Considerations of Wildlife Resources and Land Use in Chad

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Considerations of Wildlife Resources and Land Use in Chad Productive Sector Growth and Environment Division Office of Sustainable Development Bureau for Africa U.S. Agency for International Development Considerations of Wildlife Resources and Land Use in Chad James O. Keith Darrel C. H. Plowes Environmental Consultants SD Technical Paper No. 45 March 1997 Productive Sector Growth and Environment Division Office of Sustainable Development Bureau for Africa U.S. Agency for International Development Considerations of Wildlife Resources and Land Use in Chad James O. Keith Darrel C. H. Plowes Environmental Consultants March 1997 Publication services provided by AMEX International, Inc. Pursuant to the following USAID contract: Project Title: Policy, Analysis, Research, and Technical Support Project Project Number: 698-0478 Contract Number: AOT-0678-C-00-6066-00 Contents Foreword v Acknowledgments vii Executive Summary ix Glossary of Acronyms and Abbreviations xi Introduction 1 Animals and Plants of Chad 3 Birds of Chad 3 Mammals of Chad 3 Fishes of Chad 3 Reptiles and amphibians of Chad 3 Invertebrates of Chad 4 Plants of Chad 4 Biogeographic Regions of Chad 5 Northern Deserts and Mountains 5 Central Shrub Steppe 6 Southern Savanna Woodlands 6 Rivers and Flood Plains 7 Lakes 8 Wildlife Management in Chad 11 Organization and Activities 11 National Parks and Faunal Reserves 12 Human Agricultural Activities 15 Agricultural Impact on Wildlife 17 Habitat Alteration through Clearing for Agriculture 17 Shortening of Fallow Cycles 17 Intensification of Agricultural Management 17 Habitat Alteration due to Water Pollution 17 Toxicity Hazards of Iinsecticides 18 Use of Agrochemicals in Chad 18 Critical Wildlife Habitats 21 Lakes and Savanna Wetlands 21 The Tibesti and Ennedi Mountains of the North 22 National Parks and Faunal Reserves 22 iii Threatened Vertebrates of Chad 23 Mammals 23 Birds 23 Reptiles 24 References 25 FIGURES 1. Biomes and Major Features of Chad 5 2. Major Rivers, Lakes, and Wetlands of Chad 7 3. National Parks, Faunal Reserves, and Boundaries of Prefectures in Chad 12 iv Foreword In cooperation with the authors, the USAID Africa Bureau’s Office of Sustainable Development, Productive Sector Growth and Environment Divi- sion (USAID/AFR/SD/PSGE), is pleased to support the publication and distribution of this material. We believe the information will allow Chadians and their development partners to make more informed and better decisions in their efforts to achieve environmentally sound broad-base d economic growth. David A. Atwood Chief, Productive Sector Growth and Environment Division Office of Sustainable Development Bureau for Africa U.S. Agency for International Development v vi Acknowledgments This document provides important information for This paper, in part, is a product of that those interested in biological diversity in Chad and endeavor and we acknowledge with gratitude the the Sahel in general. USAID Mission in Chad (since closed) and Chemonics International for their support during The authors participated in two environmental the seven weeks the authors worked in Chad. impact assessments in Chad during February through June 1993. The first was as part of a team The other members of the Chemonics team working with Chemonics International for the U.S. included J.E. Hecht, regional planner and team Agency for International Development (USAID ) leader; Joseph Tabor, agronomist/pedologist; evaluating potential environmental effects of an Scotty Deffendol, range scientist; G. E. Karsh, Agriculture Trade Policy Reform Program forester; and R Hanchett, USAID Regional proposed by USAID and the second was an Initial Environmental Officer. Discussions among team Environmental Examination for the use of Zinc members increased awareness of natural resource Phosphate for Rodent Control in Chad, this time use in Chad and enhanced perspectives on possible working with the U.S. Department of Agriculture environmental consequences of human use of Denver Wildlife Research Center. In the course of resources in the future. For this, we are especially these two tasks, a wealth of data, much in French, thankful; their assistance was most valuable was analyzed and synthesized. because they were experts in their fields and experienced with conditions in Sahelian Africa. vii viii Executive Summary Chad is one of the larger countries in Africa and the Sahara Desert, such migration would be im - contains deserts, mountains, shrub steppes, savan- possible and birds that migrate would disappear. nas, forests, lakes, and wetlands. This array o f habitats originally supported one of the most The human population, in its original state, unique and diverse faunas in Africa. The ibex, hunted, gathered, and farmed in a sustainable man - oryx, addax, Barbary sheep, kudu, wild ass, eland, ner. With an increase in the human population an d buffalo, rhinoceros, elephant, and many kinds of longevity in the middle 1900s, farming greatly ex- antelope ranged in the rich Chadian habitats, along panded into natural habitats. Later, agriculture wa s with the lion, cheetah, leopard, and many smaller intensified in limited areas to include irrigation, mammalian species. Many populations of the shorter fallow cycles, and the use of fertilizers, larger mammals were decimated betwee n 1960 and herbicides, and insecticides. This trend towards in- the present during the civil unrest that followe d creased use of land and intensified farming will ac - Chad's independence from France. Civil war celerate because the human population is continuing destroyed the stability of human life and traditional to increase and the demand in foreign markets fo r practices and values. Transportation and weapons, foodstuffs produced in Chad is rising, especially in acquired for combat, enabled harvest of wildlife Nigeria. for food and profit. Poaching, overharvest of fis h and wildlife, drought, and disease greatly reduced Planning and education are needed on options for numbers of animals. land use in Chad to ensure that development con - siders the proper use, maintenance, and enhancement Most avian palearctic migrants pass through of its remaining natural resources, and especially the Chad on their annual migrations between Europ e needs of fish and wildlife populations and their and Africa. Many of those birds and some habitats. Chadians traditionally have harvested afrotropical species from the south nest in the rich wildlife and their very rich fisheries to supplemen t forest, savanna, and wetland habitats of Chad. The their diets. Remaining fish and wildlife resource s wetlands of Chad are among the most important in should be managed in conjunction with agriculture , North Africa. They provide energy to support mi- protection of habitats in parks and reserves, creative gration of birds within Africa and between Africa use of resources in those protected areas, and and Europe. Without healthy wetlands just south of ecotourism so that the greatest sustainable benefits for the human population can be attained in the future. ix x Glossary of Acronyms and Abbreviations CIRAD Centre de Cooperation Internationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Developpemen t (International Center for Cooperation in Agronomy Research for Development) CITES Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora EEC/FED European Economic Community / Fonds European du Developpement IPM integrated pest management IUCN The World Conservation Union RAMSAR Convention on Wetlands of International Importance Especially as Waterfowl Habitat SECA Société d’Eco Amenagement UNDP United Nations Development Program UNEP United Nations Environment Program USAID U.S. Agency for International Development xi xii Introduction Chad is one of the larger countries in Africa. It ex- fish resources were heavily utilized to supplement tends from the arid Sahara desert (24o N lat.) to the crops during periods of food scarcity. As elsewhere large rivers and equatorial forests of the south (8o in Africa, guns, ammunitions, and vehicles N lat.). The variety of habitats existing in this acquired for combat between rival forces provided spectrum of climatic conditions originally mechanisms for harvesting wildlife at a scale not supported a richness and diversity of birds, large previously possible (Newby 1980). Demand for mammals, and other vertebrates that was food and wanton killing of game resulted in severe comparable to the fauna of eastern and southern reductions in many animal populations. Thomassey Africa. In the last several decades, however, and Newby (1990) reported that elephant Chadians have seriously depleted their fish and (Loxodonta africana) and black rhinoceros wildlife resources and have greatly reduced the (Diceros bicornis) were severely harvested during ability of their environment to support wild this period and that an outbreak of rinderpest i n animals. 1982 and 1983 seriously reduced populations o f buffalo (Syncerus cafer) and giant eland Chad has suffered from either civil strife, (Taurotragus derbianus). drought, or famine almost continually since gaining independence from France in 1960. The Yet the fish and wildlife resources in Chad growing human population has expanded the area today still are sufficient, if used properly, to create used for agriculture and has increased numbers of incentives for local villages to protect and manage both resident and transhumant livestock grazing on remaining populations. Villagers have learned that rangelands. This intensity of land use has reduced over-harvest and habitat destruction
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