ARKHAM ASYLUM: A SERIOUS HOUSE ON SERIOUS EARTH Adapted to script by Pedro F. Lopez Jr. Based on the graphic novel by Grant Morrison & Dave McKean
[email protected] FADE IN: TEXT: ‘But I don’t want to go among mad people’, Alice remarked. ‘Oh, you can’t help that,’ said the Cat, ‘We’re all mad here. I’m mad. You’re mad.” ‘How do you know I’m mad?’, Said Alice. ‘You must be’, said the Cat, ‘or you wouldn’t have come here.’ Lewis Carroll “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland” Like a ghostly apparition, the TEXT withers away. FADE IN: EXT. ARKHAM HOUSE - ROOFTOP - 1901 We open with a shot of the moon, caught in between two back lit statues of ANUBIS. It’s stormy. The sky’s stressed. The puddles on the roof reflect a semi-circular window. Mirroring the moon. EXT. ARKHAM HOUSE - ESTABLISHING The mansion broods in Gothic silence. It’s uninviting. ARKHAM (V.O.) From the journals of Amadeus Arkham. We experience a long CROSS-FADE: INT. ARKHAM HOUSE - CORRIDOR A young BOY, Amadeus ARKHAM, walks through a large corridor carrying a tray of tea and food. He’s dwarfed by his shadow. ARKHAM (V.O.) In the years following my Father’s death, I think it’s true to say that the house became my whole world. He walks up the stairs. 2. ARKHAM (V.O.) During the long period of mother’s illness, the house often seemed so vast, so confidently real, that by comparison, I felt little more than a ghost, haunting its corridors scarcely aware that anything could exist beyond those melancholy walls.