Hold Selectees, Roosevelt Asks; Guy Mason, 60, Named Hitler Plans New U.S
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Weather Forecast 'From Press to Home lowest Clear, temperature about 60 de- w/’a.L' .1 11 t grees tonight; tomorrow fair, slightly Wlttllll the tlOlir warmer. Temperatures today—Highest, Most ln have The 80, at 2 p.m.; lowest, 64, at 5:45 a.m. P«0Ple Washington Star delivered to their homes every From the Unfed states weamer Bureau report weekday evening and Sunday morning. Full Details on Pare A-‘i. New York Markets, Page 12. WO Mean* A«*oci*t*d Pr*«s. 89th YEAR. No. 35.510. WASHINGTON, D. C., MONDAY, JULY 21, 1941 THREE CENTS. Hold Selectees, Roosevelt Asks; Guy Mason, 60, Named Hitler Plans New U.S. Lawyer, Move, Hears; Commissioner Battle East of Red Line, Nazis President Nominates w 1 Say Ex-Newspaperman President Calls Smolensk Still Held, Fighting Possibility Seen of To Succeed Hazen For Indefinite Drive Into Spain Bv JOHN C. HENRY. Goes On in Soviet Asserts Guy Mason, lawyer and for- Army Service City, And Portugal mer newspaperman, was nomi- nated by President Roosevelt 4 » B> the Asroc:»ted Press. BACKGROUND— today to be a member of the Administration move to have Sumner Division Is Russians Declare Welles, Acting Secre- District Board of Commis- selectees, Reservists and Na- Destroyed, They of said that tional Guardsmen retained in Others Are Trapped, Cling Tenaciously to tary State, today sioners. Army beyond single year requires the United States had informa- Mr. Mason, w’hen his appoint- amendment of Draft Act or con- Germans Claim Defensive Positions ment is confirmed the was by Senate, gressional declaration of na- tion that Germany planning will succeed the late Melvin C. tional emergency. Gen. George B' the Associated Press. Bv the Associated Pres*. new steps of aggression against C. Hazen. Marshall, Army chief of staff, BERLIN, July 21.—A "Big. de- MOSCOW. July 21.—The Red told there remaining independent coun- The Commissioner-select, a native Congress Thursday structive battle is in progress east Army was reported today clinging was re- of Indiana has been a resident of “urgent necessity” for of the Stalin line,” a German mili- tenaciously to its defenses at the tries in Europe. moval since 1904. He will be of one-year limitation, tary spokesman reported tonight. head and on the flanks of Ger- Washington and President Roosevelt reiter- He made the statement at a press He compared the situation, at the many's Smolensk salient toward 61 years old next September 10. ated such action was conference, but did not into de- he was a Friday end of the first month of war on Moscow, fiercely opposing the in- go Politically, Republican needed to dis- in life but became a Democrat prevent "complete the Eastern front, to the situation vaders from positions in Smolensk tails. His comment aroused specu- early integration’’ of Army." during the Wilson administration of the Western front between the itself. lation, however, on the possibility and has remained a member of the Meuse River and the English The high command indicated that GARNETT D. HORNER. that he meant that Spain and Democrat since that time. By Channel after the turning of the the Germans were being held. Party be due for attacks. In his from President Roosevelt today Maginot Line in June. 1940. Private Soviet advices said Smo- Portugal might receiving appointment the President. Mr. Mason joins the to Even as the Germans gave the lensk i notwithstanding a contrary At the same time Mr. Welles dis- Urged Congress acknowledge" group who were close acquaintances harried French and British forces German claim) still was in Russian closed that the United States had the existence of a grave national of Franklin D. Roosevelt as Assist- no breathing spell then, he said, so hands. This city lies 230 miles promised full support to Bolivia in ant Secretary’ of Navy in the World emergency in order to permit the Germans now are not giving the southwest of the Russian capital, the event that an international in- War days and who in recent years selectees. National Guard and Russians time to reorganize after on a good motor road. have been called to public office smashing the Stalin line. With the war now in its fifth cident arose from an alleged at- Reserve Army officers to be re- in the New Deal administration. He intimated, however, that a week and the Germans’ second of- Nazi in that tained In service indefinitely, tempted coup country Seizure Bill Stephen T. Early and Marvin H. sudden collapse should not be ex- fensive in its second, the morning U. of Aid. Track Coach Is Shot Property on the and from the ordered expulsion of McIntyre, presidential secretaries, and to remove restrictions pected because of Russia's great communique continued to mention the German Minister there. are others in this group and Mr. number of selectees inducted space. the same areas where the battle Mason was the Navy De- Four factors were cited the In Arrested covering each by has raged for days. Unwelcome in United States. Dispute; Suspect Be Passed year. May Today, partment. along with the White spokesman as evidence that Russia's In a special message which later Moscow Has Sixth Alarm. Mr. Welles said that in assuring House and the War and State De- resistance was breaking down. He was broadcast to the Nation from These are the Polotsk-Nevel sector, for the New York World said Russian land and air forces Bolivia of support he had pointed partments, on Leaders a recording made by the President, the northern flank of the Ger- Senate Say when Mr. Roosevelt took his sub- had suffered irreplacamle losses, out that under inter- he declared the danger to American man's Smolensk operations; the existing in Serious Cabinet the Red Army could not rally for a Headley post. safety "is infinitely greater” than Smolensk area itself and the sector American agreements, the German satisfactory defense line, the Ger- Action Forecast Describes Self New Dealer. when the Selective Service Act was of Novograd Volynski, in the Minister in Bolivia would be Condition After Row Despite mans had big. fresh reserves realv to persona Although he describes himself as last year and warned that Ukraine, where Russian forces de- passed throw into the campaign and the non grata in the United States. G. 0. P. Objections and “a New Dealer without equivoca- “time counts.” fend the path to Kiev, capital of At Tourist Camp Red Navy in the Baltic was ineffect- Mr. Welles also referred to a tion." and has contributed to and that "the that rich sharp Criticism Emphasizing responsi- province. Reynolds' cam- ive. attack on the United States by Gen- aided in raising Democratic bility rests solely with the Con- Moscow had its sixth air raid Division eralissimo Francisco Franco of Coleman Headley. 26. paign funds in all recent elections, gress” for preventing "disintegra- Destroyed. alarm this morning, the alert lasting Spain Universityj BACKGROUND— last week in which Franco asserted of track coach, last Mr. Mason said he had seen Mr. tion” of the Army that would result Huge, complex encircling tactics for 45 minutes, but no German Maryland night: Seeking enlarged authority for j that American offers of economic Roosevelt only three times since from sending the selectees now in | were declared by Germans to have planes came through. was shot in the chest in a dispute dealing with possible defense to involved at- the President took his first oath service back into civilian life at the at least one Russian divi- The Russians reported shooting help Spain always War sub- destroyed at the Evergreen Tourist Camp near problems. Department of office here in March. 1933. The sion. others inside steel down 31 German tempts to force that country to obey end of their 12-month training per- pinned traps planes yesterday Md and a Baltimore real mitted several weeks ago drastic the will of other nations. Laurel. third of these occasions was last iod. the Executive said he was of German armored forces and and said: bill to authorize President to take Chief estate agent was arrested early today Saturday when he called at the not "for the Red Army another notch “Throughout last stubborn over needed for de- asking Congress specific pushed night Statement Denied. and charged by Maryland State any property White House to receive and accept in a bill.” closer to destruction. fighting continued in the Polotsk- fense program. A less drastic language specific Mr. Welles said it was entirely police as being the assailant. the offer of his appointment as were no and Satur- I Declared Greater. Although there reports Nevel, Smolensk Novograd At in Balti- substitute bill, reported Danger untrue that of food and University Hospital I Commissioner. of any new losses to Volynski directions. On all other supplies Senate Military Commit- He pointed out that the selec- staggering more, it was said Mr. Headley was day by Mr. Mason has served twice pre- • medicines sent to Spain by the tee, would give President power tive service legislation "provided See WAR. Page A-4.) (See MOSCOW, Page A-13.) in a serious condition with a .38- viously in a public capacity, first as to seize military supplies and definitely that if national danger American Red Cross were contingent caliber bullet lodged in his back a member of the Plaza Commission equipment, including machinery later existed, the one-year period of on the I near the spine. President Wilson to any policy by Spanish gov- and tools needed for defense. appointed by training could be extended by action Trial Magistrate J. Lewis Thomp- the purchase of property ernment except that the Spanish 1 Other legislation on same subject negotiate of the Congress.” and added: Order Heaviest Air Raids son of Elkridge said he issued a opposite Union Station for its pres- 'Discouraging should remain at peace.