _________ AtuamOom Me._________ G R D C EIR\ (C l—■Wed Ad— rtlatag m i Fag* ! ■ ) MANCHESTER, CONN„ THURSDAY, MARCH 7, 1935. (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE rHKBB CBNTli!^ -------------^ A I T---- D - N-------' - J I a VOL. UV.. NO. 184. lUNCE! DANCEl Bt« 7 Thnndaf Night Married Heiress For Love, Says Mate At Inquest THE RAINBOW Thursday's Specials •Starts Thursday - - - Annual MARCH REBELS IN GREECE -4* A lt MeBiqr'* Ordi—tra STATE LOSES MILLIONS C M Wlganowriil. Prompter. Royal Irleh BREAD loaf 1 3 c MENACE CAPITAL; ABOUT TOWN A tafity nut-ralfUn loaf that haa almuly made many fiienda In Manrhf^trr. KIddlen love It! BY SOLONS’ ACT-CROSS H i* DorcM aociety of Emtnuel MAY BOMB ATHENS XotlMraB church will meet thli eve- HOUSEWARE SALE alBC with Mlaa Margaret Leaoder Large Wire State Executive Regrets Tint efRldge itreet. who will Be aaalRted Berch-Nnt Moca-^$ ■''.-lB. An Annual Event That Brings Great Savings rnnl, ElBows ^ pkgs. RichbergAsks Senate By her alater. M ri. Charles Bunzel. Rubbish Burners To Housewives. .All Wanted Items Reduced! Commander of Seized W ar­ BEUEVE BLAZE Assembly Did Not Pass A aon, Ro m Anthony, was Bom Wa _ _ _ _ ga. MrKcnzIp's Family y—terday at the Hartford hospital, J D lS d lX X Mize Package p k g - ships Sends Ultimatinn to To Continue the NRA Rural Aid Measure—De­ to Mr. and Mrs. Allen R. McLean of A Special March Selling! Imlay street, Hartford. Mrs. Mc­ IN BRIDGEPORT Lean was the former Miss Ell^Beth Formosa Oolong Go?emment; Battle Near Washington, March 7.— (A P ) — Amum wages and maximum hours for clares State May Have to Maloney of Ridge Road, VVetBers- lb. Donald RichBerg, outlining the Ad­ administrative application in limited lleld. ministration’s views, asked the Sen­ codes, with some flexiBility provided. Electrically welded wire 4 1 B . 32-Piece Dinner Sets the Bulgarian Frontier. SET; TWO DEAD Pursue Same Policy at rubbish Burners In the ate finance committee today to ex­ He recommended also U ^ t the The Manchester Mothers' club tend NRA "suBstantially In Its pres­ present exemption from anti-trust will hold a rummage sale tomorrow Pancake Flour Z P ^ 'gs- handy, large size. With spring cleaning Just ahead ent form for two years," but with laws should Be restricted to apply Its Own Expense. in the new Farr Building next to the Kapel’s By ASSOCIATED PRESS Score of Firemen and Resi­ codes limited to "those trades and only when the codes themselves Salvation Arm y Citadel. The sale jrou'II want one for Burn­ ing old rubbish. What excellent coffee $ / l .9 5 , Greek reBels apparently threaten­ industries actually engaged in Inter­ have been written "in compliance w ill start at nine o’clock and will ^ 1 — — — Beech-Nut Cream state commerce." with the anti-monopoly require­ last all day. Mrs. Clara Rand is or Snltlne 2 can Be made with a ed Athens, the capital, itself today dents of Apartment In­ State Capitol, Hartford, March 7. Drip-O-Lator. China The director of the Emergency ments of the act,” and urged the chairman. Ivory and green flnish- aa all Southern Europe shook to the —(A P )—Gov. WilBur L. Cross oxe pot and cover with Council was the first witness In the committee to retain Section 7-A, ed kitchen pails. 10- thunder o f the revolt raging In the 8-GalIon aluminum dripper. 3- committee's Investigation of the re­ laBor's guarantee of collective Bar­ pressed regret today that the Gen­ quart size. Cover raised Aegean Sea RepuBlic. jured in Mysterions Fire; He loved his wife, did not marry her for her money, and was not aware that she had willed him $300,000 cup size. A smart little set for the covery machine and its vast code gaining rights. eral AssemBly did not see fit to pass n.VLE'S . JACK FROST By foot lever. Special, Ghevghelli, Greek Yugoslav Fron­ and a 112,000 annuity, H. Bradley Davidson, indicated By arrow. tesUfled sharply hi the Inquest into the 87o 97c small fam ily o f six or under. structure. RichBerg served under It was RlchBerg*s first appearance tier—Reports reaching Ghevghelli death of Elva Statler Davidson, heiress to the Statler hotel millions. The coroner’s jury, sittinf: In Pine- the rehaBilitation corporation Bill Old Blue Castle china In a neat Estimate $25,000 Damage Hugh S. Johnson as general counsel Before a Congressional committee Garbage Pails said the commander of the reBel Burst, N. C., community hall, faced the Baffling puzzle o f finding whether the heiress' death In her garago and a.*sertcd that rejection o f the SHIRTS BUTTER SUGAR service for six. Cut doesn’t was murder, suicide, or accidentally due to monoxide poisoning. of NRA during the early jnonths of as a representative of the President. fleet had wdrelessed an ultimatum to proposal will mean a loss to the stata .show true design. Set con­ the Blue Eagle’s spectacular flight. Among his 17 suggestions was $1.00 - $1.50 sists of: the CaBinet threatened to BomBard of several million dollars in Federal Bridgeport, Msuxih 7.— fAP) — Virtually the full memBership of one to permit "proponents of volun­ lb. Piraeus, Port of Athens, unless the funds. the finance committee was present tary codes"—to withdraw their con­ 10 lbs 48c • 6 dinner plates government capitulate. Fire and police officials today be­ The Chief EhcecuUve, a Democrat, Toggery Shop sent from codes so modified (By the Fine creamery Butter ef $ • G Bread-Butters Athens— Ships of the reBel fleet gan an Investigation to determine to hear details of President Roose­ endorsed in a final statement tha high ernre. Bulk HUf^ar. 1.00 velt's program for extending the President) as to be unacceptaBle to • G cups put in at the Islands of Samos and whether the spectacular flro which EIGHT PERSONS KILLED FAMOUS AUTHOR Back to the land” principle and ex­ recovery administration. them.” 0 6 saucers . Chios and forced their surrender, an swept one wing of the Harding pressed, a Belief that Connecticut Galvanized Iron garBage RichBerg Began with a prepared Eighteen Senators were grouped • 6 sauce dishes official announcement said. The apartments, with the loss o f two will find it necessary "within a short palls with tlght-flttlng • 1 meat platter statement, listing 17 specific sug- around the witness’ chair seat as he covers. 8-gaIIon size. Spe­ British Battleship Royal Sovereign lives, early today was the work of period” to pursue such a policy at lliiMmrd Folding type Ironing • 1 vegetaBle dish SAYS NEW DEAL gc.stlons for legislation. They Includ­ made his statement. All spectators’ cial at 31.00! steamed Into Piraeus harbor. a flreBug. BY OIL WELLEXPLOSION Its owm expense. SPECIAL! Squash Boards that can Be Soft hair floor Brush. ed a recommendation to enipower seats were filled and a numBer stood Vienna—Unverified reports from .Suspicion of Incendiarism follow­ “RedistriBution of the population FIRST QVAUTV folded and put out of 14-inch size. Handle to the Chief Executive to impose around the walls of the large hear­ A Baldwin, Oreen- . Sofia said Battles were raging at ed the discovery of a second Are in has (dways Been necessary a ftw the way when not In match. A Big March IS DEMOCKED "limited codes” containing require­ ing room in the Senate office build­ prolonged depression,” the governor A f P p i a S liig, UInPfinp Decorated One Gfoup Seres, Greece, and elsewhere near the Basement of the south wing of use. 48x12 Inches. Spe­ Houseware Sale value ments for minimum wages, maxi­ ing. said. Rubber Heels the Bulgarian Border. the apartment, while firemen were Dozen Olhers Injnrei^ Were COUGHLIN ACCUSED cial, at only mum hours, prohibition of "notori­ He paused occasionally in the Geneva—Bulgaria protested to still Battling the Blaze In the north The caitef Ehiecutive who several 880 11.10 Cups, Saucers Cups, Saucers ously unfair business practices" and reading of his statement to make weeks ago sent a special messaga I.Arge the Leiigue of Nations against con­ wing, where a mother and daughter Galvanized Ash Dr. Charles A. Beard Says aside remarks or to answer ques­ to the General AssemBly urging Florida'fi centration of Turkish troops hear lost their lives. Waidiiiit “Shooiing” of OF COPYING SPEECH provisions to protect natural re­ Grapefruit tions. speedy approval of the Bill pointed her frontier. State police are joining in the In­ sources. Attached. 1 5 c set 1 0 c set Up To Congress His proposals, RichBerg told the out that other states already had Milan, Italy—Plainclothes detec­ vestigation of the Are which did First Well in Area — ~ __ It Is Going Neither to the Cups and saucers in rose-pink Congress itself, RIchberfc said, approved legislation to make them­ Cans Popular decorated china in tives greeted General Nicholas damage estimated at 325,000 and IreBerg' tea cups and saucers.
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