AUTOUR DU GLOBE ? La carte Hazine n°1825 de la bibliothèque du Palais de Topkapi, Istanbul par Dejanirah Couto École pratique des hautes études Section des sciences historiques et philologiques
[email protected] This article deals with some issues about the Western nautical chart known as “Hazine 1825”, preserved in the library of Topkapı Palace, Istanbul. It could be the work of Jorge Reinel (c. 1462 - c. 1542), son of another great Portuguese cartographer, Pedro Reinel, and dated c. 1519. Drawn earlier than the anonymous Turin map, attributed to Giovanni Vespucci (1523), it is probably the first Portuguese and European map with a polar projection. This map was certainly drawn at the same time as the “poma e carta”, i.e. the world map offered by magellan to Charles the Vth, before his circumnavigation. Several clues indicate that this map may have been taken on board in the bundle of maps belonging to the great captain. Hazine 1825 could have been brought to Istanbul by Antonio Lombardo, called Pigafetta, who was one of the survivors of magellan’s voya - ge, but whose activity is not documented after 1524. By the way, a Turkish nautical treatise, the « Kitâb ül muhit » of Seydi ‘Ali Reîs (1555), refers to a skilful “Portuguese” navigator, a companion of magellan, who had come to Istanbul, where he entered the service of the sultan. It could be Pigafetta. on the other hand, the “Kitâb-ı Bahriyye”, by the admiral and cartographer Pîrî Reîs, in the illuminated version of 1526 offered to Suleiman the magnificent, gives first-hand information about Portuguese discoveries, which cannot be found in printed Italian texts.