Human Settlements Programme (UN(UN--HABITAT)HABITAT) UN-HABITAT The Global Campaign for STSecure Tenure

From HABITAT Agenda to the Millennium Development Goals

Farouk Tebbal Global Manager of the Global Campaign for Secure Tenure

Global Campaign for Secure Tenure launch in , 7 2003 What is the GCST :

UN-HABITAT an entry point to the implementation of The Habitat Agenda

•The granting of secure tenure is one of the most important catalyst in stabilising communities •an advocacy instrument of the United Nations • gives a voice to the hundreds of millions of people living in slums •encourages negotiation as an alternative to forced eviction, •promotes legislative reforms, sustainable and affordable shelter policies

Global Campaign for Secure Tenure launch in Rio de Janeiro, 7 October 2003 The Global Campaign for Secure Tenure

UN-HABITAT essential elements of sustainable shelter strategies

1 - protection of housing rights 2 -secure tenure, 3 - gender equity, 4 - partnership, 5 - access to land and finance 6 - negotiated resettlements (no forced eviction)

Global Campaign for Secure Tenure launch in Rio de Janeiro, 7 October 2003 A brief history of the Campaign UN-HABITAT

Introduction at regional level

• Global Campaign in Latin America , Santiago , Chile 2000

• Global Campaigns in Developed and Transitional Economies 2000

Global Campaign for Secure Tenure launch in Rio de Janeiro, 7 October 2003 A brief history of the Campaign


Introduction at national level

•In Africa:

•In South Africa on October 1st 2000 :increased pppopular awareness of issues and led to partnerships between civil society and government •In Namibia during World Habitat Day in 2002:concrete policy and legislative outcomes:bill to go before parliament on flexible land tenure, which will ensure security of tenure for the slum dwellers.

Global Campaign for Secure Tenure launch in Rio de Janeiro, 7 October 2003 A brief history of the Campaign

UN-HABITAT Introduction at national level

In Asia:

•Mumbai in July 2000, spearheaded by a cluster of NGOs and CBOs: helppped in the process aimin g at relocatinggf tens of thousands of slum dwellers leaving in precarious situation along the railway. •Philippines during 2002 WHD: Presidential Executive Order making land accessible to slum dwellers. An action plan is currentltly bibeing ilimplement tded tosustitain theoutcomes of the National launch.

Global Campaign for Secure Tenure launch in Rio de Janeiro, 7 October 2003 The GCST - an entryyp point to the UN-HABITAT implementation of: ThMilliThe Millennium D DltiGleclaration Goals

“To have achieved a significant improvement in the lives of at least 100 million slum dwellers by the year 2020.” (MDG, 2000)

Global Campaign for Secure Tenure launch in Rio de Janeiro, 7 October 2003 The Millennium Declaration Goals: UN-HABITAT The four functional areas of the MDG strategy

1 - Analysis: an in depth analysis, involving all stakeholders, of the conditions of informal settlements and muniiicipal governance 2 - Campaigning: consists of strengthening of working relations among slum dweller organizations, local authorities, professionals, and national governments through the mobilisation of all stakeholders around campaign principles

Global Campaign for Secure Tenure launch in Rio de Janeiro, 7 October 2003 The Millennium Declaration Goals:

UN-HABITAT The four func tional areas of th e MDG strategy

3 - Operational dimension of the campaign: involves the translation of priority aspects of tenure into concrete actions: policy reforms, capacity building, awareness raising, programmatic initiatives (slum upgrading or planning);

4-Monitoring: entails setting objectives, developing bench-marks and tools for monitoring the achievements of the campaign and its contributi on to the MDGs. In BilBrazil, UN-HABITAT is working closely with IBEGEA, IBAM and the observatory FASE in Rio. Global Campaign for Secure Tenure launch in Rio de Janeiro, 7 October 2003 UN-HABITAT The t wo campai gns and th e Millennium Declaration Goals

The Global Campaign for Secure Tenure recognises that without good governance, efforts to improve the lives of slum dwellers through the provision secure tenure will not be sustainable.

Global Campaign for Secure Tenure launch in Rio de Janeiro, 7 October 2003 The Millennium Declaration Goals: the Governing Council resolution May 2003 UN-HABITAT •allocate the necessary financial, human and thiltechnical resources • create conditions conducive to transparent, responsible, accountable, just, effective and efficient governance of • develop effective policy guidelines and action plans •continuing focus on the implementation and monitoring of the goal of the United Nations Millennium Declaration

Global Campaign for Secure Tenure launch in Rio de Janeiro, 7 October 2003 The Mill enni um D ecl ar atio n Goa l s: UN-HABITAT the Governing Council resolution May 2003

“all nations from the north and south to jointly mobilise resources to better address the emerging urban challenges, especially in the areas of urban environment improvement and poverty eradication”

A.Tibaijuka, Alexandria, 29/9/2003

Global Campaign for Secure Tenure launch in Rio de Janeiro, 7 October 2003 WHAT NEXT ?

UN-HABITAT A successful launch but a long journey is still ahead of us so that we can see the translation of this Agenda of the Cities for Secure Tenure and Urban Governance into concrete actions: - Ensure continuity: preparation - launch - implementation (case of Philippines) - forceful information strategy will prove to be useful as it will create the sense of accountability and transparency - How can UN-HABITAT support the preparation and implementation of local and national plans of action for slum upgrading,

Global Campaign for Secure Tenure launch in Rio de Janeiro, 7 October 2003 UN-HABITAT will be a leading example for the developing world

The Glob a l CiCampaign for Secure Tenure wishes modestly contribute to this success THANK YOU

Global Campaign for Secure Tenure launch in Rio de Janeiro, 7 October 2003