Surveillance in General; | Centralization of Data: Delay in the Catch of Decision
• Administrative division : 16 regions, 1 Dr DGHOUGHI Nouzha 69 provinces (districts) Dr LAKRANBI Mohammed • Population : 30.695.807 • 646 000 live births per year Epidemiological surveillance is an uninterrupted process of collection, compilation and analysis of data, as well as their broadcasting to the group of those who need to be informed. Obligatory Statement of Diseases List of diseases with obligatory statement Obligatory Statement of Diseases | Diseases subjected to the international health regulations The statement of diseases is a medical treatment which | Diseases that can give rise to one pushed infectious consists in signalling to health authorized authority | appearance or presence of one or of several cases of Other diseases to obligatory statement. certain diseases. She allows so to watch the health state | New diseases returned in obligatory statement of the population and to take the necessary measures. Obligatory Statement of Diseases Obligatory Statement of Diseases 1. Diseases subjected to the international health 2. Diseases that can give rise to infectious increases: regulations Diphtheria, lockjaw, poliomyelitis and PFA | Peste, The measles, whooping cough and tuberculosis, | yellow fever, Malaria, The bilharziose and leprosy, | cholera The AIDS and MST, syphilis firstly - secondary, infections méningococciques Typhoid fever and paratyphoids, TIAC, human rage, trachoma. Obligatory Statement of Diseases Obligatory Statement of Diseases 3. Other diseases with obligatory statement: 4. New diseases returned in obligatory statement: High-pitched articular rheumatism, Illness of Creutzfeldt-Jakob and diseases related, leishmanioses, human coal and brucellose, The severe acute respiratory syndrome (SRAS), viral hepatitises, The haemorrhagic fever of Crimea-Congo, leptospirose, The fever of the Valley of the Rift valley, typhus exanthématique and recurrent fever, The fever of Nile Westerner, gonococcic conjunctivitis of the newborn baby.
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