NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center Laboratory for Extraterrestrial Physics Greenbelt, Maryland 20771
1 NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center Laboratory for Extraterrestrial Physics Greenbelt, Maryland 20771 @S0002-7537~90!01201-X# The NASA Goddard Space Flight Center ~GSFC! The civil service scientific staff consists of Dr. Mario Laboratory for Extraterrestrial Physics ~LEP! performs Acun˜a, Dr. John Allen, Dr. Robert Benson, Dr. Thomas Bir- experimental and theoretical research on the heliosphere, the mingham, Dr. Gordon Bjoraker, Dr. John Brasunas, Dr. interstellar medium, and the magnetospheres and upper David Buhl, Dr. Leonard Burlaga, Dr. Gordon Chin, Dr. Re- atmospheres of the planets, including Earth. LEP space gina Cody, Dr. Michael Collier, Dr. John Connerney, Dr. scientists investigate the structure and dynamics of the Michael Desch, Mr. Fred Espenak, Dr. Joseph Fainberg, Dr. magnetospheres of the planets including Earth. Their Donald Fairfield, Dr. William Farrell, Dr. Richard Fitzenre- research programs encompass the magnetic fields intrinsic to iter, Dr. Michael Flasar, Dr. Barbara Giles, Dr. David Gle- many planetary bodies as well as their charged-particle nar, Dr. Melvyn Goldstein, Dr. Joseph Grebowsky, Dr. Fred environments and plasma-wave emissions. The LEP also Herrero, Dr. Michael Hesse, Dr. Robert Hoffman, Dr. conducts research into the nature of planetary ionospheres Donald Jennings, Mr. Michael Kaiser, Dr. John Keller, Dr. and their coupling to both the upper atmospheres and their Alexander Klimas, Dr. Theodor Kostiuk, Dr. Brook Lakew, magnetospheres. Finally, the LEP carries out a broad-based Dr. Ronald Lepping, Dr. Robert MacDowall, Dr. William research program in heliospheric physics covering the Maguire, Dr. Marla Moore, Dr. David Nava, Dr. Larry Nit- origins of the solar wind, its propagation outward through tler, Dr.
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