The Alkaline Complex of the Breivikbotn Area, Sørøy, Northern Norway

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The Alkaline Complex of the Breivikbotn Area, Sørøy, Northern Norway NORGES GEOLOGISKE UNDERSØKELSE NR. 231 THE ALKALINE COMPLEX OF THE BREIVIKBOTN AREA, SØRØY, NORTHERN NORWAY By BRIAN A. STURT and DONALD M. RAMSAY WITH APPENDIX BY EDWARD C. APPLEYARD (A preliminary description of the geology of the Dønnesfjord area, Sørøy) 031.0 1965 UNIVERSITETSFORLAGET Editor for the Publications of the Geological Survey of Norway: State geologist Fredrik Hagemann. INDEX I. INT^OO^c^ION 6 11. THE GENERAL GEOLOGY AND STRUCTURE OF THE BREIVIKBOTN AREA 8 111. FIELD RELATIONSHIPS AND PETROGRAPHY OF THE ALKALINE ROCKS 11 A. Rocks of the Nepheline Syenite Association 11 ( 1 ) The Nepheline Syenite and Associated Gneisses 11 (a) Nepheline syenite and associated alkali gneisses in the meta sediments 12 (b) Nepheline syenite and associated alkali gneisses in the metagabbro 28 (2) Nepheline Syenite Pegmatites 39 (3) Alkali Feldspar-Magnetite-Biotite Pegmatites 44 (4) Fine-grained Syenite Dykes 44 ( 5 ) Alteration of the Nepheline Syenites 45 B. Rocks of the Carbonatite Association 52 (1) The Basic Alkaline Rocks 53 ( 2 ) Fenites in Metasediments 58 (3) Syenites 60 (a) Shonkinites 60 (b) Leucocratic Syenites 70 (c) Syenite-Aplites 73 (d) Basic dykes intrusive into the syenites, and their metamorphism 74 (4) The Carbonatites 75 (a) Carbonatite Sheets 75 (b) Late calcite veins 84 (c) Other occurrences of intrusive and metasomatic carbonate rocks 85 IV. THE GEOCHEMISTRY AND PETROGENESIS OF THE ALKALINE ROCKS 88 A. The Nepheline Syenite Association 88 ( 1 ) Major Elements 88 (2) Trace Elements 91 (3) Discussion of Trace Element Data 97 (4) Comparison with the Nepheline Syenite of Stjernoy 98 (5) The Origin of the Nepheline Syenites in the Breivikbotn Area .... 101 B. The Carbonatite Association 103 ( 1 ) The Aegirine-Augite Pyroxenite 103 (2) The Fenites 104 (3) The Syenites 105 (4) The Carbonatites 1 09 V. CONCLUSIONS AND GENERAL PETROGENETIC CONSIDERATIONS 111 REFERENCES 117 APPENDIX A preliminary description of the geology of the Donnesfjord area, Soroy . 14-4 Abstract. The alkaline rocks of tne Breivikbotn area nave been emplaced into highly tolded and metamorphosed igneous and sedimentary rocks during the period ot the Caledo- nian orogenv. They form an integral part of the complicared sequence ot plutonic evenrs that occurred during the orogeny, and vere broadly syn-tectonic in relation to rne second major period of deformation (F2). They have in fact been strongly folded and sheared by late expressions of this movement phase. The alkaline rocks at Breivikbotn fall into two distinctive groups in terms of their field-relationships, mineralogical and chemical compositions. These are referred to as rocks of the Nepheline Syenite and Carbonatite Associations respectively. The first of tne«e caniprize nepneline s^enite Kneinez and pegniatites, alliali-zyenite Zneisse« (^vitn- out nepneline) and alkali keidzpar-biotite-magnetite peZinatites. The maioriry of the pegmatites and some of the sheets of nepheline syenite are intrusive types and appear to have resulted from the intrusion ok a highly fluid pegmatite magma. Other rocks ok tnis aBsociaton Bucn as the alkali-syenite gneisses, most of the nepheline syenite gneisses and some of the pegmatites, however, are products ok metasomatism effected by fluids and emanations from the pegmatite magma. The rocks of the Carbonatite Association comprise syenites which vary from melanocratic to leucocratic in type, fenites and carbonatites. With the exception of the fenites these all appear to be in- trusive rocks and to follow a well-defined pattern of crystallisation differentiation, carbonatite being the final late intrusive phase. t^vo major zroups ot allialine roclls are disrinctive in terrnz ot tneir Zeocneini- Btrv. rocllz ot tne nepneline svenite a«sociation are cnaracterised l?v tneir nizn and I^a cuntentz, vnilst me roclis ot tne caroonatite association are relativelv de- ticienr in and ricn in I^. trace element contentz ot tne roclcs in me tvo groupz are alxo niznlv distinctive, and one particularlv inarlced teature is me progressive en- ricnment in La and 8r in tne rocks ot me caroonatite azsociation. tne roclcs ot tne nepneline svenite association tne zeocnemica! trends ot tenitixation nave been traced botn in terms ot ma)'ar and minor eleinents. (lomparisons nave been made vitn allcaline rocks krom manv otner areas, particularlv virli tne neiznbouring island ok 3tiernuv vnere alkaline roclcs liave been extensivelv described by I-leier (1961, 1964). 'lne lllkaline rocks ot me Lreivikbotn area are considered to nave been derived trom a cominon parent magma deep in tne eartns crust. Bul3-maBmas are tnouznt to nave been derived trom tnis common parent and to nave pursued separate and independent lines ot crvstallisarion ditterenriarion. Lxtensive rnetasoniatic activitv accompanied tne intrusion ot tne various igneous rocks producing tenites and nepneline svenite gneisses. I^ne ulriinate source magma is postulated as 2 deep-seated ultrabasic magma, possiolv alkali peridotite. 6 I. Introliuction Fig. 1. Map of north-west Norway (scale 1 : 2,500,000) showing location of Soroy. The island ok Soroy is situated off the mainland of West Finnmark (Fig. 1) near the town of Hammerfest (lat. 70° 30' N., longit. 23° 80' E.), and lies within the main belt of the West Finnmark Eo-Cambrian succession. The island is mainly composed of variable metasedimentary rocks which have been extensively folded and metamorphosed during the (^alelioliian oro^en^. The plutonic liißtor^ is coniplex and is ciomi nated by the emplacement of large masses of basic and ultrabasic rocks which form part of the West Finnmark—North Troms petrographic province. Rocks of this province have been described in a number of accounts particularly by Barth (1953) in a description of the layered gabbro complex in the south of the island of Seiland, and by Heier (1961) and Oosteroom (1963) in papers describing the basic rocks of the neighbouring island of Stjernoy. On the mainland the basic rocks of the Øksfjord area have been described by Krauskopf (1953), those of the Sandland peninsula by Ball et alia (1963) and the geolog^ of parts of the Lyngen peninsula in a thesis by Randall (1958). Some aspects of the geology of these regions are also mentioned in a number of accounts by Karl Pettersen in the middle of the last century. The gabbroic rocks of tne province okten show a >vell deveioped lavering and other features comparable to those described in accounts ok the Skaergaard intrusion (Wager and Deer 1939) and Stillwater, Montana 7 (Hess 1960). The tectonic setting, however, is verv different. The West Finnmark—North Troms gabbros are situated in the heart of the (Dale donian orogenic belt and were furthermore emplaced during the oro geny. On Soroy it has been demonstrated (Sturt 1962, Stumpfl and Sturt 1964) that the basic igneous rocks have keen emplaced in a series ok distinct intrusive phases. A common feature of the Soroy—Seiland—Stjerndy—Øksfjord areas is the occurrence of alkaline rocks of the Nepheline Syenite—(kårkona tite—Fenite association. The alkaline rocks of Seiland have veen briefly described by Hoel and Scheitig (1916) and more fully by Barth (1924, 1953) in accounts of coarse nepheline syenite pegmatite (canadite) 6vkes from the south of the islan6. 3irnilar occurrences in the Øksfjord area have been mentioned by Krauskopf (1953). Considerable quanti ties of nepneiine svenite are present on the island of 3t)ernov (at pre sent beinz rnine6 by Nordkapp Nefelin A/S) and are associated -^itn carbonatite (Strand 1951, Heier 1961, 1964, Oosteroom 1963). The occurrence of nepheline bearing gneisses in the Breivikbotn area ot Soroy has been briefly mentioned by one of us (Sturt 1961). Here ne pheline syenite gneisses and pegmatites are associated with fenites and with carbonatites and related syenites. In all the areas cited the alkaline rocks were apparently late in the sequence of structural, magmatic, and rnetamorpnic events. The authors acknowledge the help and interest shown to them in their work by Prof. T. F. "W. Barth of the Mineralogisk—Geologisk Mu seum, Oslo; Director H. Bjorlykke of Norges Geologiske Undersokelse; Prof. B. C. King of Le6tor6 College, London and Prof. F. kalker ot Queens College, Dundee. Prof. Barth is further thanked for generously provi6ing kacilities kor the X-rav tluorescent 6eterininations and Herr 3. Bergstol for his patient supervision of tne Bpectograpnic "lvork. The authors also thank their many colleagues with whom they have dis cussed the manuscript at varying stages in its preparation, and parti cularly Prof. B. C. King for his critical reading of the manuscript. A considerable debt of gratitude is owed to Herr Hans Arnesen of Brei vikbotn, and the authors thank him for his help and hospitality, with out which the work would indeed nave been more difficult. Assistance is also acknowledged from the Royal Society, the Mount Everest Found ation, tne Carneigie Trust, Norges Geologiske Undersokelse, the Uni versity of St. Andrews and the Central,Research Fund of the University of London. 8 11. The general geology and strucwre of the Breivikbotn area In the Breivikbotn area tne general Bituation is of a complexly folded and metamorphosed group ok sedimentary rocks which are intruded by tvo gabbro plutons, the one extending from south of Breivikbotn vil lage to Donnesfjord and the otner occurring at Hasvik. The metasedi ments are also intruded by a later group of basic and internie6iate igneous rocks var^inz from noriteB to 6ioriteB, and are iurtlier ri66le6 by a plexuB of zranitic, Bvenitic, basic and ultradaBic: BneetB and 6vl^eB. One of the latest major events to occur in the area vaB the ernpiacernent of the varie6 suite of alkaline rocks, which form the Bub)'ec:t of the present account. The metasedimentary rocks comprise a sequence of psammites, pelitic schists and gneisses, graphite schists, limestones and calc-silicate rocks. Fossils are ad>Bent from the major part of the BucceBBion, dut lirneBtoneB containing archaeocyathids have deen 6iBcovere6.
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