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French Opening Ceremony of International Associated Laboratory (LIA) CNRS/Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) POST-WESTERN SOCIOLOGIES AND FIELDWORK IN FRANCE AND IN CHINA 2014 January the 22, 23 and the 24th IFE, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon salle des conférences Host-Organizer Triangle, CNRS, ENS Lyon Partners Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Institute of Sociology, Beijing with Shanghai University, Beijing University and Nanjing University With the support of Lyon 2 University, IEP Lyon, Jean Monnet University ARC Rhône-Alpes, IMU Université de Lyon 1 Table des matières Laurence Roulleau-Berger Post-Western Sociologies and Methodological Cosmopolitism 0 Xie Lizhong “Postsociology” (or “Pluralistic Discourse Analysis”): An new exploration of Social Research 19 Shen Yuan The Chinese Public Sociology 35 Luc Boltanski Critical Sociology and Sociology of Critique 42 Chen GuangJin Chinese Society: Change and Transformation. A Perspective of Social Structure 58 Ahmed Boubeker Post-Colonial Ruptures and New Boundaries of French Society 98 Zhou Xiaohong Chinese Feelings: Research of Social Mentalities under China’s Transition 110 Bernard Lahire Thinking about social differentiation: a contextualist and dispositionalist point of view 114 François Dubet Inequalities and solidarity 122 Yang Yiyin Guanxi, self construal, and public participation in China 132 Liu Yuzhao, Wang Ping, Ying Kewei Guanxi, self construal, and public participation in China 139 Agnès Deboulet Global cities, inequalities and urban democracy 142 Samadia Sadouni
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