Michigan State University College of Arts & Letters C-730 Wells Hall 619 Red Cedar Road East Lansing, MI 48824 Telephone: 517-432-3493 Fax: 517-355-4507 Web: jsp.msu.edu E-mail:
[email protected] Kenneth Waltzer, Director Spring Semester 2013 Michael Serling, Chair, Advisory Board Bill Bilstad, Newsletter Editor Focus on Israel MSU Jewish Studies has an active schedule The 8th Annual MSU Israeli Film Festival brate the opening of the Irwin T. and in spring 2013, a good deal of it focused on on Sunday-Monday, March 17-18, will Shirley Holtzman Israeli Literature Collec- Israel. Currently, the state that holds the show outstanding recent Israeli films that tion in the MSU Libraries, and is supported largest concentration of Jews in the world have won the Ophir (Israeli’s Academy by a gift from Ritta Rosenberg is going through elections and perhaps, in Award) or other awards. In addition, we This semester, MSU Jewish Studies will the next six months, facing huge existential will also be hosting a second evening with also co-host with James Madison College questions. filmmaker Judith Manassen-Ramon. historian David E. Fishman of the Jewish A debate in the blogosphere asks wheth- The major event of the spring will be Theological Seminary on Wednesday, Feb- er Israel is shifting dramatically to the right our ambitious Symposium on Hebrew and ruary 20, for our annual Yiddishkeit lecture. and the election will be another turning Israeli Literature, April 9-10, 2013. Guest Professor Fishman’s lecture will be on “The point in Israeli history or Israelis are simply speakers will include outstanding Israeli Dynamics of Jewish Life in 1930s Vilna.” reflecting their pessimism about the peace novelist Meir Shalev and the well-known Finally, our 21st annual Rabin Lecture on process while still embracing support for a University of California-Berkeley scholar the Holocaust will be delivered on April 18 two-state solution.