Cities, Guzars, Population Location and Ethnic Composition of Kashkadarya Oasis (Xviii-Early Xx Centuries) Pjaee, 17 (7) (2020)
CITIES, GUZARS, POPULATION LOCATION AND ETHNIC COMPOSITION OF KASHKADARYA OASIS (XVIII-EARLY XX CENTURIES) PJAEE, 17 (7) (2020) CITIES, GUZARS, POPULATION LOCATION AND ETHNIC COMPOSITION OF KASHKADARYA OASIS (XVIII-EARLY XX CENTURIES) Berdiev Jamshid1* 1*Teacher of the Department “World history” at Karshi State University, Karshi City, Uzbekistan. 1*Berdiev Jamshid Berdiev Jamshid. Cities, Guzars, Population Location and Ethnic Composition of Kashkadarya Oasis (XVIII-Early XX Centuries)-- Palarch’s Journal of Archaeology of Egypt/Egyptology 17(7), 5424-5436. ISSN 1567-214x Keywords: Kashkadarya Oasis, Urbanization Processes, Interaction of Population, the Fortress of the City Bek, City Guzars, Composition of Population, Representatives of different Nationalities. ABSTRACT This article provides information about the processes of urbanization of Kashkadarya oasis in the south of Uzbekistan in the XVIII-early XX centuries. The author made a scientific- comparative analysis of urbanization processes in Karshi, Shakhrisabz, Kitab, Yakkabag, Ghuzar cities of Kashkadarya oasis on the basis of primary sources of XVIII-XX centuries, as well as modern literature created on the basis of these sources. In addition, the article summarizes the dynamics, structure, classes of the population in the cities of Kashkadarya oasis during the period under study, the sights of cities, markets, fortresses, protective facilities, are included in scientific circulation. INTRODUCTION As the objects that form the theoretical basis of the problem, it is possible to include Shakhrisabz, Kitab, Ghuzar and Yakkabag cities in the Oasis. These cities were considered as socio-economic and cultural centers not only in the oasis of Kashkadarya, but also in the entire emirate of Bukhara, which was especially important in the Foreign Economic Relations of the emirate.
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