Area of Potential Damage in the Case of an Impact on One of the La Hague Storage Pools

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Area of Potential Damage in the Case of an Impact on One of the La Hague Storage Pools Area of potential damage in the case of an impact on one of the La Hague storage pools Above: the La Hague nuclear reprocessing installation and its irradiated fuel storage pools (framed). Opposite: Main area (in orange) of potential damage on buildings and equipment, in the case of a Boeing 767 crash on pool E (assessment method used by the US NRC). Installations: NPH, T0: Spent fuel storage reception / pools. R1-T1: Shearing/dissolution facilities (head ends). T2: Fission product separation/concentration plants. T7: Vitrification plant. Pools D, E, CA: Spent fuel storage pools. Source : WISE-Paris, according to, NRC 2000 Presentation of the Sellafield reprocessing facilities Sea Discharge B302 & B302.1 Pipelines Plutonium Main Gate stores B205 Magnox N Reprocessing B204. Old Reprocessing Railway Plant Ssidings B33 MOX Demonstration Facility Windscale Piles EARP Waste Treatment Complex High Level THORP Waste Tanks Ponds Calder Hall Magnox Reactors 1-4 B570 THORP B311 Fuel Handling Plant B355 Waste B572 Encapsulation Vitrificcation plants MOX Plant Plant Source : BNFL Area of potential damage in the case of an impact on Sellafield B215 liquid high level waste storage Source: WISE-Paris according to NRC 20001, based on a map transmitted by BNFL 1 US NRC, « Study of Spent Fuel Pool Accident Risk at Decommissioning Nuclear Power Plants », October 2000. Transports of German Plutonium in France Fabrication/assembling of MOX Fuel Mol/Dessel MOX Reprocessing ) ce ? an u Plutonium Separation Fr f P n r o (i ea ar m t/y e k ,1 t/y 00 : 0 5 ps ,4 GERMANY ra -1 sc : 1 on r La Hague ati e ric d Nuclear fab w 40 km X po O u Valognes ? M P 850 km Power Plants Irradiated fuel assemblies m u i 9 n 00 o k t m u l p f o Pu ? p r M o a w e O d X e y f r ) / a t : e br 2 i c c ,7 5 a , ti t/ n o y a 2 n e r s a . c r F r e a i p n i s , : ( r 0, 2 a t m / e ye k Reprocessing Plant a y r / o t 0 f P 0 u 0 7 ? 4 : M OX MOX Fabrication Plant s d o R Railroad Transport l e u F Road Transport X O M Cadarache MOX MOX Fuel Fabrication 100 km © WISE-Paris, 2001.
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