Cape York Peninsula
LAND USE PROGUM (LUP) TOURISM STUDY OF CAPE YORK PENINSULA P. C. James HJM Consultants Pty Ltd, Hobart CYPLUS is 8 joint Wative of tk Queembd ud(hamon- Cmammm CAPE YORK PEN~Ns~A USE STRATEGY ' ... <.. TOURISM-STUDY .::,.-g:;:?i,,j. j . .: ;;,.-:OF CN!E Y& PENINSIX&,; . .. .I5. _, . ,, ., . .d. " P. C. James HJM Consultants Pty Ltd, Hobart J. Courtenay Probe, Cairns 199s CYPLUS is a joint initiative of the Queensland and Commonwealth Governments T,F'3 C ':., ,.: ,F-j,%y- -i""'i'. +- j; ;: . ,. .,- , - .. .. ,. .. .* - y; ?;&&>$gQ-<e~-;;D;;-;,;$.;$: ;3 :. ,. ,- , . .j & .I,$ , : .. :, .. ... .. .... hiT+g.&y 2 f;-y;itac. -Q &Ti ;i:pyf g; <, ::;;, ::,.:! ;3$<.,.tisa ci:: : : : .:is ;: I,: , . , , a.*,c*y'~:~;t;~2<'...$-. - '-..'+.d,\>,?C ; ~i~~~~,j@~;~,y&,2~~jE,7~3c~v,Td2;;:~< .;,?- -., .....,. &. .,,., ............: ... .... - < .. :.. ,i.,,$.?;ti.+, ... r .....:,.r ...... -.{.:,, , e,;.- --,,?? :-i+tpcx.:-,'>. .- . , . *. .. a. A .y~,pjt~$;&~-,. i'7~~~;-f~~$b~@T~$~~$j&@~~j~3$+: ,:, ;. .-., .... :* >.>,:; ::+>.I; zz~k5-$:. :( :, ,,. .- !: ; ...6 .. , ,,., '' -' .- 3.. <- . .i .. Ld,?: 5:;- :> &.A<: :: 2:; -. :.i , f . , : . .-. ;,: : ,. .* ' '.:'.Reisommendedcitation: , > ~ ..: :.* .*., ......?. : ,. .;i:j:::. ;:-L .. , ?'i..i!j . :1- ... p. C. & ~~&~$f:f~f$~&p;~~~~~~_.~,$&~~da;(Cape York ..... 'peninsula'Land use :&-at,egi,: offceZ&tfie i:~&dinato~ General of Quegnsland, .... .... .... &isbane, ;,~I'-ep~,rllent of the Environment, Sport and Territories, Canberra, HIM , ~ , ,, ,,.?$, . .': a+~ons,&&&21r'j$b~&, ;l,,-.-,r 7- (;. , , ,. :.
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