DAY 1: + (Mountain and Triangle Poses) Postural Practice Sun Salutations A and B + Standing Series Opening Mantra Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya Basic Vocabulary Introduction to basic sanscrit vocabulary. Practicum Tadasana and Trikonasana (Utthita and Parivrtta) Alignment, hands on assistance and props use.

DAY 2: Parsvakonasana (Extended and Revolved Lateral Angle) Postural Practice Sun Salutations A and B + Standing Series 1 Prakriti´s manifestation parting from Purusha. The gunas. The 4 minds (Anthakarana) and their functions (Buddhi, Ahamkara, Manas and Chitta). How to develop consciousness on these 4 aspects of the mind. Yoga Sutras Chapter 1 First Part We´ll talk about Yoga Sutras first chapter. The vrittis, how to reach Nirodha. The Kleshas, Samskaras and Samadhis Practicum Parvakonasana/ Lateral Angle (Utthita and Parivrtta) Alignment, hands on assistance and props use. Thai Massage Leg Routine

DAY 3: Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog) Postural Practice Floor practice. Cat and Cow variations. Down Dog Variations Bhagavad Gita Reading of first chapters Art of Sequencing Basic principles for designing a Yoga Class Mudras Energetic atributes of each finger. Mudras for balancing and activating. Practicum Downward Facing Dog Alignment, hands on assistance and props use. Thai Massage Leg Routine

DAY 4: (Chair Pose) 1 Ujjayi Breath Practice Postural Practice Sun Salutations A and B + Standing Series with focus on Chair Pose Chakra and Bandha Activation and Meditation Talk about the 7 main chakras, their main imbalances, bija mantras and mudras. Mula and Jalandhara Bandha activation. Chakra Meditation. Code of Conduct Ethical and moral aspects of being a Yoga Teacher

DAY 5: Forward Bends Pranayama 2 Nadi Shodana Practice Postural Practice Restaurative practice with focus on Anatomy How to hack our Nervous System stimulating the Golgi Organ to deepen (Forward Bend) Kundalini and Chakras Kundalini Tantra Explanation Pradipika, Shiva Samhita and Gherand Samhita Self Study about the 3 classic Hatha Yoga Texts Thai Massage Leg Routine

DAY 6: (Wide Legged Standing Forward Bend) Postural Practice YDP Flow Based class Sequencing Remembering and drawing flow practiced Practicum Prasarita Padottanasana Alignment and hands on assistance Bhagavad Gita Reading of a couple of chapters Pranayama Kapalabhati breathing

DAY 7: Female Practice Meditation Body and Chakra Consciousness Meditation Postural Practice Menstruation/Pregnancy Restaurative Class Practicum Revision of practiced hands on assistance Detox How to start detoxing. Poisons we need to get out of our system. Meditation Om Chanting Meditation

DAY 8: Chandras (Moons) Pranayama Bhastrika breathing Postural Practice YDP Flow Based class Yoga Sutras Chapter 1 Further study of YS Chapter 1 Mantra Chanting Exploration of Gayatri Mantra Thai Massage Front Side Routine

DAY 9: (Warriors) Postural Practice YDP Flow Based class with variations Practicum Warriors Alignment and hands on assistance Yoga Anatomy Bones, Main joints, ROM, apendicular skeleton, the Spine Acroyoga Acroyoga basics

DAY 10: Therapeutic Yoga Postural Practice Class focused on Kidneys and Liver Therapeutic Postures What poses work for healing different general conditions Ayurveda Understanding how to balance using Ayurvedic Principles

DAY 11: Backbends Postural Practice Class focused on Backbends Detox What our body-mind needs

DAY 12: Backbends Postural Practice Class focused on Backbends Practicum Backbends Alignment and hands on assistance The Subtle Body Lesson about the Koshas and the Vayus Thai Massage Back Side Routine

DAY 13: Hip Openers Postural Practice Restaurative Practice Practicum General revision of Alignment and hands on assistance Yoga Anatomy Exploration of the main hip flexors: Iliopsoas, Adductors, Sartorious and TFL Yoga Sutras Chapter 2 Study of YS Chapter 1. General Revision

DAY 14: Acroyoga Kundalini Yoga Nabhi Kriya Pracrice Acro Full day Acro yoga practice

DAY 15: Sirsasana (Headstand) Postural Practice Students leading + Peak pose Headstand Practice Teaching Methotodoly Different ways of teaching a class Pranayama Sitali and Sitkari breathing Yoga Sutras Chapter 2 Study of YS Chapter 2. Kriya Yoga. Bhagavad Gita Reading of a couple of chapters

DAY 16: Core Postural Practice Core Practice. Planks Practicum Plank Alignment and hands on assistance Yoga Sutras Chapter 2 Study of YS Chapter 2. Ashtanga Yoga Thai Massage Arms Routine

DAY 17: Ashtanga Standing Postures Postural Practice Standing Sequence Pranayama Bhramari Yoga Sutras Chapter 3 Study of YS Chapter 3. Ashtanga Yoga Yoga Nidra Experience

DAY 18: Sun Salutations Postural Practice Sun Salutations Praticum Students practice teaching Class Intentions How to sequence with clear intentions like proper breathing, stretching certain muscle group, prepare students for deep meditation, etc. Thai Massage Sitting Routine

DAY 19: Sun Salutations

Postural Practice Explore different postures Praticum Students practice teaching Detox What our body-mind needs Dristis Gazing points

DAY 20: Alignment Revision Pranayama Surya Bhedana and Chandra Bhedana Praticum Students practice teaching Exam

DAY 21: Graduation

Closing Ceremny