Tchadien De Recherzv A

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Tchadien De Recherzv A APPM SAL REPORT PREFECTURE DU LAC RURAL DEVELOPG NT PROR CT REPUBLIC OF CHAD . â P ' . '>' >' % . .) ' .. .. !œ... .. izxul,ear.m... zz.s . *.. e.z u. t . -.w . As . zl ,% . 'bezr 1g/. .' TABLE OF CONTENTS Currency Equivalents, Acronym s and Abbreviations, List of Tables. List of Annexes, Basic Data, Project Maeix, Project Brief. Page SUM M ARY. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOM M ENDATIONS 1 - V111 BASIC DATA ON THE COUNTRY INTRODUCTION 1. 1 Origin and History of the Project 1.2 Perfonnance of Similar Projects in the Country 2. TH E AG RICU LTUR AL SECTO R 2 2. 1 General 2 2.2 Crops Grown 2 2.3 Livestock 2 2.4 Fishing 3 2.5 Sector Potentials and Constraints 3 2.6 Agricultural Development Policy 3 2.7 Institutions of the Sector 3 TH E IRRIGATED SU B-SECTO R 3. 1 General 4 3.2 Institutions A ssociated w ith the lrrigated Sub-sector 5 3.3 Potentials and Constraints of the Irrigated Sub-sector 5 3.4 Irrigated Sub-sector Policy 5 3.5 Project Area 6 THE PROJECT 4. 1 Design and Fonnulation 4.2 Project Objectives 4.3 Description of Project Oumuts 4.4 Detailed Description of Project Activities and Components 8 4.5 Project Assumptions and Risks 13 4.6 Estimated Cost of the Project 13 4.7 Sources of Finance 14 4.8 Enviromnental lm pact 16 4.9 lmpact on W omen 17 4. 10 Im pact on Poverty 18 5. PROJECT IM PLEM ENTATION AND M ANAGEM ENT 5. 1 Executing Agency 18 5.2 Organization and M anagement 19 5.3 Procurement of G oods and Services 20 ' . 5.4 Implem entation and Expendi'tttrè-sclzedoklts 23 5.5 M onitoring-Evaluation and Audit ' :' 24 5.6 Recurrent Costs ' 24 5.7 Project Sustainability 25 5.8 Aid Coordination 25 6. ' .; % ' ' ' E' TECHNICAL AND ECONOM IC JUSTIW IC AT,It4' NS 26 ( : S. '. '. 6. 1 Teclmical Justitications 26 6.2 Project Benetits 26 6.3 Finnncial and Economic Justitications 27 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDAYiONS' 28 . .!: ; l * 1 COIK IUSiOIYS ' 28 7.2 Recommendations and Loan ApprovAl'cepditions 28 This report has been prepared follow ing an ap p. raisal m i'ssion to . Ch ad from 20 August to 09 ' *' ''' , ''*' ? Septem. ber 1998 by M'essrs. B.L. M UKEN A . Ag' œo,)F..,'c .t). nomist, M 'l.ssl'o. n Lead, er, M. AYACHI, '' . ' ' A grlw cultural Expert, Dr. M . BERE'K OU' T' 'OU' '' , Livestock Expert' and a consultant, ru ra1 ' engme er . Any enquiries relating to thi s p roje. c. t,: . may.+ be. 'referred to .M rs . F .S' . D' 1. OP ,Divi sion M anager, OCDC.2, and/or M r. L.B.S. CHA K. ROU N' , D'i'rdctor OCD C. LIST OF TABLES Tables 4. 1 : Summary Project Cost Estimates by Component 4.2 : Summary Project Cost Estimates by Expenditure Category 4.3 : Sources of Finance 4.4 : Sources of Finance by Component - 4.5 : Summary Project Cost Estimates by Expenditure Category and Source of Finance 5. 1 : Arrangements Relating to Procurement of Goods and Services 5.2 : Provisional Project Activities Implementation Schedule 5.3 : Expenditure Schedule by Component 5.4 : Expenditure Schedule by Source of Finance LIST OF ANNEXES (*) Annex 1 : M ap 1 : Location of Préfecture du Lac (1 page) Map 2: Location of Sites of the 13 Polders and Insular Area (1 page) Annex 2 : Page 1: Standard Profile of a M ain Em bankm ent, Protecting Dykei and Dividing Dyke (1 page) Annex 3 : Summary Project Costs by Component and Year (1 page) Almex 4 : Agro-pastoral Development (3 pages) Evolution of Areas, Yields, Ouqmt, Tables land 2 (1 page) Annex 5 : Page 1: SODELAC Organization Chart (1 page) Page 2: Project M anagement Organization Chart (1 page) Almex 6 : Page 1: Budget of M odel Farms (1 page) Page 2: Calculation of Economic Rate of Return - ERR (1 page) Annex 7 : W orks lmplementation Schedule (1 page) Almex 8 : Profile of Technical Assistance Experts (2 pages) (*) Annexes 2, 4, 5 page 1, 6, 7 and 8 are in the separate working document. ' vf '> ë '. .z1 .' .f 'u lk ' . z . ) . c UR . NCY EOUIVA ' L' E. Nk T' '. S, *. A', C'G. R'0. 1 Kt'. #-1M * kS' V*' XA. Nk' DI' ',.) ' eà '. 'B. ' ' V' ' aG' T'l .10. & S. .( Curre. ilt# r. d- at.e ,:5sm;<MtA>wqr t; . ' . ; é 's , . ..#. .;.r ! 1. ,%), .9. o8. :'). =?vs t' , .. .. ij . : 7 a,. ïl'j' , ' /' . 't ' . ,% .' . Currency unit ' ' ' . : ;A C>. F-IxA5. .F':.ranc t ' ' û . FCFA 1 . ' 'u; .A .0' 'lœ. .1.'25. 5-' 6.. -4 09. ' . .. .:.: ., h U A 1 ' . ) ' . -1 Q' ! '.) 'Y j'wC i'-F. , A' '.pl.F , :*7 .9. '-.6e.' , t.t4 , 0I . 6. e .' ' . t . C ' J . ' $ L ' ' US $ 1 ;' .? : e. '. - o . l .z ' ' # . C. :',f .' AF 59 3 '.3. 5 0 w. 'j.:. .: . .' à. - ' - aj ' ? ', 4 . .. 'f .: x' . '%,. .. ' 2 . k . ' . 4' J.'': L' W-à' . I G H, Tr S , A. N;. I'DF l'.r vk i '-. Ai .k S'. t t. .t j s. e M êtrlt-J& s. ., vzstetn.t L'mù.'Et J. ''. ' . u ; .. j.. a r. ACRO M S AND , A' B'. B' 'i .' V IA, ' TIONS ACORD Association de coopératiolf et -& rechçrche àpotlr Ie développement ADB Africàn Development.Bav '' ji .' ADF African Dekelopmen! Fuptt. ,'Q ..' .,. AFD Agence française de dévelnppement k. ç .;) ' AFM CARE Am erican NGO ' BD Bidding Documents CARE Am erican NGO CAT Centre d'amélioration technique ' CB Competitive Bidding CFPA Centre de folmption prpfessikxmel'l&v-bylriçole CIRAD Centre de coopération intqrlytl%. 'àâ1qlp' ouf 'lg mçhçrehg qgronomique CONAM AC Conseil natienal d ' appui àt'z m*o 1 41 ve1 %' é p1 .' aj'. ksè.iàtiftd: ii'i b'tiératkf ' ' -- CP/CE Cycle primaire/èours élémentailié 't.p/ima!;y schogl-. cycle) CV Curriculum vitae DEAFPR Directorate of Agricultural Edgealivrit IC iainipg énd Rural #romotion DGRHA Directorate of Rural Engineç' j jhgçarfd' Ajji4kitgral'.lrl#. d. raulics DPPASA Directorat.e of Agriculturql Pkbd, uctrjp yjy. ju p.Q 'p' d security : 2 . 9 . k DPVC Directorate of Plapt Pgotéctiontandté' à. ëkéging r , DRTA oirectorate of Agricultural kesyarùh àiztl '. t-eèlinolkj zy DVP Extension and Pröducti: on Divis'.i on' ('. 'SO ELAC) GDP Gross Domestic Product . ' . U . : . t IAPSO nited Nations Inter-Agçpky Rrocqi. em ent Services ' ' ' ICB International Competitive Bidd' ipy . lnformation . ; . j ' IEC , Educabioni Cèmmtiilicqfiöh .. IM SC Inter-M inisterial Steering C oplttittèet . ' . ITRAD lnstitut tchadien de recherzv a. xy.;r'bnteique pot!r le dévbloppement LRZV : * I mboratoire de recherché botetih iqqù et vétérinai e Local Shopping NCB National Competitive Bidding NGO Non-Govermnental Organizatién ONDR Office national du (léveloppçment rt' tr@l PlU Project Implementation Unit PSAP Projet des services agro-pastor'aux SECADEV Secours catholique et dévelopjement SL Short List ' . SODELAC Société du développement d uLac Tchâd SPA Special Programme for Africa TA Technical Assistance TAF Technical Assistance Fund TC Technical Committee UA Unit of Account of the ADB Grot!p UNDP United Nations Development Programftme M . * BASIC DATA Year . Chad Africa Develoninc C. Develooed Countries A.GENERAL l . Area (1000 Km2) 1995 1.284 30.305 - 2 Population (in million) 6.36 661 4487 1214 3. Sex ratio (/100 women) 1995 94 99 104 4. Population under 15 years (%) 1995 43 45 35.6 21.4 5. Population 65 years and over (%) 1995 3.6 3 4.5 12.1 6. Dependency ratio 1995 87 92.3 67 w 50.4 7. Urban population (%) 1995 2 1 34 34 74 8. Rural population (%) 1995 79 66 63 26 9. Population density ) 1995 4.9 2 1 51 21 lo.population/arable land ) 1995 159 363 - 1 1 .Adult literacy rate (to1l) 1995 48.1 51 70 99 -tM ale) 1995 62 63 75 99 -twomen) 1995 34.7 42 62 99 lz.l-abour force participation rate llltotal -tM ale) 1994 79 50 -œemale) 1994 21 - 35 13.GNP per capita (in US$) 1994 180 600 987 23195 l4.Annual growth rate of GNP(%) 1993 0.7 -0.3 -2.9 2.2 B.DEM OGRAPHIC m DICATORS l .Annual population growth (%) 1995 2.6 2.9 % 2.9 0 .6 z.urban population growth rate (%) 1995 5.9 3.8 3.8 0.8 3.cn1de death rate (/1000 pop.) 1995 17 15 9.0 9.0 M.lnfant mortality rate (/1000 live birth) 1995 94 107 68 1 3 5.Child mort. rate (/1000 child age 1-4) 1995 152 167 l 6 6.M aternal mortality rate (/1000 birth) 1994 900 630 480 30 7.Live expecuncy at birth (yearsl-toul 1995 49 75 - M ale 1995 46 8-crude birth rate (/000) 1995 43 44 29 ' 1 5 10.Total fertility rate 1995 5.7 6.2 3.5 1 y 1 1 .M edian age 1994 1 8 22.3 22.2 33.6 lz.population doubling time Wears) 1994 28 34 l48 l3.W omen of child bearing age (5%) 1994 46 l4.proportion of women using contraceptives (%) 53 72 d. HEALTH & NUTRITIONAL INDICATORS l . Number of inhabitants/doctor 1993 : 33000 18000 7000 390 2. Number of inhabitants/nurse 1993 : 34000 - 1700 l80 3. Access to safe water (%) 1994 : 30 60 70 4. Percentage of fully immunized children (24 months) 1994 26 - 85 87 5. Average per capita calorie intake 1994 1989 2328 2546 3412 6. Babies born with birth weight less than 2500 gm (%) 1994 1 9 7. Percent. of GDP spent on health 1994 4 8. Average per capita spending on health (USS) 1994 1958 D.
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