HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES Telegraph, of Pittsburgh, Pa., of Tues the SPEAKER
1941 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 709 CONFIRMATIONS including in the REcoRD an editorial The SPEAKER. Is there objection? Executive nomination confirmed by the from the Enid Daily Eagle of February There was no objection. Senate February 6, 1941, as follows: 3, 1941. Mr. TINKHAM. Mr. Speaker, I ask The SPEAKER. Is there objection to unanimous consent to extend my remarks FEDERAL WORKS AGENCY the request of the gentleman from Okla and include a letter published in the Claude Van Parsons to be First Assistant homa? New York Times of this morning. Administrator of the United States Housing There was no objection. The SPEAKER. Is there objection? Authority, Federal Works Agency. Mr. WEISS. Mr. Speaker, I ask There was no objection. unanimous consent to extend my re Mr. MAAS. Mr. Speaker, I ask unani marks in the RECORD and to include an mous consent to extend my remarks and article from the Pittsburgh Daily Sun include certain historical quotations. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Telegraph, of Pittsburgh, Pa., of Tues The SPEAKER. Is there objection? day, January 21, 1941. There was no objection. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1941 The SPEAKER. Is there objection to Mr. VOORHIS of California. Mr. The House met at 11 o'clock a. m., and the request of the gentleman from Penn Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to was called to order by the Speaker. sylvania? extend my remarks and to include the The Chaplain, Rev. James Shera There was no objection. proceedings of the Committee on World Montgomery, D. D., offered the following Mr. EDELSTEIN. Mr. Speaker, I ask War Veterans' Legislation in which honor prayer: unanimous consent to extend my re was paid to the chairman of our com marks in the .RECORD and to include a mittee, the gentleman from Mississippi Eternal God, before whom millions resolution adopted by the State Execu [Mr.
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