The Stockton Ian Year Book
THE STOCKTON IAN YEAR BOOK 1 948-49 BILLINGHAM PRESS LIMITED, STATION ROAD, BILLINGHAM, CO. DURHAM. List- 6fftaat£fgrJM&^9. Presidents: J. WILKINSON. Esq.. F.C.C.S.. F.H.A.. Dr. J. R. KINNES. M.A.. Ph.D. E. BALDWIN. Esq.. O.B.E.. M.Ed. Vice-Presidents: N. E. Green. Esq. G. Little. Esq. D. Shepherd, Esq. Councillor T. H. Brown. L. Bell, Esq.. A.I.I.A.. A.M.I.P.E. T. B. Brooke. Esq.. MA. Committee: A. Armstrong, Esq. H. Knaggs, Esq. R. Beaumont, Esq. M. B. Miles, Esq. A. L. Bartlett, Esq. M.P.S. W. H. Munday, Esq., B.A. T. H. Bulmer, Esq. W. N. Moss, Esq. J. Chapman, Esq. S. North, Esq. J. A. Carter, Esq. W. B. Readman, Esq J. Charnley, Esq. R. Robinson, Esq. K. Dodsworth, Esq. G. M. W. Scott, Esq J. Gillespie, Esq. M. Sizer, Esq. H. D. Hardie, Esq. J. Short, Esq. D. Henderson, Esq. E. H. Twiddy. Esq. J. Humble, Esq. R. J. Urwin, Esq. I. Howden, Esq. T. M. Williams, Esq. Hon. Auditor: N. E. Green. Esq. Hon. Treasurer: H. Nicholson. Esq., M.Sc. Hon. Secretary: L. Bell. Esq.. A.I.I.A.. A.M.I.P.E. Acting Secretary pro tern: T. B. Brooke. Esq. Trustees of Benevolent Fund: N. E. Green, Esq. J. R. Kinnes, Esq., M.A., Ph.D. N. Winn, Esq. E. Baudwin. Esq.. O.B.E.. M.Ed. Subscriptions can be paid to any member of the Committee. Addresses are given at the end of the book. Old Boy Presidents: 1913- 14 E.
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