George L. Goodale
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MEMOIRS OF TEE NATIONAT ACADEMY OF' SOIET{OES \folurne >(>(I gI:KTTf ] TX:T¿IOIIÙ IINITDD STÄTES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OF'F'ICE IüJ.SEINGTON 1927 I{ATIOT{A'L ÀCA"DEMTT OF SCIEIVCES Vohrm.e XXI grxlnrf lltx:l\ltolFÙ BIOGRA,PIIICAL MEMOIR GEORGE LINCOLN GOODALE 1A39 -L!/^2:ö_ 'BY B. L. ROBINSON Psngpr,croo ro rEE Âclonuv å.T TEE Àutu¡rx Mnerrr're, 1924 ' jri . \ ) i $v 8¡,I-r.,,R9r¡ryqor GEORGE ï,TNCOLN GOODALE-ROBTNSON '*"o'"",Ð***t Doctor Goodale's medical practice, though s¡tsnding through only threo yea,rsi, brought considerable diversity of experience, for, in addition to private practico, ho held several official positions, being city physician in Portland, examining surgeon in the NaW, and contract surgeon , in'the Army. He also tpught in the Portlá,nd MediA{ Ç,chgol,. .--, , ,. , , In 1866, being in ill health, he made the first of his longer journeys, going to California by tho Pana,ma route, thus gaining his first.viow.€,tr.opical vegetation. His health \üa,s soon restored and he extended his journey to several of úhe Western States. On his return to Maine he married Miss IlenriettaJuell lfobson, to whom he had for somo I.9&r9,:b-sep ;erlgaged: &nd ryhq' t-hro¡Bh',a lpng üfe¡ was his, .$eyrtçd.a+dr,sf-m,Pathstip ,,qompanion. 1.o¡,.lpclor,Goodalewpsinl86sappo,inted !qthe.Josiahtiitle.professorshipgf,nat¡¡¡g,I,gcipggggþ BO.wdo,rp, Oollege,and there taught both in tþ9 medical qchggl ga{,il thc,!4.ú,g prpfk, d¡i+g; t+.thg latüer .instruction in cþe-mis!¡y,."ti¡9r4logy,,,botany,1a,nd,,Z99IoSf, fqf tpþ,qut:fou¡it€,a{,ç,1 h.;[g7¿'bevas,c¿lled,¡to:I{a,-tvard,¿s:univerqity.,le-q,tgrpr and,,instrqctgr,in þpta,ny*.:il+.lhp-rfg"h lowiûg.yeaü he , &dvqncod to. esFistent,,plofess,o4sþip,, and.,,in, ,'.1878:.:t9.,f,utl: B-ry-sfqq.s,,glçhip¡.1trJ -,i:,,.,I1 w'a¡' biç:privilrego¡ as,wpll as one of his, oonsidgrgblg ,contriþutio¡s.rtoii$gigågg¿:te,4.-giievs D-r¡ Asø Gray' of .m¡rch, rou-ti49,.,¡üo"¡þ: i,n ipstnlçtior¡,;thus -frgeing, Doct-or iG.r-ey.'sr't-iue-fo¡ ùis. lsrig.-Brpjeçte{ Synoptical FIora of North A-m.erica, toward which þe had,boe¡rgg,þþ,dpriAg 'thqt ju{gment-icpp!{.-,h9,v,g Eßeqy,.y,g&rs aa, overwhelpi¡€,,8&Ês of uq,teri¡1, " only. :his trained treatedtoequaladvaartage., , ." ' ;: , :,-..:,:,.:,¡; ; '; ;¡,,..r. ;:;;i,.,Deptqx'Goodalgrs ÉrÞt,work at.-Ifarvard;wa,qhis,ge4e¡gtintroduc$oq¡;oo,r¡¡sgip.pþq,pe.rogeeig ,the gf, , be-t-anyr,, developed' ,çhie, fly , along ,lings ; groqs. pq9rphqlory. wit¡ !{eqJs sin{q,¡ t,o. .those . of ' Ei-ob,ler¡r of ,saphsis Texrt'.bopki:re,4d pJ'Gray',q lucid;Struciq{al Bo,tøny",,, To.,pgorp,þ,Pl}ch Ealurp::he:.add9d:muchof-a;,phy¡iologioal a¡,q4alqmical char..a,cterdçaJiug.;gfi.e4,iYsb,rri.tþ. the different vegetable,,tissu-es and ,!h.eir co4pone4t¡tp,,yith.ass.i4ila-üip:r,,¡gçp¡¡,q!io.4,¡ ,tr.q¡rsptratio¡r,, geruþatioû; ,grnwjå, qnd, pleût noyemeBts, as.w,ell as.vdth.r.çpr:gd.uctlon,,v-aria- tio¡r; gnd. ev,olutiona¡y problems. :r,,,: ji-Itre,waÊ.a,finished lecture¡., , Digniffgd in¡prQsonco LTrd .q,greeablg in, ytice,.he hud ¡n rgpggs; siyp na.r1ner ,ryhip.h¡g&J,erweight to the i¡-formation he imparted. I{e;was.qeve_r,,huuied.rrù+,t, çþ,gse,,bis w-o¡ds,with.gryat care and passed,!9gi,call¡¡ fron poin!. to point. Hre was.a,giod,lfìF, tereporodraftsp@, ofter,gketchþ, g on,the blackbpard lp a few.well,-plpced,strplp.q',,!þe,ükirit strl¡ctürBgor- an-aiqrnrcal detail.s h. e,wq,s dgeçtibing., , Eq,c.h dr¡wing was done with a-fti,9;{efqi,tet .IIo never,heg!!q,þdito, n-essrand ¡þe,mir.fÍpum.=^f .erasur^e.q,4d,oorrection. omplof- 'the,.+o¡m perhaps,toq.,'generolly iof ,,prpcige,dgfi4iFon ,of te¡ps ".o¡. st¡uc-tgres1,,¡,H-eê 'discardod.:meth-odrtigþå -tbie,b-een done with.less,skill it easiþ þq,vr tendçd tq t.he dogmatic,,bu.!,úhis.,;e,SQç{,h-n LlevçrlJ av.oi{gd.,, IIis 'auditors.,w.ere carritd- away by the clea¡p9ps,of,,þis1pre9e¡ta!'ion.. ,$.q was nsvor.tediousr Tever discursive, fhough, in a dignifed way, oftoa h¡¡florous. IIc þgd, bip p,itter .rre[ in, hand and therg \ila,g ng repetilio4, no tqJkiag qgainst time, no pauso tg ,assisT 4e,4ory., ,Not given to much theorizing nor to phiìosopþic gqneralizatiop, hþ slayed cl-os.e;,te cqncrete fpcts and in stating thep. rì.ever confused hi-s oveq-empha9is.,-o,f dou-bts .og excoptig4s, Hundreds of students recall his lectures wit[ graiitude and .a'dmir+!ign.. It is to b" fämembered too that theso students were the same whó" dailv listened to such teachers q^É |.Toiton, Shaler, tr'rancis C¡la, TVillia,m James, X'arlow, Palmer,l and Èoyce, lU of th"m mên : : gf greai oriþality and force, distinguished styEsts i¡ tneir respective figids. t lHe. ' I n the l-a-boraio¡y Doctor Goodaló'was less successful than oä th" platform. , *äsiþl#aiìi courteous to his students, but a ùrifle impersg+q,l, $ddilg.'tnaür'd¿it wrth-Uipily.uoa'"*"e"aiogty rather general diiections, which 'often left ihem in' some vaguenéss' as-r to:;his"'ìvishéÈi Béséarch in ihe concrete sense in which'it had taken form in thèlaboiiito¡iesiiä'tr'räncelàntl Germany had scarcely been transplanted to American botanical laboratories beyond the fietd of"taxônomy; and studelt publication of merit was exceptional before the' middle'eightiesl ttie :etective systg4 had not-long:been in 'vogue 'and' was lstilI in lts youth. ,'ùabora,tor¡r tãq"ie ment wds'as:yet scanty and very'imperfect. Its use'was'ahiefly,' to demonstrate' hoWn føcùs and processes, and almost never for student research. Graduato study wa,s,ra,re aidilittlo orga,nized. There was much to change and to develop. Ån¿or¡¡i oF ScrsNcDsl BTOGRAP}TY Nb.,6l . ,Doctor Goodale was keenly alive to,the nreed of inprovement'in'appa,latus;-increase;of increased' oqoipm.nt;, largor and better la6ofa,tories, more ðommodious auditoriums,' and' vasttry' ' worked and diversified collections of illustrative naterial, Toward'these'ends he planned'and impg*agce of 'pu-blicity"for scientific worki and with p"tf."Uf f"r:"o.. flu early realized _the gdt .ar n rúát"" äiqlruucn popït* tecturcã tro stirf-þsipublio to interes! in and his special þr I j' '"': cordiality tãward s¿i"rrtifio work and ideals' , ' ' aü the .. ,l ff",äu*t several courses o lectures, atrtli'e Irowell.trnstitute in Boston, 'Coopêr'Union in New yo"k,, and.elséwhere. TheÍ were well attended and aroused enthusiasm: Veggtabþ *1" U in"-re"ãntie", and earþ njnoties essentially novet in Ameriea and -t;À"pnv¡ia"gy "ijhder, äodale had much skill'inlemonstrating and explaining, ovon to popular audiences, ,principlos was' ingãnious in'devising thè,Ieading,facts and fundamental -first ol"this subiect-"'He iIÏushations and was.oo" oi'the to give sui:cessfutilanç* pryig:tion to noving ä¡J;;"fi*tio. ;"*.";in p"otnpìus-, tl9 edcapeäf oxy.gen during the {¡iniþtio1'of'aquatio ãil;;;ñ, Sn.h,vit"lpr9il".*, *no#o,in,acüón u-poniho,scrcen; naturally attrapted'nô.Tql ilt"*íi" days when the'electricÍanternwas still unhrown and,thqcinerrÌa'a thingund¡ea,med'of: :. : . Doctoî ,Goodrilo wa* a,ve"y sucoessful'teacher in the ltrarvard'summerisahool, and'through both its wide influenco upon the methbds and'ideals of,ñirny'aloit'teaehers, -"¿lir-lu""iol*A.u gr.eatly inci'e$etl men and women, young and middle *ho took back t_o-th9ii:own work "g^"d, ïnstruetiont They J"iu*i*.-¡¡of suarmer w""È* íhus spent,under,his'itimulating: ' b¡**1'u,,,.,,i¡Ã6trs:parüs of tho,country,'t*q æn9*" came-'to'soek Tike opportulityi ' ö;.J the ,,',.- . j[n, lg7g ,Dooto",.Good¿lu'"onsented, ,at ,the'solieitdtion of 'I)r; Asa'Gray, io'undertøke andwi*s appointed its direò'tor by th9.qræident'and th;.¡I*y¿rd,got*oi" Ga,rdén, :The , ,a fello-wã";";righ*i of ,the, oitllege. , tni. was task'¡vhich'for Gãver¿l rea'sons'had much difficulty." ' deterioration sarden was unendowed. Its expenses were, bonstãntþ increasing.' Tho'r¿pid ãí-*nJrtä J*ãã"+*"-ed consärvatorios; the adverse'infuence's of 'dust'and'smokerfrom a trained g¡;.,the ca¡elessness and occasiånd'v¿ndalism',of:visitorsi tho'ìscarciüy of often conflicting ideas- oJ therrniversity boltrds, of'bottrnigal and horticultura,l ñä"oi*,,íùnø ¿n establish¡ ã;lilrg""rl,¡æ'well ¿s of.the visitLg public, rôgardia. g the g,ppropriato aims for suc! mentrand.,the liour."f ãu+Lfop-"iìt unorrl¿=te grien; 'tho'p"ãpe" afiu¡tment of its'ftuictioixi to instructioo, op""i-"otation, and ocãtimatizabiÃ; its rcl¿tions to the;laborator'ies ;;t;il"--! "*"*ãh,.iùJ:Jt*""är,opoo theravail¿bte Éuppties'of'plänts and flowers'for-decoration 'thase,proËtem* w"tã superinposed upon the itiherent sÈ,oecasions of acu¿ã-ic celebra,tionJ¿Il 'aird aim"ùii* of keeping'a'host of, delic¿to'and,coitly exotics'heaftþ'i1 cra,mpe{ space url.¿ trials,' once characteristically t L"¿ly Am*ta,r'.pãoio",Gfay, who had loog 9*p"yuoled,suoh-if'h"'had'to iivo'in Ð-gelde1. that, Adamifell ' . -.¡ärr*Ë"¿ th¿t he did not *orrä1" - ^ . Wih great patience, tact,'and,ovenness_9{ tempei nogtor_$oo_aale discharged foi'ma,li¡l ye*, tn" ã"ti""^of thir,å*u"tiog position; 'The garden'under his directÒrshi,q wa¡.k"pj ?t I ,It,functigned as, ,oo*ject, fui the great divêrsity of i¡gh 1"""1 of efficiency.