
u- — t- сл Z X - О -c О Published by the Ukrainian National Association Inc.. a fraternal non-profit association!

о о -о О р т rainian Weekly О -о Vol. LIII No. 14 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, APRIL 7, 1985 25 cents


House Speaker appoints Mica, Hertel "The feast of all feasts to Ukrainian famine commission Easter greetings from the Ukrai­ - including His Beatitude Major nian Catholic hierarchy in the United Archbishop Josyf. Bishops Gregory WASHINGTON House Speaker The executive branch appointments Slates of America. Chomyshyn, Nykyta Budka. Mykola Thomas P. O'Neill Jr.. on March 28 were announced by President Ronald Charnetsky, Ivan Latyshevsky. named two Democratic House Reagan on February 12. Named were: Very Reverend and Reverend Father Petro Verhun. the apostolic members to the Commission on the Surgeon General C. Everett Koop, of Fathers. Venerable Sisters. Dear visitator. and later. Josaphat Famine. the Department of Health and Human Brothers and Sisters in Christ: Kotsylovsky and Hryhoriy Lakota; The appointees arc Reps. Dan Mica Services: Gary L. Bauer of the "Christ is risen from the dead. He the same fate befell our hierarchy in of Florida (14th District) and Dennis Department of Education: and Howard conquered death by his death and to Carpalho-Ukraine and Slovakia, M. Hertel of Michigan (14th District). Eugene Douglas of the Department of those in the graves he granted life." viz.. Bishops Pavlo Goydych and Rep. Mica was named chairman of the State. Mankind has never witnessed, nor Teodor Romzha, and tolled death's committee. vill it ever, a day so sad and knell of the Ukrainian Catholic The appointments are in keeping with Pam Jackson of the House Speaker's depressing as Good Friday; on this Church in the occupied territories of the Ukrainian famine bill which Office in Washington told The Weekly unforgettable day the forces of evil hammer-and-sickle government. stipulates that the commission include that House Minority Leader Rep. unjustly condemned, sentenced to What was the crime of our four members of the House (two Robert H. Michel of Illinois is soon death by crucifixion and finally bishops? On good Friday the Jews Democrats and two Republicans) and expected to propose the Republican interred the Creator of life and the accused the innocent Lamb of God two senators (one Democrat and one members of the commission. The two Savior of the world, Jesus Christ, the before Pontius Pilate that " caught Republican), in addition to three execu­ Republicans, as provided in the famine Son of God and our Lord. When they this man misleading our people" tive branch members and six public bill, are to be named by the speaker of sealed his grave and protected it with (Luke 23:2). A like perverse members selected from the Ukrainian the House in consultation with the a guard, the enemies of Christ reasoning was employed in 1945 by community. minority leader. convinced themselves that they had representatives of. the atheistic liquidated the Savior and hacLwritten occupying forces—when they the final chapter of his life. condemned our bishops. When But a miracle occurred. "A miracle attempts to force them to deny the 300 show support for Shukhevych; defying description. Defying death, Church^their faith and allegiance to Christ is risen." On the third day, the the successor of St. Peter failed, and 10 arrested in peaceful protest Son of God victoriously emerged when our hierarchy steadfastly from the grave alive, glorified and no adhered to Christ and his truth, they by Bohdan Faryma deGenova declined to prosecute more longer able to be shackled by became innocent, entombed victims. than 1.700 protesters arrested in front of suffering and death. The glorious day "If they persecute me, they will WASHINGTON - Ten Ukrainian the South Afrrtan Embassy during a of his resurrection has become a most persecute you. too" is the somber students were arrested in front of the similar non-violent demonstration. fortunate and festive time for truth Christ spoke in John 15:20. Soviet Embassy on March 29 during a "The South Africans (protesters) humanity. For it is truly "the feast of Satan's forces employed prisons, demonstration in support of Ukrainian were there for 10 minutes. We were all feasts, the festival of all festivals." concentration camps and every dissident Yuriy Shukhevych. The 10 are there for eight hours." Myron Wasylyk. Our Savior restored life to those degradation imaginable in an to appear in court on May 1 1. director of the Ukrainian National entombed in the graves. "Let us attempt to break the resolve of our Meanwhile, U.S. Attorney Joseph (Continued on page 16) adore the Lord's holy resurrection." hierarchy. But the bishops, for by his cross "joy filled the world" strengthened by the power of the and in the liturgy we "praise his risen Christ, heroically endured these resurrection because he, though dark hours. By their faith, fortitude crucified, conquered death by his and finally their blood and death, death." they enhanced the Ukrainian Christ's ultimate conquest of evil Catholic Church with the aureole of is ever present in the history of the martyrdom. kingdom of God on earth. It is The atheistic occupants closed the constantly renewed in the life of the doors to all Ukrainian churches, mystical body of Christ, in the life of seminaries and publishing houses. the Church. The joyful conquest of They forbade all printing of religious our Savior over his enemies rein­ literature. They branded as enemies forces the faith and hope of those priests who remained loyal to both in the free world the Church. They sealed the Church's and especially in our native land grave and crowned their own perfidy behind the Iron Curtain on the with the "Synod of Lviv" which mournful anniversary of the history will regard as a crucifixion and burial ol the contemptuous parody of lawful Ukrainian Catholic Church in church government. . Forty years have- Christ's resurrection assures us long passed since April II. 1945. that our underground Church in w hen the atheistic occupants arrested Ukraine will rise to a new life. Our the Ukrainian Carkoik hierarchy (Continued on page 10) fBohdan Faryma Demonstrators call for Yuriy Shukhevych`s release from the USSR. THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, APRIL 7, 1985 No. 14 Sakharov may resign USSR academy MOSCOW - Soviet physicist and Soviet slander." She has been seeking human-rights activist Dr. Andrei D. permission to go abroad for treatment Chronicle of Sakharov has reportedly told the Soviet of a heart condition. Academy of Sciences that he will resign In saying that he would quit the as a member by May 10 unless Academy of Sciences, whose the Catholic Church something is done about his banishment approximately 300 members are the in Gorky and about his wife's health, elite of the Soviet scientific world. Dr. in Ukraine reported The New York Times. Sakharov, 63, proposed to sever his last Dr. Sakharov has been restricted to official link to the Soviet system. Gorky, a city of more than I million on Dr. Sakharov. who helped develop the Volga River, since January 1980. Soviet nuclear weapons, was made a full apparently to stop him from issuing member of the academy in 1953. at the Satanists. locked her in the cellar! Tjif following excerpixjire from public statements in Moscow during unusually young age of 32. His message Maria received a warning that they Issut V(i h .; the Chronicle a/ the that year's Summer Olympics in the was viewed by his friends as a last \ (she and her husband) would be Cathulit Church m Ukraine, an Soviet capita! appeal to his fellow academicians, who taken into custody within a month underground publication whit h His wife. , has also have maintained a public silence and tried lor the umpteenth time. made its appearance in January 19X4 been restricted to the city for the last 11 regarding his case I krainians! Remember that there hui has onl\ recenth reached the months after being convicted of "anti- (Continued on page 10) II esi Thin far, civil! issues have are men and women believers who made theii wa\ out of Ukraine. The believe totally in out Catholic Chronicle is published in sannvdav Church and in Ukraine: pray, pray tnrm by the Initiative Group for the everyday, and eternally God will Jews told to reapply for visas Defense ol Believers and the Church. come in the aid ol crucified Ukraine: which was founded in IVH2 to pro­ the tears and blood of those WASHINGTON Do/ens of effect or had been asked to reapply. mote the legalization o/ the Ukrai­ murdered, murdered in the prisons Jewish families, including several that Mr. Goodman said there was no nian Catholic Church, which has and camps for their faith and for had been refused permission to conclusive evidence so far that exit v isas been outlawed since 1946. Ukraine, has not been shed in vain! emigrate for years, have been told in would be granted. But he noted that in " Information has been received recent days by the authorities in the past, Soviet authorities usually ` e I he April 17. 1984. edition of about Ukrainian political prisoner Moscow to reapply for exit visas, granted visas when they called in long­ the newspaper Zakarpalska Pravda Pavlo Kampov. groundlessly reported The New York Times. time applicants. carried an article by H. Danyluk imprisoned in a labor camp in Jerry Cioodman. executive director of The exit visas are given for travel to tilled "Bookkeeper in a Cassock." Russia. P. Kampov is gravely ill. but the National Conference on Soviet Israel, but in previous years about half Shortly before the article appeared, a w hen his parents sent this ailing man Jewry, said people in Moscow had told of those with such visas haveendedupin brigade ol militiamen and KGB medicine, camp authorities his office that beginning last week. the United States. broke into the home of a Ukrainian confiscated it. telling Kampov that Jewish families were asked to come to Mr. Goodman said 97 Jews were Catholic priest, the Rc\. Oleksander he will die there. Pavlo Kampov is the Soviet visa office. Mr. Goodman allowed to leave the Soviet Union last ` lovt. and carried out a complete being held illegally on the territory of said the families cither had been told month and 896 were allowed to leave in "pogrom." destroying a number ol the Russian SKSR. where they are that their visa applications were still in all of last year. The number of Jews bonks from the priest's private preparing a fate similar to that of шввншааяяавявваамвааввввавшввнаш permitted to leave has fallen sharply Iibiary and illegally confiscating Oleksiy Tykhy. (Mr. Tykhy. an since 1979. when it reached a peak of nearly 400 volumes. The priest was imprisoned member of the Ukrainian Izvestia calls for more than 50.000. read the statute dealing with Helsinki Group, died of stomach Mr. Goodman said there were many "religious cults" and was fined 50 cancer last year following surgery.J (Continued on page 11) rubles. Ol course there was no Eventually. Kampov^ found himself ideological discipline mention ol this m the Danyluk in a ISbor camp hospital. The doctors article, or thai the villagers were tola him that they had no medicine. BOSTON - Izvestia, the official indignant about the actions (crimes) but if his parents sent some they Soviet government newspaper, called Romanov praises ol the militiamen. In this way, the could begin treatment. (Yosyp) for strict ideological discipline last week Transcarpathiao village ol Zastavne Terelia sent medicine, but no one in a reallirmalion of the principles Hungary's reforms witnessed the everyday "work" of trie knows il thc\ will be given to the outlined by the new Soviet leader. militia and the KGB. which daily toil patient Mikhail Gorbachev, reported The BU DAP ESI. Hungary - Soviet in і he sphere ol atheism But the most Christian Science Monitor. Politburo member Grigori Romanov frightening thing is that among the Letter from Kampov ` 1 he newspaper's editorial also urged a expressed approval on March 26 of books were some published in Rome purge ol all "alien elements." Hungarian economic reforms to this is where the dog is buried fan Glon to ,lesus Christ! Izyestia noted that the only way to Hungary's 13th Communist Party idiomatic expression!! A prayer lot Ciood day. my dear friends I yearn expand the USSR's wealth and increase Congress and indicated that the non-believers, a Bible lor voting, to meet you il just once in our native) its security was through order., Kremlin sought similar practices, people and others. I his is what the land belore I die. But this is no more organization, discipline and reported The Christian Science regime lears! Ukrainian Catholics than a wish, a yearning. It's only management responsibility. Monitor. supposedly have the right to pray and talk... Ciod. how many times have I The Monitor reported that Western Speaking of Soviet economic "tasks fulfill their religious needs openly. turned to the authorities ol the diplomats have said they believe the ahead." Mr. Romanov emphasized But il a person merely lulfills those USSR and the Ukrainian SSR newspaper's strong words echoed the economic modernization, broadening needs at home for this he is asking them to return me to Ukraine thinking of the' new Kremlin leader, of companies' autonomy, more punished even as a captive. But all in vain... who is seen as a protege of the late Yuri participation by workers in " On June 15, in the village ol How many torments have I accepted Andropov. management and remuneration Dovhe in the Transcarpathian trying to get transferred to my naTivc He was closely associated with Mr. according to performance region. 1 ,. Yu. Yu. Starosta of the land!... I am now in a hospital 1 have Andropov's campaign to introduce Mr. Romanov's praise of Hungarian militia attacked, in broad daylight. heart and lung ailments and over-all widespread reforms and an anti- reforms is noteworthy because Hungary Catholic Maria Trykur. who two weakness. I wrote my sister Maria corruption drive in an attempt to has greatly decentralized its economy months ago returned from a Soviet asking her to ask you to help get increase economic efficiency. and allowed limited private enterprise. labor camp, grabbing her by the hair medicine But to date she has been and dragging her like a corpse- unable to fulfill my request but. in through the center of the village to truth, she is already a woman of his office lor a "talk." During this retirement age. Or maybe she "talk." Yu. Starosta screamed that doesn't care... Yet. I have been a the militia would knock down her prisoner for so long that only my Ukrainian Weekly house and. if need be. he would rape father and mother still remember me. her; "and nothing would happen to Y'osyp. do me a favor, don't send that FOUNDED 1933 me." the criminal said. Maria Trykur photograph I am blind. My left and her husband surrendered their eye is completely blind, and the right Ukrainian weekly newspaper published by the Ukrainian National Association Inc., a non-profit association, at 30 Montgomery St., Jersey City, N.J. 07302. passports to Communist authorities, has 10 percent vision. (The Ukrainian Weekly - USPS 570-870) noting at the time that they did not I don't want to die in a strange Also published by the UNA: Svoboda, a Ukrainian-language daily newspaper. want anything to do with a regime land! One wants to believe in the that represses Catholics. impossible, to believe that late will Maria Trykur has already served smile on me and they will transfer me The Weekly and Svoboda: UNA: three terms in Soviet labor camps, to a labor camp in Ukraine and there (201) 434-0237, 434-0807, 434-3036 (201) 451-2200 and her husband. My khailo Trykur. I will go to my rest... Everything live. The Communists have taken the around me is foreign, even the air I Yearly subscription rate: J8, UNA members - J5. Trykurs'children and placed them in breathe. The head of the camp told a boarding school, where they lore me that I am here to my death Postmaster, send address changes to Editor: Roma Hadzewycz away their crucifixes, forced them to "you will not leave here alive..." THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY Associate editor: George Bohdan Zarycky condemn their parents and. when I kiss and embrace you. May God P.O. Box 346 Assistant editor: Natalia Dmytrijuk Maria's daughter"t-alled the teachers (Continued on page 13) Jersey City. N.J. 07303 No. 14 ' - ^ THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, APRIL 7,1985 3 Jewish congress charges Ukrainians, Biaggi bill seeks monitoring Baits block OS/ investigations of media portrayal of ethnics NEW YORK - The World Jewish should be brought to justice, but it WASHINGTON - Rep. Mario Congress charged on April 2 that more should not involve cooperation with Biaggi (D-N.Y.) is seeking co-sponsors ^Ktft V than 30 "mainstream" Ukrainian and Soviet war criminals." for a bill that would establish a Baltic emigre groups are attempting to A WJC report alleged the following: clearinghouse in the Federal block the U.S. government's " Representatives of the Baltic and Communications Commission to investigation of alleged Nazi Ukrainian communities have been monitor the portrayal of ethnic and collaborators, reported the Associated lobbying for a statute of limitations on minority groups on radio and Press. war crimes prosecutions, for the television. The vice president of the WJC, elimination of the Office of Special The bill, HR 1607, was introduced in Kalman Sultanik, said that the WJC's Investigations and for repeal of a 1978 the House on March 20. In a March 27 own investigation had disclosed "a law permitting the deportation of Nazi letter asking colleagues to co-sponsor widespread campaign, fraught with war criminals. the bill. Rep. Biaggi wrote that the anti-Semitism, to derail the " Members of Congress have been purpose of the clearinghouse "is to government's pursuit of war criminals." deceived by these groups into helping provide a specific and specialized office Eli Rosenbaum, a former Justice Nazi war criminals. (In January, Sen. within the FCC to maintain records on Department lawyer who now serves as a Alfonse D`Amato said he had been complaints and grievances filed consultant to the Jewish organization, duped into writing a letter of support regarding radio and television noted that the campaign had intensified for a Long Island man facing (including cable television) in the last six months. deportation for concealing his alleged programming which unfairly depicts "These are not fringe groups, these role in the executions of 1,000 people in ethnic and minority groups." are mainstream groups with hundreds a Nazi concentration camp.) According t'o the congressman, the of thousands of members," said Elan e Newspaper advertisements and FCC received some 614 complaints, an Steinberg, a WJC spokesman. articles have urged potential witnesses average of 1.5 a day, in fiscal year 1984 However, spokesmen for the not to cooperate with OSI investigators. about unfair depiction of racial, ethnic Rep. Mario Biaggi Ukrainian and Lithuanian communities Israel Singer, executive director of or religious groups. strongly denied the WJC's charges, the World Jewish Congress, told the AP At the present time, the FCC has a groups and conduct an annual pointing out that their communities' that the emigre groups' campaign is combined complaint bureau and public conference to focus public attention on opposition to the Justice Department's partially motivated by the "fear that the affairs office where more than 13 the issue. Office of Special Investigations centers prosecutions .are exposing the... fact different types of complaint categories "It is my hope that this bill will help to on the use of Soviet-supplied evidence. that Hitler's annihilation of 6 million are registered. The Biaggi measure promote a greater sensitivity on the part I he AP quoted Mykolas Drunga, Jews was carried out not by the would set up a separate office, the of the media and the FCC relative to the associate editor of Draugas. a Germans alone, but rather with the Ethnic and Minority Affairs coverage and depiction of ethnic and і Lithuanian newspaper in Chicago, as extensive collaboration of Lithuanians, Clearinghouse "to both compile data minority groups," Rep. Biaggi wrote to saying; "Our campaign is not anti- Latvians, Ukrainians. Estonians and and to work to help promote a more colleagues. "Television and radio have Semitic. We believe Nazi war criminals other Europeans." positive portrayal of these groups by an enormous influence on day-to-day television and-radio." according to the life in the United States and that congressman's letter. influence should be used to promote In addition to preparing information more positive and accurate images of Baits discuss deportation issue related to the depiction of minorities on ethnic and minority groups." WASHINGTON - The Joint Baltic three considerations: I) that the radio and television, ihe clearinghouse Rep. Biaggi went on to say that a American National Caramittee American government" tias` mdiscrirrrF would carry out an educational broad-based coalition of ethnic groups, (JBANC) on March II issued a nately accepted Soviet evidence to program encouraging a positive including the Ukrainian National background paper to all the members of prosecute cases against former Baltic portrayal of minorities and ethnic Association, supports his legislation. Congress, discussing the issue of nationals who are now American deporting Baltic nationals to the USSR. citizens: 2) that naturalized citizens in An urgent appeal was included in the these cases do not in fact enjoy the full paper by concerned Baltic Americans scope of the Constitutional protection Shukhevych defense actions continue requesting congressional officials to of due process of law; 3) and that people intercede in the cases of Baltic nationals who fled the brutal and illegal Soviet with congressional letter, lobbying ordered deported to the Soviet Union occupation of Estonia, Latvia and after being stripped of their U.S. Lithuania for political reasons during NEWARK. N.J. - Actions on Meanwhile, members of Americans citizenship for allegedly concealing the World War II are now in danger of behalf of Ukrainian political, prisoner for Human Rights in Ukraine traveled their activities during World War II. being shipped back to the USSR." Yuriy Shukhevych are continuing to to Washington on April 3 to solicit The concerned citizens emphasized The JBANC went on to say that draw attention. New Jersey support for Reps. Guarini and that they are not opposed, in principle, deporting any individual to the Soviet Congressmen Frank Guarini (D) and Rinaldo's appeal to Mr. Gorbachev. to the retroactive quest for moral justice Union makes the Western world's Matthew Rinaldo (R) are circulating a The AHRU group concentrated its in the attempt to seek out and prosecute protest against Soviet injustices "Dear Colleague" letter in the House of efforts on the congressional contingent genuine Nazi war criminals. meaningless. Representatives, urging the legislators that left on April 4 for a visit to the The paper stated in part: "Our to sign a special message to Mikhail S. Soviet Union on the invitation of concerns are based on the following Gorbachev, general secretary of the Volodymyr Shcherbytsky. first Central Committee of the Communist secretary of the Communist Party Humphrey named Party in the Soviet Union, urging him to of Ukraine. The recent visit by Reagan scores release Yuriy Shukhevych from internal Mr. Shcherbytsky. who headed a Soviet to Helsinki Commission exile and allow him to emigrate to the delegation of Supreme Soviet members forced relocation United States. to the United States, was cut short due WASHINGTON - Sen. Gordon J. This action is being supported in a to the, death of Premier Konstantin WASHINGTON - President Humphrey, (R-N.H.) was named a joint effort by the Ukrainian Students Chcrnenko. Ronald Reagan, speaking on March 25 member of the Commission on Security Association of Michnowsky (TUSM) The congressional delegation to before a group of businessmen and and Cooperation in Europe, commonly and Americans for Human Rights in Moscow is' headed by Speaker of the others from Central American called the Helsinki Commission. Ukraine (AHRU) through letters, House Thomas O'Neill (D-Mass.) and countries, accused the Nicaraguan The senator pledged to use the telegrams, phone calls and visits to includes such prominent congressmen government of employing "Stalin's position to "help document and discuss congressional offices." as House Minority Leader Robert tactic" in relocating thousands of the human-rights violations being This joint congressional letter states in Michel (R-Ill.). DanRostcnkowski(D- citizens who do not support the regime. committed every day by the Soviets in part: "The imprisonment of Yuriy III.) and Silvio Conte (R-Mass.). The president further noted that Afghanistan. We must raise the human- Shukhevych has attracted worldwide An AHRU contingent, led by Ihor forced relocation had been used by the rights issue to help pressure the Soviets attention. Many international human- Olshaniwsky. who was elected president Soviets in Ukraine. to withdraw their occupation force." rights groups have urged that he be at AHRU`s annual meeting on "How many times have we seen this "The Soviets have turned the released, and President Reagan has Saturday. March 30. hand-delivered a pattern of forced relocation repeated — agreement signed in Helsinki into a prominently highlighted Yuriy`s plight prepared appeal to the departing U.S. in the Ukraine, in Vietnam, in cruel joke. The Soviets must withdraw on many occasions. As members of delegation in Washington asking its Cambodia, Afghanistan, Angola. from Afghanistan. The world is Congress we want to add our voice and members to raise Soviet violations of Ethiopia. Cuba and elsewhere?" he beginning to look in horror at the Nazi appeal for his freedom." human rights and non-compliance with asked. tactics used by the Soviets. The It concludes: "Your intervention to the Universal Declaration of Human President Reagan went on to say: atrocities must stop. The Helsinki free Yuriy Shukhevych and allow him Rights and the . "And yet. because we are such a trusting Commission must refocus attention on to come to the United States for medical AHRU`s appeal stated in part: "We people, anxious to believe others and what is occurring inside Afghanistan." attention would be greatly appreciated are especially disturbed about believe that they share our hopes and Sen. Humphrey said. by the American people. Soviet action persecution of Ukrainians who. our dreams, some still find it hard to The United Stales, the Soviet Union. on this matter will be viewed as an although representing only 20 percent look reality in the eye. or to rouse Canada and 32 European countries indication of your new leadership's of the population of the Soviet Union, themselves even when our most vital signed the agreement in 1975 in respect lor the rights of free expression constitute more than 50 percent of interests are threatened." Helsinki. Finland. and human dignity." (Continued on page 10) THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, APRIL 7,-1985 No. 14

Morrison scores president's Helsinki report Statement and appeal WASHINGTON - Rep. . Bruce activists, yet little attention is paid to Morrison (D-Conn.), in a March 21 them in the president's report," Rep. of UNA Supreme Auditing Committee letter to Assistant Secretary of State Morrison wrote. "While Ukrainians The Supreme Auditing Committee of the Ukrainian National Association, Richard Bun, criticized a presidential constitute over 40 percent of all political composed of John Hewryk, Nestor Olesnycky, Anatole Doroshenko, report to the Commission on Security prisoners in the Soviet Union, the Bohdan Hnatiuk and the Very' Rev. Stephan Bilak, on March 18 - 22 and Cooperation in Europe for failingto report fails to mention Ukrainian conduced a review of 1984 UNA operations. ""detail the plight of Ukrainians in the dissidents." Under review were UNA assets, bookkeeping, the Soyuzivka resort, Soviet Union." organizing activity, the Ukrainian National Urban Renewal Corp., all The letter referred to the 17th The congressman went on to score departments of the Home Office and its auxiliary divisions. Semiannual Report by the President to the report for neglecting to mention the As a result of its review, the Supreme Auditing Committee confirms the the CSCE. The report, which reviews fate of the , following: compliance with the 197S Helsinki by far the largest citizens' group in the 1. The Ukrainian National Association celebrated its 90th anniversary in Accords, is actually drafted by the State USSR set up to monitor Soviet 1984. This anniversary was noted with celebrations in the United States and Department. The last report contained compliance with the Helsinki Canada. virtually no mention of Ukraine in the agreement. He said that the members of 2. In Г984 UNA assets increased by 52,384,260, bringing the total assets section dealing with the USSR. the group "have - received extremely to 552,134,655. "As you know, the past six months harsh treatment and particularly long 3. The Ukrainian National Association enrolled 2,190 new members in have witnessed the deaths of three terms of imprisonment for espousing 1984 for a total of 59,706,000 of insurance despite the fact that earnings for prominent human- and national-rights principles of democracy and freedom." that period were limited. The over-all amount of members' insurance coverage rose to 5165,120,295. The average insurance coverage for this period was 51,657. This success is attributed above all to branch secretaries, as well as American who spent 18 years to the new inexpensive term and ADD insurance policies introduced by the recording department. 4. The Ukrainian National Urban Renewal Corp. (UNURC) had income in Soviet labor camps dies of 52,422,921, an increase of 5184,451 over 1983. Rent collected from tenants JERSEY CITY, N.J. - Victor the Stalinist purges and. after increased by 5163,854. Also, the corporation's expenditures increased slightly Herman, an American born of interrogation and torture, was sent to a in 1984, which UNA Supreme Treasurer Ulana Diachuk details in her Ukrainian parents, who went to the slave labor camp without a trial. He said reports. Soviet Union in 1931 as a teenager and he had never relinquished his American 5. At the time of the audit, the internal loan from UNA members returned to the United States in 1976 citizenship and never joined the (promissory notes) for the UNURC exceeded 54,823,350. This is evidence of after spending 18 years in labor camps Communist Party. the members' understanding and confidence in the UNA leadership. and in exile in , died of a heart Mr. Herman was pardoned in 1956 6. The Soyuzivka resort continues to successfully function as a Ukrainian attack on March 25, The New. York under Nikita S. Khrushchev's review of cultural center, featuring the finest artistic talents during the summer season, Times recently reported. He was 69 "offenses" of the Stalin era and was and it continues to be an attractive center for Ukrainian youths. years old and lived in a Detroit suburb. finally able to return to the United 7. As regards the Svoboda Press, the Supreme Auditing Committee calls Born in Detroit, Mr. Herman began States 20 years later. In the years since upon district and branch officers, and all UNA members to support the his 45-year exile in the Soviet Union his pardon he earned a doctoral degree Supreme Assembly in promoting UNA publications — Svoboda, The when he was a 16-year-old automobile in foreign languages and taught jryhe^ —Ukrainian Weekly and Veselka. worker. His father, a Communist Party Soviet republic of Moldavia. Furthermore, the Supreme Auditing Committee confirms that: labor organizer in the auto industry, Mr. Herman was the author of " The Ukrainian National Association, its Supreme Assembly and was one of 300 workers who, with his "Coming Out of the ice." the story of his Executive Committee consistently work toward the goals long ago family, went to the Soviet Union under imprisonment and exile, which was the established and codified in the UN A by-laws, as well as in accordance with the a contract between the Ford Motor Co. basis for a CBS television film in 1982. decisions of the UNA conventions and the Supreme Assembly meetings. and a Soviet company to build an After returning to the United States, ' The Ukrainian National Association continues to Support cultural, automobile factory in Gorky. Mr. Herman spent the next year almost religious, educational and youth organizations, as well as central After years in which he made a name exclusively on efforts to get his family organizations, such as the World Congress of Free Ukrainians, the Ukrainian for himself as a star athlete and a prize- out of the Soviet Union. His two American Coordinating Council and the Ukrainian Canadian Committee. winning stunt pilot and parachutist, the daughters, Svetiana. then 25. and ' Members of the Supreme Assembly and UNA members actively younger Mr. Herman was caught up in Janna. 20. were finally reunited with participate in Ukrainian community life, leading and supporting actions in their father in New York City in May defense of the human and national rights of Ukraine. Obituary 1977. But it was another year before Mr. " The Ukrainian National Association, its Supreme Assembly and Herman's wife. Galina. and her mother members give their full support to the Ukrainian nation in its battle and were allowed to come to the United attempt to realize the idea of a free and independent democratic Ukraine. Theresa Palkaninec States. The Supreme Auditing Committee calls on all UNA members to support President Ronald Reagan's administration, which has taken up the defense of of Coral Springs those persecuted in the USSR, and to take measures to inform the president of the particularly horrifying persecution of Ukrainian political prisoners in Bilyk to promote the USSR. ^ The Supreme Auditing Committee calls on UNA members to inform the Dolot memoirs governments of the United States and Canada that accusing the entire Ukrainian nation of Nazi collaboration during World War II is groundless JERSEY CITY. N.J. - Andrij Bilyk and based primarily on Soviet disinformation. QA. of Alexandria. Va.. author of the The Supreme Auditing Committee calls on the entire UNA membership "Effective Media Relations" column in and the Ukrainian community in the United States and Canada to defend The Weekly, has been named media Ukraine's name and honor. coordinator of the famine book project The Supreme Auditing Committee calls on the entire UNA family to join in for the Harvard Ukrainian Studies the general actions in defense of youth in the Ukrainian SSR - in particular, Fund. the brave political prisoners: to mobilize U.S. and Canadian public opinion, Mr. Bilyk`s goal is to attract the during this, the U.N.-proclaimed International Year of Youth. attention of the national media to the In 1988, Ukrainians will mark the historic millennium of Ukrainian book by M iron Dolot called "Execution Christianity. All UNA members should take part in the commemorative by Hunger:The Hidden Holocaust."He events planned by the metropolitans of Ukrainian Churches to mark this .is also trying to find Ukrainians in great event with dignity. various cities to implement local public Only nine years separate us from the UNA's 100th anniversary. During relations programs built around the these hundred years, many Ukrainian institutions were organized, existed for Theresa Dorogi Palkaninec famine book and to contact a a brief time and were disbanded. The Ukrainian National Association substantial portion of the news media in continues to exist and grow thanks to the devoted work of the sons and CORAL SPRINGS. Fla. - Theresa any given city. daughters of UNA`ers. Dorogi Palkaninec died on March 16 Those interested in working on this In this pre-convention year, the Supreme Auditing Committee calls on at the age of 60. services were project in their cities may contact Mr. branch secretaries and other officers to do everything possible to increase held March 27 in Chesnut Hill. Pa. Bilyk at P.O. Box 9653. Alexandria. Va. UNA membership. She is survived by her husband. 22304. The Ukrainian National Association has always been a defender of the Michael Palkaninec. of Chesnut Hill, 1" і --- rights of its members, the Ukrainian communities in the United States and three daughters. Natalka Harkins. Canada, and the Ukrainian nation in Ukraine. - Christina Liebsterahd Irka Palkaninec. Correction and ;i `n. Victor Michael Palkaninec. A detailed report on the annual audit, including "proposals, one brother who jives in Czecho­ recommendations and resolutions, will be presented in May by the chairman In last week's (March 311 issue of 1 he of the Auditing Committee during the annual meeting of the UNA Supreme slovakia, two sisters from Zakarpattia. Weekly, the story on page 3 headlined l,'kraine. and a granddaughter. Assembly. "Canadian MPs ol Ukrainian descent 1-or the Supreme Auditing Committee: Funeral services were held March 18 honored by community" inadvertently in Coral Springs. Contributions in Mrs. appeared without a byline. The stor\ John Hewryk. chairman Bohdan Hnatiuk, member Palkaninec's memory may be made to was written by Mykhailo Bociurkiw. a Nestor Olesnycky, vice-chairman The Very Rev. Stephan Bilak. member Save the Children Federation. 54 f`inadian correspondent lor The Anatole Doroshenko, secretary Jersev Citv. March 22. 1985 Wilton Road. Wesiport. Conn. 06880 Weekly. A No. 14 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, APRIL 7, 1985 5

them in some way during the war. upon by President Roosevelt at Yalta. postage stamp to commemorate the Saving Jews Larissa Zaleska Onyshkevych Stalin asked that three or at least two millennium of 's baptism ^ Lawrenceville, N.J. Soviet republics be admitted to-the as a Christian nation. The five- in Ukraine United Nations. He confessed to cent stamp depicts a white, crowned Polish eagle on a red shield with a white Dear Editor: Roosevelt that the Ukrainians were Ukraine and causing him trouble, and, in order to cross, the dates "966-1966," and the The recent discussion of Ukrainian- words "Poland's Millennium." Jewish relations brings to mind my appease them, he would have to get a United Nations U.N. membership for them. Roosevelt I have written to the president of the experience as a small child in western United States and received word that Ukraine. It was during the Nazi was flattered that a strong man like Dear Editor: Sta.lin admitted a weakness, and he the postal administration would occupation. In the city ofStryi, where we 1 was greatly perturbed to read in The "consider" a stamp commemorating used to live, 1 happened to have agreed to the U.N. membership of the Ukrainian Weekly (March 3) that the Ukrainian and Byelorussian republics. Ukraine's millennium. However, a wandered off alone and was met by a UACCouncil was planning to protest unified Ukrainian effort for such a couple of Jewish militiamen together From the very start the Soviets have the expulsion of the Ukrainian and been using the presence of Ukrainian stamp would surely force the. U.S. with two German soldiers. The Jewish Byelorussian Soviet socialist republics government to issue one. If they did it militiamen identified me as Jewish. I and Byelorussian republics in the from the United Nations. As far as I United Nations to their advantage. for the Poles, they can do it for the protested that I was Ukrainian. The understand, the introduction in the U.S. Ukrainians. militiamen repeated that they knew that What possible advantage for the Congress of a bill which would include a Ukrainian cause could there be in the Such a stamp would not only pay ` I was Jewish; I was taken with them. proposal of such expulsion is now being Along the way we were met by a continuous presence of Soviet Ukraine tribute to the religious foundations storekeeper who knew me well. When considered by some senators and in the United Nations? The Soviet America was settled on, it would also^ the Germans questioned him, and he representatives. The proposal would Ukrainian puppets in that international honor the Christians of the world. More identified me by name and nationality, I emphasize that the Ukrainian and body help perpetuate the notion that the importantly, it would stand as a was let go with the comment: "You can Byelorussian Soviet republics are not Ukrainians are happy to be in union monument Ц) America's freedom as the go. We have filled our quota of independent nations and, therefore, the with Russia and do not really want millions of Ukrainians who live under Ukrainians for the day."Thus my name United States should reduce its independence. the atheistic tyranny of the Soviet was not added to the list of Jews who ` financial contribution to the United The intention of the U ACC to protest Union will not be able to celebrate this perished at the hands of the Nazis. Nations until these republics become the explusion of Soviet Ukraine from blessed event. independent. the United Nations borders on political Petro Matias/ск Despite this occurrence with the I believe it is a splendid idea. If such a insanity. 1 believe that we should Paterson, N.J. Jewish militiamen, my family continued bill were passed and the U.S. support the idea of such expulsion and to hide a Jewish girl, disguising her as a government were to bring this matter up do everything possible to bring the Ukrainian maid. Also, when one of the for' discussion in the U.N. General debate over Ukraine'ssovereignty to the Ukrainian settlers representatives of the Ukrainian Assembly, what a golden opportunity forum of United Nations. committee asked for volunteers to help this would betobringtothe attention of Roman Legedza in Brazil the world the violations of Ukraine's save Jewish children, my family was Wichita, Kansas Dear Editor: willing to take this risk and take a sovereignty by the Soviet regime. Jewish girl from the ghetto intojour I refer, to the interesting article by Dr. family. I went with my mother to the The UTN7 membership of thf "The millennium Anthony J. Wachna on a visit with prearranged meeting place to meet "my Ukrainian and Byelorussian SSRs is an Brazil's Ukrainians. sister," but her mother changed her anomaly and a farce. The USSR and stamps Immigration to Brazil from Ukraine mind, and did not want to part with her delegation in the United Nations had commenced considerably before child. We never evenlcnew the last name represents the entire union, and yet Dear Editor: 1895 when Prof. Joseph Oleskiw visited of these people, and could not findou t if the two republics are represented 1988. the thousandth anniversary of Brazil. His visit to Brazil convinced him they were saved in some other way. separately. It is a clear case of double re­ the baptism of Ukraine as a Christian of the.unsuitability of the circumstances presentation. On the other hand, it is a nation, is rapidly approaching. The of settlement for Ukrainians which led For my family's good deeds to total well-known fact that the delegation of Ukrainian community is planning many him to write booklets that led to the strangers we do not expect any thanks. these two republics do not represent the events to commemorate that sacred shift of Ukrainian immigration from But neither do we expect any people of Ukraine and Byelorussia, occasion. Our greatest efforts, however, Brazil to Canada. Oleskiw thus was undeserved and unjust accusations of but serve only as a mouthpiece of should also be directed towards letting responsible for the large Ukrainian Ukrainians -\ia relation to Jews. Moscow and provide additional votes the world know of our great Canadian community of today. Especially when/every other Ukrainian for the Soviets. anniversary. family that I know, at the risk of their The U.N. membership of Soviet On July 30, 1966, the United States J. B. Gregorovich own lives, was hiding Jews or helping Ukraine and Byelorussia was agreed government issued a commemorative Toronto The role of today's youths in the Ukrainian community

Text of an address by Mykhqilo Bociurkiw, past The Ukrainian Canadian Students' Union (SUSK) position in that within its ranks are found members of president of lhe. Canadian Ukrainian Students Union, was established in 1953. It has grown into an all Ukrainian youth organizations, as well as students delivered on March 16 at the national conference of "organization involving some 2.000 students in 18 post- who join SUSK with little or no previous organiza­ the Ukrainian Canadian Committee. secondary institutions across Canada. Basically the tional experience. aims of SUSK are: I) to be involved with the growth In my mind, the role of youth in the Ukrainian Before proceeding. I would like to first express my and development of the Ukrainian community: 2) to community is multi-faceted. 1 think that SUSK`s scope thanks to the organizers of this conference for the develop the leadership skills of its members: and. 3) to of activities and interests is a good indicator of the opportunity to be here. I certainly have found very, monitor and publicize political developments in diversity of young people's abilities. stimulating the deliberations to date, and I will do my Ukraine. But. I'm sure that many of the students here know best to add something as well. During most of the past decade. SUSK has been all too well the intense demands that a heavy course 1 must tell you at the outset that it might have been among the most active Ukrainian community load may bring: students are forced to live almost more prudent on my part to address you in the organizations in Canada and has become a leader schizophrenic lives as they move from one community , after all. this is a conference of among students of Ukrainian and other backgrounds. to another. During the academic year, they do not the Ukrainian Canadian Committee. In and of itself, this is a remarkable accomplishment have a lot of time on their hands. In accordance with But 1 could not have hoped to convey to you all of for a broad-based, volunteer organization in a diverse community norms, they continue to sing in Ukrainian my thoughts on this topic in Ukrainian. I'm not community. Other ethnocultural communities have choirs, dance in Ukrainian dance troupes, teach hesitant to admit to you that I find myself among the few. if any. comparable examples of youth Ukrainian school and fill the upper ranks of Ukrainian estimated 50 to 75 percent of Ukrainian-Canadian organizations that have been as successful in youth organizations. The rest of their waking hours youth between the ages of 15 and 24 who cannot speak managing to adapt and mobilize its members. might be spent in the library or in heated discussions fluent Ukrainian. Although those of us who find about the community. ourselves in this category acknowledge the importance - But. as time passes, we find that an increasing of preserving the Ukrainian language, we do not feel ... our community is not adequately number of students begin to place a lower priority on that this should act as a barrier to our full participation equipped to defend itself from dis­ extracurricular activities - such`as working in the in the Ukrainian community. Ukrainian community. I suppose its's not surprising to 1 -have been invited here today to speak about a very torted, inaccurate and sensationa­ learn that students are now concentrating on important topic: the role ol youth in the Ukrainian developing their careers. community. To begin with, I say to you that 1 have lized news reports... Unemployment levels among Canada's youth never felt that one should discuss this issue without remain alarmingly high at 18.7 percent, and young being frank about it. Perhaps some of my personal SUSK`s most recent activities include: conferences people account for 40 percent of all of Canada's opinions will spark controversy. Therefore. I might on human rights and multiculturalism. leadership unemployed. Stattstics'Canada counts as many as add. that the views that'I express today are not skills-development workshops, demonstrations in 540.000 Canadians between the ages of 15 and 24 ;is necessarily those of the national executive of the defense of Ukrainian political prisoners, lobbying being officially jobless. Ukrainian Canadian Students' Union (SUSK). campaigns directed at federal and provincial govern­ Many students have graduated from university with 1 would. However, like to sav a word about SUSK ments, and myriad other projects. high marks and yet are unable to find meaningful and before I uet to the matter at hand. SUSK. as an organization of students, is in a unique (Continued on page 12) 6 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, APRIL 7, 1985 No. 14

Ukrainian Week Ї Faces and Places by Myron B. Kuropas Time of great joy

For Christians everywhere Easter is a time of great joy, a symbol of Ryan letter: insult to Ukrainian community hope fulfilled, as it marks the end of man's spiritual journey from the In his letter to The Ukrainian Weekly statement that would have no doubt Garden of Eden to the Garden of Gethsemane. ending in the criticizing Prof.. Taras Hunczak`s come as a surprise to the millions of atonement of the cross the final'reconciliation of God and man. 'review of his book. Allan A. Ryan Jr. Ukrainians who suffered and died As a man, Jesus embodies this journey, and as the Son of God, he does nothing to dispel my suspicions because of the Hitlerite belief that all brings us to its glorious end. As we celebrate Holy Week, we see not regarding his motives. On the contrary. Slavs were untermenschen'. Mr. Duker only the divine aspect of Jesus, but also His humanity. Praying to God 1 am more convinced than ever that in also condemned the Ukrainian the Father in the Garden of Gethsemane shortly before he was Allan J. Ryan this country has a new Insurgent Army for killing what he betrayed, Jesus suffered the agony of self-doubt, of questioning the brand of McCarthyism. His letter, defined as "pro-Allied partisans." in purpose of His life on earth, much as we suffer to understand the moreover is an insult to Ukrainian reality. Bolshevik partisans determined meaning of our lives and seek guidance from God. But as the Son of Americans. to return Stalinist rule to Ukraine. Mr. Ryan claims that he never Although Mr. Duker sent his article to God, Jesus was praying for our sins, not His own. for the redemption of intended to "generalize the guilt of every representative in Congress, only mankind, for an end to the alienation that began long before in individual criminals - be they one commented upon it in the another garden - the Garden of Eden. Ukrainian, Latvian, Lithuanian or Congressional Record. The cross, then, firmly anchored in the earth and pointing toward others - to their nation as a whole." Another Ryan source is "America heaven, symbolizes the reconciliation of God and man, the ultimate Not true. Anyone who has read Ryan's and the Survivors of the Holocaust" by unity of the temporal with the spiritual, the exemplification of man's book knows that Ukrainians are Leonard Dinnerstein. oneness with God. savaged in the text with quotations Unlike Mr. Duker, Mr. Dinnerstein The miracle of the Resurrection not only confirms this describing them as "brutal." "bestial" concedes that "almost all of the non- reconciliation, but eternalizes it, offering salvation to all who are and "bloodthirsty." Mr. Ryan wasn't Jewish East Europeans refused willing to accept Christ's life. His teachings and His love. As nature writing about individual Ukrainians repatriation because they hated and when he cited these pejoratives, he was renews itself in the spring, magnificently illustrating the concept of feared communism and their - writing about "the Ukrainians." governments had been taken over by the transmutation and rebirth in the physical world, so too Easter --the Sure Mr. Ryan admits that it would Communists." Having accepted that story of the meaning of Christ's life, death and Resurrection - should be wrong to conclude "that a majority premise, Mr. Dinnerstein then goes on to renew our spiritual life and help us understand its meaning. Indeed, it of Ukrainian, Baltic and Volksdeutsche claim that Jewish Americans (especially is a time of great joy. Christ is Risen. immigrants had taken part in the atro­ the American Jewish Committee) cities" but he adds an ominous qualifier. lobbied hard on behalf of the Displaced "The number who had actually taken Persons Act of 1948 only to discover part in the persecution of Jews, Mr. that in its final form the DP Act Combatting stereotypes Ryan writes, "as opposed to those who discriminated against Jews and favored 'had merely been sympathizers was Baits and Ukrainians who had On March 20. without much fanfare. Rep. Mario Biaggi (D-N.Y.) almost certainly a small part - tormented the Jews. That came about. introduced a bill that would create a special clearinghouse in the although no one will ever know how Mr. Dinnerstein argues, because of Federal Communications Commission to monitor the depiction of small"(emphasis minej. Is the primary anti-Semitic sentiment among many ethnic and minority groups on television and radio. The bill, HR 1607, purpose of that open-ended statement Americans and some influential would provide a separate bureaucratic channel within the FCC for to convince the reader that very few congressmen. ethnic groups to relay any grievances relating to radio or TV Ukrainians were involved in Nazi war Mr. Dinnerstcin`s documentation for programming. The aim of the bill is primarily to combat ethnic. crimes, or is it a subtle attempt to instill this bold assertion is mixed. religious'and racial stereotyping and misinformation, as well as to in the reader the notion that the Much solid evidence is provided from promote a greater sensitivity on the part of the media relative to the Ukrainian community has countless American Jewish Committee (A.IC) "closet" Nazis who might never be coverage and depiction of ethnic and minority groups. files to substantiate the AJC role in exposed? creating the Citizen's Committee on Clearly, it is high time for such legislation. In a "Dear Colleague" " Mr. Ryan accuses Prof. Hunczak of Displaced Persons (CCDP). а погк/ letter asking congressmen to co-sponsor his bill. Rep. Biaggi noted being "quite irresponsible" in accusing denominational group of dislinguishtu that the FCC had received some 614 complaints in fiscal 1984 him of "a deliberate distortion of Americans who lobbied on behaffof the concerning the portrayal of minorities and ethnics. Despite advances historical evidence." Prof. Hunc/ak. Displaced Persons Aft M r. in civil rights, much of today's television programming is still rife with however, is right on target. 1 have Dinnerstein carefully det/ils` how the stereotyping, particularly in the areas of race and religion. I he checked Mr. Ryan's source and the AJC provided most of the\fu tiding for clearinghouse would, as envisioned, promote greater public awareness reference is to the ^bloodthirstiness" of the CCDP. how the AJCv^alienated of this and related issues. the Volksdeutsche, not to Ukrainians American Zionists (who wantechk`w isli as Mr. Ryan writes in his book. DPs to go to Palestine, not America The legislation could also conceivably help the Ukrainian 1 have also checked some of Mr. and how the CCDP worked with the community, which currently is facingihe loathesome prospect of being Ryan's other sources, especially those Truman White House and Congress to branded with the broad brush of collaborating with the Germans. We he cites to support his outrageous pass the DP bill. need only recall the way Ukrainians were depicted some years ago in allegation that "it was the deliberate Mr. Dinnerstein also provides some the NBC miniseries "Holocaust." in which one of the characters makes policy of the United States to encourage convincing evidence regarding anti- the outrageous statement that Ukrainians killed more Jews than the the immigration, and then to ignore the Jewish feelings among Americans in Nazis. More recently, similar broad-based aspersions were cast against presence, of Nazi war criminals among general (mostly polls) and certain Ukrainians on several radio and television news/interview shows. us..." None of Mr. Ryan's references in influential congressmen whose remarks There are also instances of misinformation, some subtle, some this regard substantiate that charge, and regarding Jewish DPs could be easily overt. For example, the TV series "The Unknown War," now on PBS, to me that is also a torm ot distortion. interpreted as anti-Semitic. which deals with World War If on the Eastern Front, makes Mr. Ryan cites an obscure article by Mr. Dinnerstein falls short, however, Abraham Duker titled "Admitting in his efforts to substantiate his constant references to "Russians" fighting Nazis and the destruction of Pogromists and Excluding" Their "Russian" cities, while most of the fighting took place on Ukrainian assertion that few Jewish DPs came to Victims" which appeared intheOctober America because the DP legislation territory. A recent show on religion in the Soviet Union failed to men­ 1, 1948, issue of The Reconstruclionist. favored Baits and Ukrainians. tion the outlawed Ukrainian Catholic Church. According to Mr. Duker, "many, if not M r. Dihncrstein's own statistics show As of March 21, one day after it was introduced, the bill had no co- most, of the non-Jewish DPs are former that, whereas Jews numbered sponsors, according to a spokesman from Rep. Biaggi`s Washington German collaborationists, past killers, between 20 and 25 percent of the DPs at office. Though that in itself is not unusual, it would nevertheless be present fascists, anti-Semites, potential any given moment, some 40 percent of helpful if members of the Ukrainian community wrote their pogromists, and coup d' etatists" who the DPs admitted to the United States representatives in the House asking them toco-sponsor the Biaggi bill. refused to be repatriated because they between October 30, 1948. and March Its passage would ensure that, at the very least, Ukrainians would have feared "to face well-deserved 22, 1949. were Jews. How can that be a specific bureau to which grievances could be addressed. The UNA punishment at home." Aside from the construed as discrimination? Sure, the fact that this was' the standard line of percentage of Jewish immigrants has gone on record in support of the legislation, and we encourage America's Communists during the DP other Ukrainian organizations and individuals to work for its dropped to 26 percent between March debate of the late 1940s. Mr. Duker's 22. 1949. and February 17. 1950. 21 adoption. The issue of defamation and misinformation is clearly an expertise in this matter is best revealed percent between February 17 and extremely pressing concern for our community. in his contention that Ukrainians "were December 31. 1950. and to 16 percent placed by the Nazis in. the same between Januarv I and June 30. 1952. categories as the racial Germans...." a (Continued on page 13) No. 14 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, APRIL 7, 1985 ; 7

Effective Media Relations Yosyp Terelia's^ Easter message: by Andrij Bilyk

P.O. Box 9653, Alexandria, Va. 22304 "arise ... for right to live" Below is the lex/ of the Easier energy in order to turn back the pastoral written by Yosyp Terelia on perdition that is threatening us... TUSM's D.C. demonstration: on the mark April 12, 1984. that appeared in issue Today the nation needs people NoAofthe Chronicle of the Catholic Give the Ukrainian Students TUSM understood lite opportunity, who could find within themselves the Association of Michnowsky a near- Church in Ukraine, an underground courage and the strength to cry out and it was ready. In fact, in calls to the journal published by the Initiative perfect nine for its demonstration in media on the day of the protest, its aloud about our predicament, which front of the Soviet Embassy on Friday, Group Jor the Defense of Believers is full of tragedy. members informed the press that and the Church. March 29. TUSM's protest was similar in its non­ Today's Russian rulers like to Though 10 persons were arrested, violent nature to the protests at the separate the concepts of "Catholic" there was no violence and no one was Today the Church of Christ is and "Ukrainian." Why do the rulers South African Embassy - and that, celebrating the radiant Resurrection. charged with resisting arrest, as was the therefore, the treatment of those emphasize so much the separateness case in a recent demonstration in New A great injustice arose in its time, as of the Catholic from everything arrested should be equal under the law. happens today as well. Jesus Christ, York City (The Ukrainian Weekly, To ensure that it made its point. TUSM Ukrainian - from everything by March 17). the Savior of the world, the only Son which a Catholic lives and in the hired a spokesman - an attorney of God, was condemned at one time In fact, the seven women and three who worked out the details of the arrest name of which he struggles? Jesus men of TUSM (the Ukrainian acronym by human enmity to indignity and said, "Blessed are you when they will with the police beforehand. suffering by the entire Jewish people, of the student group's name) who gave (As it turned out. four protesters dishonor you, when they will themselves up for arrest -in true non­ and was condemned to death and persecute you. when they will falsely arrested at the South African Embassy crucified, and took away death for us violent civil-rights style - may have set were reported to have been processed say all kinds of evil words against a precedent for all such future non­ all in order to redeem the human race you, for my sake. Rejoice and be through the 3rd Police Precinct in 10 to from its sins... violent arrests at the gate of the Soviet 15 minutes and did not have to post glad: for great shall be your reward in Embassy. (The 10 were charged with bail while TUSM members had to In the affairs of God, the heaven" (Matthew 5: 11-12). For he "congregating within 500 feet of an wait six to seven hours and had to post redemption of the human race, the who shall suffer death for the faith/ embassy.") bail. Consequently, this part of the story death on the cross, which took place will be called a martyr; to bear the That's because the TUSM leadership is continuing. In the Tuesday, April 2, on Golgotha, was the last act which cross for the faith means that you responsible for the demonstration - issue of the Washington Times, brought about the center of our faith bear the cross also for your own staged to publicize the plight of TUSM's attorney, J. Andrew and moral renewal. We are captive people. long-time dissident Yuriy Shukhevych Chopivsky, is quoted as saying: "We Christians! As in the earliest times of At all times when one or another — took the time to analyze how such just think it's unjust that the U.S. persecution of Christians, we are people would fall into ruin' and arrests were being handled at the South attorney is giving favoritism to jnore^ experiencing the same decline as captivity, its leaders would African Embassy. popular causes."") —onee-did Rome before its fall. With emphasize morality and ethical They reasoned and asked: If The story the protesters wanted to tell pressure and physical destruction, culture. When the Poles fell into people, including dignitaries such as was told by the press. And, The today's Communist rulers are waging captivity, they founded societies for Jesse .1 ackson. can-be routinely arrested Washington Post, aided by a press kit a mortal struggle against Christians. moral renewal - the Philaret at the gates of the South African developed by TUSM, did a good job. What is this about? What is the Society, the S/.ubrawcy. and in the reason for this? final years before they achieved Embassy ` and face no prosecution -- Thus, the lead of The Washington freedom, the Ethical Society. For then why couldn't the same thing Post story read: "Ten persons who were When social life is undermined at us. such an ethical-moral society is happen at the Soviet Embassy? protesting the Soviet Union's inhumane its foundation, when general our Church. And it is. therefore, not treatment of a Ukrainian human and disintegration nears its end. when strange that the authorities persecute The several hours spent talking with political rights activists were arrested there is no strengthening by any the Ukrainian Catholics with such demonstrators and police at the South yesterday afternoon outside the Soviet fruitful idea, a human being has severity. We must remember that the Mncan Embassy paid off handsomely Embassy, police reported." before him no calming thought, not strength of a people lies in its mass, for TUSM - but not without some The Post story also said that TUSM the slightest ray of hope which would not in its territory. But this mass additional luck. Who could`ve President Petro Shmigel. carrying a free a human being from virtual must be healthy, not de-nationali/ed predicted, lor example, that two days petition on behalf of Shukhevych, was perdition — the only light ol the sun and lacking its own desire lor life... -bcfuie the TUSM demonstration, on allowed to enter the embassy to of truth upon humanity is the idea ol I oday we are divided between March 27. The Washington Post, in an personally deliver the petition. Jesus Christ, who suffered on the different nations, and each one ol editorial, would question the police and According to the Ukrainian National cross for us. What must we do? The them gives us good fortune only if it the courts about the fairness of not Information Service, inside Mr. time when our people has fallen wishes to. Let us remember that not prosecuting over 1.500 persons arrested Shmigel spoke about Mr. Shukhevych under the blows of the Communist one of the occupant nations will give at the South African Embassy, while a and Russification. "We sympathize warriors against God is also a time ol us any freedom, any moral U.S. citi/en from Cambodia was being with you." he was told. However, the great trial. The Church's task is to correction, for to them we are worse prosecuted lor exercising her civil rights Soviet representative would not accept give the correct orientation in the than slaves. Therefore, only we musi in Iront of the Soviet Embassy? the petition. So. Mr. Shmigel gently given situation, to explain the threat ^carry through the reform only we! The Post editorial asked: Is there one inserted it between the buttons of the of the moment, to teach the people justice lor "liberal" protests and another representative's shirt. At that point. Mr. how to conduct itself in this difficult The time has come to see the light justice for per/sons espousing Shmigel was asked to leave, but the hour, how one must not lose spirit and. not sparing our strength, to "conservative" causes? That editorial, petition remained inside the embassy. and how to develop the greatest arise for the sacred right to live. the moment \y appeared, cast a In addition to practicing effective precedent-setting aura around media relations in the nation's capital. New release lichever Croup would next TUSM representatives in sorne^cities tate at the Soviet Embassy. It invested their energies^nTTelivcring was a douh,lejedged sword, however. their press kit and (discussing the Munich-based socio-political journal \Vhatever\lhe next group was, it Shukhevych case with the media in the MUNICH - Vidnova. a new journal must become the responsibility of those would have tot (I) be aware of this cities where they live. Once in the edited by Jaroslaw Pelenski. was circles in the diaspora who understand opportunity: (2'\age its demonstration capital, they called the Washington- released here recently. hat otherwise creative deliberation will bv cop.Mng thosesvwho demonstrate based representatives of their home­ In a brief introduction to ihe first oe reduced to considerations of literary daily at the So.nh AM`ican Embassy. By town papers to reinforce the fact that issue of the magazine, dated and ethnic phenomena. the same token, violence at the Sc vas a local story as well. summer-fall 1984 us editors explain The editors go on to suggest that Embassy would have аІІоугеїЦгіе | On the bottom line, in Washington why they believe such a publication is Ukrainians are sorely in need of a new and the certs to coplout o'` 'his vital on March 29. TLSM was a credit to the necessary. ndependent organ in which various issue of eoual treatment. cause of a free Ukraine They note that the liquidation of м)сіо-political ideas and undirected Ukrainian representation in the conceptual problems can be proposed; Communist Party of Ukraine in the consequently, the magazine, Vidnova 1970s as well as the continuing (Renewal). NOT CE TO PUBLISHERS dispersion of the Ukrainian community The first issue focuses on the 100th in the diaspora, has checked the anniversary of the Ukrainian women's lAND AUTHORS development of Ukrainian cultural and movement. It includes three articles by socio-political thought. -one of the movement's founders, It is The Ukrainian Weekly s policy to run news items and for reviews "At critical moments in the histories Natalia Kobrynska, a look at the of newly published books, booklets and reprints, as well as records of enslaved or forcibly dependent niovement`s 100-year history, an arutprtfrnirefssues of periodicals, only after receipt by the editorial nations, socio-political thought has examination of the needs of today's -oifices of a copy of the material in Question. served as the means by which these woman and the First act of a play, News item`, sent without a copy of the new release will not be nations preserve self-awareness and "Marta." by Dmytro Nykolyshyn. published their identities, and helped in the To subscribe in the United States. Sent new reposes and information (where publication may be риг– planning of their future aspirations." write to Dora Horbachevsky, 111 chasec co?'. ere to: The Editor, The Ukrainian Weekly, 30 Montgo­ the editors write. However, they conti­ Presidential Blvd.. Suite '243. Bala mery St., Jen my City, N.J. 07302. nue, if a nation is under autocratic rule, Cynwyd. Pa. 19004 (S5 per issue. SI8 then continuing socio-political thought (Continued on page 10) THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, APRIL 7, 1985 No. 14

MUSIC NOTES Art scene: Martyniuk's paintings on display in'Connecticut Can't find it - can't buy it by Oles Ku/ys/лп are relatively inexpensive and readily available. They make the product How many of us have gone through visible and accessible. Since numerous the following ordeal? studies have proven that record An advertisement for a new purchasers are often impulsive, take Ukrainian record release appears in The advantage of this by not forcing your Weekly or another Ukrainian customers to search for records and periodical, or perhaps you hear about tapes. such a release from a Iriend or relative. " Feature new releases by placing You make your way to the local them in an area where customer traffic Ukrainian bookstore or gift shop and is greatest. An attractive sign or poster proceed to the area where records are with perhaps a few explanatory or, at "displayed." (To refer to such an area as least, attention-grabbing phrases a "record department" would be far too wouldn't hurt either. gracious.) More often than not the " Run weekly sales on slower moving display copies are stacked in unsightly items, or, similarly, offer a discount to cardboard boxes in no particular order, purchasers of more than one record. It and you are forced to flip through every seems to me that the increased volume record to find the one that you are of sales would justify a slightly lower looking for. or any other new release profit margin on each individual item. that might interest you. Even if you do " Display records according to have the time and patience to per­ categories of interest, i.e., "classical" in severe, the end result is. invariably, one section, "pop" in another, "folk" in "jacket shopping" - that is, trying to yet another, etc. It is very frustrating, locate record jackets that you hadn't yet for example, for an enthusiast of choral come across in similar "hunts." The music to have to wade through 50 pop records found on inventory shelves are albums, before he finds just one no help citherV They are usually example of what interests him. stacked side by side with the edges " If a performing artist or group has facing out. and even the most released more than one album, keep enthusiastic shopper would invariably. -them together, soThartrie`cTKidrneTis" go blind trying to read the minuscule aware of the entire catalogue at once. print on the edges. You must resort to " Keep an inventory card behind pulling each record out. one by one, in each set of records, with the title of the order to identify it. record and name, address and or phone If cassettes are your preference, you number of the distributor written or are indeed in a hopeless situation. These printed on the card. When a record is are usually piled in an even more sold out. it is immediately evident, and a haphazard fashion on one bookshelf or re-order can be placed without delay. A some other equally inappropriate customer frustrated by the fixture. Without the corresponding unavailability of a particular record will record jacket to refer to, the trouble is either go elsewhere to purchase it, or hardly worth it. give up and forget about the record Sometimes a salesperson will be able completely. to assist you. But even the most ' The card cited above can serve a "Delphinium" (1984, acrylic) by Larysa Martyniuk. knowledgeable one cannot be expected dual purpose. If it is slightly taller than FARMINGTON. Conn. Larysa Ms. Martyniuk's work is included in to have the entire inventory on the tip of the record jacket itself, the title of the Martyniuk. 'an artist residing in several permanent collections, among his tongue. Thus, when a customer record or name of the performer can be Woodbridge. Conn., will be exhibiting them the Hunt Institute lor Botanical inquires "what's new on the market?" written on the protruding portion her recent paintings at Tribcca Gallery Documentation. Carnegie Mellon usually, the same three or four releases making it easier for the customer to see in Farmington. University and the Unitersity of are recommended and sold, while the exactly what's in the display rack. The large canvases executed in Connecticut Collection of Contem­ other 90 percent lie idly on the dusty " Above all, play Ukrainian music in acrylics depict realistic florals set porary Art. shelves. In the more rare case of the the store. Customers will often ask what against imaginary landscapes. The The artist has participated in various frustrated record enthusiast described music is being played and take an artist, concerned with sharp visual solo and group exhibitions, including above, an inquiry regarding a specific interest in the record. Often I have images imposed on idealized the Connecticut Painters and'Sculptors record or cassette will result, most visited a Ukrainian bookstore or gift backdrops, creates a world of mystical Annual at the Stamford Museum, the often, in a duplication of the "hunt" shop only to hear an American or quality. Connecticut Women Artists Exhibits, already conducted by the shopper, this Canadian radio program played The exhibit, which opens to the the Fabcr Birren Color Award Show, time by the salesperson — and often through the store's speakers. This seems public on Saturday, April 20. will also and the New Haven Paint and Clay with similar results. to me to be not only a poor advertising include several works on paper. These Annual Juried Exhibits. The end result is indeed disastrous for technique, but a contradiction in small watercolors are utilized by the The Tribeca Gallery is located at 768 the Ukrainian recording industry. (Continued on page 11) Records don't sell, because potential artist primarily as studies for the larger Farmington Avc.. and the exhibit will customers are not even aware that they canvases. be on view through June 8. are available. Retailers reduce or even In the press discontinue their o`.ders. because the inventory remains stagnant for years. UNWLA announces two competitions Producers and performers (who often Survey of must finance their own releases), are JERSEY CITY. N.J. - The scholarships will he granted for studies at reluctant to invest the S 10,000 or rrtore "lost" Kiev Ukrainian National Women's League accredited U.S. or Canadian needed to record an LP and of America recently announced universities. Categories should be manufacture cassettes, because they JERSEY CITY. N.J. The deadlines and contest rules for two specified in letters of introduction. have no guarantee of at least recouping catalogue of "The Lost Architecture of competitions. The amount of the scholarship will be their investment, not to mention Kiev" exhibit was reviewed in the winter To qualify for the Eva Stashkiw determined by the judging committee making even a marginal profit. And 19X4 issue of the Slavic Review, an Scholarship Fund, applicants should on an individual basis. worst of all. Ukrainian record buyers American quarterly of Soviet and East fulfill one of three requirements: Only UNWLA members who joined and listeners are forced to listen to the European studies, by William individuals should hold degrees in the organization at least one year prior same records over and over again for Brumfield ofTulane University. journalism, languages, library sciences to submitting their entry need apply. lack of variety and new releases. What In his review. Mr. Brumfield noted or museum sciences and must show that The deadline for applications is April develops is a vicious circle that benefits that the hook by I itus I). Hewryk. they plan to utilize their knowledge of 30, 1985. no one. produced to accompany an cxiuoitiuu the Ukrainian language in their The Committee for the Lesia and Although I do not claim expertise in at The Ukrainian Museum in New professional work; applicants should Petro Kowaliw Fund, which is under either marketing or retail, the following York, is an "excellent survey of 'lost' have university approval for work on a the auspices of the UNWLA. suggestions seem to be only logical and Kiev." doctorate in the various fields of announced literary contests in the practical. "We now have not only a wealth of UKrainian studies, or in comparative following categories: fiction in the form lord and cassette display racks illustrative material concerning l lie studies of literature, history, sociology, of a short-story or novel based on a destroyed architectural landmarks but music, etc.: applicants should have a historical theme: scholarly work on a Oles Kuzyszyn is a musician anil also a wcll-rcscarehed survey of the scholarly work accepted for historical subject (monograph). music critic. He is a member of the tskra circumstances Ol their destruction." publication. Entries io both categories should be hand. wrote Mr, Brumfield. In thi first am! ;cond categories. (Continued on page.11) No. 14 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, APRIL 7, 1985 9

The Ukrainian pysanka: truly a magical-object by Yaroslava Surmach Mills only be disposed by the three style and colors. While symbols period, by setting aside the holy elements, by being buried, were often similar, they were smoothest best-shaped eggs. It This article originally appeared in burned by fire, or on Easter Mon­ combined in countless different was essential to have six eggs, The Weekly several years ago. day by being floated on flowing patterns. each of which had to be the first waters, to let the Blazhenni, the Rituals and prayers^ empha­ laid egg of a young hen. At mythical good men who live sized the importance of making sunrise on Monday of Holy Week, In the past, when a Ukrainian beyond the Sunday Waters, pysanky. Preparing the dyes was these eggs were cracked against woman sat down to her solemn know that Easter has come. usually done in secret. In the a budding tree and the yolks kept task of decorating Easter eggs, Pysanky were made in all parts Carpathian mountain region, the for as long as the decoration she made a sign of the cross and of Ukraine, but each region and Hutzul women began their work lasted. Before evening of the whispered, "with God's help." often each village had its own during the middle of the Lenten (Continued on page 16) Then she could proceed with confidence. With her simple stylus, called a kistka, she "wrote" on the egg with melted wax, dividing the ovoid shape into several areas. With a succession of dye baths and the addition of ancient symbols drawn with the wax, the egg took on its powerful magical qualities and became a revered object, a pysanka. To insure its benevolence, the decorator dared not stray from the proscribed time, method, colors or symbols in making a pysanka. To do so would be to weaken the pysanka's power to ward off evil. Even by itself the unadorned egg was a magical object. It was the source of life, a symbol of fertility. It was all the more powerful when representing tbe- sun-god floating in the universe, whose return each spring was a celebrated event. The agrarian people of Ukraine worshipped the sun-god Dazhboh, (literally "god- who-gives") and the spring equinox ("when the earth was reborn") was the most important festival of the year. With the advent of Christianity in Ukraine, in 988 A.D., eggs continued to play a Central role in і the yearly celebration of Christ's resurrection. Many symbols of the old sun worship survived, and appeared on the eggs in manifold variations. Discs with radiating straight lines, curved lines of hooks are easily recognizable. But more subtle forms appear as well: the swastika, triquetrum and eight-pointed star also symbolize the life-group sun. A cock's crow announces the daily return of the sun, and thus it too is represented along with the solar symbols, though in a highly stylized form such as the cock's comb. Other birds are also associated with the sun. The much-respected swallow is depicted by its outstanding feature, its tail. The horse, representing the mythical team oi, eight which pulls the sun's chariot across the sky is also important. The meander, or the endless line (Bezkonechnyk), encircling the egg signifies eternity. Such designs were found on ceramic eggs on the pottery unearthed in the burial mounds of the Neolithic Period (5000-2500 B.C.). Traces of egg shells were also found. In Ukraine two types of Easter Over 300 pysanky, on loan from The Ukrainian This is the first year the women have sponsored an eggs were mostly widely known. Museum in New YorkCity, are currently on displayatthe exhibit of pysanky. It has, according to branch The term pysanka (plural: Port of history Museum here in Philadelphia. Sponsored members, been very successful, attracting thousands of pysanky) comes from the verb by Branch 67 of the Ukrainian National Women's League curious museum-goers. Pysanka-making demonstra­ pysaty, to write, since designs are of America, the exhibit also includes an array of tions at the museum have also been very popular. The written on the egg and dyed in a "rushnyky," Ukrainian ritual cloths. exhibit at the Port of History Museum, located in Penn's batik process. Pysanky are never In connection with the exhibit, which runs from March Landing, near Philadelphia's historic Society Hill, has cooked or eaten The krashanka, 15 through April 20, the women's branch is selling been featured in Philadelphia's newspapers, on local from kraska, meaning color, is a pysanky posters designed by Zenon Feszczak (pictured radio shows and on "Good Morning America.'' hard-cooked egg dyed a solid above), with all proceeds going to The Ukrainian brilliant color which can be eaten Museum. The branch, a loyal benefactor of the museum, The poster may be purchased for S4 at the Port of and is used in Easter games has, for the past four years, sent out Easter greetings History Museum, Ukrainian stores in Philadelphia, as among children. The shells can soliciting donations for the museum. well as from Rranch 67 members. 10 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, APRIL 7, 1985 No. 14 Pathologist scores use of paper gowns, drapes in surgery EDUCATIONAL JERSEY CITY. N..I. - Dr. Муго– have no malice against the big compa­ afterwards Bronx administrators asked LOANS slaw Dragan. a pathologist who prac­ nies." Dr. Dragan said oT the critics him to leave.'. tices in Stamford. Conn., is waging a who have said he has scores to even. Dr. Herbert Rose, Bronx VA as­ A fraternal service campaign against the use of paper "The discussion of costs does not sociate chief of staff for research, said drapes and gowns in operating rooms interest me: there is no cost that can be that Dr. Dragan`s research proposal to UNA members where they can be potentially fatal, the attached to human life." was turned down because it was flawed. Gannett News Service recently reported. His first study of foreign-body re­ But at least one other study has Dr. Dragan told Gannett reporter action to disposable drapes, conducted corroborated some of Dr. Dragan`s Eljen Hale that his research shows that during an 18-month period in a 300-bed findings. In May. a group of five The loan will bear a. modest at least 500 patients die each year and New York hospital, was published May Oregon surgeons reported finding 24 interest rate of З”/о a year only f 5.000 to 10.000 need new operations 25, 1979. in the Journal of the American cases of wood-fibre-caused reactions on loans made. Interest will because of complications caused by Medical Association. and one death. accumulate during the period disposable surgical drapes and gowns. But the article was cut from its In 1974, Clementine Havenor, the of schooling and be paid during He also said his research has been original four pages to one after ad­ wife of one of Dr. Dragan`s colleagues. repayment period. suppressed and attempts have been vertisers complained to the medical Dr. Engle Havenor of New York, made to discredit it. but he remains journal. Dr. Dragan said. He added that underwent surgery for colon cancer. convinced that wood fibres used in the magazine editors said they would print She had two more operations after that, fabrics "shed" into open wounds more the full article only if he would put up not because of her cancer but to remove than cotton fabrics do and cause a more than 5100,000 in escrow to cover thick tangles of tissue that mysteriously "foreign-body reaction" — an intense the cost of lost advertising. enveloped her intestines. і and quick response to something alien Ms. Hale noted that the Journal's in the body. officials, who said makers of disposable It took specialists in Chicago to The reporter noted that paper drapes drapes don't often advertise in their determine that the dense adhesions were and surgical gowns are big business: journal, denied the charge. caused by a microscopic bit of lint from SI60 million last year alone. And the Two years ago. Dr. Dragan tried to the paper drapes used in the operating names in the industry are formidable: conduct a survey of lint-caused in­ room. That bit of lint set off a reaction Johnson ft Johnson. Proctor and fection at the Bronx Veterans Ad­ that led to two further major operations Gamble. Kimberly-Clarke. duPont and ministration Hospital in New York. His in a woman already weakened by a the C. H. Dexter Corp. preliminary review of slides revealed at serious disease. In 1976, Mrs. Havenor "1 am not a corporation hater and I least 40 cases and two deaths. Soon died. Shukhevych... those whose lives exemplify the struggle Pittsburgh Festival for human rights and human dignity." Children up to 4V4 years of (Continued from page 3) Spokesmen for AHRU and TUSM age who enroll for 515,000 of chaiinMULjfilectecL -Soviet political prisoners. Not only are have called upon the Ukrainian insurance will be guaranteed a they given the maximum sentences American community members to (5,000 educational loan. Should PITTSBURGH - Lee Grimm has under the Soviet Criminal Code but in contact their congressmen and urge they enroll for S25.000 of in­ been elected chairman of the Pittsburgh ' many cases, after having served their them to sign the joint letter to Mr. surance, they will be guaran­ Ukrainian Festival to be held at the sentences, are rearrested on trumped-up Gorbachev on behalf of Ukraine's teed a loan of 57,500. University of Pittsburgh campus on charges to serve new terms of "eternal prisoner," Mr Shukhevych. Juvenile members age 5 to September 28-29. incarceration." The deadline for signatures is April 17, 10 enrolled for 515,000 of new Also elected to the committee were The message also asked the when the letter is due to be sent. insurance will be guaranteed a Nickolas C. Kotow and Steve Kapeluck. congressmen to raise the case of Mr. 54,000 Educational Loan. If vice-chairmen: Yaroslav Hodowanec. Shukhevych. who has spent 33 years in enrolled for 525,000 of protec­ treasurer: and Irene Grimm, secretary. imprisonment and internal exile, and to "The feast..." tion, they will be guaranteed a The festival will include cultural ask Soviet officials for his release on the (Continued from page 1) loan of 56,000. displays, workshops, mini-perform­ grounds ot Article 100 of the RSFSR Church today is entombed in ances, food, a concert and dance, with The protection herein re­ Code of Criminal Procedure: The catacombs, but it will resurrect anew proceeds going to the Ukrainian Na­ Illinois Branch of AHRU has been because Christ promised life to those ferred to must be under UNA P- tionality Room being planned at the 20 Certificate. actively involved in this action by in the tombs. University of Pittsburgh. Dr. George urging its congressmen. Reps. Rosten- On this sad anniversary ol our A formal notice that loan is Kyshakevych serves as the chairman of guaranteed, will be sent with kowski and M ichel. to act forcefully on Church's burial, we lift our hands the nationality room committee. behalf of Mr. Shukhevych while in the upward to heaven in the psalmist's Certificate of Protection when The Rt. Rev. Andrew Beck and Msg"r. it is issued. USSR. A telegram and telephone cam­ prayerful petition. "Let God arise Michael Poloway serve as honorary co- paign was organized by the Illinois and scatter his enemies: let those who Certificate must remain in chairmen ot the festival committee. good standing with all activists and a similar action was hate him run away in defeat"(Psalm assessments and dues paid undertaken by the Yuriy Shukhevych 82:2). Let us beseech Christ, who until Edu-cational Loan is Committee and AHRU branch in Cali­ vanquished death and Satan, to granted and throughout Munich-based... fornia. come to our assistance and remove repayment period. (Continued from page 7) In a statement from its chairman. the cumbersome rock blocking the Certificate must be assigned annually); in Canada - DmytroFedyk, Paul G. Kirk Jr., the Democratic entrance to the grave of our Mother to UN A during the period of the 22 Allanhurst Drive. Apt. 102. National Committee also joined this Church. May he hasten the day when loan and its repayment. Either Islington. Ontario M9A 4J6 (S6 per action by declaring: "We are proud to the bells ol Easter will joyfully ring parents or guardian must issue. S22 annually); in Germany - express our concern and our out and announce once again that guarantee repayment of loan if Roxane Sajuk. Vidnova Verlag GmbH, indignation over the treatment of those truth prevails and our dear brothers juvenile is,under age 21 when Leopoldstrasse 85/1, 8000 Munchen 40, like Yuriy Shukhevych in Ukraine and and sisters in Ukraine will bask in the loan is granted. (12 Dm per issue. 42 Dm annually); and around the world. And, we join in resurrection ot freedom. Educational Loans will be in France - Irene Popowycz. 3, Villadu expressing oursinceresoiidarity with all "I his is our wish ior our dearly, made over a four-year period Bel Air. 93800 Epinay s/Seine (25 F per beloved in our far, distant native only for tuition to the college or issue, 85 F annually). land. And for you, our dear brethren institution of higher learn-ing. Sakharov... in this great iand ol freedom, we praj Repayment of loan begins (Continued from page 2) that )our faith will increase, that three months following gra­ In 1975, Dr. Sakharov was awarded your hope be strengthened and, duation of applicant and must the Nobel Peace Prize for his human- rekindled by love, we rriaj embrace be fully repaid over a maximum rights activities. One year later, his wife one another and recognize our of 20 equal quarterly install­ became a co-founder of the Moscow brother in one extended Christian ments. Helsinki Group, which was established family: Should period of education to monitor Soviet compliance with the We wish you a pleasant holv day, for which loan was secured be 1975 Helsinki Accords on human rights Christ is risen! Our Church shall also reduced or terminated the re­ and security in Europe. rise! Given this 25th day of March, payment period will begin im­ Last May Dr. Sakharov began a 1985. the Feast of the Annunciation mediately. hunger strike to support his wife's of the Mother of God. efforts to go abroad for medical treatment. He was eventually taken to a Stephen For information contact hospital where, according to relatives in | Metropolitan-Archbishop ot Philadelphia the UNA main office: the United States, he quit his hunger strike after six or seven weeks of forced Basil feeding. He returned to his Gorky Bishop of Stamford 30 Montgomery St. apartment in September. Innocent Jersey City, N.J. 07302 In November, he was visited briefly Bishop of St. Nicholas in Chicago Robert (201) 451-2200 by junior colleagues from the academy. A similar visit occurred several weeks Bishop ol St. Josaphai in Parma ago. The Times said. No. 14 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, APRIL 7, 1985 Parish fetes priest's fifth Notes on people

curtain of overtone waves, "came to him - Becomes president out of the blue." noted the reporter. of computer firm Mr. Melnyk was living in Paris in the early 1970s and was accompanying a troupe of contemporary dancers as the ALLENTOWN. Pa. Jerome members did their exercises. The music Kindrachuk of Allenlown has acquired he was playing, neither rhythmic nor a management interest in Computrol terribly melodic, became the. basis for Engineering Inc.. the Alleniown-bascd his own unique style of performance. computer engineering firm which owns "It was just the right combination of the franchise rights to Computerland circumstances." said Mr. Melnyk. Since stores in Allentown. Reading and those days he has found the music he Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Mr. Kindrachuk will composes and plays to be spiritually become president of the firm. releasing while containing a kind of Previously Mr. Kindrachuk was healing quality. Kristina Katreczko manager of the tax department for "1 do not play to entertain." said Mr. will go on to compete for the National Ernst A Whinney's local office, serving Melnyk while discussing the effects of clients in manufacturing, construction, Miss T.E.E.N title-Zn Albuquerque. continuous music on the body. "I want N.M. in November. Contestants must publishing, health care, banking and people to experience this music." data management. Ernst A Whinney is be 13 to 18 years of age. maintain a В or Although Mr. Melnyk makes his one of the "big eight"accounting firms. better average in school and should home in Paris, Stockholm and Instrumental in introducing micro­ participate in the Volunteer Service Winnipeg, the wandering lifestyle has Program of Miss T.E.E.N.. a program computers into the Ernst A Whinney or­ more to do with being unable to afford ganization. Mr. Kindrachuk is an which involves teens across the nation accommodation in one place. The in community or civic work. expert in management and information pianist ends up living with friends. systems and authored in-house com­ Miss Katreczko is the daughter of "My own salary amounts to puter training manuals as well as Mr. and Mrs. Jurij Katreczko. attends something like 52,000 a year," he told computer programs. He has also been Ukrainian school in New Haven.Conn., the reporter. "That's not enough money associated with the Internal Revenue and is a member of the Eternal Echo to live. People should know that. Service. bandura ensemble, the Holy Trinity People should know what an artist has Ukrainian Orthodox Church choir in Mr. Kindrachuk graduated with to do to survive." honors from Bentley College, holds an Bridgeport. Conn., and Plast. She is Despite financial unhappiness. Mr. also a member of UNA Branch 59. M.B.A. from Suffolk University, and-is a Melnyk said that he remains committed certified public accountants He—is- to "creating the most beautiful music I treasurer of the Pennsylvania Institute can create." The Rev. Taras Chubenko of CPA as well as of the Don Ritter for UNWLA... і Congress re-election committee. He is (Continued from page 8) CARTERET. N.J.- The Rev.Taras past president of the Allentown Lions Netter makes team at least 100 typewritten pages, Chubenko. pastor of St. Demetrius Club and vice-president of the Estate submitted in triplicate and may be in Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral, Planning Council, and serves on the JERSEY CITY. N.J. - Daria either Ukrainian or English. Klachko. the starting center forward on celebrated the fifth anniversary of his board of trustees of the Baum School Short stories or novels published in the New Providence High School ordination on February 10 and was and Community Systems Itjc, 1985 may be entered, as well as basketball team, was recently named to honored a month later at a luncheon scholarly works published in 1986. given by his parishioners on March 10. the all Union County girl's first team as a starting center. Earlier, she was The deadlines lor submissions are December 31. 1985, for fiction and The Rev. Chubenko was born selected Girl Athlete of the Week by the Star-Ledger, a New Jersey-based daily December 31, 1986. for the scholarly December 5. 1946. in Ellwangen. West work. Germany, and emigrated to the United newspaper. Miss Klachko. 17. a 5'l ("senior, has For more information write lo: Stales in 1951. eventually settling with Ukrainian National Women's League his parents in Allenlown. Pa. He been averaging 20 points and 11 graduated from the Allentown rebounds per game lor her team and has of America. 108 Second Ave., New Cornmunit) College and Technical a shooting rage of 15 to 17 feet. She is a York. N.Y. 10003. Submissions should Institute, worked some time lor the resident of Murray Hill. N.J be sent to the same address. Western Electric Co. and served in A member of the National Honor Korea after joining the army. Society. Miss Klachko plans HI major in Can't find it. pre-dcniistrv in the fall and continue After his discharge, the Rev. (Continued from page 8) playing basketball. She is the daughter purpose. Even non-Ukrainian shopper` Chubenko received degrees in of Wolodymyr and Luba Klachko. and marketing and psychology from Pcnn expect and appreciate an "ethnic is a member of UNA Branch 27 in ambience" when visiting an ethnic gill State University which led him to a Newark. N.J. career in business. store. Of course. Ihis requires additional In 197x he entered the Si. Sophia effort on the part of the retailer. But Ukrainian Orthodox Seminary in doesn't the mark-up ol anywhere South Bound Brook. N.J.. was between 50 and 100 percent per record ordained to the deaconatc one year later justify this effort'' And wouldn't the and into the priesthood in 1980 by increase in sales volume benefit the performing artist, producer distribu` Metropolitan Mstyslav. Later that year Jerome Kindrachuk he was made pastor of the St. Demetrius tor,retailer and shopper alike? I think it Cathedral and in November 1982 he Mr. Kindrachuk is a U.S. Army would. But most importantly, it would was awarded a gold pectoral cross and veteran and was decorated for service in allow the Ukrainian record industry to elevated to the rank of proto-pricst. Vietnam. expand and improve in quality, serving He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. as a worthy exponent of our rich, During -the five years of his Michael Kindrachuk of Glen Spey. cultural heritage for all the world tosec. appointment to St. Demetrius N.Y. Cathedral, he oversaw the renovation of the cathedral and church center. Jews told. Besides serving his parishioners, the (Continued from page 2) Rev. Chubenko is the chaplain of the Pianist profiled factors to encourage speculation about Carteret Fire Department, a member of WINNIPEG - Lubomyr Melnyk. a an easing of Soviet emigration policy. the Mayor's Advisory Council, the . pianist and composer whose work In the past, he said, such moves have Carteret Ministerial Association, and critics have described as "irridescent" come when the Kremlin sought better Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 2314. and as having "spiritual intensity," was relations with Washington. He works with the Boy Scouts and local recently profiled in the Winnipeg Free Daria Klachko In addition to the expectations of a parent-teacher organizations. He is also Press by reporter Doug Whiteway. meeting between President Ronald a member of the Danny Traschler The internationally known musician, Pageant participant Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev, the Memorial Fund, the New Jersey-' who graduated with a degree in Soviet leader, a trade delegation headed Pennsylvania Bee Keepers Association philosophj from Oueen's Unjversit) in HUNTINGTON. Conn. - Kristina by Commerce Secretary Malcolm and the Airplane Owners and Pilots Kingston. Ont.. plays a self- Claudia Katreczko. 17. has been se­ Baldridge is to begin talks in Moscow in Association. developed technique he reicrs to as lected to compete in the 1985 Con­ May. The T imes said. The Rev. Chubenko is marrie'd to "continuous music." I his method, the necticut T.E.E.N. pageant which will be The United Stales has made it clear Mary Ann Knappcnberger. a registered playing of arpeggios extremely fast.and held in Hartford. Conn., on August 2-4 that any easing ol trade restrictions nurse. They have four sons. Taras. Eric. continuously with the sustain pedal at the Parkview Hilton Hotel. would depend in part on the emigration Gregory and Peter. which provides "an cvei-changing The winner of the state, competition question. 12 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, APRIL 7, 1985 ^ No. 14

inviting young people to contribute ideas and opinions doing things. We have the people, the experience, the The role of today's.. when preparing briefs and pos lion papery today, we competence and the specialized skills to put the (Continued from page S) have students enrolled in many specialized areas of Ukrainian community back into the forefront of stable work. Many ol'them begin to feel frustrated and study: law, communications, journalism, political lobbying groups in Canada. ripped-off. Bleak employment prospects translate to science, linguistics, etc.). The material benefits that would flow from utilizing little opportunity after several years invested in univer­ The numerical growth of the Ukrainian community our best talent are simply too important and valuable sity and the humiliation of over-staying one's welcome depends on welcoming Canadian-born Ukrainians to ignore. at home. who are consciously and continually seaching for their At this point, 1 would like to bring my presentation 1 believe that you. the professionals and leaders of roots. Can we afford to turn away young Ukrainians to a close. But before concluding. 1 would like to make our community, are in a position to introduce who speak little Ukrainian or speak it poorly; who do a proposal to you for establishing an influential and remedial measures in order to mitigate the severe not fully understand why Ukraine should be free, let sophisticated lobbying mechanism in the Ukrainian problems caused by youth unemployed and high alone want to fight for it; who have not graduated community. tuition fees incurred by our students. , from the traditional Ukrainian youth organizations As many of you know, we are currently facing a For example. I don't see why our numerous credit such as SUM or Plast; who do not approve of the grave crisis concerning the reported collaboration of unions refuse to establish scholarship funds for archaic framework of the community or those who Ukrainians with the Nazis during World War II. Ukrainian students entering university. It now costs have not achieved social, political or financialsuccess . Looking back at the events which have transpired over well over SI.000 annually for a student to enroll in an For example, let us consider for a moment the the past few weeks, it has become abundantly clear to undergraduate arts program. This does not include consequences of appointing a Canadian-born us that our community is not adequately equipped to living expenses and the cost of books. The total bill for executive director for the UCC. Moreover, let's take a defend itself from distorted, inaccurate and a student attending a university away from home may closer look at Dr. Manoly Lupul`s proposal of making sensationalized news reports disseminated by the be between S2.000 and S3.000. perhaps more. A at least 80 percent of the UCC Executive Canadian- Canadian media. scholarship could provide many \oung Ukrainian born. I think that commitment, enthusiasm and Of course, we are fortunate to be able to rely on such Canadians with the opportunity ю go to university. experience should be prerequisites for membership on people as Victor Malarek of the Globe and Mail for We know that our students are capable ol academic the UCC executive and not one's loyalty to one to the setting the record straight. But we can't expect Mr. excellence, and we should not allow skyrocketing cost- "big six" organizations in the UCC. Malarek to compromise his journalistic integrity nor of-living or tuition fees stand in their way. Today, ladies and gentlemen, I have addressed you can we rely on one person to defend a 600,000-member But we can't stop there. I'd like to see the on what 1 believe to be a serious topic: our community. community. professionals in our community provide Ukrainian I believe that to come through out present crisis with What we desperately need to deal with such students with career-enhancing work.experience. As some hope of preserving the things that are of greatest occurences is a national Ukrainian information and many of you know, a university degree is no longer a importance to both young and old, our community lobbying office located in the nation's capital. This passport to the- working world. Students need leaders must do some clearer thinking-than they have office would be mandated to respond to false and experience to meet today's requirements of employers. done in the past. I am convinced that within the UCC damaging reports in the media and it would house a Your support may be delivered by cooperating with there is a lot of wishful thinking and much misleading staff of professional lobbyists and researchers who federal and provincial governments through wage- illusion. could lobby government officials on pressing issues in subsidized employment programs. In this way, our One of the biggest illusions is that we can preserve the Ukrainian community. It would have a paid staff \outh may better acquire the practical experience and the unity of our community by centralizing power and executive director and it would have to be marketable skills necessary to respond to unstable among the "big six" organizations in the UCC. located in close proximity to Parliament Hill and the labor market conditions and demand. 1 find this configuration extremely dubious. Unity National Press Building. Youth unemployment is far too high,' and in our community has to be based on some sense of A Ukrainian community information and lobbying combating it. therefore, should be made a priority in common purpose, other than consolidating power for office in Ottawa would be valuable not only because of our community. Youth cannot succeed alone. You, the political purposes or striving for a fatter bank account. the possibility of establishing regular contact with members of our community, have a responsibility. There has to be a desire by all of us to live and work federal government officials, but also because it could You must attempt to break down the barriers facing together with mutual respect in order to achieve things prepare for visits by foreign heads of state to Ottawa. \oung people and convince your colleagues-in the that our community values. The nation's capital is a meeting place for provincial, business community to make their fields more Indeed, Ukrainian youth — and especially students national and international delegations. For example, accessible to young people. in SUSK — have been among the most persistent, and this spring it will play host to delegates from around In addressing the topic of the role of youth in the at times the most outspoken, critics of the policies of the world attending the Experts Meeting on Human Ukrainian community, I must acknowledge the the UCC. If young people were given a role in Rights. Furthermore, we must take into account that important contribution which I think SUSK has made developing community priorities, they might help us the international wire services have offices in Ottawa over the past decade and a half. make these priorities more workable and would feel and most Canadian television and radio stations have With us today are members of the Ukrainian inclined to support them. reporters based there. Canadian Committee, the Ukrainian Community To date, 1 think that many of the problems in the Finally, we do have qualified people in our com­ Development Committee and the Ukrainian UCC - problems which have only served to alienate munity to staff the Ottawa office. It's just a matter Canadian Professional and Business Federation. I youth - may have been avoidable. of mustering the funds and determination to make this often wonder whether these organizations realize the For example, a young colleague of mine, who bold project a reality. 1 have been sold on this idea for \aluable contribution which SUSK hasjnade towards recently reviewed many of the programming and briefs quite some time now and today I am prepared to pro­ their growth and survival. As I mentioned, one of prepared by the UCC, concluded that many problems pose a prime location in Ottawa for the establishment SUSK's responsibilities is to develop the leadership in the UCC have arisen for the most basic reason: the of this office. We've talked and talked about skills of its members so that they may someday assume left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing.. establishing an office in Ottawa at countless UCC leadership positions in the Ukrainian community. One classic example of the UCC's ineptitude conferences and congresses and now is the time to act. And today, former SUSK activists are visible on the occurred earlier this year, when the UCC submitted a We can no longer afford to continue to debate the executives of our central organizations: as in the UCC. brief on multilingual broadcasting to the Canadian merits of this idea while the reputation of our the UCDC and the UCPBF. Radio-Television and Telecommunications community is being eroded by those hostile to our A few SUSK alumni who immediately come to Commission. deepest convictions. How many more articles about mind are: Andrij Semotiuk, Roman Serbynn. Myron As someone who is familiar with regulatory bodies Ukrainians collaborating with the Nazis will it take Spolsky, Andrij Makuch. Bohdan Krawchenko. and the Canadian broadcasting system 1 found that before we move to set up a body which would publicly Halya Kuchmij and Marijka Hurko. These people the UCC brief was poorly written and extremely defend our interests? Or when are we going to be able have contributed a great deal to our community, while ambiguous. The arguments contained in the brief were to lobby against government legislation which at the same time distinguishing themselves in the not based on current trends in the broadcasting indus­ discriminates against Ukrainian and other mainstream of Canadian society: in law. business, the try. Furthermore, the brief did not take into account ethnocultural groups? media and in the academic world. I would speculate the demands imposed by the Canadian Broadcasting In conclusion. 1 want you to know that 1 do not wish that many of them credit SUSK with providing them Act nor the legal limitations currently in place. Put to leave Winnipeg labelled as a harbinger of bad news. with the confidence and skills to succeed in the simply, the brief should never have been submitted in Rather. I would like to leave you with an inspiring professional arena. the form that it was. passage from an article which appeared in the most International Youth Year constitutes an ideal There is no excuse for such an embarrassing and recent edition of Student newspaper. Titled "Don't opportunity for adopting a new approach to young potentially damaging incident. We have the Blame Youth for the Decline of the Ukrainian people. And. each of you in this room has a responsibi­ experience and availability of resources in our Hromada." the article was written by l.ida Hvo/da lity to listen to young people, to take note of their community to more forcefully influence the decision- who is an MAstudent in psychology in Syracuse, N.Y. aspirations and to encourage them to participate fully making process in Ottawa and the provincial capitals The last paragraph of the article. I found, provides us in all aspects of our community and Canadian society. of this country. And according to informed sources, with a glimmer of hope for the future: For example, during last night's plenary session, the the UCC's submission to the CRTC was not an "Since historically Ukrainian people survived UCC representative from St. Catharines. Ontario, isolated incident. On countless occasions, the UCC Mongol invasions. Russian-made famines and underscored the importance of initiating special has spoken on behalf of the Ukrainian community to German genocides, then. I feel, such a will to survive is projects to commemorate International Youth Year. government and has wrccklcssly forfeited any oppor­ proof that despite some setbacks, our identity, lan­ Some of the initiatives you may wish to consider, tunity to gain concessions from them. I would think guage and heritage will live on. including in the include: a) inviting young people to speak at that when the UCC drafts a brief, speaks to a Minister "hromadas" for generations to come. The question is. community conferences and seminars (this panel is a of the Crown or responds to questions from the media, what use of our "Ukrainianism" the Ukrainian youth good example and I congratulate the UCC for inviting that it will call upon the most talented and articulate will be able to make in assisting the Ukrainian nation us to this conference): b) involving young people in all people in our community to complete the task. in its struggle for independence, consolidation, many- areas of decision-making in the UCC and UCDC: c) We desperately need to adopt a professional way of sided growth and development." `1 THE UNA: MORE THAN AN INSURANCE COMPANY. I ! I No. 14 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, APRIL 7, 1985 13

tended to serve a definite purpose." As And if sometimes e\erythingdid not Ryan letter... anyone familiar with that period knows, Chronicle... go according to God's will, we (Continued from page 6) the strongest charges regarding the (Continued from page 2) (nevertheless) aspired to love, to but why is that necessarily an indication "Nazism" of all DPs came from the help and protect you. God's, salvation. The,result of our of discrimination? An equally plausible Soviets. Yours. past relations is the Ukrainian explanation is that Israel became a What I believe we have in the Duker- Pavlo Kampov Catholic Church in Vienna, St. nation-state in 1948 and more Jewish Dinnerstein-Ryan sequence is a June it; 1984 Barbara's. Today, Ukrainians arc DPs decided to go there after that date. progression built upon half-truths that like orphans scattered around the Mr. Dinnerstein argues that the runs something like the following. world beyond Moscow's reach. This original DP legislation discriminated While reviewing documents nation (Ukraine), which has thethird against Jews because the eligibility cut­ presented at the Nuremberg war trials. Letter to Austrian Catholic largest population in Europe, is off date for DP status was December 22, Mr. Duker discovers convincing Committee bloodied and plundered, reduced in 1945, a date when /nany Jews had still evidence that some Ukrainians were culture and development, ridiculed not made it to the DP camps. The fact of involved in the killing of Jews during Mr. Chairman: and crippled; but there is a God who the matter is that the date discriminated Hitler's occupation of Ukraine. Mr. Peace and God's blessing on you sees all, and there is a hard-working against Baits and Ukrainians as well. It Duker also discovers the activities of the and the Austrian nation! and sincere people that believes in the is interesting that when subsequent Ukrainian underground (Ukrainian In connection with events that future and, with hope in its heart, in legislation moved the eligibility date to Insurgent Army- UPA)and, in keeping - unfolded around the tragic question the Lord God, Jesus Christ. April 21,1947, the number of Ukrainian with Soviet views, concludes that its as to the matter of the Ukrainian The Moscow government has put and Baltic DPs admitted to the United activities were anti-Allied. Being a Jew Catholic Church. I want to express out a new circular about the total States increased while the number of of a certain persuasion (for such Jews my thanks to you personally and to annihilation of the Ukrainian Jews decreased. "Ukrainian" is synonymous with Austrian Catholics for your Catholic Church. We are beyond the Mr. Dinnerstein`s argument that the "pogromist"), Mr. Duker accepts the solidarity and Christian love for the law. The government and the militia preference given to "agriculturists" in Soviet allegation that Ukrainians who enslaved Ukrainian nation and our can do all they want with Ukrainian the original legislation discriminated refused to return to Ukraine after the blood-soaked Church. Catholics. Hence, on June 15, in the against Jews (because they were urban war ended were war criminals. Both the righteous and sinners are village of Dovhe in the Transcar- dwellers) and favored Ukrainians Outraged by the number of Ukrainian indebted to God. From the former. pathian region, militiaman Yu. (because they were farmers) is also DPs seeking admission to the United God expects piousness and good Starosta, in broad daylight, attacked faulty. First of all, most Ukrainian DPs States, Mr. Duker pens a scathing deeds, and from sinners, repentence. Ukrainian Catholic Maria Trykur in were not farmers but urban dwellers like article condemning the DP Act for And we, Christians, continueiy pray the center of town and dragged her to the Jews. Secondly, it is a fact that when providing a haven for "Nazis." At the and through good deeds ask God to headquarters by the hair. O, blind and the agricultural preference was removed time he first expressed them, Mr. forgive our tormentors and to soften dumb people! There was no hero to by subsequent legislation, the number Duker's views received little serious their petrified hearts... God's will, protect -the woman Catholic... They of Jews admitted to the United States attention. forever! Jesus said, go among the know that anyone who raises a voice actually decreased. Some 30 years later Mr. Dinnerstein wolves of the world, which means of protest will not escape As for the argument that DPs from begins his research on Jewish that not only must we pray, but also punishment. Eastern Europe were Nazi involvement with the Displaced Persons Act. Analyzing data that take an active part in life and strive to One (Ukrainian Catholic) Church collaborators, Mr. Dinnerstein the limits of our strength to create j)redicateshis entictjase on a series of suggested Jews were discriminated activist, who was imprisoned in a against, Mr. Dinnerstein discovers Mr. good and sow the seeds of love labor camp"in Vynriytsia, was for two random statements made by various among the evil of this crippled people who represented a very small Duker and others who alleged that most months led out into the cold, doused Ukrainian and Baltic DPs were "Nazis" world... with water and kept outside in the percentage of those who were familiar with the DP situation. Included in this and concludes that DP legislation was The Ukrainian Catholic Church is snow and rain so that he would specifically designed by anti-Semitic living through a terrible time of recant and voluntarily remove a cru­ number are. of course, such people as Mr. Duker (whose blanket indictment congressmen to keep Jews out and to persecution and repression. A day cifix from his neck: but when they bring anti-Semitic Ukrainians and .does not go by durijigi which a saw, that their efforts were ip vain of non-Jewish DPs was described as "dangerous generalization" by William Baits in. Catholic is not arrested, beaten or they sentenced him and locked him Enter Mr. Ryan. Anxious to vindi­ fined because we pray in our own up in Mordovian labor camps. He Haber, the Jewish advisor to the U.S. Army in Europe), Dr. R. Gogolinski- cate his increasingly questionable language and believe in our blessed wrote about this in an open letter to management of the OSI. Mr. Ryan dis­ Holy Father in the Vatican. Our the head of the KGB, Yuri Elston. London director of the National Catholic Welfare Conference (NCWC). covers Mr. Dinnerstein and decides to nation has for over 60 years suffered Andropov. (The writer is almost write a book. Picking up where Mr. unheard of abuses of the faith of our certainly referring to Yosyp Terelia, who argued that "all" Ukrainian DPs. had been Nazis, and DP Commissioner Dinnerstein left off. Mr Ryan alleges forefathers at the hands of the who wrote such a letter to Mr. that the U.S. government not only let Communist rulers in Moscow. We Andropov in 1976.J Harry N. Rosenfield who, while he couldn't quite accept Mr. Gogolinski- known Nazi DPs in. it also did every­ are compelled by the atheist We constantly hear; "Take and thing in its power to protect them. To Communists to believe in those gods crucify Him!" But the day of Elsion`s assessment of "all" Ukrainians being Nazis, laughingly told Mr. hype his book. Mr. Ryan further alleges in which they themselves do not resurrection will come and we believe that some "10.000 Nazis" are living in believe: we are forced under the that this day is not far off. Dinnerstein that "maybe only 90 percent were." At no point in his book the United States despite the fact that as threat of a death sentence into With respect and love, your late as 1981 he argued that there were no Russian Orthodox churches and are. brother and servant greets you and a does Mr. Dinnerstein adequately deal with the fact that every DP had to more than "some 480." (See The Jewish in practice, not allowed to even drag free Austria. Veteran, January-bebruarv-March out a miserable existence. And that is Vasyl Kobryn undergo a series of very careful security checks and that on January 20, 1950. a 1985.) why tears of happiness and a scintilla Lviv. June 7. "l9`84 Sloppy research predicated upon of human joy bathe our hearts when special subcommittee of the House Judiciary Committee concluded that all shaky analysis based upon inflammatory we hear that there is a nation - (Mr. Kobryn is the head of the exaggeration does not a case make. 1 sincere and Catholic that endures underground Initiative Group in allegations regarding fraudulent statements or forged documents by DPs repeat, Mr. Ryan's behavior is our pain as its own. Once we were Defense of Believers and the reminiscent of McCarlhyism. and his together, forming one united state. Church. I "can be safely classified either as rumors or deliberate misrepresentations in­ letter toThe Ukrainian Weekly is an in­ sult to all Ukrainian Americans. The Ukrainian Weekly: SVOBODA PRINT SHOP Professional typesetting and printing services a 50-year tradition of news and features We print: BOOKS m BROCHURES m LEAFLETS For information and rates contact HJBHSJj^gUi^gU^i SVOBODA MAKAR'S JEWELRY 30 Montgomery Street m Jersey City, H.J. 07302 STORE g. SHOP Telephone: (201) 434-0237: (201) 434-0(07: 2022 Morris Avenue ш Union, N. J. 07083 (201) 686-1931 SPECIAL for EASTER FUNNY TEARS a collection of short stories DISCOUNTS SO^o by MYKOLA PONEDILOK on wide variety of beautiful chains imported from Italy and gold (14 and 18 carat) watches. Also large selection of earrings and many other items at discount prices. in English translation from the original Ukrainian. Diamond rings and earrings Ilustrations by ЕК0 (Edward Kozak) and Halyna Магера " A large selection of jewelry made of 14 and 18 carat gold, silver and enamel, crafted To order send S10.00 plus S1.00 postage to: to your specifications or in our own designs. Ukrainian tryzubs (tridents) in various styles and sizes. Syoboda Book Store Bulk orders are accepted from shops as well as individuals 8. churches. 30 Montgomery St. Wnle for free catalogues Jersey City, N. J. 07302 Open: Monday, Tuesday. Wednesday - 10-6 o'clock. Thursday S. Friday - 10-8:30 p.m. Saturday - 10-6:30 p.m. Г /New jersey ici'dents ddd 6 а^йе-йіШіЗ'ій^гйаг^яг^'Чі^^ 14 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, APRIL 7, 1985 No. 14

The Secretariat of the Central Jubilee cfj) Committee of the Millennium of /WftfoA Christianity in Ukraine ЧГШЧГ Needs and Wants You! va j| ,^–ET^ 988-198IlQCCU8 i Our Celebration is so enormous. . .the plans require your involvement f We appeal to all Ukrainian Catholic Organizations the world over for the love of our Faith. We appeal to every diocese — Bishops, Religious, and lay people; every Ukrainian - Parish Organization, Men's Clubs, Ladies' Leagues, Sisterhood, Youth, Young Adults; every Ukrainian Professional and Business Club.

WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT NOW. WE INVITE YOU TO IN MARCH OF 1985 A PERSONAL MILLENNIUM CERTIFICATE BECOME A SUPPORTING MEMBER OF THE CENTRAL AND BLESSING, SUITABLE FOR FRAMING, WILL BE SENT TO JUBILEE COMMITTEE. The fee is S25.00 for each of the vears ALL MILLENNIUM MEMBERS. 1985, 1986. 1987 and 1988. This fee of S25.00 can be paid on a yearly basis or in one sum of SI00.00. і IT'S A TIME OF SPIRITUAL RENEWAL and the Millennium A Gold Membership Card will be -issued to all dedicated Secretariat has prepared a body of inspirational literature to members, sanctioned with the Blessings of His Grace, Most come into the homes of our faithful to prepare the way for the Rev. Maxim Hermaniuk, Millennium Chairman, and bearing spiritual celebration of our millennium. the signatures of: Bishop Michael Hrynchyshyn, C.Ss.R. IT'S OUR HERITAGE. Won't you help? Three hundred people Millennium Secretary General have become supporting members of the Central Jubilee Rev. Thaddeus Krawchuk, C.Ss.R. Committee, we all of us ask you to join us in the celebration of Assistant Secretary General our spiritual heritage. A millennium comes one in a thousand Millennium Executive years. One in ten generations has the opportunity to par­ ticipate in a millennium. Please, take advantage of this oppor­ tunity. -` A TRUE STORY - 988 A.D. Long ago and far away a great prince decreed that his people would be baptized in the river that ran through their beautiful country. . .and a great people became a Christian nation. A fairy tale? No. This is the true story of.how the Ukrainian nation became THE MILLENNIUM INSPIRATIONAL READING PACKAGE Christian in 988 A.D. St. Vladimir the Great, grandson of the holy Memories of a Mother (on the early life of Metropolitan Andrew Saint Olga, baptized his people in the Dneiper River. Sheptytsky) 1988 - TODAY WE ARE PREPARING to celebrate 1000 years On the Millennium Crossroads of Ukrainian Christianity, Ukrainians everywhere in the free The Pilgrim Icon world, in their parishes, clubs, organizations, and all people Our Christian Heritage - first and second editions of goodwill-are preparing themselves and their communities Christian Marriage 8c Family Life to honour our Millennium of Christianity. Renewal Through the Eucharist The Need for Penance and Reconciliation Faith, Hope and Love - These Three THE CENTRAL JUBILEE COMMITTEE OF THE MILLENNIUM Prayer - Servant of God Andrew Sheptytsky, OSBM SECRETARIAT asks your support in preserving and The Holy Father's Message to the Ukrainian Community on the celebrating our great Ukrainian heritage. occasion of His Visit to Canada, September, 1984


\ddress:- Name:--: Address:-

Parish:- Amount: Amount:- Please send to: Millennium Secretariat Central Jubilee Committee 233 Scotia Street Please send to: Millennium Secretariat Central Jubilee Committee Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada 233 Scotia Street R2V 1V7 Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada NOTE: Official Receipts for income tax purposes will be issued. R2V IV7 . - No. 14 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, APRIL 7, 1985


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John David Pinkston recently became a HELP WANTED RELOCATE YOUR FAMILY HERE Danny Gough, 1, is the both the newest member of UNA Branch 53 in Vety clean, attractive ;hree bedroom two bath and youngest member of UNA Branch custom built home neai Jr High School 44 foot і Pittsburgh thanks to his grandparents, screened poly-pebbte tana, with room for a pool 119 in Campbell, Ohio, where Marilyn the Rev. and Mrs. Stephen Krysalka. MEDICAL SECRETARY J. Cough is the secretary-treasurer. He wanted for position in major Ntw York Medical lake a look, make an otlei P0RM3I0 His parents are David and Surelle Center Command of Ukrainian language de­ is seen with his older brother, Matthew, Pinkston. sired. Typing, transcription experience neccessary 6. word processing helpful. Salary commensurate with Building Sites - 80 x 125 on paveo streets experience. Contact Ms. Bishay at ' 212-6947870 52.300 and up: some with terms PL-3 Read The Weekly SECOND PRINTING BY POPULAR DEMAND. LEARN TO READ. WRITE AND SPEAK UKRAINIAN. GET. A UKRAINIAN GRAMMAR for BEGINNERS, Aslic SELF-TEACHING plan for a By Martha Wichorek A 338 оце (8'/j x 11) introduction to the Ukrainian language, full ot instruction and information, geared especially to those who know little or no Ukrainian, in easy-to-understand English. Cost. Я0.ОО rainy day. The only truly beginners Grammar published so far If it is not available in your local Ukrainian store, send SI 1.50 (Canadian - Я2.00 in American ome people manage Funds) (price includes postage and packing envelope) to: Sto go through life without ever Martha Wichorek. 13814 Vaswr Dr.. Detroit. Mich. 48235 having a rainy day. But most people run into a storm now and then. So it pays to plan for a storm and then hope it never happens. The Payroll Savings Plan is one sure, safe, easy way to force yourself to start saving. And savings are a must to keep any financial plan from going on the skids. Тік; little you set aside each payday Stefan Tur for I '.S. Savings Bonds will grow. And help to keep you covered come rain or Photographs, prints and sculptures. And if you're luck) enough to miss the ruin, ii might help you April 6 to 14,1985 Stephen William Lewitzke is shown plant a few shade Jp ^ with his proud mom, Natalie (nee ТакеДЦ– Ukrainian Artists Association Gallery Kovch). He recently joined UNA . stockV^ 136 2nd Ave. New York City, 4 th floor Branch 183 in Detroit thanks to his тДтегіса. Gallery hours; Sat. t- Sun. v.oo-S:oo. Tues.-Fn. b.oo S:oo mother and father, СГЯІЕ. 16 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, APRIL 7, 1985 No. 14

Ukrainian pysanka... death of a child. During "Provody," or Easter for the Dead, PREVIEW OF EVENTS (Continued from page 9) which takes place a week after same day, at least two kistky were Easter, pysanky and special April 7, 13, 14 885-2360, ext. 69. Also on Saturday, made. These were the wax- foods were left at grave sites so after a cocktail party beginning at writing instruments which that the living could share them NEW YORK: The Ukrainian 7:30 p.m., the Prometheus Male consisted of a tiny tube or funnel with their ancestors. Institute of America. 2 E. 79th St.. Choir will perform. Cost: SI0 per made of thin metal attached Since the women took great will hold Easter egg-decorating person; cash bar. The public is (some used a piece of straw or a care to keep to the proper demonstrations, live arid on film cordially invited. For tickets call the feather) to a small stick. A char­ authentic designs their mothers Sundays at 1 -6 p.m. and Saturday at number above. On Sunday, ap coal-filled clay pot banked with had taught them, and thus assure 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Admission: alumni brunch will follow services in ashes was used to heat a small victory over evil, many of the old voluntarv donation. For more Manor's chapel in the Academic container of beeswax and several pysanky designs have survived. informat'ion call (212) 288-8660. Building. kistky. Dyes were made ready. To From the simple two- or three- begin her design, after the proper color linear designs of the April 20 May 4 - 26 prayer and blessing, the woman northern region, Pidliashshia, to test-dipped the flow of wax on her the very intricate, multi-colored TOMS RIVER, N.J.: The DETROIT: The Ukrainian thumb and then proceeded to ones of the Hutsul mountaineers, Ukrainian-American Club of Ocean Bandurist Chorus under the "write" the basic lines on her egg. from the green and red County will hold a Spring direction of Wolodymyr Kolesnyk When lines and areas planned to "Shistrozh," six hollyhocks sun- Anniversary Dance at the Knights of will give concerts in 16 cities in be white were detailed, the egg image of Poltava in eastern Columbus hall. Whittier and western Canada and the United was lowered into the first and Ukraine, to the floral abstract free Tennyson avenues. A buffet will be States. The tour is dedicated to lightest dye. When removed and patterned design of mid-western served, and music will be provided by Hryhory Kytasty who died a year dried, more wax was applied Sokal, to the fascinating "Sorok the Amour band beginning at 8 p.m. ago. Tickets- are available in when the design called for the Klyntsiv," 40 or 48 triangles The public is cordially invited. Ukrainian bookstores and credit preservation of that color, and the arranged in an ail-over pattern Donation: SI5. For tickets and more unions. egg was placed in a darker dye. found in many regions, each information, please call Ann Lichko These steps were repeated until pysanka was directly inspired by at (201) 240-0354. PREVIEW OF EVENTS, a listing the final color was attained, after the design of some long-for­ of Ukrainian community events open which the wax was melted off and gotten ancestor. to the public, is a service provided the pysanka was finished. -Jn- relatively recent times, many" April 19-21" free of charge by The Weekly to the After church one was given to changes have crept into this once Ukrainian community. To have an the village priest, and the others sacred ritual. By making the JENK1NTOWN, Pa.: Manor event listed in this column, please exchanged among relatives and kistky fireproof, they can be Junior College. Fox Chase Road and send information (type of event, friends. A girl of marriageable age heated over a candle and dipped Forrest Avenue, will hold a Spring date, time, place, admission, spon­ would give one to a boy she into solidified beeswax. In some Fling/ Alumni Homecoming sor, etc.), along with the phone favored, letting him know that she cases the candle has been Weekend. On Friday at 7:30 p.m. number of a person who may be would welcome matchmakers. supplanted by electricity and an there will be a president's reception reached during daytime hours for Pysanky were kept in the home to electric kistka has come into use. for alumni in the Basileiad Library. additional information, to: PRE­ protect it from elements and turn Chemical dyes of unlimited hues On Saturday at 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. there VIEW OF EVENTS, The Ukrainian away serious illness. It was have replaced the more subtle will be а Пса market. To reserve a S10 Weekly, 30 Montgomery St., Jersey believed that they could make a natural dyes, often with space call Непе Newborn at (215) City, N J. 07302.- childless woman fertile; they discordant and garrish results. could also return a lost love. They But the biggest change has come and around the world." were buried in the fields to insure about with the introduction of Referring to former President John a good harvest, and placed in non-traditional and inappropriate 300 show. (Continued from page 1) F. Kennedy, he said: "Twenty-five years mangers and under nests to designs. Realistic flowers, ago, a young, brilliant leader of the Information Service, said in reference to increase the fertility of animals objects and scenes have Democratic Party declared that we will and fowl, and put under the changed the character of the the time the arrested students were held pay any price, bear any burden, meet beehive for a good supply of pysanka. The more agreeable by police. any hardship, support any friends honey. designs and patterns adapted The seven women and three men were oppose any foe in order to assure the If an adult died during the from Ukrainian embroideries are taken to the Second District Police survival and success of liberty." Easter period, a pysanka was recent innovations. Perhaps this station, where protesters arrested at the placed in his grave. This was done change is inevitable, but is it still a South African Embassy also were being March to embassy throughout the year upon the pysanka? processed. The demonstrators, carrying 300 demonstrators placards saying "Help Free Yuriy Shukhevych" and "Free Ukraine." then VOA to air About 300 Ukrainian Americans had marched to the Soviet Embassy. There gathered in Lafayette Park opposite the they sang patriotic songs and shouted A UNA Easter service White House demanding that Mr. slogans such as "Free Shukhevych - Shukhevych. who has spent 33 years in Free Ukraine" and "Unchain Ukraine." LOS ANGELES This year's Soviet labor camps and in internal exile, while Peter Shmigci. national president insurance policy Easter services at St. Andrew's be allowed to emigrate with his family of TL'SM. went into the embassy to Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Los to the United States. ' deliver a letter demanding that Mr. Angeles will be broadcast by the Voice "While some inroads have been made is an investment ; Shukhevych be allowed to emigrate of America via satellite to l kraine. toward increasing public awareness with his family to the United States. in the Ukrainian Services will begin at 6 a.m. on concerning fShukhevych`sJ case, the Nine other students were standing in Sunday. April 14. and will be broadcast fact, remains that thel, continues to front of the gates to the embassy and the same day at 7 - 8 a.m. The church's languish and suffer behind the bars of peacefully demonstrating. They were community pastor is the Very Rev. Stephen НаІІіск– Soviet prisons and concentration camps joined by Mr. Shmigel and shortly Holutiak. and the choir director is completely blind and in extremely poor afterwards arrested for unlawfully Hryhory Hallick-Holutiak physical health" said Mychajlo congregating within 500 feet of an Halatyn. spokesman of the Ukrainian embassy. Student Association of Michnowskv (I'USM), the organization that sponsored the protest. ?Ш AVAILABLE l.inas Kojelis. associate director of UYL-NA reunion the Office of Public Liaison at the White SAGA OF UKRAINE House, represented President Ronald slated for September AN OUTLINE HISTORY Reagan at the demonstration. "1 come Vol 1 - The Age of Royalty here this afternoon," he said, "not only CLEVELAND - The Ukrainian Vol 2 - The Age of Heroism to offer you the president's best wishes, Youth League of North America will (in English! but 1 come to offer much more - his hold its Reunion II here at the full support and the support of those of Cleveland Hilton South Hotel during us who have the honor of being part of the weekend of September 6-8. his administration." The program for the reunion will Paul G. Kirk Jr.. chairman of the include a welcome party, a session of the National Democratic Party, in a Ukrainian Heritage Foundation of statement read by Ulana Jurkiw to the North America, and a banquet and ball. demonstrators, iaid. "We are proud to The Reunion II committee is chaired express our concern and our by Gene Wolosyhyn: Helen Shipka is indignation over the treatment of those vice chairperson. Ben Lemischuk. like ї uny Shukhevych in the Ukraine treasurer. Estelle Woloshyn. secretary.