Woodward & WOODWARD LOTHROP & I lothrop \ \ PEG , co-1; ^

with "Extra Inches"

^ Yes, at last, some one is designing clothes , ^'s 'Tc.0\ e°A '* five feet six or more. Day clothes and nN' ■ glamorous evening clothes, too. Witness: O at° f',•<. I 'e£'e I A—Big, bold plaid and di- "9'N'e | agonal bodice draping help "break that line." taffeta, predominatingly violet_ 6—Huge hooku and tremendous are this frock's $ *7 J'tricks" in your favor. Plum, rust or brown_ < R Peg Newton Daytime Dresses, $22.95 to > $35; Evening Dresses, $29.75 and $49.75

Misses’ Dresses and Misses’ Formal Fashio**,

t Thud Floor. Roineoot, slide-fastened to keep you rain-resistant. large enough to slip on comfortably over your coat. Nicely tai- lored _$6 j The Exylin Halo Hat_85c

Hosiery Cose—six pockets, but room for a doten po i-s of stockings___$1

Coemetie Stow-awav with ♦ive * fot jar*, tubes, »5c Furs That

Laboratory Apron — but you wear it joyously in your kitchen Smart Women's —your bright frock shining through ...... $2 Coats find new ways to flatter

From on important galaxy of them—coats in fine woolens, en- riched with the season's favorite furs—we show you four shining examples of the chic lengths to which fur goes to make your coat especially becoming.

A—Blended mink proves that a straight line, from revers to M I , is the shortest way of achieving that slender K ¥ look. Pared away at the back to avoid hat brim *1 ) r Your Giddy trouble. Black Juilliard woolen. Women's sizes_ B—Black-dyed Persian lamb descends the sleeves of a shorter Suede Gloves woman's coat of Juilliard woolen. The coat itself is the easy-to-wear, semi-fitted type. See how small j and when it on- They start out to be conservative—the beloved your hips look, you try standard four- length, P K-sewn pull- C—This soft, shawl of silver fox gives the sweep and be- ons. But suddenly color becomes all-important richness want and "builds shoulder it their to coming you up" 60-inch Gorment Bag holds —they feel joyous duty brighten interest without bulk. Semi-fitted of black eight garment* In du*t-re*istanf, your black* or brown coat. So they offer you body security. High domp-re*i*tant of Juilliard shorter women's sizes- visibility. Slide-fostened, rein- handfuls pastel gold color, bark, woolen; forced at point* of strain—gay terra brown, Molyneux rose or red. glozed chintz trim.. $6 D—Paneled to the hemline with opulent brown-dyed skunk, this You can have them, too, of course, $ Blanket slide-fastened, "^.50 Bag, Pair- coat has the shaped arrow waistline that is $3.50 in black or white. cleverly so wearable. Women's sizes in wine or black Forstmann Bog, slide-fastened, $2 Bedding to $610 Case for Guest Towels, slide- Suede Gloves, S1.95 woolen_ fastened _$1.25 First Floor. Women’s Coat*, Thud Ploo*. Tktst art fail a jtw if Iht Olovis, Aisli 18, Exylim trtasurts you find ktrt. , Aisles 31 and 22, Pl**T PLOO*.