Diccionario Español – Inglés Terminos Geólogicos Y Mineros
DICCIONARIO ESPAÑOL – INGLÉS TERMINOS GEÓLOGICOS Y MINEROS Welcome to Students Across Borders Página 1 de 1 Financial and program support provided by ExxonMobil Corporation, The University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona,the Universidad de la Sierra, Moctezuma, Mexico and Consortium for North American Higher Education Collaboration (CONAHEC) mhtml:file://P:\Johana\Welcome%20to%20Students%20Across%20Borders.mht 02/09/2004 A-1 A abigarrado,-da adj multi-colored, variegated | mottled abioglifo nm abioglyph aalenense adj Aalenian | nm Aalenian abiótico,-ca adj abiotic aaleniano,-na adj Aalenian abisal adj abyssal aaleniense adj Aalenian abísico,-ca adj abyssal aaltar nm regolith found in western Flanders abismal adj abyssal aas nm a type of sand dune abismo nm abyss | deep | steep face ábaco nm a. trough (artesa) in which gold placers abisolbéntico,-ca adj abyssal-benthic are washed | washtrough, buddle | graph, abisolito nm batholith chart, nomogram abisolítico,-ca adj abyssolitic abajadero nm slope, downgrade abisopelágico,-ca adj abyssal-pelagic abajador nm [Sp, Méx] tool carrier in (a mine) ablación nf erosion | ablation abajamiento nm subsidence ablatógrafo nm ablatograph abajar vtr to lower, let down | to fall, descend abocardado,-da adj bell or funnel shaped abajo adv down, below, under abocarder vtr to widen the opening of or to abajor nm depression something abaluartado,-da adj rock mass in the form of a abocardo nm drill bulwark (baluarte) abocelado,-da adj torus-shaped abancalado,-da adj terraced abocinado,-da adj trumpet shaped, splayed
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