146°00'E 146°05'E 146°10'E 146°15'E 146°20'E 146°25'E 146°30'E 146°35'E 146°40'E 146°45'E 146°50'E 146°55'E 147°00'E 147°05'E 147°10'E 147°15'E 147°20'E 147°25'E 147°30'E 147°35'E 147°40'E Britomart Reef

# Marine Parks


  18-013 # 18°14.544'S Hecate Point   #

CP-18-4046 # 18°14.790'S CP-18-4047 18-033 #

H 18-024  #  # 18°15'S i Missionary # 18°15'S n Zoning c   18-025 Myrmidon Reef h 18-034

i Bay 146°53.400'E

n 147°00.870'E

b  #  #

r 146°18.042'E o   146°53.067'E 18°16.489'S

147°21.767'E # Cardwell o 146°19.455'E

Point k 18°16.800'S  B-17-3011

#   # # MNP-18-1078 MAP 7 - 18°17.281'S C   18°17.400'S 18°17.349'S

h Ramsay a # n Bay  n  146°17.585'E e  #

l 18-014  e #

g GIRRINGUN # Island  18°19.050'S sa s 18-802 Walker Reef  a


# # 146°54.000'E R  MNP-18-1079 # 18-026 147°24.348'E U   Ma  C CP-18-4048 E ngrove PointAnchorage Point Thread Shoal 18°20'S  # MNP-17-1072 18-035 18°20'S

HINCHINBROOK 18°20.580'S Urchin Shoal Needle Reef  #   18-036 18-037 Agnes Island (NP) Trunk Reef  18-015 18-027  ´   #  Thimble Shoal

H 147°20.097'E

I  18-014  # 18-038 G # # Scale 1 : 250 000 HW  AY 146°18.663'E 18°23.103'S CP-18-4050 18-124    18°23.163'S  18°23.299'S 0 5 10 15 20 km  Zoe Bay  18-028 

Bramble Reef ISLAND  #    (NP) # # 18-029 Arab Reef Dip Reef 0 5 10 n mile  146°22.084'E 18-040 18-039   # Kelso Reef Faraday Reef 18-128 Hillock Point       Map Projection: Unprojected Geographic 18°25'S 18-030 18-041 18°25'S

NATIONAL #   Roxburgh Reef    Horizontal Datum: Geocentric Datum of 1994  CP-18-4051 Coil Reef  18-042 18-046 m  al      # P MNP-18-1081 ! Map 5 Mulligan #   147°23.280'E #   Bay  18-129 Haycock Island (NP) 18°27.869'S Little Kelso P-18-17 Reef 18°28.080'S  18-803 George Point Westmoreland Reef 147°26.160'E  18-031 18-044 Innisfail ! #  Rib Reef     Cotton Shoal   18-045 18-032 18°29.119'S 18°29.187'S 18°29.040'S Map 6      18°29.280'S Arc Reef  P-18-18 Tully !     18-070   # L #   146°58.261'E Oyster Rock

18°30'S 18-041 Slashers  18°30.480'S  18°30'S Bowl Reef Backnumbers Reef   18-069a  18-080

146°33.066'E Glow Reef !  146°59.187'E 18-071 H 147°21.000'E 147°24.720'E Lucinda Point 147°18.003'E     Ingham

e Lucinda 18°31.998'S r # French b Fore And Aft Reef   e Pelorus (North Palm or Yanooa) Island Reefs Reef 18°32.472'S Map 7 rt 18-048 18-043 Braggs Reef      147°27.360'E PARK 18-072 18-069b 18-125 Yankee Reef # 18-126 Orpheus  18°33.260'S   18-074 Townsville

(Goolboddi) # e    g 18-127  Ayr !

  Iris Point Hopkinson Reef a Knife Reef ! Map 8 Island (NP) # s s 18-081 18-049(a-e)  18-073 a   Home Hill



# # Macknade # 18°34.961'S ! Halifax e  Cup Reef (North) ! 18°35'S   18°35'S Bowen 18-084a r SR-18-2007 INDEX TO ADJOINING MAPS a 146°30.526'E 

e 147°16.392'E v 18°36.002'S

i Pioneer # # Fork R Bay CP-18-4052 MNP-18-1084    18°36.651'S Reef    18-083   LEGEND 18°37.140'S

Taylors Beach 147°29.600'E !   John Brewer Reef  Grub Reef   b Palm 18-075 18-077 Marine Park boundary r !! Hall Reef (North) e  Hazard Bay  Helix Reef 

v Trebonne Cup Reef i

Ingham MNP-18-1083 # 18-076 18-121a Chicken Reef

146°30.600'E (South) R      18-086 Great Barrier Reef Marine Park CP-18-4053 18°38.821'S 18°38.760'S 18-084b d Curacoa (Noogoo) Island   18-052 #  Spoon Reef North Saucer Reef  Management Area boundary c t  C in 18-084c Po 18-085a  u a y    L r b 18°39.951'S Bommie / rock a a Lady Elliot Reef Harrier Point ll 147°38.297'E

c a Hall Reef (South) 18°40'S  o 18°40.320'S # 18°40'S 18-050 18°40.380'S W Spoon Reef South   a 18-121b  146°30.840'E g b 18-085b Reef Flat Juno C 18°40.863'S  Sinballa Point ic     147°18.919'E h # t 

e 147°40.800'E e Bay a on Lodestone Reef n St h n c g Indicative Reef boundary   n f 18-078  a a e e Islands M l a 18°42.000'S

B    # Planning Area boundary Allingham Coolgaree 147°29.600'E 146°29.490'E Bay 146°35.280'E  Centipede Reef No Shipping Fantome (Eumilli) # t t # 18-088 Designated Shipping Area boundary s CP-18-4054 Shipping e Island MNP-18-1085    r r o 18-053 North East Hayman F Challenger WETLANDS  (Dthoorakool)   Coastline Rock 146°43.554'E 146°18.344'E NATIONAL PARK 146°26.808'E (Gowyarowa) Bay Bay L

 e  # Keeper Reef    147°37.869'E Paluma 18°44.809'S 18-079 River 18°44.972'S 18°44.972'S 18-054(a-g) d L # Falcon    Rock    Pa 18°45'S lm (Carbooroo) 18°45.419'S 18°45'S   Esk (Soopun) St 18-056 Mangrove Island     Cr Island 18-059 e  e 147°30.000'E e a c k m b L Albino Rock 18-057 18°46.200'S  E e   Lynchs Reef Backshore Bronte Beach 1 c r Miranda Point 18-091 L 8 li C Fawn Head Barber (Boodthean) CP-18-4055 Dido Rock -0 p ha  5 s nne  e l # C 18-060 18-062 8 (G Island a  18°47.383'S aro Population centre (to scale) o # tt gubbee) Island 18-061 le Brisk  L  CP-18-4056  18°47.499'S GIRRINGUN nt Creek (Culgarool) 18°47.856'S Chilcott Wheeler Reef ! Orie 18-095   Population centre (symbolised) NATIONAL C Island Rocks re e  Pandora Reef Davies Reef PARK 18-063 k 18-051L     MNP-18-1086 # 18-096 Minor road (unsealed)  146°59.704'E MNP-18-1087  18°49.437'S Fly Island 18°49.606'S 146°18.336'E  18-064  146°33.599'E 18°49.781'S 

Major road (sealed) # 146°41.992'E 146°28.381'E 18°50'S    18°50'S  18-065 National Park / Conservation Tenure   #    HALIFAX BAY 18°51.114'S Special Management Areas WETLANDS 

146°21.753'E MNP-18-1082 147°43.414'E 147°42.239'E

B NATIONAL PARK 147°35.587'E RU ek 18-100b CE re  Public Appreciation boundary  C 18°52.458'S (Big)

or k Ele a n # 

H Broadhurst e k Restricted Access / Seasonal Closure boundary I e G  e # e r r H C Reef

C W r to A la  18-100a Species Conservation Y su   In y y PALUMA 18°54.100'S (Dugong Protection) boundary k a  O # (Includes State Dugong Protection boundary)  146°21.753'E  Note:

18°55'S 18°55'S Marine Park boundary shown is extent of both Great 18°55.688'S  18°55.688'S Barrier Reef and Great Barrier Reef Coast Marine Parks IMPORTANT NOTE FOR COMMERCIAL CRAB FISHERMEN 18-800 #   146°33.599'E # Commercial Crab Fishery Areas are declared in Missionary Bay, Cleveland   THIS MAP IS INDICATIVE ONLY AND IS NOT INTENDED FOR 4. Reefs, shoals and islands within the Great Barrier Reef Marine Ri (Little) NAVIGATIONAL PURPOSES. Park are numbered west to east within one-degree bands. They are Bay, Cape Bowling Green and Bowling Greenve rBay under Marine 18°57.024'S Broadhurst NOTES: prefixed with the latitude at the top of the band in which they lie. Park Zoning. Users must refer to the Marine Parks (Great Barrier Reef Coast)  HINCHINBROOK PLANNING AREA Acheron Island Reef 1. The purpose of this map is to help interpret the Great Barrier Reef A centre point is used to determine the appropriate one-degree band Zoning Plan 2004 for precise boundary descriptions (Plan of Management provisions apply)  18-066 18-106 # Marine Park Zoning Plan 2003 and the Marine Parks (Great Barrier for features straddling parallels. Following the latitude band is the reek Phillips Reef Reef Coast) Zoning Plan 2004. The zone boundaries shown on this numeric unique reef identifier. In addition, complex reef areas carry l C 18-067  Crysta  map are indicative only. Sub IDs in the form of alphabetic letters. # 

SAFETY IN THE MARINE PARKS 146°43.609'E While care has been taken to illustrate zone boundaries as accurately 5. Islands, or parts of islands that form part of Queensland are not RANGE L Cordelia Rocks as possible, users must refer to Schedule 1 of the Great Barrier Reef owned by the Commonwealth, and are not part of the Great Barrier People visit the Marine Parks at their own risk. Zoning Plans allow activities L 18-068 to take place, but do not guarantee safety. The Parks contain both natural  # Marine Park Zoning Plan 2003 and Schedule 1 of the Marine Parks Reef Marine Park. 19°00'S and human hazards. Park users should consult navigation charts, Notices to Halifax 19°00'S (Great Barrier Reef Coast) Zoning Plan 2004 for precise boundary 6. The information displayed is held in the Great Barrier Reef Marine g g descriptions. Park Authority Geospatial Data Library. This includes data provided n i Bramble Rock Mariners, then Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority and the Department n 19-001L 19-312 2. Zone identifiers indicate the zone type, latitude and number of by Geoscience Australia National Mapping Division (including the of EnvironmentRu and Resource Management for more specific information r e   each zoned area. Zones numbered on this map: GEODATA product) and Hydrographic Office. Land Balgal Beach Herald Island iv # before going to sea. R Lorne Reef 19-002 CP - Conservation Park Zone tenure was derived from data supplied by the Queensland Department

 # 19-004 B - Buffer Zone of Environment and Resource Management, December 2009. ! Rattlesnake Island SR - Scientific Research Zone 7. While every effort has been made to show all features necessary to 19-003 IMPORTANT NOTES FOR MAP USERS Rollingstone MNP - Marine National Park Zone make this map a useful general reference, map users are invited to PALUMA # P - Preservation Zone advise the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority of any errors, This map may not show all Queensland State Marine Park Zoning (for Toomulla 3. The Great Barrier Reef Marine Parks include the water column, omissions or other suggestions that would enhance this product. example, State Marine Parks where declared between high and low water).  Beach MNP-19-1090 the subsoil beneath the seabed to a depth of 1000 metres below the Contact details are shown overleaf, or email to: For more information on these areas, please refer to the relevant RANGE ! Bay INSET A seabed and the airspace to 915 metres above the surface. [email protected] Queensland Marine Park Zoning Plans. Restrictions and/or closures under # GREAT BARRIER REEF MARINE PARK y # 19°05'S y 19°05'S Queensland legislation (eg. Fisheries Regulation 1995 (Qld)) are not shown.  MNP-19-1089 Ba NATIONAL Ba l  ing TOWNSVILLE / WHITSUNDAY MANAGEMENT AREA Users should familiarise themselves with all legal requirements relevant to Paluma Shoals White Rock ld ca Orchard Five Beach Lh Horseshoe Ba 19-005 Liver Radi Rocks their particular activities before entering or using the Great Barrier Reef PARK Bay Rock Bay Bay L 19-006 tar NATIONAL  19-007 Point g MNP-19-1091 Marine Park or the Great Barrier Reef Coast Marine Park. S f e Gowrie Bay L j # ! Florence Bay West Horseshoe Bay  The inshore boundary of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park follows the  Burdekin Rock L d coastline of Queensland at low water except to the extent such waters 19-008 Point (NP) MNP-19-1092 #  Toolakea Beach 19-009 Morinda are within the limits of the State of Queensland within the meaning of  Arthur Bay CP-19-4057 Shoal ! Arcadia Bay 19-020 section 14 of the Seas & Submerged Lands Act 19731973, or where otherwise ! Alma Bay MNP-19-1093 # Bluewater Saunders Beach Nelly Bay  indicated (such as port areas). Any depiction of the inshore boundary !  ! Bremner Point k c on this map is indicative only. e Picnic 


r Nelly C   # a Bay Bay

19°10'S p CP-19-4058 !  Cape Cleveland 19°10'S

e b MNP-19-1094 Salamander Reef # # e # D   ek Hawkings Point 19-013 Cre   146°48'E 146°50'E 146°52'E 146°54'E Cape Pallarenda L

19-010 Picnic Bay Four Foot Rock 19-014  # INSET A  !  Middle Reef L  19-011 Twenty Foot Bushland  147°30.663'E MNP-19-1090 Yabulu Rock 19-015 #

y BeachPallarenda Bedwell # 19°12.896'S y Bluewater Park Virago Shoal Bay 19°12.896'S g Ba Ba 19-012

in    # 19°06'S h 19°06'S White Rock L  Bald dical Orchard ! Mt Low Kissing Point CP-19-4059 Paradise Bay

Five Beach Ra Rocks PARK  # Bay Horseshoe  Cleveland L 19-006 Black River ! Bray Islet 19-016 Bay  TOWNSVILLE

er 147°15.684'E Bluewat 

19°15'S 19°15'S g Gowrie Bay Jensen BOWLING C L Bare Islet 19-017 # f  a

k Deeragun pe e e ! Bay  ! Woora 19°16.001'S j Liver

Florence Bay e SR-19-2008

MNP-19-1091 r AIMS Point ! Bald Islet 19-018 # MNP-19-1089 Horseshoe Bay C MNP-19-1096   C Cape Ferguson d o r c

MNP-19-1092 o e 147°22.679'E k Chunda Bay # r a  ive e R v re i C k k C  r 

c R y e Arthur Bay a l cod CP-19-4060 Yongala

f o West e l Cr ile 19°18.000'S B d Bohle Plains k L Wreck

Point n

 m a Cape Bowling Green 19-800

S Magnetic Island (NP) o

19°08'S 19°08'S  

t C t OAD

R r o e

e b

19-009 CP-19-4057 19°19.176'S # l ! k GREEN MNP-19-1097 19°19.341'S

R e    

 e o

 Rangewood MNP-19-1093 K s     Alice River s    Bowling Green Bay 19°20'S 19°20'S Arcadia Bay !

  Alma Bay Sand Island  # BR   19-802  UC

  E 147°23.597'E

Nelly Bay 147°37.975'E  !   Bremner Point E Nome   CP-19-4061 G SUPERSEDED  c N e e ! A l     BAY 19°22.611'S  R h Alligator Creek HIG 

o HW Big Beach AY #  Geoffrey Bay B 19°23.282'S Nelly R i 19°10'S  Picnic 19°10'S !  v   Bay Bay e Cungulla CP-19-4058 MNP-19-1094 r CP-19-4063 a !  A  

b l l

i g



# o 

19°25'S r     19°25'S

 Hawkings Point 147°23.581'E Cleveland k

e ) NATIONAL  e h r     c C


n r 19-010 Bay a e Lynchs Beach r Cape Pallarenda e

B k

Picnic Bay i     19°27.051'S

t t r e d Alva # s Riv n C ! e u o k BOWLING GREEN BAY NATIONAL PARK Middle Reef W m e (    e  012 m b r

r r e 

a C

r 19-011 e

r Cree

v n i Pallarenda a

 o R Kilometres Y t a 19°12'S 19°12'S

146°48'E 146°50'E 146°52'E 146°54'E E B t

V h k t

g g  PARK g

R a

E n


i r   This map must not be used for marine navigation.

H r


# n H a 147°42.383'E  n B Comprehensive and updated navigation a   F WARNING   information should be obtained from published 19°30'S    19°30'S hydrographic charts. 146°00'E 146°05'E 146°10'E 146°15'E 146°20'E 146°25'E 146°30'E 146°35'E 146°40'E 146°45'E 146°50'E 146°55'E 147°00'E 147°05'E 147°10'E 147°15'E 147°20'E 147°25'E 147°30'E 147°35'E 147°40'E  Produced 15 April 2011 by Spatial Data Centre - Edition IV © Commonwealth of Australia (GBRMPA) 2011