Select Bibliography Primary Sources S 1 Buck Pearl S. : American
120 Select Bibliography Primary Sources s 1 Buck Pearl S. : American Argument, with Eslanda Goods Obeson, John Day, Co., 1949. 2 Buck P.S. ; Come My Beloved, Methuen and Co., London, 1959. 3 Buck P.S. : Command The Morning, Pocket Books, New York, 1960. 4 Buck P.S. s The Exile, Pocket Books, New York, 196 3. 5 Buck P.S. : ilqhting Angel, Pocket Books, New York, 1964. 6 Buck P.S. s The Good Barth, Methuen and Co.Ltd., London, 1937. 7 Buck P.S. s The Hidden Flower, Pocket Books, New York, 1960. 8 Buck P.S. : Letter from Peking, Rocket Books, New York, 1975. 9 Buck P.S. : The Living Reed, John Day, New York, 196 3. 10 Buck P.S. i Mandala, The John Day Co., New York, 1970. 11 Buck P.S. : My Several Vforlds, The John Day Co., New York, 1954. 12 Buck P. S, Peony, Rocket Books, New York, 1968 121 13 Buck P.S. : Pavilion of Women. Pocket Books, New York, 1968. 14 Buck P.S. s Satan Never Sleeps, Pocket Books, New York, 1962. 15 Buck P.S. : "Advice to unborn Novelist", in Saterday Review, 2nd March, 1935. 16 Buck P.S. s "China : Still The Good Earth", in Saterday Review of Literature. 32, Octo. 8, 1949. 17 Buck P.S. s "Early Chinese Novel" in Saturday Review. 6th June, 1931. 18 Buck P.S. t "Emotional Nature of the Chinese" in Nation. 22nd Sept. 1926. 19 Buck P.S. s "Fiction and the Front Page" in Yale Review. 25th March, 1936.
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