Systematic Studies Ndemic Species of the Family

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Systematic Studies Ndemic Species of the Family SYSTEMATIC STUDIES NDEMIC SPECIES OF THE FAMILY ACANTHACEAE FROMeTHE NORTHERN AND PARTS OF CENTRAL WESTERN GHATS THESIS O GOA UNIVERSITY ARD OF DEGREE OF OF PHILOSOPHY IN TANY MARIA E STA MASCARENHAS DEP. TMENT OF BOTANY GOA UNIVERSITY GOA 403 206 JUNE 2010 SYSTEMATIC STUDIES ON THE ENDEMIC SPECIES OF THE FAMILY ACANTHACEAE FROM THE NORTHERN AND PARTS OF CENTRAL WESTERN GHATS THESIS SUBMITTED TO GOA UNIVERSITY FOR THE AWARD OF DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY IN BOTANY BY MARIA EMILIA DA COSTA MASCARENHAS DEPARTMENT OF BOTANY EV3toll_ GOA UNIVERSITY GOA 403 206 JUNE 2010 "7— oc) STATEMENT As required by the University Ordinance 0.19.8 (ii), I state that the present thesis "Systematic Studies on the Endemic Species of the Family Acanthaceae from the Northern and parts of Central Western Ghats" is my original contribution and the same has not been submitted on any occasion for any other degree or diploma of this University or any other University/Institute. To the best of my knowledge, the present study is the first comprehensive work of its kind from the area mentioned. The literature related to the problem investigated has been cited. Due acknowledgments have been made wherever facilities and suggestions have been availed of. Place: Goa University (Maria Emilia da Costa Mascarenhas) Date: OS 04.. 02pl o Candidate CERTIFICATE As required by the University Ordinance 0. 19.8 (iv), this is to certify that the thesis entitled "Systematic Studies on the Endemic Species of the Family Acanthaceae from the Northern and parts of Central Western Ghats", submitted by Ms. Maria Emilia da Costa Mascarenhas for the award of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Botany, is based on her original and independent work carried out by her during the period of study, under my supervision. The thesis or any part thereof has not been previously submitted for any other degree or diploma in any University or Institute. Place: Goa University Janarthanam Date: q7/9-V ID Research Guide ACKNOWLEDGMENT Success is such a comprehensive task it cannot be achieved single-handed. So, I would like to thank all individuals who were involved in helping me during the completion of my thesis. I thank God for giving me the strength to overcome all the difficulties that arose during the course of this study. I wish to express my sincere thanks and deep gratitude to my research guide Prof. (Dr.) M. K. Janarthanam for his valuable and unfailing guidance during my entire work. I thank him for helping me make my dream a reality. I am thankful to Prof. (Dr.) P. K. Sharma, Head, Botany Department and Prof. (Dr.) D. J. Bhat, former Head, Botany Department, Goa University for providing me with all facilities for the smooth functioning of my work. My sincere thanks to the subject expert Prof. (Dr.) B. F. Rodrigues, Department of Botany for his valuable suggestions, the teaching and non-teaching staff, Department of Botany, Goa University, for all their assistance during the course of my work. My sincere thanks to the Principal Fr. (Dr.) Walter De Sa, former Principal Mr. Newman Fernandes, Vice-Principal Mrs. Ursula Baretto, former Vice-Principal Mrs. Marina Monteiro for granting me the facility of Study leave for my work. My gratitude to the teaching and non-teaching staff of Department of Botany and Department of Biotechnology, St. Xavier's College, Mapusa for all the co- operation and support during my work. My sincere thanks to Prof. (Dr.) S. R. Yadav, Department of Botany, Shivaji University and Dr. K. Ravikumar, Scientist, FRLHT, Bangalore for their encouragement and support, Dr. M. Sabu, Department of Botany, Calicut University, Kerala for sending me photographs of type specimens and Dr. Milind M. Sardesai for his help during my work. Special thanks to Dr. V. P. Prasad, Indian Liason Officer (BSI) Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew and Timothy Harris Kew Botanical Gardens, London, for sending the photographs of the type. Dr. Robert Scotland and Dr. John I. Wood, Department of Plant Sciences, University of Oxford, U. K., Dr. Mark A. Carine, Department of Botany, The Natural History Museum, London and Dr. Tod Stuessy, Professor and Head, Department of Systematic and Evolutionary Botany, University of Vienna, Austria for sending me the protologues and reprints of Acanthaceae. My sincere thanks to Joint Directors and Directors of CAL, BSI, MI-1, BLAT, JCB, FRLH, AHMA, SUK for allowing me to consult the herbarium, to see the Type specimens and to refer their libraries. My special thanks to Mr. Shankar Shendege for his valuable help during my work and to the Physics Department, Shivaji University, Kolhapur for helping me with SEM. My sincere gratitude and appreciation to Mr. Cedric Mascarenhas, Mr. Daniel Mascarenhas, Fr. Levis Gomes S.J., Ms Arcangela Lobo and Ms Suvarna Talwar for accompanying me to the field, for the encouragement and being there for me whenever needed. I am very grateful to my fellow research friends Dr. Harshala Gad, Dr. Jyotsna Dessai, Mrs. Rupa Herlekar, Mr. Ashish Prabhugaonkar, Mr. Dilan Velip, Ms Sarita Yadav, for accompanying me in my fieldwork and lending me a helping hand. I am very grateful to the Fr. Frazer Mascarenhas S.J., Principal, St. Xavier's College, Mumbai, for all the facilities during my stay at the college. To the Jesuit Provincial, Pune Province and the Rector, fathers and scholastics, DeNobili College, Pune, for helping me during my stay at Pune. My sincere thanks to Fr. Anthony de Silva S.J., Provincial, Goa Province for the German translation and Fr. Joe Fernandes for the Latindiagnosis. My appreciation to my friends at the Department of Botany, Goa University, Ms. Vanessa Rodrigues, Dr. Rupali Bhandari, Dr. Janet, Dr. Radhika Nair, Dr. Puja Gawas, Ms. Jyoti Vaingankar, Mr. James D' Souza, Ms. Cassie Rodrigues, Ms. Sonashia Velho Periera, Ms. Shilpa Bhonsle, Mr. Siddesh Naik, Mr. M. Baskaran, Ms. Seema Dessai, Ms. Indira Talauliker, Mr. Bharat Patil, Ms. Freda Pereira, Ms. Sherryanne Velho Pereira and Ms. Valerie Gonsalves for all the help and support during my time at the university. My sincere thanks to Mr. Rajesh Narulkar for helping me during my work. Lastly but not the least, I am deeply indebted to my husband Mr. Agnelo Mascarenhas, sons Mr. Cedric Mascarenhas, Mr. Daniel Mascarenhas and my mother Dr. Maria Cleta Lobo da Costa for all the support and co-operation during my work. Without their understanding and patience, especially on the part of my husband, it would have been very difficult to complete this work. List of Tables Table 1: Characters used in phylogenetic analysis Table 2: Character scores for phylogeny Table 3: Differences in characters of Barleria involucrata var. involucrata and B. involucrata var. elata Table 4: A comparison of the characters of Dicliptera ghatica and D. foetida Table 5: A comparison of the characters of Dicliptera cuneata and D. nasikensis Table 6: Differences between Rungia linifolia var. linifolia and R. linifolia var. saldanhae Table 7: Differences between Strobilanthes reticulatus var. reticulatus and S. reticulatus var. 1. var. nov. Table 8: Differences between the three varieties of Strobilanthes sessilis Table 9: Endemic taxa of Acanthaceae present in the study area and their distribution Table 10: Taxa excluded from the present study area Table 11: Taxa showing few collections in Herbaria, but not collected during the present study Table 12: Taxa with few collections in Herbaria, collected during the present study Table 13: Distribution of endemic taxa of Acanthaceae in different regions of Western Ghats Table 14: Endemic taxa of Acanthaceae and their threat status Table 15: Taxa showing change in the threat status with respect to status in literature Table 16: Comparison of wood anatomical details among the split genera of Strobilanthes Blume List of Maps Map 1: Western Ghats showing Northern and Central Western Ghats Map 2: Distribution of Acanthopale jogensis Gilli, Barleria gibsonioides Blatter, B. grandiflora Dalzell, B. involucrata var. elata (Dalzell) C. B. Clarke, B. terminalis Nees along Northern and Central Western Ghats Map 3: Distribution of Calacanthus grandiflorus (Dalzell) Radlk., Dicliptera ghatica Santapau, D. nasikensis Lakshmin. & Sharma, Eranthemum capense var. concanensis (C. B. Clarke) Santapau, Gymnostachyum febrifugum Benth. along Northern and Central Western Ghats Map 4: Distribution of Gymnostachyum glabrum (Dalzell) T. Anderson, G. polyanthum Wight, G. latifolium (Dalzell) T. Anderson var. latifolium, G. latifolium (Dalzell) T. Anderson var. decurrens Gamble, Haplanthodes plumosus (T. Anderson) Panigrahi et G. C. Das along Northern and Central Western Ghats Map 5: Distribution of Hygrophila anomala (Blatter) Almeida, H. pinnatifida (Dalzell) Sreem., Hypoestes lanata Dalzell, Justicia santapaui Bennet, J. wynaadensis Heyne along Northern and Central Western Ghats Map 6: Distribution of Neuracanthus trinervius Wight, Rungia linifolia Nees var. linifolia, R. linifolia Nees var. saldanhae Mascar. et Janarth., Strobilanthes anamallaica J. R. I. Wood, S. aurita J. R. I. Wood along Northern and Central Western Ghats Map 7: Distribution of Strobilanthes barbatus Nees, S. canaricus Bedd., S. ciliatus Nees, S. gamblei Carine et al. along Northern and Central Western Ghats Map 8: Distribution of Strobilanthes heteromallus T. Anderson ex C. B. Clarke, S. meeboldii Craib, S. integrifolius (Dalzell) Kuntze, S. ixiocephalus Benth., S. microstachya Benth. ex Hohen. along Northern and Central Western Ghats Map 9: Distribution of Strobilanthes neilgherrensis Bedd., S. neoasper Venu & P. Daniel, S. newii Bedd. ex C. B. Clarke, S. reticulatus Stapf var. 1. var. nov., S. minor Talbot, S. reticulatus Stapf var. reticulatus along Northern and Central Western Ghats Map 10: Distribution of Strobilanthes scrobiculatus Dalzell ex C. B. Clarke, S. sessilis Nees var. sessilis, S. sessilis Nees var. ritchiei C. B. Clarke, S. sessilis Nees var. sessiloides (Wight) C. B. Clarke, S. tristis (Wight) T. Anderson along Northern and Central Western Ghats List of Figures Fig.
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