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Bell & Howell Information and Lelming 300 North Z8eb Rœd, Ann Arbor, MI 481C&1348 USA 800-521-œoo ISLAM ABD JAVAlŒSB ACCULTURATION: TEXTUAL AND CONTEXTUAL AlfALYSIS OF THB sz..tJImTANRlTUAL A thesis submitted ta the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research In partial fulfillment ofthe requirements ofthe degree of Master ofArts by Masclar HUmy Institute ofIslamic Studies McGill University Montreal Canada CMasdar Hilmy 1999 National Ubrary Bibliothèque nationale 1+1 otCanada du Canada Acquisitions and Acquisitions et Bibliographie Services services bibliographiques 385 WIIIingIon Street 385. rue Wellington Ottawa ON K1A 0N4 Ottawa ON KtA0N4 CIIn8da canada The author bas granted a non­ L'auteur a accordé une licence non exclusive licence allowing the exclusive permettant à la National Library ofCanada to Bibliothèque nationale du Canada de reproduce, laID, distribute or sell reproduire, prêter, distnbuer ou copies oftbis thesis in mîcrofol1D, vendre des copies de cette thèse sous paper or electronic formats. la fonne de microfiche/film, de reproduction sur papier ou sur format électronique. The author retains ownership ofthe L'auteur conserve la propriété du copyright in this tbesis. Neither the droit d'auteur qui protège cette thèse. thesis nor substantial extracts from it Ni la thèse ni des extraits substantiels may he printed or otberwise de celle-ci ne doivent être imprimés reproduced without the author's ou autrement reproduits sans son pemnSSlon. autorisation. 0-612-50521-9 ABSTRACT Author Masdar Hilmy Title Islam and Javanese Acculturation: Textual and Contextual Analysis ofthe Slametan Ritual Department Institute ofIslamic Studies, McGill University Degree Master ofArts This Thesis deals with the cultural encounter between Islam and Javanese culture as represented by the slametan rituaI. The major purposes of this thesis are threefold; (1) to give a brief account of the histarical backdrop of the encounter between Islam and the Javanese tradition; (2) to discuss the ongoing dispute among scholars over whether the slam.etan is animistic, syncretistic or Islamic; and (3) to provide a new perspective on the slametan ritual based upon textual (religious) and contextual (socia-cultural) analysis. The hypothesis underlying this work is that the slametan is a prototype of syncretistic rituaI, the representative of Islamic elements -as its core-on the one hand, and local traditions -as its periphery-on the ather. This work will argue against the theory of the slametan developed bath by Geertz and Woodward. The first scholar sees the slametan from a socia-cultural perspective ooly, while the latter views it on an Islamic theologicaI basis. The current writer argues that one should employ a holistic perspective to see the slametan comprehensively; bath from "inside" (religious perspective) and ·outside· (cultural perspective). i Auteur Masdar Hilmy Titre Islam et acculturation javanaise: Une analyse textuelle et contextuelle du rite du Slametan Département: Institut des Êtudes Islamiques, Université McGill Diplôme Maîtrise ès Arts Ce mémoire porte sur la rencontre culturelle entre l'Islam et la culture javanaise telle que représentée par le rituel du slametan. Les objectifs principaux de cette recherche se présentent en trois volets: Premièrement, en donnant un bref aperçu du contexte historique de la rencontre entre l'Islam et la tradition javanaise, deuxièmement, en analysant le débat des spécialistes sur la question d'établir si le slametan est un rite animiste, syncrétiste ou islamique et, troisièmement, en proposant une nouvelle perspective du rituel du slametan, fondée sur une analyse textuelle (religieuse) et contextuelle (socio-culturelle). L'hypothèse sous-jacente de cett~ étude est que le slametan soit le prototype d'un rituel syncrétiste, étant d\me part, la représentation d'éléments islamiques (en son centre) et, d'autre part, la représentation de traditions locales (à sa périphérie). Cette recherche critiquera la théorie du slametan développée à la fois par Geertz ainsi que Woodward. Le premier chercheur perçoit le slametan uniquement d'après une perspective socio-culturelle alors que le second considère ce rite selon une approche théologique islamique. L'auteur de ce présent mémoire insiste qu'une perspective holistique devrait plutôt être employée afm de parvenir à une vision d'ensemble, à la fois de "l'intérieur" (perspective religieuse) et de "l'extérieur" (perspective culturelle) .. 11 ACKlfOWLEDGBMERTS Let me take this oppartunity to extend my deep appreciation ta an those who have assisted me during my graduate studies at the Institute of Islamic Studies. McGill University. Chief among these is my thesis supervisor. Professor Howard M. Federspiel. without whose guidance and encouragement this work could not possibly have been accomplished. His intellectual perspicacity and long-life commitment to scholarship, particularly in Indonesian studies. his refreshing honesty have been my model for academic excellence. 1 benefited greatly from his constructive criticism and am indebted ta him in a way that perhaps cannot be repaid. 1 wish also to express my sincere thanks to all my professors, the faculty members of the Institute and in particular Professor A. Ûner Turgay. co-thesis supervisor and the Director of the Institute for his patience and his continuous scholarly guidance. My sincere thanks aIso go to my academic advisor. Professor Issa J. Boullata. who has kindly given me academic advice especially during the Cirst year ofmy study. Many thanks are due as weil ta CIDA (Canada International Development Agency) for a scholarship grant. and to the staff of the Indonesia-Canada Higher Education Project. In Indonesia, my special gratitude goes to the Indonesian Minister of Religious Affairs (MORA), whose special program to send lecturers of the State Institutes of Islamic Studies (IAINs) overseas. gave me the opportunity to pursue my studyat McGill University; Ors. H. Abdul Jabbar Adlan, the current Rector of IAIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya whose consent allowed me to leave, temporarily, my academic duties at the campus. Hi 1 am greatly indebted to my colleagues Abdul Muthalib who helped me translate and who discussed with me some Dutch and French texts, without which this thesis would have lacked important primary sources; Jane Trembley who helped me translate the abstract of this thesis into French; Su'aim Asy'ari, Asep S. Jahar, Chuzaimah Batubara, Munir and Mujiburrahman for valuable intellectual exchanges, generous help, encouragement and true friendship; the staff of the Istamic Studies Library, in particu1ar, Salwa Ferahian, Wayne St. Thomas and Steve Millier (the last a1so helped me edit the tirst draft oC the thesis) who assisted me in obtaining materials, books and articles relating ta the tapie. 1 also owe considerable debts to, Andre Pancu, and Cedric Goddard, who consistently helped me in rendering my rough draCts into better English especially in writing the second and third chapter oC the thesis. Finally, my special sincere gratitude is due ta my parents. my brathers and sisters whose uncanditionallove and consistent prayers have always been stimulating inspiration in writing this thesis. This simple expression cannot begin to describe the depth of my feeling, and this humble piece of work is affectionately dedicated ta them. Montreal, March 1999. MH. iv NOTES Throughout this thesis the sources of reference have been placed in footnotes at the bottom ofevery page. For example, Mark R. Woodward, Islam in Jaua: Normatiue Piety and Mysticism in the Sultanate of Yogyakarta (Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 1989), 10. While each source has been referred to in full detail at its first occurrence in a particular chapter, from its second occurrence on, only the author, the title (in short form with quotation marks), and the (volume and) page number were recorded. Later references will use a shortened form of the work, such as Woodward, "Islam in Java," 100. The system of transliteration of Arabic words and names applied in this thesis is that used by the Institute of [slamic Studiest MeOill University. The table of transliteration is as follows: b =y dh =J =.1, 1 =J t =~ r =.; =..lô m =j th =~ z =j =t n =w j =( s =rJ gh =t w =.J Il =( sh =rJ"" f =J h =A kh =( ~ =,..,p q =J = Y
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