YUSOF ISHAK INSTITUTE NALANDA-SRIWIJAYA CENTRE WORKING PAPER SERIES NO. 23 THE MARITIME SILK ROAD: HISTORY OF AN IDEA Kwa Chong Guan YUSOF ISHAK INSTITUTE NALANDA-SRIWIJAYA CENTRE WORKING PAPER SERIES NO. 23 (Oct 2016) THE MARITIME SILK ROAD: HISTORY OF AN IDEA Kwa Chong Guan Kwa Chong Guan is an Honorary Affiliate with the Archaeology Unit of the Nalanda-Sriwijaya Centre. He is with the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies at the Nanyang Technological University where he works on a range of regional security issues. He continues to have an honorary affiliation with the History Department of the National University of Singapore, where he is involved in a project to source for archival records on Singapore before 1819. His recent publications include "The challenge of strategic intelligence for the Singapore Armed Forces," in B. Desker & Ang C G, eds., Perspectives on the Security of Singapore (2016) and earlier, Early Southeast Asia Viewed from India: An Anthology of Articles from the Journal of the Greater India Society (2013) and Singapore: A 700-Year History; From Early Emporium to World City (2009). He can be contacted at
[email protected] The NSC Working Paper Series is published Citations of this electronic publication should be electronically by the Nalanda-Sriwijaya Centre of made in the following manner: ISEAS - Yusok Ishak Institute Kwa Chong Guan, The Maritime Silk Road: History of an Idea, Nalanda-Sriwijaya Centre Working © Copyright is held by the author or authors of each Paper No 23 (Oct 2016). Working Paper. NSC WPS Editors: Andrea Acri Helene Njoto NSC Working Papers cannot be republished, reprinted, or Terence Chong Joyce Zaide reproduced in any format without the permission of the paper’s author or authors.