2nd Circular 6th International Symposium on Submarine Mass Movements and Their Consequences 23rd‐25th September, 2013 GEOMAR, Kiel,

Conference website: http://www.geomar.de/en/research/fb4/fb4‐gdy/research‐topics/6th‐international‐symposium

The 6th International Symposium on Submarine Mass Movements and Their Consequences will be held on 23th ‐ 25th, September 2013, in Kiel, Germany. Field excursions will be organized on the 22nd and 26th ‐ 29th October to visit the regional geology of the German North Sea Coast and fossil outcrops of submarine mass movements in the Alps (see details below). This symposium is part of the International Geoscience Programme IGCP‐585, also known as E‐MARSHAL project (http://www.igcp585.org), a joint endeavor of UNESCO and the International Union of Geological Sciences. The main objective of this event is to bring a world‐wide perspective of submarine mass movements and their consequences by assembling state‐of‐the‐ art contributions from international researchers of academic institutions and the offshore industry.

Conference themes: • Active vs passive margin landslides • Landslide at volcanic ocean islands • Preconditioning factors and triggers of submarine landslides • Submarine landslide dynamics • Structure and stratigraphy of submarine mass transport deposits • Modeling of landslides and associated tsunamis • Geotechnical slope stability assessment and investigations of potential submarine landslides • The seismic cycle and landslides (seismoturbidites) • Coastal impact of submarine landslides • Tools for analyzing submarine landslides (imaging, sampling, and dating) • Hazard and risk assessment, landslide precursors, and early warning

Venue and Dates:

Page 1 GEOMAR Helmholtz Zentrum für Meeresforschung Kiel, Germany (www.geomar.de). Kiel is a port town at the Baltic coast of northern Germany. The next international airport is Hamburg, 100 km away.

Symposium schedule 22nd (Sun): Pre‐field excursion and icebreaker party 23th (Mon): Welcome, registration, morning and evening sessions, panel discussion, keynote talks, extensive poster session with drinks, 24th (Tue): Morning and evening sessions, panel discussion and keynote talks, social dinner in the evening, 25th (Wed): Morning and evening sessions, panel discussion, keynote talks, closing ceremony 26th (Thu)‐29th (Sun): Post‐field excursion

Preliminary time schedule of the conference

Official language English

Field Excursions (1) Socio‐cultural pre‐field excursion to the coastal geology and ancient fishery towns of the province of Schleswig‐Holstein (, Tönning, , Roter Haubarg)

(2) Post‐field excursion to outcrops of fossil landslides in the Eastern Alps (Salzburg Province). Further field trip details will be announced on the conference website

Registration and registration fees regular fee: 380,00 Є early bird fee: 320,00 Є student fee: 200,00 Є early student fee: 180,00 Є

Until 1 April, 2013 early bird/student fee After 1 April, 2013 regular fee

The registration system will be soon set up on the website

Page 2 The registration fee includes the icebreaker party, an official dinner, beverages for an extended poster session, coffee breaks, a light lunch during the meeting and the Springer book. The light lunch is provided at the canteen in the immediate vicinity to the lecture hall.

Cancellation policy 50% refund on registration fees on all cancellations made before 15 August, 2013 (cancellations will still receive the book with the conference articles). For additional questions contact [email protected]

Student support We are planning to establish a series of grants for students and participants from developing countries to attend the conference. Grant information will be soon displayed on our website and will also be sent to symposium participants as soon as it becomes available.

Accommodation There are many hotels in Kiel from 40 Euro/night on. Additional hotel information will be soon displayed on our website.

Entry Visa If you need an invitation letter for visa application, please contact us ([email protected]) and we will get back to You with a customized letter.

Abstract submission The abstract submission deadline with the intention to submit a full paper has passed. Abstracts that do not intend to submit a full paper may do so until September 2nd 2013. For submitting the manuscripts, we will set up a submission upload system soon.

Author information Manuscripts are accepted as word documents and there is a customized template provided by Springer as a .dot file. This format file (T1‐book.dot) can be downloaded together with an instruction on its use and detailed instructions on graphic formats, table formats and reference formats from the website (http://www.geomar.de/en/research/fb4/fb4‐gdy/research‐topics/6th‐international‐symposium/) as a zipped file (springer‐author‐instructions.zip).

Conference Publication For this symposium, a book will be published by Springer as a volume of the successful publication series ‘Submarine Mass Movements and Their Consequences’.This book contains peer reviewed papers submitted in advance of the conference, and will be distributed to the conference participants upon registration. The three previous volumes are indexed in the ISI Web of Knowledge. For a glimpse of volume 4, please visit: http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978‐94‐007‐2162‐3/page/1

Climate and Travel Information Kiel in September is just on the transition between pleasant late summer season (dry, warm days, cool nights) to rainy and stormy fall season (windy, wet). Bring some warm garment and wind & rain protection.

Important dates • 21 Sep. 2012 (passed): Deadline for to submitting a full‐paper manuscript • 28 Sep. 2012 ‐ 29 Mar: 2013: Author’s working period (see below for author’s responsibility in this period). • 29 Mar. 2013: Author's deadline of final (corrected) papers submitted to editors with

Page 3 revision notes (must be accompanied by an early bird registration). Reviewers obligatorily appear on the acknowledgments. Indicate author’s preference on Oral/Poster presentations*. • 02 Sep. 2013: Final deadline for abstract submission (no full‐paper submission) *.

*Authors of full‐papers have preference in presenting their work orally

Authors' responsibility during the working period (28 Sep. 2012 ‐ 29 Mar. 2013):

• Production of full‐paper manuscript • Manuscript submission to reviewers and editors, no later than 1 Feb. 2013 • Receive solicited corrections and signed forms from reviewers, no later than 1 Mar.2013, Authors must report this to the editors. • Appropriate revision works after reviewers’ comments • Submission of revised manuscript (with reviewers’ notes and forms) to the editors, no later than 29 Mar. 2013

For additional information contact [email protected]

Local organizing committee: Sebastian Krastel (GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel) David Völker (GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel) Jan Behrmann (GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel) Michael Stipp (GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel) Christian Berndt (GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel) Christian Buecker (GeoSupport Center, RWE Dea AG) Katrin Huhn (MARUM, Bremen) Karl Stattegger (Kiel University) Athanasios Vafeidis (Kiel University)

International advisory board Roger Urgeles (CSIC Barcelona) Michael Strasser (ETH Zürich) Jason Chaytor (USGS Woods Hole) Jacques Locat (Laval University, Québec) Yasuhiro Yamada (Kyoto University)

Editorial commitee Jan‐Heinrich Behrmann Christian Berndt Jason Chaytor Carl Bonnevie Harbitz Katrin Huhn Sebastian Krastel Michael Stipp Michael Strasser Roger Urgeles David Völker

Further announcements on the symposium will be circulated via the website . Contact address is [email protected]

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