MINUTES of the Meeting of Town Council held on Thursday 21 November 2019 at 6.00 p.m. in the Shire House Suite, Shire House, Bodmin

PRESENT: The Mayor, Councillor J P Cooper, presiding, together with Councillors T M Barbery, J A Bassett, P Brown, P T Cooper, J R Gibbs, D A Henderson (left at 6.50 p.m. and from item C/2019/297), A M Kerridge, K J Phillips, K W Stubbs.

IN ATTENDANCE: Mr S Facer (Town Clerk (TC)), Mrs A Banks (Responsible Financial Officer (RFO)), Mr P Martin (Deputy Chief Executive (DCE)) and Mrs B Briggs (Senior Admin Assistant (SAA)).


The Chairman advised that the Council had received a letter of thanks from Bodmin Lions for support with their Senior Citizens Christmas party on 1 December.

The Chairman also advised of the Bodmin Band Rocks concert to be held by the Rotary Club of Bodmin at St. Petroc’s Church on 23 November.

Apologies had been received from Councillors L L Frost, J Gammon and S H Kinsman.

Action Date

C/2019/286 Declarations of Interest

a) Members to declare interests in respect of any item on the agenda

No items to declare.

b) To consider written requests from Members for dispensations;

No written requests for dispensation had been received.

C/2019/287 Presentations, to include:

a) Helen Fearnley on behalf of Council Public Space Team regarding enhancement of green space in Bodmin

A slideshow was presented which is attached to these minutes.

Helen Fearnley reported that, following the success of Phase 1 of the project, Phase 2 was now underway, entitled Making Space for Nature, with the idea to improve the quality of owned assets of seven towns, including Bodmin. She noted that this initiative fits well within Cornwall Council’s Environmental Growth Strategy, Pollinator Action Plan and under the Climate Change Action Plan.

Helen Fearnley outlined that the idea behind the project was to increase biodiversity and improve access to sites in terms of entrances, benches and disability access where appropriate and to encourage community engagement both in the development phase


and after completion of the project. A project aim was to turn green desserts into places for people and wildlife through soft interventions and landscape architects were being engaged to assist with design work. The total project cost was around £2.9M which had secured £2,339,624 from ERDF and £551,591 from Cornwall Council.

Councillors A J Coppin and E M Ahearn arrived at 6.09 p.m.

Helen Fearnley noted that she had already met with the Bodmin Vision group, Bodmin Climate Action Network and IntoBodmin.

It was noted that there was an error in the slide which referred to Tredanek Close where it should refer to Treningle View.

Helen Fearnley informed that more information about the project could be found online at https://www.cornwall.gov.uk/environment- and-planning/parks-and-open-spaces/making-space-for-nature/ and the contact email address for the project was [email protected]

Helen Fearnley commented that the team would like to receive input regarding sites that local residents would like to be considered for inclusion in the project as well as thoughts about community group engagement and any upcoming events that the team could potentially get involved with.

Helen Fearnley responded to questions from Members regarding the long-term management of the project. She confirmed that there was a 15-year management plan in place with Cornwall Council having responsibility to maintain the sites for that period, and that the long- term management plan would be passed to Cornwall Council’s Parks and Open Spaces Team by the Public Space Team in 2022. It was also hoped that community engagement would be maintained following completion of the projects. Helen Fearnley confirmed that any management plan would detail the number of site visits and the scope of works at each location.

The contribution of the Bodmin Tidy it Team to maintaining flowerbeds around the town was raised and recognised. Helen Fearnley noted that the team was happy to work with local organisations with regards to providing plants for small open spaces, but that the focus of their team for this particular project was larger open spaces.

Helen Fearnley advised that she would share appropriate information with the Town Council for wider dissemination. b) Bodmin Town Council 2019 Christmas Card Design competition – To consider final three designs and present certificates to finalists

The Mayor noted his thanks to Berrycoombe School for inviting him to meet the children and for taking part in the competition.

The Mayor noted that there was a certificate for each of the finalists.


The winner was announced as Katelyn Truman, who attended the meeting and was presented with a finalist certificate by the Mayor.

It was AGREED that this design be used for the Council’s 2019 SAA Christmas card.

C/2019/288 Public representation session

No members of the public present at the meeting wished to speak during this session.

C/2019/289 Cornwall Council ward members for Bodmin – opportunity to provide a brief report to Bodmin Town Council

The Chair noted that Councillor J Gammon had not been able to submit an update prior to the meeting due to personal circumstances.

The Chair provided an overview of Councillor L L Frost’s update and noted that this information had been circulated to Members prior to the meeting and would be attached to the minutes of this meeting.

Cornwall Councillor Pat Rogerson then provided an update on the following issues:

- Good news for Children’s Services, who received an outstanding grade from Ofsted, the only council in the South West to do so. She noted that this was the result of 10 years of hard work to improve from a previous special measures grade and credit was due to all the officers who had done sterling work to achieve this. She noted that, sadly, all three of the senior officers in Children’s Services were now leaving or retiring. A new Director had started on November 1, with the other two positions currently in the recruitment process; - Berrycoombe Road parking – she met with Community Link Officer and Senior Highways Officers in Bodmin. She confirmed that they are investigating the possibilities of putting in yellow lines, or her preferred option, making the whole of the low speed environment a no waiting zone. She reported that this would go out to public consultation in due course; - She was aware of a backlog of Cornwall Council owned housing repairs and was looking into these concerns; - Good news from Cornwall Housing who had secured funding to look at improving areas including Gregory Court and Officers would be looking to meet with Bodmin Town Council and to talk to residents about requirements; - Crossing patrol at Beacon Academy – she reported that the current number of children crossing at the point in question did not meet the government’s threshold to provide an additional warden, but another visit would be undertaken;


- Health service – she was continuing to press the urgent issues and work was ongoing. She noted that there would be further updates in due course; - Disabled access at Parkway Train Station – she reported that the increase in frequency of train services through Bodmin was excellent news for local residents, but it had unfortunately led to the issue of people in wheelchairs no longer being allowed to be escorted across the tracks to the opposite platform due to safety concerns. It appeared that, at the current time, the cost of a lift would be prohibitive but that they had secured funding to improve parking and the turning circle in the car park. - Cornwall Council are looking at an enquiry into access to children’s mental health services due to the current level of backlogs and number of levels of access.

Members wished to pass their congratulations to Children’s Services.

C/2019/290 To note the result of the election for St Mary’s Ward held on 24 October 2019

The Chair confirmed that Councillor T M Barbery had been elected on 24 October and offered the Council’s congratulations to Councillor Barbery.

The Town Clerk confirmed that Councillor Barbery had signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office and had been issued with a Councillor Policy document pack and had also met with himself and the Mayor for an induction briefing.

Councillor Barbery commented that he was looking forward to working with all Members for the best interests of Bodmin.

C/2019/291 Committee Membership Population – To fill vacancies – Town Clerk to report

The Town Clerk advised that the Council had a vacant seat on the following committees: - Planning Committee - Policy Committee - Promotions Committee

The Town Clerk and the Mayor had discussed these vacant seats with Councillor Barbery who had intimated that he would be happy to fill the vacancies as set out.

It was AGREED that Councillor T M Barbery fill the vacancies on the Planning, Policy and Promotions Standing Committees.

The Town Clerk noted that the Town Council website would be SAA updated accordingly.


C/2019/292 To consider and, if approved, adopt the Minutes of the Full Council Meeting held on 19 September 2019

A copy of the minutes was circulated with the agenda.

The Minutes of the Full Council Meeting held on 19 September 2019 were approved and passed for signing.

Councillor T M Barbery abstained from voting on this item, not having attended the meeting.

Matters arising:

Page 18, minute ref C/2019/259(a), Correspondence – St. John Ambulance – The Town Clerk reported that he had emailed a response on 25 September in line with this Minute and had to date received no reply.

Page 18, minute ref C/2019/259(b), Correspondence – MS Merlin Centre – The Town Clerk reported that he had contacted the Trust Fundraising Manager and outlined the Council’s facilities to open a dialogue and despite a response on 15 October thanking the Council and advising that the Outreach team would be interested, there had been no further contact to date.

Page 18, minute ref C/2019/259(c), Correspondence – Letter to the Mayor from Cornwall Councillor B Egerton – Councillor P T Cooper updated that he had written and sent this letter, which had been shared on Bodmin Town Council’s website and no response had been received to date.

Page 19, minute ref C/2019/260, Community Governance Review – The Town Clerk reported that he had received a response on this matter from Cornwall Council as follows:

“Due to the strict nature of the Community Governance Review timetable, and the fact that Cornwall Council and the Electoral Review Panel must be seen as unbiased an impartial, it is not possible to adjust deadlines or to accept late submissions from any Parish or Town Council or resident of Cornwall. You are of course very welcome to argue the case for the acquisition of Bd-UE4 during the public consultation phase (Stage 3) which is due to begin in December of this year, however it cannot be treated as a formal submission and as such is very unlikely to be adopted - however I would not want to pre-empt or presume any of the decisions of the Electoral Review Panel.

There is no strict timetable to carry out Community Governance Reviews, however the Local Government Boundary Commission for England Guidance on Community Governance Reviews states that it is good practice for principal councils (such as Cornwall Council) to carry out a Review roughly every 10-15 years. Cornwall Council would be obliged to carry out a Review 2 years after the last one if a valid Community Governance Petition is received, which would only


cover the area that the petition concerns rather than the whole County. A CG Petition can be submitted before this 2 year period (but not during an existing CGR), however Cornwall Council would not be obliged to hold a Review until after the 2 year period is over.”

Members queried the possibility of diarising an action to follow up on this following the 2-year period. The Chair noted that there were local council elections before that date, leading to a potential change in Members and the Town Clerk therefore advised that it would be advisable to consider adding this item to the Council’s future aims document currently under discussion.

Page 21, minute ref C/2019/265, Questions to the Mayor – Courtroom Experience – Councillor D A Henderson reported that she had been in touch with local schools in line with this minute. She had received a reply from one school who had confirmed that this experience did not fit in with the current curriculum.

C/2019/293 To receive and note the Minutes of the Special Promotions Committee Meeting held on 25 September 2019 and to consider the following recommendations and agree actions and authorise any necessary expenditure:

A copy of the minutes was circulated with the agenda.

PR/2019/042 – To send invitation letter to Cornwall Council Project Manager and SweetSpot to request an urgent round table meeting

This action was AGREED.

Councillor T M Barbery abstained from voting on this item, not having attended the meeting.

This document was noted.

C/2019/294 To receive and note the Minutes of the Properties Committee Meeting held on 26 September 2019 (copy enclosed) and to consider the following recommendations and agree actions and authorise any necessary expenditure:

A copy of the minutes was circulated with the agenda.

PP/2019/073 – BTC to support, in principle, development of the Old Cemetery for educational purposes, POSM to work with Mr D Miller to establish the next steps

This action was AGREED. POSM

PP/2019/077 – To give POSM delegated authority to select company to undertake surveys on site for new cemetery up to £5,000.00


This action was AGREED. POSM

PP/2019/077 – To give POSM delegated authority to spend up to £4,000.00 on installation of gates at Fair Park;

This action was AGREED. POSM

PP/2019/077 – POSM to inspect BTC sites and assess additional security measures and report to Properties Committee as appropriate

This action was AGREED. POSM

PP/2019/079 – Officers to prepare a briefing document for the Shire Hall in order to inform grant applications

The RFO confirmed that the Heritage Services Manager at Cornwall Council was able to assist in working up briefs for the two projects as follows:

Shire Hall – work with BTC Officers to produce a brief and suggest suitable and reliable consultants (whom CC have worked with on previous projects) whom the Council could consider and send the brief to for a response.

Museum – advised that BTC should work with Cornwall Museum Partnership initially and submit an Expression of Interest to the National Lottery Heritage Fund. She advised that she would then be able to suggest consultants who would be able to support BTC with this project.

The RFO advised that both briefs should be worked up and then advertised via Contracts Finder or Bloom (as used by Cornwall Council) and promoted on the Council’s Facebook page and website. She noted that this was the open and transparent course of action to ensure no local companies were excluded from the process. This would also be in line with the Council’s decisions so far, so as not to contravene the six-month rule.

The RFO noted that the Heritage Services Manager has vast experience of similar and much larger projects, is involved with other heritage projects within the town and can advise and support to ensure there is no duplication of grant funding bids. In addition, she already has substantial community links, knowledge and experience and has offered her assistance free of charge. TC / This action was AGREED. RFO

PP/2019/079 – Officers to consider requirements/logistics of upcoming Committee meetings to select the most appropriate meeting to hold in the courtroom

The Town Clerk reported on the considerations by Officers of these logistics and that holding a Committee meeting in the courtroom was difficult to achieve given existing court furniture which forms part of


the Grade II* listing which would present issues in terms of public viewing, seating and participation at meetings.

The Town Clerk noted that any adjustments to this area would require a measured approach and approval through the planning process. He reported that a timelier solution would be the use of Court II, once the Information Team had relocated to the foyer area. Given the scheduled roof works at Shire House Suite and the loss of that location for Council meetings, this had become a priority which was impacting upon work of Officers to achieve the office move to include IT, phones, tills, stock reduction etc.

The Chairman commented that, having had a walkaround of the building with the Town Clerk and Deputy Chief Executive, he appreciated that there were more challenges than previously anticipated. He suggested that the Chair of Properties Committee may be minded including the Shire Hall to a future agenda and also suggested that this matter be referred to the 2020 aims and objectives document.

PP/2019/080 – Budget for a community toilet scheme to be considered during the 2020-21 budget setting process in January 2020

This action was AGREED. RFO

PP/2019/080 – Dennison Road toilet building to be advertised as a rental opportunity

This action was AGREED. RFO

PP/2019/082 – To renew Guardian 24 Lone Working App for a three-year period RFO / This action was AGREED. POSM

PP/2019/083 – To lend road signs to Town Council for Wadebridge BikeLights event, subject to reimbursement of any damages

This action was AGREED. POSM

PP/2019/084 – To give POSM delegated authority to request report from Knevitts up to the value of £1,000.00 to inform Council as to recommendations in terms of long-term planning for Bodmin Beacon Monument

This action was AGREED. POSM

PP/2019/084 – Should no works commence within the next 12- month period, to conduct a further drone survey of the Beacon Monument in 2020

This action was AGREED. POSM


PP/2019/087 – To authorise the POSM to dispose of the Piaggio truck at auction

This action was AGREED. POSM

PP/2019/088 – To honour annual Shire House Suite booking for Bodmin Lions Senior Citizen Party to be held on Sunday 1 December

This action was AGREED. FA

PP/2019/088 – To replace the defective slate on the Priory Park War Memorial

This action was AGREED. POSM

Councillor T M Barbery abstained from voting on all actions within this item, not having attended the meeting.

C/2019/295 To receive and note the Minutes of the Planning Committee Meetings held on 2 October, 16 October and 6 November 2019 and 20 November 2019 and the Special Planning Committee Meeting held on 13 November 2019

A copy of the minutes of the Planning Committee Meetings held on 2 October, 16 October and 6 November 2019 and the Special Planning Committee Meeting held on 13 November 2019 were circulated with the agenda.

A copy of the minutes of the Planning Committee Meeting held on 20 November 2019 were circulated in advance of the meeting electronically, with paper copies being made available at the meeting.

The Minutes of the Planning Committee Meeting held on 2 October were noted.

The Minutes of the Planning Committee Meeting held on 16 October were noted.

The Minutes of the Planning Committee Meeting held on 6 November were noted.

The Minutes of the Special Planning Committee Meeting held on 13 November were noted.

The Minutes of the Planning Committee Meeting held on 20 November were noted.

C/2019/296 To receive and note the Minutes of the Shire House Complex Advisory Committee held on 3 October 2019 and to consider the following recommendations and agree actions and authorise any necessary expenditure:


A copy of the minutes was circulated with the agenda.

SHA/2019/039 – To investigate further options in relation to replacing the extractor hood and fan in the main kitchen

This action was AGREED. DCE

SHA/2019/039 – To allow access to the toilet facilities in the Foyer of Shire House Suite to accommodate Situ8, should they decide to rent the ground floor space

This action was AGREED. DCE

SHA/2019/044 – DCE to review and amend terms and conditions to formulate an approved fit for purpose rental agreement on receipt of revised draft from Cllr K Phillips Cllr K Phillips / This action was AGREED. DCE

SHA/2019/045 – DCE to draft cleaning policy

This action was AGREED. DCE

SHA/2019/047(a) – Cllr K Phillips to revise promotional leaflet and revised leaflet to be printed

This action was AGREED. Cllr K J Phillips SHA/2019/047(b) – DCE to obtain costs for installing screens in foyer for the purpose of advertising which can be linked to the booking software

This action was AGREED. DCE

SHA/2019/048 – To invite OpenPlay and similar companies to attend a future meeting of the Committee to discuss systems

This action was AGREED. Cllr K J Phillips SHA/2019/049 – RFO to investigate contactless card payment for the Shire House Suite to include the required deposit and refund arrangements

This action was AGREED. DCE / RFO SHA/2019/050 – To confirm that the new rate charges should start as soon entry access machine is in operation, 6-month trial period to commence when all the refurbishment work is completed

This action was AGREED. DCE

Councillor T M Barbery abstained from voting on this item, not having been present at the meeting.


C/2019/297 To receive and note the Minutes of the Finance, Staffing and Performance Management Committee Meeting held on 17 October 2019 and to consider the following recommendations and agree actions and authorise any necessary expenditure:

A copy of the minutes was circulated with the agenda.

FSPM/2019/086(e) – To purchase 16 Dell Latitude laptops for Members

Councillor A M Kerridge wished to draw Members attention to the fact that she voted against this decision during the FS&PM Committee Meeting. She commented that she was happy using her tablet as at present which would be a cost saving to the Council.

FSPM/2019/087 – All Members to send suggestions for next set of BTC aims and objectives to the Chair of the Policy Committee

This action was AGREED. All Members FSPM/2019/087 – Chair of the Policy Committee to arrange a meeting before 5 December to consider list of aims and objectives priorities Cllr J A This action was AGREED. Bassett

It was noted that the first proposed date had not proved suitable and Councillor J A Bassett should circulate a DoodlePoll to arrange the most suitable date.

FSPM/2019/088 – To submit BYFC’s planning application on their behalf and incurring expenditure up to £1,500.00 utilising the match funding set aside for this project Town This action was AGREED. Clerk

FSPM/2019/089(a) – To support Citizens Advice Cornwall by way of offering surplus office equipment from the vacant Shire House offices

This action was AGREED. RFO

FSPM/2019/089(b) – To request that Cornwall Council make their carparks in Bodmin free on Saturday 30 November Town This action was AGREED. Clerk

FSPM/2019/089(b) – BTC to support free parking day initiative by making Priory Car Park free on 30 November Town This action was AGREED. Clerk

FSPM/2019/089(c) – Front Line Emergency Equipment Trust


(FLEET) – BTC to adopt the cost of the annual monitoring contract for the defibrillator at Ron’s (Lower Bore Street)

This action was AGREED. RFO

FSPM/2019/089(c) – Front Line Emergency Equipment Trust (FLEET) – BTC to cover the cost of £500.00 to change the monitoring systems over to Duchy Defibrillators Ltd.

This action was AGREED. RFO

FSPM/2019/089(c) – To promote BTC’s signature of the Zero Tolerance to Hate Crime Pledge on the BTC website and Facebook page

This action was AGREED. SAA

FSPM/2019/092 – To donate the baby grand piano to Treviglas Academy, with RFO to contact Cornwall Music Trust if Treviglas unable to accommodate

This action was AGREED. RFO

Councillors T M Barbery and P Brown abstained from voting on this item, having not been in attendance at the meeting.

Councillor D A Henderson left the meeting at 6.50 p.m.

C/2019/298 To consider and, if approved, adopt the Minutes of the Special Council Meeting held on 24 October 2019

A copy of the minutes was circulated with the agenda.

The Minutes of the Special Council Meeting held on 24 October 2019 were approved and passed for signing.

Councillor T M Barbery abstained from voting on this item, having not been in attendance at the meeting.

Mattering arising:

Page 3 – C/2019/282 – NatWest Mobile Banking Vehicle – the Town Clerk reported that he had written to the NatWest Customer Service Manager on 30 October, setting out the Council’s position and rationale in some detail. The response he received indicated that they were not able to accommodate any change to the day or time in which the mobile bank visits Bodmin at the moment, however when the timetable is next reviewed it may be a possibility to make adjustments.

C/2019/299 To receive and note the Minutes of the Promotions Committee Meeting held on 31 October 2019 and to note adjournment of this meeting to 19 November 2019


A copy of the minutes was circulated with the agenda.

The Minutes of the Promotions Committee Meeting held on 31 October 2019 were noted.

C/2019/300 Actions and resolutions arising from meetings

A copy of the actions spreadsheet was circulated with the agenda.

C/2019/193(b) – Letter of support for the Bodmin Way on behalf of Bodmin Town Council – The Chairman confirmed that this letter had been sent on 19 October.

C/2019/194 – Rose Garden, St Lawrence Hospital site – The Chairman noted that this matter was still ongoing, but he felt that progress was being made.

FSPM/2019/074 – Councillor J P Cooper to provide RFO with contact details of Cornwall Council Officer and RFO to investigate distance learning possibilities – The RFO confirmed that she was in receipt of this information and was in the process of reviewing the courses on offer.

FSPM/2019/075 – Mayor draft a letter to Idenna to thank them for their support – The Chairman confirmed that the draft letter to Idenna had been sent into the office earlier that day.

C/2019/227 – Chairman write to Cornwall Council in his capacity as Mayor to raise residents’ concerns over Bd-UE2 – The Chairman confirmed that this letter had been posted in September.

SHA/2019/031 – Terms of Reference for the hire of the Shire House Suite – Councillor K J Phillips reported that this matter was still ongoing, and that she was working with the Facilities Administrator to finalise the document.

This document was noted.

C/2019/301 Bodmin Town Council Key Objectives update

A report was circulated in advance of the meeting.

This report was noted.

C/2019/302 Tour of Britain – Cornwall Council Finish Manager job role – Town Clerk to report

The Town Clerk reported that the Tour of Britain (TOB) event would be taking place in Bodmin on Sunday 6 September 2020 and that the finish venue was being reviewed.


Having discussed this matter with the TOB Project Manager this week, the Town Clerk reported that recruitment of the Finish Manager post was going through the Cornwall Council internal authorisation process, so no salary band has been agreed. He reported that any post was likely to be at a fixed sum rather than a day rate as that offers more budgetary control and is more transparent and that the current thought is that the post would be in the order of £10,000.

The Town Clerk reported that Cornwall Council was seeking a contribution to offset the costs with any appointment and have advised that is contributing £20,000.

The Town Clerk noted that, given the potential revision of the finish to a town centre location, Cornwall Council would not need to remove highway features such as the roundabout at the junction of Westheath Avenue and Boundary Road, resulting in a saving of around £80,000. As this is a transport budget cost saving, the Town Clerk had suggested that this money be allocated to achieve a park and ride system for the town and a passenger rail connection from Parkway to Bodmin General as both of those will mitigate vehicular journeys and the impact on the local road network given the potential to attract 20,000 to 30,000 visitors to the town on race day.

The Town Clerk noted that Cornwall Council has a budget of £145,000 to cover Tour of Britain costs, which is in addition to the £200,000 fee for the event organisers.

Given the variable nature of the information surrounding the Finish Manager salary and as the finish location is yet to be confirmed, the Town Clerk commented that BTC could adopt the stance that it would review its position on any contribution to this post once the finish location and salary has been confirmed and following the budget setting process for the 2020/2021 financial year.

There was consensus among Members that BTC be mindful that any budget allocated is for the community event that the Promotions Committee will be leading on, and any legacy events that can be achieved.

The Chairman confirmed that the Town Clerk had been assigned as the lead responsible BTC Officer for TOB and that a park and ride scheme was a priority.

Following discussion, it was AGREED that the Town Clerk write to Cornwall Council to advise that BTC would review their request once Town both the finish location and the salary for the Finish Manager had Clerk been confirmed.

It was further AGREED that any contribution would need to align with the 2020 budget and in consideration of any legacy events BTC wished to support.


C/2019/303 To consider amendments to Standing Orders 15, 15(a) and 27(a), proposed by Councillor J P Cooper and seconded by Councillor K J Phillips – To note that in line with Standing Order 70, these revised Standing Orders shall, when proposed and seconded, stand adjourned without discussion to the next ordinary meeting of the Council

A track changed document was circulated with the agenda.

The Chairman reported that this change was to reflect the current digital age and the timescale for getting items onto BTC Committee and Council agendas.

It was AGREED that these revised Standing Orders shall stand adjourned without discussion to the next ordinary meeting of the SAA Council.

C/2019/304 Neighbourhood Development Plan, to include:

a) Draft notes from Bodmin Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group meeting held on 17 September 2019

A copy of the notes was circulated with the agenda.

It was noted that further relevant documentation would be uploaded to the BTC website as appropriate.

b) To receive an update from Members following Neighbourhood Plan Workshop held on 6 October 2019

The Chairman reported that the group had met at the Old Library and had put together ideas for a leaflet. He had then met with Bodmin College, whose students would be designing the leaflet.

It was noted that the next meeting of the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group was due to be held on 4 December.

C/2019/305 To receive an update from Members on the Localism Summit held on 6 November 2019;

Councillor P T Cooper noted that the presentations from the Summit had been circulated to all attendees earlier that day and that he had asked the organisers for permission to circulate to Members and staff.

Councillor P T Cooper reported that Cornwall Council were challenged on the perceived lack of linkage between the climate emergency they had declared and the housing developments within Bodmin as there appeared to be a mechanism for Cornwall Council as the local planning authority to be able to influence higher, greener spec requirements through that process. The Portfolio Holder noted that he would take this feedback away.


C/2019/306 Bodmin Strategic Place-Shaping Group meeting held on 28 October 2019 – to receive report from Councillor A M Kerridge

A report from Councillor Kerridge was circulated with the agenda.

There followed some discussion regarding the complexities of redeveloping Gregory’s Court.

The Chair encouraged Members to pass thoughts on to Councillor Kerridge for future meetings.

This report was noted.

C/2019/307 To receive and note the Bodmin Community Network Panel Meeting notes from the meeting held on Wednesday 9 October 2019, to include the Bodmin Community Network Panel Police and Crime Report

A copy of the meeting notes was circulated with the agenda and is also available online at: https://www.cornwall.gov.uk/media/40866224/notes-for-bodmin- cnp-meeting-091019-final.pdf

The Chairman noted that these meetings were open to members of the public.

This document was noted.

C/2019/308 To note roof repair works to Shire House Suite and surrounding flat roof area for an 8-9 week period, during which time the building will be closed for public use – DCE to report

The DCE reported that works were due to start on 6 January 2020 and were scheduled for completion in a maximum of nine weeks, subject to the discovery of any unforeseen issues once the existing roof was lifted.

The DCE reported that a contract meeting had been held with RTP Surveyors on 5 December that that Health and Safety considerations and Risk Management matters were ongoing.

The DCE reported that scaffolding would need to be constructed all around building and that there was a penalty clause written into the contract to address traffic flow.

The DCE noted that the Facilities Administrator was in the process of notifying hirers with regards to existing bookings during the period of closure.

The Chairman noted his thanks to the DCE and Councillor K J Phillips for the work put into this project to date.


C/2019/309 To note the closure of the Council Offices for Christmas from the close of business on 24 December 2019 to 1 January 2020 inclusive

These dates were noted.

C/2019/310 Risk Management Update

A copy of the Risk Register was circulated with the agenda.

The Town Clerk noted that several high-risk items had already been captured through discussion regarding the aims and objectives earlier in the meeting (minute ref C/2019/301 refers) and reports already given during this meeting.

It was noted that, upon completion of a number of projects currently ongoing, the level of some risks would be reducing in the near future.

This document was noted.

C/2019/311 To consider and, if appropriate, pass for payment the Schedule of Accounts for November 2019

The Chairman wished to note his thanks to Members who had assisted with the caretaking of events, as this not only served to reduce the cost to BTC of using Kestrel Guards, but also the cost of hiring for community groups local organisations.

Councillor A M Kerridge noted that Council had a wire framework on which to attach wreathes for Remembrance Day and that possibly BTC could look into something similar in future. The Cllr K Chairman noted that the Chair of the Properties Committee could Phillips consider this at a future meeting.

Payment ref 300001830 – Trade UK – The cost of the pair of safety trainers was queried and Members requested that the POSM review the cost effectiveness of the supply chain for these items.

The schedule of accounts for November 2019 was approved and passed for signing from payment reference 4300001799 to 4300001854.

C/2019/312 Questions to the Mayor

There were no questions to the Mayor.

Due to the confidential nature of the next business it was RESOLVED to go into Committee. Please see separate page.