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[email protected] www.tricityvoice.com May 1, 2018 Vol. 16 No. 18 Continued on page 19 SUBMITTED BY OHLONE COLLEGE theatres such as The Public Theater, New PHOTOS BY RAVI MASAND York Theatre Workshop, Playwrights Horizons, Ma-Yi Theater Company, The The “Ohlone College Playwrights Fes- Lark, La MaMa, Actors Theatre of tival” is back for its fourth year, showcas- Louisville, Eugene O’Neill Theater Cen- ing world premieres of ter, Berkeley Repertory Theatre, Goodman thought-provoking, humorous, and enter- Theatre, Magic Theatre, San Francisco taining 10-minute plays written by profes- Mime Troupe, San Francisco Playhouse. sional and emerging playwrights around They have written for film and TV, such the country. Presented by the award-win- as “This Is Us,” “The Good Fight,” and ning Ohlone College Department of The- the 20th Century Fox film “Ferdinand.” atre and Dance, this exciting selection of In addition, this year the festival will in- comedic and dramatic plays explore topics clude two Ohlone student playwrights, oriented toward college students and gen- Kayla Martinez and Nick Saud, who are eral audiences. Some of the themes ex- also directing and acting in this student- plored in this year’s plays deal with human run theatre company. The Student Reper- connection, self-acceptance, freedom of tory Theatre Company, a class of student speech and expression, loneliness, hope, directors, producers, actors, and designers ignorance, following your dreams, and ap- at Ohlone, is producing the festival.