Piers Park 3 RFP East

ADDENDUM NO. 1 March 19, 2018

The Massachusetts Port Authority (“Massport”) is providing the following additional information related to its Piers Park 3 Request for Proposals (“RFP”). This includes clarifications and responses to questions posed to Massport by potential respondents during and following the February 23, 2018 site tour, as well as clarifications offered by Massport. Massport is disseminating this information to individuals and firms who registered to receive the RFP or expressed interest in continuing to receive documents relating to the RFP process. This Addendum is made a part of the RFP and is subject to all conditions and reservations included in the RFP. If any information in this Addendum 1 conflicts with the RFP, the language of this Addendum 1 shall govern and amend the RFP.

Addendum No. 1 includes the following:

A. Questions and Answers

B. Pre‐Submission Conference and Site Tour Attendance Sheet Section A – Questions and Answers

1. Question: Are there any site utilities information available on the adjacent Piers Park 2 (under design) for existing conditions and proposed new/concept?

2. Question: Are there any new site utilities provisions provided under the Piers Park 2 (under design) for the development of Piers Park 3?

3. Question: Can you share any updates to the program of the Piers Park Phase 2 project since the RFQ was issued?

Answers to Questions 1, 2, and 3 above: Massport plans to formally commence the design of Piers Park 2 later this summer (2018). Currently, no utility or other design plans exist. As we proceed with the designing of Piers Park 2, available and relevant contextual information will be provided to potential respondents and any future designated developer of Piers Park 3, as appropriate.

4. Question: Would it be a reasonable assumption that Piers Park 3 development (for during construction, upon development project completion and in occupied operations) will have unfettered permanent landside 2‐way vehicular street/pedestrian walkways access coming from Marginal Street and possibly from Piers Park Lane; via the Piers Park 2 parcel?

Answer: Close coordination of the construction of Piers Park 3 and Piers Park 2 will be essential and must respond to the timing of the two distinct projects . Massport understands the Piers Park 3 site will require a level of access to operate as a successful public open space. The plan to provide temporary and permanent access, both pedestrian and vehicular (service/safety), to the Piers Park 3 site will depend on the proposed plan and schedule to utilize the site.

5. Question: Is the SF‐330 an acceptable or preferable format for submitting team information such as resumes and project examples?

Answer: The SF‐330 format is acceptable, but the forms must be bound as part of the proposal. Regardless, proposals must satisfy all RFP requirements, including the stated proposal page limit.

6. Question: Can you provide any bathymetric data around the pier?

Answer: Massport does not possess any current bathymetric data on the pier. The selected developer, at its sole cost, will be responsible for obtaining bathymetric and other data pertaining to the pier.

7. Question: For Pier 3 and adjacent upland areas, could you please share:  Any data it has on historical uses;  Any existing assessments of environmental conditions; and  Any existing inventory of applicable permitting requirements?

Answer: In 2003, an environmental assessment report was completed for the Piers Park 2 site, which included investigations on a portion of the Piers Park 3 site. Massport submitted the report to the Department of Environmental Protection (“DEP”) in 2003, and it can be found on the DEP website using this link:

http://public.dep.state.ma.us/SearchableSites2/Site_Info.aspx?textfield_RTN=3‐ 0019710&searchType=ALL&CurrentPage=1 SECTION B ‐ Pre‐Submission Conference and Site Tour Attendance Sheet______

(see attached)