From Glory to Glory The monthly newsletter of the Assumption Greek Orthodox Church Fr. Joseph Strzelecki Fr. Anastasios Theodoropoulos March 2018 ARCHIMANDRITE NATHANAEL SYMEONIDES 1755 Des Peres Road ELECTED METROPOLITAN OF CHICAGO Town & Country, MO 63131-1405 Phone: 314-966-2255 NEW YORK – The Holy and Sacred Kitchen: 314-966-6720 Synod of Ecumenical Patriarchate Web Site: elected unanimously today the Very Fr. Anastasios Theodoropoulos Reverend Archimandrite Nathanael Email:
[email protected] Symeonides as Metropolitan of Office Manager: Diane Sieckmann Chicago. Email:
[email protected] Immediately following the election, His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios Secretary: Diakonissa Kristen Vogt of America stated: “I express my Email:
[email protected] wholehearted congratulations on the election of Very Reverend Archimandrite Nathanael Symeonides as Metropolitan of Chicago, wishing Dates to Remember the abundant blessing of God on the in March sacred ministry the Church has entrusted him with. The newly-elected March 4 Metropolitan has served as Deacon, St. Gregory Palamas Priest and Director of the Department of Inter-Orthodox, Ecumenical and Inter-Religious Relations for a number March 9 of years, and I am certain that he shall 40 Martyrs of Sebasteia apply his experience and the gifts God endowed him with for a fruitful ministry in the service of the devout Greek Orthodox flock of the Holy Metropolis of March 11 Chicago.” The announcement of the Holy and Sacred Synod of the Ecumenical Veneration of the Holy Cross Patriarchate is as follows: ECUMENICAL PATRIARCHATEANNOUNCEMENT March 18 Under the chairmanship of His All-Holiness, the Holy and Sacred Synod of the St.