The Ukrainian Weekly 1977, No.31 СВОБОДАІЦSVOBODA П П УКРАЇНСЬКИЙ щоденник чШвКУ UKBAINIANOAIIV rainiaENGLISH LANGUAGnE WEEKL YWeelc EDITION f Ї VOL. LXXXIVШ No. 181 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, AUGUST 21,1977 25CEKS^ ^n American Lawyer Wishes to Defend Terelya Arrested After Marynovych, Matusevych Denouncing Soviet Asylums SoWef Dissidents Appeal to West for Assistance NEW YORK, N.Y.—Yosyp Terelya, nek as being a member of the Moscow a 34-year-old Ukrainian poet and one- Group to Promote the implementation time political prisoner, was re-arrested of the Helsinki Accords, and Kaplun as by the KGB last April after making a being a Soviet dissident. The other two strong indictment of Soviet psychiatric persons are unknown in the West. abuses, reported the press service of the Terelya'e case also attracted the Ukrainian Supreme Liberation Council attention of western journalists, in his (abroad). Wednesday, August 17th column, no- Terelya, who already spent 14 years ted American investigative columnist, in prison, was "driven to despair" by the Jack Anderson, described the tortures repressions he faced during his brief experienced by Terelya during his period of freedom late last year, said prison and psychiatric asylum confine– members of the Soviet affiliate of the ments. Committee Against Psychiatric Abuse Terelya was born in 1943 in the Myroslav Marynovych Mykola Matusevych for Political Purposes, and he wrote in a Transcarpathian region of Ukraine. .letter to Y. Andropov, the KGB chief, The four Soviet dissidents noted in their NEW YORK, N.Y.—An American jobs for supporting the plight of politi– that Soviet mental asylums "would have appeal that Terelya quickly began to bW;bjfca^ lojewe asadefense cal prisoners.
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