If you have issues viewing or accessing this file, please contact us at NCJRS.gov. '''''~r 1\ " 0 I: ' ~~"'~ '.,. o cD 0':' 0 0 C/. () ~) (., '\ (> I'. ()( " 1 ~ j " ,1 ~f j \ , .. ';'i '.~jt ~ ,~, ~ ~,~~ ". \ ;~.' '. " ~ (~)'C?: j~~ , Ci ~ .. (.l ", ~" (" r ~ " ','.~.,':~ 1/ -,~' ~""':""I... i,_._ ..::;S-.~,_ ... ,.. _,~______ ,," ~~,_,.~"'""" ................... _ ... ........" ,,"'.; ............. ..;....,;. ;, ,_, .. "" .. :. t-- J4UL 101978 J f. .~ ! ACQUlSITI,~ .. -I'.) SltCURITY AND RELATED TRIALS IN SOUTH AFRICA July 1976 - Hay 1977 Research Department, . S .A. Insti.tute of Race Relations Rl,20 INTRODUCTION This report documents the proceedings, and results of a variety of security and related trials over the period July 1976 to May 1977. Not all such trials are included. Major security trials concluded during 1976 are summarized in the 1976 Survey of Race Iilelations, Other security trials may have proceeded "Id:thout coming tp the attention of the writer. Although an attempt is made i.n the ensuing summaries to give a true reflection of the proc'eedings it has been impossible, in terms of available space, to gi,ve a complete apcount of each trial. Attention has been paid to more noteworthy aspects while at the same time both 'the defence and Stat.s sides of' a case have been reflected wherever possible. Press articles have been used as the sources frir most accounts, 'although direct references have not always t-een given due .to the confines of space. In addition, members of the legal profession have been very helpful in providing information to fill in gaps where they existed. Complete information has not been obtained for a number.
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