24 . 6 . 89 Official Journal of the European Communities No L 177/37

COMMISSION REGULATION ( EEC) No 1822/89 of 23 June 1989 amending Regulation ( EEC) No 3587/86 fixing the conversion factors to be applied to the buying-in prices for fruit and vegetables

THE COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES , grapes produced with a view to the obligatory distillation of wine made from table grapes ; Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, Whereas the Management Committee for Fruit and Having regard to Council Regulation (EEC) No 1035/72 Vegetables has not delivered an opinion within the time of 18 May 1972 on the common organization of the limit set by its chairman, market in fruit and vegetables ('), as last amended by Regulation ( EEC) No 1 1 19/89 (2), and in particular Article HAS ADOPTED THIS REGULATION : 16 (4) thereof, Whereas Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3587/86 (J), Article 1 as last amended by Regulation (EEC) No 2040/88 (4), fixes the conversion factors permitting the calculation of the Regulation (EEC) No 3587/86 is hereby amended as prices at which products with characteristics different follows : from those of products used for the fixing of the basic 1 . In Annex VIII, the list of varieties of large pears is and buying-in prices are bought in ; replaced by the list set out in Annex I hereto . Whereas Commission Regulation ( EEC) No 920/89 (5) lays down quality standards for citrus fruit, and 2. The first indent of point (b) in Annexe IX is replaced pears ; whereas the provisions of Regulation (EEC) No by the following : 3587/86 should accordingly by adapted to those II . 0,45' standards ; 3 . In Annex X, the list of varieties of large dessert apples Whereas with respect to table grapes the conversion is replaced by the list in Annex II hereto . factors shall, in accordance with Article 16 (4) of Regulation (EEC) No 1035/72, be so fixed as to maintain Article 2 a balance between the price at which the product is bought in under Article 19 and the price obtained for This Regulation shall enter into force on 1 July 1989 .

This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.

Done at Brussels, 23 June 1989 .

For the Commission Ray MAC SHARRY Member of the Commission

(') OJ No L 118 , 20 . 5. 1972, p. 1 . (2) OJ No L 118 , 29 . 4 . 1989, p. 12. (<) OJ No L 334, 27 . 11 . 1986, p. 1 . O OJ No L 179 , 9 . 7 . 1988 , p. 30 . O OJ No L 97, 11 . 4 . 1989 , p. 19 . No L 177/38 Official Journal of the European Communities 24. 6 . 89


List of large-fruit varieties of pears (')

— Abbé Fétel. — Alexandrine Douillard, — Beurre Alexandre Lucas (Lucas), — Beurre de Aremberg, — Beurre Clairgeau, — Beurre Diel, — Beurre Lebrun, — Catillac (Pondspaer, Ronde Gratio, Grand Monarque, Charteuse), — Cure (Curato, Pastoren , Del cura de Ouro, Espadón de invierno, Bella de Berry, Lombardia de Rioja, Batall de Campana), — Devoe, — Don Guido, — Doyenné d hiver, — Doyenne du comice, — Duchesse d'Angoulême, — Empereur Alexandre (Beurré Bose, Beurré d'Apremont, Bosc), — Flor de invierno, — General Leclerc, — Grand , — Jeanne d'Arc, — Marguerite Marillat, — Packham's Triumph (Williams d'Automne), — Passe Crassane, — President Drouart, — Souvenir du Congres (Kongreß, Congress), — Triomphe de Vienne, — William's Duchess (Pitmaston).

(') Pears presented in class II without any indication of variety are also to be regarded as failing under this heading. 24 . 6. 89 Official Journal of the European Communities No L 177/39


List of large-fruit varieties of apples (')

— Altländer, — Arlet, — and mutations , — Belle fleur double, — , — Black , — Black , — Blenheim, — , — Bramley's Seedling (Bramley , Triomphe de Kiel), — Brettacher, — Charden , — Charles Ross,: — , — Cox pomona, — , — Delicious Pilafa, — Democrat, — Elan, — Ellison's orange (Ellison), — , — Finkenwerder, — Fortuna Delicious, — , — Garcia, — Gelber Edel , — Glorie von Holland , — Gloster 69 , — and mutations, — Graham (Graham Royal Jubile), — , — Gravensteiner, — Greensleeves, — Großherzog Friedrich von Baden , — Groupe des Calvilles, — Honey gold, — Horneburger, — Howgate wonder, — , — Imperatore, — , — Jacob Fisher, — Jacques Lebel , — Jamba, — and mutations, — Jester, — , — Jonagored , — , — , — Kóningin (Thè Queen), — Lane s Prince Albert, — Lemoen Apfel (Lemoenappel), — Maigold , — , — Morgenduft (Rome Beauty), — Musch,

(') Apples presented in class II without any indication of variety are also to be regarded as failing under this heading . No L 177/40 Official Journal of the European Communities 24. 6 . 89

(Crispin), — Normanda, — Notarapfel (Notaris, Notarisappel), — Nueva Orleans, — Orleans , — Ontario, — Ozarkgold, — Pater v. d . Elsen, — Pero del Cirio, — Pero Mingan, — Rambour d hiver, — Red Chief, — and mutations, — Red Daugherty, — Red Ingrid Marie , — Reinette de Orleans, — Reineta roja del Canada, — Reinette blanche and Reinette grise du Canada, — Reinette de France, — Reinette de Landsberg, — Royal Red, — Saure Gamerse (Gamerse zure), — Septer, — Signe Tillisch , — Staymanred, — Stayman , — Starkrimson, — Transparente de Croncels (Croncels), — Triomphe de Luxembourg, — Tydeman's Early Worcester, — , — Zabergau, — Zigeunerin .