PALM ISLANDS SPECIAL SERIES Wtmaveg 1:50 000 Vegetation Survey QUEENSLAND SHEET 8260-4 Special EDITION 1

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PALM ISLANDS SPECIAL SERIES Wtmaveg 1:50 000 Vegetation Survey QUEENSLAND SHEET 8260-4 Special EDITION 1 Refer to this map as: Wet Tropics Bioregion PALM ISLANDS SPECIAL SERIES WTMAveg 1:50 000 Vegetation Survey QUEENSLAND SHEET 8260-4 Special EDITION 1 4 42 43 44 45 46 47146°30' 48 49 450 51 52 53 54 55 56146°35' 57 146°30' 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56146°35' 57 58 13c 61c 42b 70a 25a 47c 25a 31d 47c 11a 11a 64a 28b 47c 31b 31b 42b 31d 28b 61c 31b 28b 47c 31d 25a 64a 31d Great Palm 31d Island 11a Pencil Bay 61c 61c 55a 64a 9c 64a31b 42b 64a 9c 66b 26 61c 31b 31b 70a 66b 26 13d 31d 13d 61c 64a 7950 66b 66a 70a 13d66b 13d 66b 9c9c 70a 28b 25a 31b 31d 31d Steamer Passage 31b 70a 22f 9c 55a55a 42b 66b 31b 192 25a 28b 70a 13d13d 66b 25a 31b 31a7c 31d 31d 132 70a 66b Great Palm Island Reef 13d 66b66a 66b 70a 31b 66b 31d 66b 28b 31b 28b 13d 66b 66b 13d 66b 64a 66b 31b70a Butler Bay (Surrumbroo) 13d13d 31d 31d 66c 9c Pelorus Island 25 13d 31d 70a 25 49 13d 66b 64a 61 Esk Island 66b 66b 13d 66a 8a 66b Eclipse Reef 66b 13d 31d 271 (North Palm Island) (Soopun) 31d 68e Falcon Island 9c 31d 64a 13d 52b 9c 13d 8a 8a 66a 13d (Yandooa Island) 9c (Carbooroo) Pelorus Reef 8a 66b 66a 66b 31d 66b 66b 66c 66b 9c 9c 66b Eclipse Island 70a 13d 13d 66b 13d66b 9c68e 66a 9c 68e (Garoogubbee) Miranda Point 64a 25a 66b 66a 64a 66b 58 9c 66a 9c 66b 13d13d 66a 13d 31d 66b 24 Esk Reef 24 64a 22f Dido Rock Brisk-Falcon Reef 48 31d 66b 66b 9c 9c Dido Reef 22f 9c 64a 68e 22f 8a 66b 22f 13d 66b 70a 68e9c 31d 66b 13d 9c Brisk Island (Culgarool) 13d Iris Point 23 67 13d 23 9c 47 68e 9c 66b 31d 73 66b 9c 31d 9c 68e 64a 66b 70e 7c 66a 66b 11a 66b 9c Coral 8a 9c 64a 31d 22 22 70a 46 13d66a 66a 18c 177 66b 22f 31d 31d 13d66a 13d 13d 161 18c 31d 18c 18°35' 31d 66b 13d 68e 21 21 45 18c 31d 66b 13d 70a 18c 68e 13d 64a 66b 31d 31d 9c 18c 9c 66b31d Coral 18c 31d Sea 31d31d 68e Orpheus Island Reef 18c 13d70a 22f 79 79 70a 64a 31d 20 20 70a 18c 9c 44 70a 70a70a 66b13d 31d 18c31d66a9c 70a 18c 68e 37c 13d9c Pioneer 18c 66b 70a Bay 70a 68e 66b 37c 31d 22f9c 19 19 43 66b 13d 66a22f 66b 22f 66a 66a 66a31d ORPHEUS 22f Orpheus Island Reef 9c Sea 66a 13d 66a 37c 9c Fly Island 64a 13d 68e9c 18 18 42 64a ISLAND 9c 64a Fly Island Reef 18c70a 70a 8a31b 66b9c9c 13d 66b 156 31d 66a 18°50' 52b 18°50' 9c9c 66b 31d105 37c 13d NATIONAL 9c 67g 66b 18c 68e 42b 68e 37c 31d 64a 8a 13d13d 31d 13d 31d 9c 52b 68e 31d 66a66b64a 13d 31d 9c 17 161 68e 17 52b PARK 31d 41 13d 13d 66b 31d 70a 66b 66b 42b 70a13d 31d66a 13d 68e 66b9c 31d 70a 13d 70a 66b 9c 37c 66b 9c 64a 66b 13d 66b 66b9c 31d 66b 68e 70a Havannah Island 66b 13d 66a Havannah Reef 70a 66b 68e 66b 67g9c13d 70a 70a 18c 31d 70a 68e 16 16 79 37c 9c 22f 40 66b 13d Hazard Bay 64a 66b 31d 31b 31d Orpheus Orpheus Island Reef 68e 31d 31d (Goolboddi) 37c 31d 9c 31d Island 66b68e 13d 15 15 39 64a 9b9b 31d 13d 68d 70a Orpheus Island Reef 64a 37c 66a 64a 64a 13d 31d 31a13d 31d 70a 31d9c 66b 9c 31d 66a 70a 37c 13d 14 14 66a 38 70a 70a 59a66a 64a 25a 31d9c 13d 9c 64a 9c Orpheus Island Reef 161 9c 13d 13d 9c 66b 37c 9c 31d N 9b55a 68e 9c 52c 9c 22f 31b 9c 13 66b 9c 000m 9b69f 25c 42b 13d 37 37c 9b67g 25a25a 64a 64a 9c 13 Curacoa Channel9b9b 25a 13d 31d 9b 31d 68e 79 31b 8a 9c 68e 68e 64a 25a 31d31d 64a 64a 13d13d 13d9c 66b 31d 64a 66b 31d31d Curacoa (Noogoo) Island 31b 8a31a 68e 64a 31d 31d 13d 66b 64a 42b 31d Orpheus Island Reef 31d 25a 298 31d 13d 68e 4 000m 4 13d 64a 13d 66b 13d 9c 146°30' 48 E 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 146°35' 57 58 70a 25c 13d 68e 66b 70a 13d 31d 9c 9c 31d 9c 36 70a 31d31d 36 18°40' Harrier Point 66a 70a 13d 64a Fantome 13d 13d 31d 9c 68e 42b 31d 31d 68e 9c 31d 68e 218 66b 31d 9c 31d31d 31d 68e 68e (Eumilli) Curacoa Reef 68e 13d 68e 13d 31d13d31d31d 68e 31a 68e 70a 31d 64a Wallaby (Nullaree) Point 35 70a42b 13d 31a 35 68e 64a 31d 66b 64a13d 13d 68e 31d 64a 70a 68e 13d66b Island Curacoa Reef 13d 13d 31d31d 146 66a Cannon Fantome Island Reef 13d 66b 66b 70a 31d 64a 31d 66b (Numbullabudgee) 68e 66b 13d 31d 66b 64a 66e66b66a Bay 66a 9c Elk Cliff 31d 66e31d 70a 42b 66b 31d 25c 66a Sunballa Point Juno Bay 31d 64a 66a66b 66a 67g 68e9c31d 13d 31d 9c31d 34 66b 66b66c 66a66b 9c 13d 9c66b 34 70a 67g 13d 68e 67g 13d 176 64a 64a 66a 66b 43b 31a 31d 25a 66c 66a 25a 68e66b 66c 31d 64a 66b59a 43e 42b 68e 66a 42b 64a 64a 70a 13d 31d 70a 13d 66c 13d 59a 13d 31d 13d Calliope (Bulgoomin) Channel 64a 33 70e 68e 31d 31d13d 25a 33 70e 13d 146 61c 13d 13d 42b 13d 61c 9c Bullumbooroo Bay 70e 68e 68e 42b 31d 64a 13d 13d 31d 70e 68e 25a 31d 25a 13d 66b 31d 68e13d 13d 295 66a 31d 61c 25a 31d 66c 9c 66a 25a 64a 13d 31d 68e 31b13d 66b 66a 68e 70a 13d 32 31d 13d 25a 43b 32 9c 66b 70a 43b 13d 31d 66b 9c 25a 59a 43b 66a 202 64a 42b 13d 66a Challenger (Gowyarowa) Bay 13d 43b 13d 66b 66a66b 13d 42b 13d 9c 13d 66b 31b 43e 9c 43b 25a 66a 47c 9c66a 31d Great Palm Island Reef 64a 66c 66a 70a 25a 43b 66b 25a 42b 13d 42b 43b 2a 25a 31d 31d 66a 25b 43c 25c 25b 13d 2a 66a 61c 61a 13d 31 42b 275 68e 9c 31 70a 42b 13d 13d 9c 9c Coolgaree Bay 42b 66a 2a 25a 9c 9c 70a 70a 61c 25a 31b66b 70a 61c 55a 42b 13d 61c 9c 61c 66b 61c 61a61c 31d 2a25a 70a 61c 61c 61c 25b 68e 31d 61c 13d25b 61a 61c 61c 42b 43b 9c 70a 61c 70a 61c 61c 61c 61c 61c 66c 31d 25a 25a 43b 66b 79 61c 61c 61c 2a 9c 79 30 61c 13d 61c 13d 30 42b 61c 13d 2a 13d 22f 61a 61c Great Palm Island 2a 13d 31d 2a 31d 9c 66e66e 42b 61c 66a 43b 13d 66b 25a 13d 10i Coolgood Bay 42b 13d13d 42b 43b 2a 43b 64a Coral 13d 2a 31d 13d 9c 13d 25a 43b 2a 2a 10i 43b 13d 25a 4c 31d 31d 64a 61e 275 13d 13d 13d 61c61c10i 13d 61c 4c 13d 61c 61c 29 25a13d 25a 25a 25a 2a 4c 16b 29 13d 43b 43b 43b 43b 7c 13d 43b 61c 13d 10i 61c 10i 66b 61e42b 13d 61a61a 16b 31d 25a13d25a 61a 9c 13d 25a 25a 61a 61c 61c 43b 31d 42b Bamboo 66b 47c 43b 61c 61c 11a Palm Island Aboriginal Community 43b 25a Dam 2a61a 9c 10i 10i 42b 47c 43b 66b Electra Head 61c 4c 4c 47c 10i 10i 13d 66b Regina Bay 61e 25a 4c 18a Mount Bentley 66b9c 66b 28 2a 4c 21d 55a 28 25a 18a 4c 4c4c 4c 10k 547 4c 4c 66b 31d 159 15a 42b 25a 13d 4c 4c 10i 55a 66a 42b 25a 18a 13d 9c 42b 61c 4c 43b 43e 66a16b * Hayman Rock 21d 11a 31b 66a 66c 4c 4c 31d 15a 42b 25a 10i 10i 4c 16b 31b 70a61e 25a 66c 21d 28b 13d 13d 4c 13c 31d 66a 15a 70a25a 4c 4c 28b 64a 28b 21d North East (Dthoorakool) Bay 13d13d Sea 42b 13d 11a 66c 4c 28b 3b 55a 66b 31d 61c61c 25a 66c 28b 66c 4c 11a 4c 28b 31d Casement Bay 42b Mount Lindsay 11a 4c25a 4c 28b 31b 43b 28b 16b 42b 10i 28b 55a 66b 66b 31b 27 13d 66c 61a 132 28b28b 64b 15a 15a 27 70a61c 25a 25a 28b 31b 31d 16b 25a 18a 25a 28b 16b 31d31b 13d 31d 16b 15a15a 31b 61c 28b 11a 66b 13d 43b 16b 18°45' 18°45' 70a13d 61c 28b 28b 31b 64a64a 70a 31b 28b 61c 25a 395 28b 66c 31d 16b 13d 31d 70a 42b 31d66b 16b 13d 43b 28b 31d 64a 64a 47c 25a 47c 11a 28b 43b 16b 15a Great Palm Island Reef 28b 47c 28b 25a 25a 16b31d31d 11a 43b 28b 43b 66b 64a 31b 28b 28b 11a 13d 31b 25a 28b 31d 25a 25a 11a 28b 16b 66c 16b11a 61c 42b 31b 47c 31d 11a 28b 25a 31b 13d 64a 11a 11a 16b 43b 15a16b 31d 31d 11a 66c 25a 11a 31b 411 28b 11a 16b 42b 55a 28b 16b 43b 43b 139 15a 13d16b Pencil Bay 64a31b 61c 61c 64a 28b 25a 11a 11a 16b 16b 15a 31b 31b 64a 31b 31d 31d 25a 28b 16b 26 31d 13d 61c 70a 66b 70a 31d 11a 28b 43b 66c66c15a 31d 26 61c70a 64a 66b 31d 11a 25a 15a 15a 16b 31d 66a 70a 31b 13d 64a 55a 11a 15a 15a 43b 16b 70a66b 28b 25a 66b 11a 25a 28b31d 25a 15a 15a 43b 15a 55a55a 31b 70a 25a 15a 15a 7a 15a 66b 42b 66b 66b 66a 70a31b 64a 31d 31d 15a 11a 25a 28b 70a 9c31d 445 15a15a 16b 15a15a 9c 66a22f 66b 25a 31b 64a 66e 70a31d 15a 43b 31d 15a 31d 66b 9c 66a 13d 15a 15a 16b 43b 13d 22f 66b 132 70a Onion Bay 70a 25a 16b 15a 43b 70a 31d 70a 66b66b 31d 11a 15a 66b South West Cape 28b 15a 15a 15a 16b 31b 66b Mundy Bay 15a 66b Butler Bay (Surrumbroo) 13d 66c 66a Barber Bay 15a 64a 66b 31b70a 15a 70a 25a 66c 43b 15a 25 13d 70a 25a 15a 25 31d Great Palm Island Reef 13d31d 16b 15a 64a Esk Island 66b 8a 61 66b Eclipse Reef 66b 15a 13d 66b 16b (Soopun) 31d68e Falcon Island 25a 31d 64a 15a15a 25a 15a15a 9c 8a 8a 66a 15a 15a13d 52b 66a 13d9c (Carbooroo) 31d 66b 15a 16b15a 9c66b 66b 66b Eclipse Island 66b66b 43b 43b 13d 9c68e9c 68e66a 15a11a 66b Miranda Point 66b 66a 9c 66b 58 (Garoogubbee) 15a 31d 66b 31d N 9c 13d 15a 66a 15a13d 16b Esk Reef 15a 15a 24 000m Dido Rock Brisk-Falcon Reef Barber Island Fawn Head 28 24 Dido Reef (Boodthean) 79 64a Barber Reef 8a68e 13d 68e9c 31d 66b 9c Brisk Island (Culgaroo) 13d13d 442000m E 43 44 45 46 47 146°30' 48 49 450 51 52 53 54 55 56146°35' 57 58 59 460 61 62 63 64 146°40' 65 66 67 68 012345Kilometres Date of map production: January 2009 © Wet Tropics Management Authority 2009 FULL LATITUDE AND LONGITUDE ARE SHOWN WITH FIVE MINUTE TICKS INSIDE THE NEATLINE Hillock Point GREY NUMBERED GRID LINES ARE 1000 METRE INTERVALS OF THE UNIVERSAL TRANSVERSE MERCATOR GRID, ZONE 55 (MAP GRIDAUSTRALIA ), GDA ISBN 978-1-921591-54-9 GRID VALUES ARE SHOWN IN FULL ONLY AT THE SOUTH WEST CORNER OF THE MAP GN MN VERTICAL DATUM: AUSTRALIAN HEIGHT DATUM; HORIZONTAL DATUM: GDA94; TRANSVERSE MERCATOR PROJECTION; ELEVATIONS IN METRES TN Atherton Railway GRID Lucinda Coral Sea CONVERGENCE Allanton Hill (0.5°) Palm Islands GRID-MAGNETIC 221 Special ANGLE (8.1°) Rainforests Sclerophyll and sclerophyll Sclerophyll forests and woodlands Vegetation complexes and mosaics Shrublands and heathlands Unvegetated, cleared or non-native rainforest transitions Halifax Bay True North, Grid North and Magnetic North are shown 2a Mesophyll rainforests 25a Eucalyptus forests and woodlands 64a Coastal beach complexes 67g Shrublands and heathlands Naturally unvegetated diagrammatically for the centre of this map.
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